The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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8 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS THURSDAY DECEMBER 12 1935' Social Personal ABOUT SPRINGIELD PEOPLE Meetings Events ANNUAL SILVER TEA AND PAGEANT GIVEN AT CLUB 200 Attend Outstanding Af fair Nativity Story and Enacted Directed by Dav Arnone the outstanding Affairs of the holiday season was the annual Christmas silver tea held y'iterday afternoon under the auspices of the ways and means committee of the Springfield Women's club at the clubhouse on Sprint? street The affair was attended by more than 200 club members an 1 their guests The entertainment feature of the aft ernoon was a pageant1 presented un der the direction of Robert Day depicting the story of the Nativity and of Dickens's A group of boys and girls former members of the Children's theater took part The auditorium was dec orated with Christmas trees and the colors Hostesses for the affair included Mrs William Hill Mrs Richard Hooker Mrs lynt Dincoin Mrs Converse Lincoln Mrs DeWitt Mallary Mrs Irving A Quimby Mrs George Ellis Mrs Edward Bradford Mrs Harold Small Mrs Elmer Silver Jr Mrs Edward Broadwell Mrs Winford Caid well Mrs Eugene Perkins Mrs Charles Burt Mt rederic uller Mrs Samuel Greene Mrs Edward Becraft Mrs James Gor don Gilkey Mrs Scott Stearns and Mrs Morgan Day The tea table which was in charge of Miss Sally enelon Young was arranged a color scheme of green and white with a green moire cloth silver centerpiece with white carna tions and candles Touring were Mrs A Wallace Mrs rederick Harris Mrs George Robinson Mrs Robert Day Mrs Walter Wesson and Mrs Dexter Miss Margaret Munder played the Virgin in the pageant and Walter Caron the Youth ormer members of the Children's theater took the parts of shepherds kings and angels Mrs Carl Ekberg was In charge of the' chorus which sang Christmas carols Included In the chorus were Miss Catherine Hough Mrs Leo Ley Mrs Locke Mrs William War riner and Mrs Clyde Young Cos tumes were in charge of Mrs Hewitt Mrs Harold Adams chairman of the waysand means committee and Mrs George Sabin cochairman were In charge of arrangements for the affair LOCAL PARENTS OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY Special Dispatch to The Republican Worcester Dec 11 Mr and Airs Ernest Merrill parents of Robert Merrill of Springfield observed the 50th anniversary of their marriage last night They were guests at a dinner and reception held at the home of Mrs Gordon Doe of Worcester Airs Merrill is a native of Alachias port Ale and Mr Merrill was born In Buckfield Ale They were mar lied in Worcester having come here with their parents when they were children KODAK SIX 16 Something to be nruud of Doublet leru and Rfxion 1 A Harvey Lewis Co Glasses 1503 Main Rt Cawrtn Events of Today Springfield ederation of clubs: December meeting' Building of Electrical Progress at 230 Ralph AV Ellis Jr speaker Cosmopolitan club: Miss Julia Buxton 70 Woodside terrace at 10 Motion Picture committee Springfield club clubhouse Spring street at 8 Springfield Mo tion Picture Council members as guests Demonstration by Technical high school motion picture appreciation group Catholic Junior League: Christmas party Catholic clubhouse Bowdoin street at 8 Child Study group rederick Harris Parent Teacher associa tion: School at 2 Amaron club American In ternational college A reception room American In ternational college at 730 Christmas party club Springfield League for the Hard of Hear ing: Concert by ERA musi cians clubrooms 121 State street at 8 Ways and means committee Mercy Warren chapter Daugh ters of the American Revolu tion: Card party Building of Electrical Progress State street at 130 Trinity society: An nual Christmas meeting Trin ity Community house at 130 Christmas program will follow business session White street Parent Teacher association: Dessert bridge Building of Electrical Progress State street at 8 Women's Missionary society East Congregational church: East church community house Luncheon served at noon fol lowed by business meeting Junior league: Dance Valley Arena Gardens Holyoke Groups 2 and 7 East church guild: Group 2 Mrs A Biever 126 Edendale street at 8 group 7 Mrs John Ander son San Miguel street at 8 Springfield District Republican club: Annual meet ing Church of the Unity parish house at 230 Young group South Congregational church: Movie night club dance South church chapel at 8 Roily orchestra will play Townsend club No 4: 137 State street at 745 Waverly circle: Mrs Walter Adams Yale street at 230 guild irst Congre gational church Business meeting parish house Lunch eon at 1 Regina circle Daughters of Isabella: Business meeting 121 State street Aid society Trinity Lutheran church: Monthly cof fee party church at 3 Adelphi chapter Order of Eastern Star: Commandery room Masonic temple at 730'Nomination and election of officers CALICO IS OERED THE SOPHISTICATED Slop In or Tea at the COEE SHOP Enjoy It JteMful urroundinjrs niter ionr Chopping special: every day: II ti i Men nnL omen Luncheon menu ex celh iit service moderate price Arrangement mar be made now for vdiir CbrlMmn or party or for any special reception THE COEE SHOP 1th I'Jnor Shop Bld? 1331 Main St TeL 6 0855 The Most Beautiful Rug Cleaning I and Dyeing You Ever Saw We use every known method some proces'es are exclusively Economy Service 3 cent per square foot 0x12 $300 Springfield 137 Sfnfe Hobuke 519 Dnicht St Xorthnmplon 12 Center Rt WetHld 12H I Im St You Can Rely on Hegy'f HEGY'Si DYERS CLEANSERS TAILORS URRIERS Another Old ashioned ab ric Adopted at Smart Beach Resorts New York Dec 11 were my queen In calico I was your bashful bare foot beau That might be a theme song for the imminent south ern resort season since calico queens will be much in evidence this year beneath the tropical sun There has been a growing trend toward use of the simplest old fash ioned fabrics for the most sophisti cated wear There's glazed chintz for instance which hns fashioned some of the most striking evening gowns and beach ensembles of the resort season There's candle wick which was established last season as the tops in smartness for beach wear There's old fashioned wool challis which has created a furore tn new and daring swim suit ensembles There's denim the over all fabric now the last word in dude rancher suits slacks and sail ing costumes Ami now calico In the old turkey red and indigo bine tones with small white or yellow figures the same kind grandmother used to use for her "Mother wrap pers It appears in the smartest resort sections of ifth avenue department stores these days in beach ensembles destined for gay Careers at Palm Beach Miami and Palm Springs Some are culotto style and some have skirts but all have quilted jackets or thrc quarter coats and are made for comfort as well as style The December meeting of the Entre Nous club will be held at the home of Mrs Spaulding of 20 Dexter street Monday Luncheon will be served at 1 and will be followed by a paper on "Old cook by Mrs A Heuser EMILY JEERS invites you to visit her DRESS SHOP at 297 Bridge Street in Springfield to see an exqui site new line of lounging paja mas negligees and lingeries like them and they make perfect gifts 1 Leaders in Affairs oday and omorrow 'G 'X ss'" x'" Jfe 5' xT 'A' s' w' 1R i 7 ''x NX A SIRS HAROLD TREWORGY MRS SADIE KILBURN Mrs Harold'S Treworgy chairman of tho social committee of Springfield' auxiliary to the A will be in charge of the coffee which will follow the December meet ing of the organization this morning at 1030 in the rooms on Bliss street Dr A Evans veterinarian at the hospital will address the gathering Mrs Sadie Kilburn chairman of the ways and means committee of ilercy Warren chapter Daughters of the American Revo lution is in charge of arrangements for a card party which be held this afternoon at the Building of Electrical Progress State street Prizes will be awarded at each table and refreshments served (Photo by Loring) MISS EVELYNNE OSTROM '4 1 11 1 Miss Evclynne Ostrom wdll be seen as Bobette Audrey in the four act comedy which will be presented by Hope Church Masquers Tuesday and Wednesday nights at 8 at the Community house Robert Day is directing the production tickets for which may be obtained free of charge from members of the cast or at the church office HARRIETT Mi EGER i T0WED0N23D Daughter of Pershing Ter race Couple to Become Bride of Meyer of Michigan at South Parson age Miss Harriett Marie Eger daughter nt Mr and Airs Charles Eger of Pershing terrace has chosen Monday the 23d for the date of her marriage to Norman Meyer of Muskegon Mich son nt Mr and Mrs IV A Meyer of Runge Texas The ceremony will take place at noon at South Congraea ion aJ church parsonage with Rev Dr James Gordon Gilkey pastor officiat ing A breakfast for members''of the immediate families will follow at Evans hall Miss Eger has chosen Miss Estelle Jones of Albemarle street for her only attendant and Carl Avery of Hartford Ct will serve Mr Meyer as best man Upon their return from a short wed ding trip the couple will make their home at Lansing Mich where they will receive friends after January 15 The bride elect is a graduate of Classical high school and is employed at the Massachusetts Mutual Life In surance company Mr Meyer was grad uated from the University of Texas and is connect with the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insur ance company Members of the Christmas club of which airs Eger is a member enter tained at a miscellaneous shower in honor of the bride elect at her home recently She was presented a num ber of gifts ST LEA COURT HOLDS ITS ANNUAL ROLLCALL St Lea court Massachusetts Catho lic Order of oresters held its an nual rollcall last night at Hotel Bridgway with several hundred present Mrs Mary Gaboury vice chief ranger of the couit was general chairman Guests were Rev Robert Donohue chaplain: Mrs Elea nor Daly of Holyoke deputy high chief ranger: Gregory Scanlon of Hnljnke high ire's ide sentinel of high standing committee: William Hickey Jr of Boston high corpora tion counsel: Miss Kathryn itz gerald pat high chief ranger Miss Helen Donoghue and Lewis A TwitchelL district deputies Miss An nie Collins deputy at largc and Miss MacTcarnan past deputy of St Lea court Vocal selections were given by Miss MacTcarnan accompanied by Mrs Scanlon of Holyoke Mrs Margaret regory of Chicopee who was ac companied by Miss Alice Gregory Miss Theresa Siciliano accom panied by Mrs Helen Daly and by Miss Edith Ruddeford Mrs Jane Carmody entertained also with a group of readings A rollcair for deceased members was given also Assisting Mrs Ga boury were Mrs Eva Hare Mrs Ger trude 'lannaghan Miss Mary Dowd Mrs Katherine A Byrnes Mrs Charlotte Bannon Miss Nellie Ma honey Mrs Katherine Houlihan Mrs Louise Plummer Miss Julia A Miles and Miss Bridie JI Jlari nam Mr and Mrs Crumit W'ho are spending the winter sat New York city will arrive today to spend a few days at their home in Longmeadow They will attend the 50th wedding an niversary celebration of Mrs parents Mr and Mrs Albert Sackett Roseland terrace Longmeadow which will be held Saturday BUY RISBIE'S PIES SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs Benjamin Rackliffe who is re tiring as president of the Democratic Luncheon Club of Western Massachusetts after serving for two years will be guest of honor with other outgoing officers and newly elected ofllcers at a Christmas recep tion in the bronze room of Hotel Brldgway Tuesday night There will lie a program and a Christ mas tree for which each member is invited to contribute a gift ol lowing the party the toys will be distributed to needy children through out the city Refreshments will be served An invitation has been ex tended to the Junior Democratic club which was organized by Mrs Rack lifTe The Women's auxiliary of Christ Church cathedral will hold a regular meeting tomorrow afternoon at 230 in the parish house Rev Roger Guptill of West Springfield will speak Tea will be served following the program Mrs Clarence Schoo of Maple street will open her home Monday for an all day meeting of St Hilda's guild Mrs James Prince of Bellevue avenue entertained members of the Traveling at her home yester day afternoon Mrs Homer Hulburt reviewed the book "The Last of ree Africa" by McCreach Current events were discussed by Mrs Howard Kinsman after which refreshments were served by the hostess Mrs Oscar Stein of Ohio avenue West Springfield was hostess for the annual Christmas meeting of the Tatham club yesterday aft ernoon with Mrs Inman serv ing as cohostess Dessert was serv ed after which Mrs Elizabeth Pack ard Larsen gave a group of readings Christmas tree with gifts for all was also enjoyed The next meet ing will be held January 8 at the home of Mrs Ralph Curtis of 35 Rogers avenue West Springfield Mrs Wallace Anderson will give an illustrated talk on Worden will be assisting hostess The annual Christmas meeting of the orest Park club was held yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs Demarest of Sumner avenue Assisting hostesses were Mrs Bates mill Mrs A Wood worth Luncheon was served by the hostess after at Christ mas program was enjoyed The next regular meeting will be held at the home of Mrs David Brown of 1 389 Sumner avenue on January 8 The Study group of the Converse street Parent Teacher association of Longmeadow will hold its first meet ing of the new year on January 15 A study of social work will be car ried on under the direction of Mrs Richard Hooker Mrs red Schnei der is president of the organization Dr and Mrs Seerley of 180 Westford avenue will have with them for the Christmas holidays their daughter Mrs Ethel Messer of Wil liamstow and granddaughters Miss Ruth Messer a student at Simmons cd lege and Mrs Leo II Cornell of Stonington Ct Dr and Mrs Seerley plan to leave shortly after Christmas Republican Daily ashions Look Smart Busy Moving At Home In This Jaunty Shirt Type rock So Easily Made By Ellen Worth Here's a home frock that is styled as smart as a sports frock It Is easy to make and delightful to wear And into the bargain is slimming model! The neck is especially becoming feature of this navy and hite checked cotton broadcloth frock with white pique trim The novel pockets' rnmoine Doth raorics The buttons are red Chintz cottons are another young ana smart iciea tor its development Necktie cotton prints are being used extensively too for home frocks 1 vie No 1521 is designed for sizg 16 18 years' 36 33 40 42 44 and 46 inches bust Size 36 requires 34 jards of 39 inch material with yard of 35 inch contrasting Our fall and winter fashion maga zine is just full of smart new clothes that can be made easily and inex pensively Price of book 10 cents Price of pattern 15 cents (coin is preferred) Wrap coin carefully Pattern mail address Pat tern bureau' The Springfield Repub lican Mohawk building Tw en ty first street at ifth avenue New York city 'Ce yT 1624 for Saratnsa la where they will be located until April Mrs Niles Goward 'of 45 Os borne terrace will be hostess for the December meeting of the Springfield Radcliffe club Monday night Dinner will be served at 630 and will be follow ed by a' short business meeting and illustrated lecture on Ndrway and Sweden by Miss Signhild Gustafson who will also give interesting com ments on her trip there last summer Those who plan to attend the meet ing are asked to notify the hostess by Saturday Mr and Mrs Joseph Gaylord and Miss Martha Ilurlbut of East Longi meadow have closed their hehne for the winter and have gone to St Pe tersburg la here they will remain until la to spring Mrs Alice Monroe of Hudson is the guest of her daughter in law Mrs Agnes Monroe of Elmdale street West Springfield She will remain until 'after the holidays Invitations have been issued for the wedding of Miss Charlotte Marie Ellis daughter of Mr and Jlrs Getige IV Ellis of Park drive Long meadow and Damon Morris Cum mings lieutenant junior grade United States navy son of Capt and Mrs Damon Cummings of Long Beach The ceremony ill take place at 4 Saturday afternoon the 28th at St Andrew's Episcopal church at Tjongmeadow Rev Leigh Ur ban will officiate A reception at the Ellis home will fdl low The aculty Women's club of Springfield college will enteitain at luncheon in honor of Jlrs I Doggett ife of the retiring presi dent tomorrow afternoon at 130 at the hom*o of Mrs rank JI Mohler df 9S Dunmoreland" street Jlrc Doyle Parsons is chairman of arrange ments assisted by Jlrs Ernest Wiesle Mrs Cureton Mrs Har old Seashore and Mrs Britton JIc Cane ollowing the luncheon a program of Christmas music will be enjoved Jlrs red Bratton and Mi Hall are in charge Jf the program Dr and Mrs James II McCurdy of West ford avenue left recently for a short stay at Washington rom there they will go to St Pe tersburg la where they ill be es tablished for the winter OO4 Thirteen tables were in piny at a card party held yesterday afternoon at the Jane Alden tearoom on Sumner avenue under the auspices of the Wed nesday club of AU Saints' church Jlrs A II Gendron was general chairman of the affair and her committee in cluded Mrs rank Stuart and Jlrs Alan Rayner Gaylord Douglass gave a talk on "The importance of an interna tional at a regular meeting of the Literary orum held yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs Paul Kramer of Benedict terrace Long meadow Marshall of this city a freshman at Tufts college has been recenty pledged to the oBta Mu chap tor of' the national fraternity Delta Tau Delta Mr Marshall is a member of the Tutts freshman cross country team Mr and Mrs red McDonald of Six teen Acres will leave this eek for lorida where they ill spend the winter returning home early in April 1 A regular meeting of the 'Every Other "Week club wil be held at the home of Mrs Chapman of 18 Castle street Thursday afternoon A Christinas party will be held MARY MARCUS GIVEN SHOWER AT BRIDGWAY More than 100 persons attended a shower last night at Hotel Bridgw ay in honor of Miss Mary Marcus of Draper street will "be married the loth to Harry Weinberg of Shaw mut street Guests were present from New Haven Hartford and Enfield Ct and New York city There was a dinner and bridge on wwzrr TSalues RICH if IN YE MBbHbESSHsf 9BBmBh9ShW' 4hT CATHOLIC JUNIOR YULETIDE PARTY eature of Event To night Will Be Presentation of Play the Christ mas Chimes Rang A feature of thef Christmas party which will be given tonight by the Catholic Junior league at the clubhouse' of the Catholics Woman club Yon Bowdoin street will be the presentation of a Christmas play the Chimes Rang The follow ing cast of characters will take part: 1 lolgar a peasant boy Miss Blanche Bennett Stenn his younger brother Miss Veronica Mtironlcy Bertel their uncle Miss Doris Ncylon: old woman Miss Madeline Jones lords and ladies lhe Misses lomse Callahan Rita Mor ris Grace Donohue Alice Donnellan Margaret Sears and Ruth itzgerald Miss Mildred Clark is directing the play A Christmas carols will be sung by the Glee club accompanied by Miss Mildren Chapin Members of the Glee club are the Misses Cornelia Shea Marie Healey Marguerite Scanlon EleanorMurphy Edna Shea Mary Brien Sue Maroney Marjorie Tuo heypHazel Gleason Marguerite Mor nn Bettv Hurley Marjorie JIcGuan Eileen O'Connor and Jlane Murphy i Dolls to be Exhibited An exhibition of 50 dolls dressed by the members will feature the program These dolls ill be included in the Christmas boxes which will be in the mahogany room at the munic ipal Auditorium Sunday ngiht the 29th Marriage Intentions isThe fotlow ing marriage were filed yesterday at the office of City Clerk Clifford Smith: John Edward Thompson of 1974 Main street gasoline dealer anil Agnes rances Browne of 657 orty eighth street Brooklyn at home Henry Alexander Parzych of rederick street West field era 1 operator and Vera Tatro of 205 Han co*ck street hairdresser SPRINGIELD MOTHERS! Pure cod liver oil without nasty taste! Mrs Margaret barber LbOd Eleventh Canton Ohio writes: have been trjving my two children Sunsol and they doi mind taking it With any other cod liver od 1 had to force it down it's true: SunsoJ is pure Norwegian cod liver oibfrom which the nasty hshy taste and odor have neen removed Lt is rich in Vitamins A and Lt has all the zod liver oil benefits with out the unpleasant icatures Why not lec vour child trv Sunsof'' Ask vour druggist icr a bottle today Money back if not comoletcly satisfied SUNSOL PRODUCTS Chattanooga Tenn 1 1 I Pure Nrwegian Cod 1 1 DI Liver Oil offensive taste and odor removed distributed by the Christ Child guild of the Catholic club 'A special prize will be awarded the best dressed doll in The exhibit The committee in charge of ar i rangements is headed by Miss Jlar guerite Kramer and includes Miss Grace Donahue as cochairman Miss Catherine Pielile Mis? Eunice Meagh er Miss Elizabeth Murphy Miss Mar guerite Murphy Miss Mary Jones Miss Ann Dufficy Miss Mary Powers Miss Grace Belina and Miss Anna JIcDonald IS HOSTESS TO BOARD JUNIOR HADASSAH Miss Lena Suher of Jefferson street opened her home last night for a board meeting of Springfield chapter Junior lladassah Dans were made for the regular meeting of the chapter which will be held Monday night at Beth El temple ort Pleasant avenue Members of the Holyoke chapter ill be guests A debate on the subject Desolved: "That King Solomati with This thou sand wives was better off than the modern will feature the eve ning's program Miss Sally Buck heim Miss Bertha Sherman and Miss Iris Runsdorf will take part Miss Rose Zlotnick was named chairman of arrangements for the annual formal of the chapter which will be held Saturday night ebruary 22d Miss Bertha Rosenthal was named cochairman and th" Misses Dorns Suher and Edith Labb will be in charge of patrons and pa tronesses It was also voted that the chap ter would participate in the joint Zionist assembly which will be held Quuttffvvd Swp 11 MARKET ST i JSext lo Antique Shop irst Anniversary Special A ull Course Turkey Dinner VW vj Regular Luncheon and Jx Dinner Combinations 25c to 75c vj There are 3 things which make a loaf of bread rich in Vitality Values WHICH ingredients fare used WHAT care and sc entific knowledge arc used in the handling of these WHERE and under what conditions they are handled You receive this com bination at its best in eSOziezarzd ORANGE WRAP READ A MSBife SOLD EVERYWHERE Jk Open kTV CD A 'f' tar and let us explain it to you iff jewelry Tremendous Savings A Visit Will Convince You SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Buy Christmas Gifts of Jewelry! JO An opportunity that conics once a year! 30 Years of Reliable Dealings! I REEMAN JEWELRY CO 1587 Main St Opposite Bus Terminal Ve are nou offering convenient planned payments Cotttt in I I IN GALLONS ITHS or PINTS Cjcl for your toruuj fPovt When you bun Hillside Wines the quantity is no greater but lhe quality is far higher! Vinted in the famous grape growing inger Lakes Region they have the character body flavor and bouquet of their Old World cous ins Insist on Hillside Wines tmerira inest Wine Sincv HMH VVholr ale Distributor A CASTLE CO TEL 6 6311 36 raylor Street Springfield MaM America inest Wine Sincv HMH QB.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.