The Jeffersonian-Democrat from Brookville, Pennsylvania (2024)

EMERICKVILLE FORD NEWS dore Quinn in Beechwoods. Mrs. Harry Round, of Wellsville, O. is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Finley Daugherty, on Short street. tf one-eleven cigarettes The M. Sunday School attend ance last Sunday was 126. IE Hiram Deemer was a Reynoldsville KIRK MAN Three Friendly Gentlemen TURKISH VIRGINIA BURLEY visitor on Monday of last week. Mr.

and Mrs. Bruce Evans, of Par-dus, are spending a few days with relatives here. H. McClelland, of Brookvflle, visited R. O.

Markle last Tuesday, The body of Sebastian Snyder, of Akron, was brought to this place and interred in the Lutheran Cemetery last Saturday. C. C. Martz made a trip toDuBoi? Tuesday of last week, Tilth Mr. and Mrs.

Wilson Smathers, of DuBois, were visitors at the home of FIFTEEN Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Ohl last Sunday.

The local schools have all finished their terms, the Baum being last; it closed on Frank Mowrey and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Fales, of Reynoldsville, were callers at the home of Mr.

Mowrey's mother Sunday afternoon. Miss Mary Johns, of Brookville, The following parties have taken delivery of Ford Products during th- month of April, from our local dealers, L. A. Leathers Company: Ford Touring Cars: T. R.

Allio, Tylersburg; Homer G. Carrier, Brookville; Frank Ronder, Ramsay-town; C. Blose, Brookville; Wm Steele, Brookville; W. M. Key, Summerville; W.

W. Shields, Summerville; Sherman J. Home, Brookville; Cameron Stewart, North Point; Edith Joyner, Aliens Mills; Rev Ross, Corsica; M. S. Galbraith Brookville; Richard W.

Johr.s Brookville; Irvin Harmon, Brookville; Banks Wilson, Sigul; Ward Hughey, Brookville; Indian Gas Brookville; R. D. Culver, Brookville; Mervin Kniseley, Knoxdale; Leroy McCaskey, Brookville; J. H. Paine, Sigel; Albert Jacox, Clarion.

Ford Roadsters: George Silvle, Venus; C. H. Perry, Shippensville; John Carr, Brookville; H. B. Johnson, Brookville; Walter Dykes, Brookville; Carl Smith, Brookville; Paul Merideth, Shannondale; H.

M. Cook, Brookville; M. A. 'Boney, Brookville; John Borger, Brookville, Swan Coal Brookville; H. H.

Brosius, Brookville; Dillis Allen, Aliens Mills; C. M. Smith, Brookville; C. E. Radaker, Brookville; Ray Richards, Brookville.

Ton Trucks: Perfection Ice Cream Clarion; Diener Brookville. Ford Sedans: Emily Reicherter, Brookville; Celesto B. Smith, Brookville. Ford Coupes: C. C.

Chittester, Brockwayville. Tractors: Oran Snyder, Ringgold; L. E. Stewart, Knox; Walter Moore, Reynoldsville; S. C.

Beeman Brookville; L. C. Culter, Grove City. In a new package that fits the pocketr At a price that fits the pocket-book The same unmatched blend of Turkish. Virginia and Burley Tobaccos Kirkman school closed Wednesday, April 19, with a large picnic.

Quite a number local folks have been fishing lately. Maurice Burkhouse is sick. Maurice Means is recovering from his recent illness. Lester Campbell is seen down around Cabbage Hollow quite often. Nimrod Bullers was here Saturday afternoon.

A number of friends gathered at the home of D. W. Enterline Sunday evening. Miss Eva Campbell called at the home of Jim Bush Saturday afternoon. John Welsh was surprised Friday evening by a few friends coming in to help him celebrate his birthday anniversary.

They had quite a time to get his head bumped against the ceiling. A number of local people expect to attend the picnic and entertainment to be given by the Bower School Friday, April 24, this being the school's last day. John Carberry has quite a number of loafers around his store now. Miss Bula Campbell called at Johr; Carberry's store Saturday afternoon. Jim Yount left Saturday for his home at Falls Creek after visiting the people of Kirkman for a while.

Dale Enterline is quite busy driving around in his was-on now. Guaranteed by and Mr. and Mrs. G. A.

Bergquist, of Reynoldsville, visited Robert Stewart it 111 FIFTH AVE. last Thursday. Walter Mohney and family, of 2 4 4 Reynoldsville, visited Mr. Mohney's parents here over the week-end. Miss Flo Sowers, of Brookville, was a caller at R.

O. Markle's on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J.

V. Stewart spent SPENCER'S SHOWS Brookville Park Nitro, W. where they visited Mrs. Martin's mother, Mrs. Ernest Stead, the past month.

Mrs. Brosius, of Clarion, is visiting her sister, Mrs. James Yeaney. Mr. and Mrs.

Ira Brosius and family, of Brookville, spent Sunday evening here. Mr. and Mrs. Grover McLaughlin and children, of Oil City, visited Mrs. McLaughlin's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Philip Yeaney, last week; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray and daughter, Trude, of Brookville, called on Mr. and Mrs.

Shirley Vandervort Monday evening. Miss Rozella Songer spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Harry Conner, at Crates. Mrs. Mae Markle and Mrs.

J. F. Markle spent Wednesday of last week with Mrs. Clyde White at Corsica. Mr.

and Mrs. J. F. Markle entertained the Senior class of the high school at their home on Thursday evening. Those present included Misses Frances Jones, Freda Ballen-tine and Lucy McLaughlin, Dick Bal-lentine, Paul Southard, Ben Wesson.

Warren Spare, Ronald Hughes and Kenneth Wyse. Other guests wer" Miss Millicent McLaughlin and Misr Rozella Songer, high school teachers. Delicious refreshments were serve 1 at a late hour. Francis Walters, Tom Anchor and Clarence Madill, of Clarion, were guests in the Sam Madill home last week. Mrs.

H. K. Glenn entertained a number of little ladies at her home on Saturday afternoon from 2 to 4, in honor of her daughter, Lucille's. 5th birthday anniversary. Those present were Mary Frances Henderson, Louise Mineweaser, Louise Marshall, Mary Joy Jones, Jane Elizabeth Brosius, Jane Keihl, Effie Marie Keth, Jane Brogan, Helen Campbell and Ruby Plyler.

A dainty luncheon was served by the hostess. Mrs. Wade Haugh and daughters, Wavie and Virginia, were Brookville, shoppers on Monday. A number of young people gathered at the home of Miss Sue Brogan on Friday evening to help celebrate her birthday anniversary. Those present were Misses Adelia Keth, Harrie-.

Guthrie, Violet Wyse, Louisa Bowser. Jessie Parsons, Mary Sowers, Sue Thomas, Laura Robinson, Blueni Brown, of Corsica, and Rozella Songer, James DeHaven, Homer Eshel-man, Martin Shea, Rudolph Yeaney, Keneth Wyse, Pat McManigle, Marcus Johns, Winfield Campbell, Willi Anthony, Gerald Scheafnocker of Brookville, and Clarence McKinley. Mrs. Sam Plyler -was in Brookville last Thursday having dental work done. Mrs.

Elizabeth Anderson retumel home Saturday after spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Mont Cummings, at East Brady. She was accompanied home by her daughter, Mrs. Cummings, who remained over Sunday. Albert Thomas, Harvey and Sim Lanker and James DeHnvpn wptp Grant Campbell spent Saturday the week-end with relatives in Mrs.

Mabon, of North Freedom, is visiting at the home of her brother, W. H. Minich, who is quite ill." Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cable, of Oil City, spent several days last week visiting here.

James Tiley, of Beechtm Mine? visited here over the week-end, returning to Beech ton Monday. Carl Cable, of Akron, was home last week to attend the funeral of his grandfather, Mr. Snyder. Church services at the M. E.

Church on Sunday evening were well attended. aiiernoon and evening in Brookville. Quite a number of cars have been seen passing through here since the roads are improving. COOLSPRING FALLS CREEK 4 Saturday; April 29 to Saturday, Hay SEVEN GREAT DAYS OF FUN Circus Side Show Trip Around The World Dog and Pony Show Athletic Show Giant Ferris Wheel Merry-go-Round Everything Will Amuse Both Young and Old Music Thruout the Week by the Shawmut Band Admission to Grounds Free Popular Prices for Each Attraction THE GREATEST CARNIVAL BROOXVILLE WILL SEE THIS YEAR A farewell party was held for Miss Pearle Vance at her home on Thursday evening of last week. She left on Friday for Williamsport, where she will spend the summer with her aunt, Mrs.

Ada McDonald. J. S. Daugherty has purchased Mrs. Annie Smith's property on Taylor avenue and will move Jiis family there soon.

Maxine Yount is confined to her home with mumps. Howard Hunter and John Daugherty, of Beechwoods, were callers in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wise and daughter, shoppers here Monday.

Mrs. Stanley Smith was brought to the home of her mother, Mrs. Zerby, from the Maple Avenue Hospital last week. Nathan Perrin has purchased a horse from A. E.

Daugherty, of Aliens Mills. Misses Edna Quinn, Helen Vance REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BrookYillG Title end Trust Contpeny located at 217 Main Brookville, at the close of business April 4, 1922. and Martha Bussard spent a couple days at the former's home in Beech-woods recently. Herbert Bussard spent a few days with his grandparents. Mr.

and Mrs. W. W. Daugherty, Aliens Mills, tho past week. among the ones who enjoyed the excursion to Pittsburgh on Sunday.

The schools are closing a very successful term. The Calithumpians had a glorious time at B. U. Stahlman's on Wednesday nieht. Charley Stahlman and Mary Reitz have started on a long pourney.

The members of the local grange have a drive on for new members. Confirmation and communion services will be held in St. Paul's on Whitsunday, May 21. Mrs. Samuel Reitz has suffered a slight stroke of paralysis.

Merrit Aber, who had been confined to his home for some time with an attack of flu, is able to be about again. Coolspring won the first and opening game of the baseball season from Sandv. 3 to 1. The game was played last Thursday on the last day of school for Room No. 2.

Thirty-nine pupils took the examination for common school diplomas here on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Shaffer and children, of Ramsaytown, were ivsit-ing Mrs. Shaffer's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Philip Spare, on Sunday. The Ladies' Aid of the United Evangelical Church has taken it upon itself to renovate and repair the interior of their church this summer. Edward Davis, who is employed in a steel mill near Wheeling, W. was home over Easter visiting his wife and daughter, who are staying with Mrs.

Davis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Shaffer.

He returned to his work again the first of the week. Mrs. George Huffman is at Brookville as nurse to her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Allen Huffman, who was presented with a boy by a recent visit of the stork. Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Brehm, of Brookville, called on Mrs. Brehm's mother, Aunt Polly Barr, on Sunday afternoon. Master Beryl Breakey has gone to spend a couple of days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.

James Breakey, at Stanton. Rev. Mr. Brewer, of Ringgold, was a visitor to a parishioner, Michael Himes, on Saturday night. He had a thrilling experience on his way over sticking in the mud and having to be hauled out.

A number of idle miners have found work at the Mauk tunnel on Mrs. Harry Snell, of Beechwoods Mr. and Mrs. William Wampler and daughter. GeralrKne.

snpnt. Mon was a caller here on Monday. RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes 52,261.50 Due from approved reserve agents 226,374.09 Legal reserve securities at par 50,000.00 Is There Pain in Your Back? Health is Most Vital to You. Hear Whit This Woman Soyas Rose Point, Pa. "This is to certify that in my younger days-1 suffered much with feminine weakness brought on by over-lifting.

I had a pain in my back almost all the time and became so weak that I could scarcely lift a pound or walk across my room, when a lady called and advised me to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. My friends pleaded with me to try it. To my astonishment I began to improve. It was the means used that started me on the road to health.

I thank God for tho good Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription bis done me. And Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the best medieine to purify and make good blood that I know of." Mrs. Barbara Updegraph.

You will soon be well if you start to take Favorite Prescription, In tablets or liquid. All druggists. Write Dr. Pierce, President Invalids' Hotel, in Buffalo, N. for free medical advice.

day evening with friends at North Miss Belle Work, of Reynoldsville spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Work, on reeaom.

Judd Huff moved his family from Sutton into the Vinnsft he rerenrlv Fuller avenue. purchased from Mrs. Kuhns on Rail road street. Mrs. Lizzie Smith, who has been spending some time with relatives in Aliens Mills, has returned to her Nickels and cents Checks and cash items Commercial paper purchased: Upon one name Commercial paper purchased: Upon two or more nsmes Time loans with collateral Call loans with collateral Bonds home here.

328,635.59 1,458.79 8,045.46 671,377.78 19,520.02 828,313.26 413,732.50 2,587.50 153,516.96 20,000.00 34,200.00 1.00 1,171.45 112,455.74 A party was held at the home of Anthony Wingroves in Smithtown, Thursday evening in honor of Miss Lesta Murray. A number from town attended the party. Leonard and Samuel Snell spent spent Sunday at the home of Theo- Stocks Mortgages and judgments of record Office building and lot Other real estate Furniture and fixtures Overdrafts Other assets not included in above Directory ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ZION Mr. and Mrs. William Hughey have received word from DuBois that their little grandson broke a leg a few days ago while playing: The boy is a son of John Hughey, formerly of Zion.

Mrs. Laura Matson and granddaughter, Miss Evelyn Matson, spent several days last week at Howe with the former's mother, Whiteman, and sister, Mrs. Starkweather. Mrs. Nella McManigle, of Howe, visited her daughter, Mrs.

Fred 0--born, during the past week. Mrs. Lyda Shaffer and her niece. Mrs. Grace Johnson, of Sigel, weit to DuBois Friday to visit friends and relatives.

Samuel Dunham, of Brookville, was ATTOKNEl'S AT LAW Total $3,162,181.68 WILLIAM T. DABB Attorney at Office in Matson Block opp. Court House, Main street, Brookville, Pa. In the Matter of the Estate of L. O.

Lef-(iiicwetl, nereaxed. Late of the Borough of Brookville, County of Jefferson, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Letters of Administration on the above estate having been granted to the nnder-(djriied, nil persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, ami those having claims to present the same, without delay, to J. J. BLOXSOM, Or to his attorney.

Administrator. Vm. T. Uiirr, Brookville, Pa. Mr23-0t LIABILITIES Capital stock Surplus fund 125,000.00 200,000.00 94,530.54 John Conrad W.

X. Conrud JOHN CONRAD SON Attorneys at Law Office In Title Trust Building (second floor) Brookville, Pa. L'ndivided profits less expenses and taxes paid DEMAND DEPOSITS: (exclusive of trust funds) Deposits subject to check $775,130.40 Demand certificates of deposit 341.50 Deposits, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 20,000.00 Certified checks 618.54 Treasurer's checks outstanding 1,195.30 the Shawmut railroad, which is being concreted. II. If.

Bronlu L. G. Brosius lillOSIVS DROSIl'S Attorney at Law Notary Public OHlce in McKnlRht Building. SUMMERVILLE Chicks grow and Grow and GROW You will he surprised how rapidly your chicks will prow when led on Blatcltjord't Chick Mash (formerly kuown as Bltchard' Milk MnT Uf-rrn say they can almost see the little fallow prow.

(act there another feed on the market that will puh them along a rapidly, or as satisfactorily. 797,285.74 rnvsiciANs Mr. and Mrs. Ira Yeaney and family, of Mudlic, spent Sunday with Mr. Yeaney's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. James Yeaney. Wallace Haven, is visiting his TIME DEPOSITS: (exclusive of trust funds) Time savings fund deposits 1,945,365.40 Trade Mr. and Mrs. Sam Haven.

CHICK MASH RlatchfertTs is not simply a fed for dm-k-It i rrtfuiv here Monday to get a load of balsd hay. Mrs. Lester Jaycox, of Clarion, ar.r! her two sons, spent the week-end hera with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shaffer.

James Whiteman has moved to the farm vacated by John Hetrick. Wash Hughey is moving to the David White farm on the Sigel road. Robert Irvin has moved to the farm of Dan Park. Several Zion young people went t. Brookville Saturday to undergo the examinations for common school diplomas.

Mrs. Mary Newhouse spent the week-end at the Ed White home. Little Miss Catherine Evans, of Brookville, visited her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs.

Ed Stahlman, the first of the week. Work is going on at the Zion Cemetery every Friday in order to brine: everything to good order. The volunteer workers need all the help they Total TRUST FUNDS: Mortgages Other investments, etc. Cash balance Overdrafts DR. WALTER DICK PhyHlchin and Surgeon 73 Pickering Street Office Knurs: to 9:30 a.

1 to 3 p. 7 to p. m. Sundays, 1 to 3. Calls answered day or uibt.

Suminor-vilie Telephone. A. F. KALMYK, M. lhyielan and Surgeon Office opposite Commercial Hotel, Main street, Brookville, Pa.

milled and prepared JLlb. milk-sitltitute which is ftt 47,651.65 21,112.70 27,651.21 512.18 weeks OB. Lru vj uie rooei prwiui tient poultrymen in the country lor starting and flowing theirchieks. We recommend it. A triad will continue you that it is in a class by itself.

KLINE'S SIFTER MILLS Brookville. Fa. Misses Frances Jones and Helen Smith were Brookville shoppers Saturday. Miss Minnie Graham and Max Graham, of Worthville, called on friends here Monday. Miss Graham was en route to Clarion where she will enter the Normal School.

The Wayside Workers Class of the M. E. Church wil meet at the home of Mrs. W. C.

Byerly this evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gienn and daughter, Betty, of Corsica, spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs.

J. F. Bowser. Miss Blueni Brown, of Corsica, spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. Miles Enterline.

Rev. J. J. Gruber has been elected delegate representative of the Clarion Presbytery to the General As-sembly which will be held at Des Moines, May 18. W.

A. Smith is improving his resi dence by having new porches erected by J. D. Thompson. A.

J. Cochran has received a car of cement this week. Mrs. Fred Martin and son, Arnold, arrived home Monday evening from can get. Iron and Scrap Steel 1 Dr.

DORIS J. BOWLBY Osteopathic Physician 35 Jefferson Street Brookville. Pa. Orificial Surgery and Fallen Arches a specialty. SPECIALTY: Correction of imperfect eyesight without the use of glasses Summerville Phone 179.

"THE SWEET FAMILY" given at Zion M. E. hurch, Sigel road, tomorrow evening, Friday, April 28, 7:45 p. m. Admission, 15c and 25c.

Total Trust funds 95,930.74 CORPORATE TRUSTS Total amount (i. e. face value) of Trusts under deeds of trust or mortgages executed by Corporations to the Company as Trustee to secure issues of corporate bonds, including Equipment Trusts, 451,000.00 Total amount of securities deposited by Corporations with the Company as Trustee to secure issues of Collateral Trust Bonds 100,000.00 State of Pennsylvania, County of Jefferson, ss: J. E. Geist, Treasurer of the above named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

J. E. GEIST, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of April, 1922. AMY M.

STUFFT. Notary Public. (My commission expires April 4, 1923.) Correct Attest: GIL. C. REITZ.



BURKE, Republican candidate for U. S. Senator, speaks at Court House, Brookville Thursday, May 4, 8 p. m. Everybody welcome.

Advertisem*nt Apr27-2t If you really want all the news yon must read The Democrat. Paul A. Blake Spouting Tinning Roof Repairing and Painting 184 EAST MAIN STREET Summerville Phone 289 A-2.

The Jeffersonian-Democrat from Brookville, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.