The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: TUESDAY EBRUARY 194924 NORTHAMPTON GRANBY night MILLERS ALLS WARE is visiting in WORTHINGTON HINSDALE AMHERST MIDDLEIELD SELLING PERCENTAGE RANTED car SOUTHAMPTON SHELBURNE ALLS TWO INED of BRATTLEBORO Wednesday under the OBITUARY NOTICES Airs II Trott and Mrs A Borden AIRLY PRICED! EASTHAMPTON Glass Salad and MT HOLYOKE COLLEGE Dessert Plates TURNERS ALLS In WAR VETERAN DIES SOUTH DEERIELD of first floor CHARLES HALLE lot to debate The Streets Belong to the People 1 I HADLEY ORANGE ENIELD unxx ii i 'i for one year 4 4 1 4 i Personal Service Signature SCOTTS LAUNDRY No Spots Mi the 4 squad are: Ill Of Monroe follow Shaw Ryan set the home of Bridge street Hadley eb 18 There will ne meeting for all women interested XV and and Va is visit mother Mrs CONTINUES ARGUMENT OVER PLUMBING POS One of rested 12 Young Men Ar Sunday Pleads Not WOULD SOLVE ISSUES ON HEREDITY BASIS TEAM CHOSEN OR DEBATE WITH SMITH AND VASSAR VOTERS APPROVE SCHOOL BUILDING Indorses Clark Mowry and Barr for Selectmen at Executive Committee Meeting Greenfield eb 18 A meeting of the executive committee of the citi zens' committee for law enforcement was held yesterday afternoon It was voted to indorse as candidates for the office of selectmen Clark II Mowry and William II Barr LAW COMMITTEE PICKS ITS CANDIDATES regular club was Mrs Mary announced committee Address sign nnd mall this i MEETING THE WOMAN'S CLUB Once taste and you will always demand IS Two suits $20000 DEMOCRATS NAME THEIR TOWN TiCKET Knocked Down by Airs II Torrence ofwas down by an at Main and King streets thev turned and faced the while the club sang Banner" led bl' Mrs There were six tables representing the public week Mary Lyon Shown in many styles at a wide range of prices ANNIVERSARY SERVICES HELD Congregational body was Deerfield for burial in Brookside oeme Adding to your enjoyment of entertaining these A McGillicuddy Mrs Margaret Kelley and Mrs Anna Charron trustees of the public library Mrs Margaret Dr A Nims and Mrs Augusta 'Taggart license commissioners Daniel Kelleher an i Oscar Bourdeau tree warden Sig mund Klaiber perk commissioners Edward North Kellogg audi tors John Kuazek Homer Coie Harold Reynolds and Christian Stotz constables William Calla han John March Joseph Thaler Merritt Bartlett John A Griffin rank Kittredge loyd Kennedy Sigmund Klaiber John Redding John Richardson and Matthew Shulda red Treml was chairman and Dolan secretary Master's Report Says Woman Is En titled to Commission on Building Sale Greenfield eb 18 Judge John XV Mason appointed by the superior court as master on a bill of equity brought by Mrs Madeline Nichols against Atherton and XV Mason to recover commission filed his report with the clerk of courts this morning He finds that the sale of the property to Michelman Brothers was the result of Mrs Nicholas ef forts and that she is entitled to her commission agreed upon 2 per cent of the selling price of the building which was $63000 been appointed to take the Turkey Hill Ludlow Supt William Peck of the Hol yoke schools spoke on "School Prob lems at a meeting association tonight school the event being party being by Truck Demands Soft Coal Makes Hard Work Soot from your own and furnaces quickly collects on your curtains in such a case call River 7192 CALL rank XV XVinslow Warren Underwood Charlei Roadstrand RIVER 112 Amherst eb Dr Barrett Tyler pastor of the All Saints church in Brookline addressed the Stu dents of the college at the Sunday chapel services yesterday South Doerfield eb 18 The funeral of XVilliam Dana Sprout was held riday afternoon at the home or Northern avenue nt NorthanTpton Rev Charles Stevens pastor of the south Deerfield church officiating The brought to South in the family tcry Mrs Arthur nt her home costume representing which they assisted Turners alls eb 18 At a meet ing of the Rotary club tomorrow noon the speaker will be John Hubbard of the Montague City Rod company who will talk on ing Local members of the Rotary are planning to listen in on the radio the night of the 221 when President Coolidge speaks at the White House in honor of the birth day of Washington In a 10 minute overtime hockey game at Unity park Saturday after noon Turners alls and Greenfield played to a scoreless tie Another Cast game has been booked for this Saturday when the locals will play an all college team Sunday they will go to Orange to play Playground Director Philip Sayles will take the boys of the town on a ski hike XVednesday morning of this week Camp will be anade and gruh cooked along the route and they will return in the afternoon or riday afternoon a program of races is be ing arranged for the boys at Unity park The children of the grammar grade at the Riverside school have pur chased a victrola The money was secured through the sale of candy and the Parent Teacher association also contributed $10 Paul Warren and three companions narrowly escaped serious injury ana perhaps death when a ord touring car in which they were riding went through a fence on the actory Hol low road yesterday afternoon and landed in the brook The car went through a six inch railing and fell into the Social Guild will meet with Kittie Porter Spelman Wednes afternoon at 2 o'clock A pleasant reception was given 1 ri day night by the high school soplio I Higgins entertained on South Main street Greenfield eb 18 Twelve young men taken in a the rooms of Bernard Mulvaney early Sunday morn ing were arraigned in district court this morning Mulvaney pleaded guilty to keeping and maintaining a common nuisance Two of the 12 James Powers and Edward St Dennis were fined $15 each for being present at a gambling game Each had been up before for a similar offense Guy Button pleaded not guilty and his case was continued for hearing to morrow' The other eight Roy Simp son rancis Dwyer James Brown Idas Crepeau Joseph Bartz Raymdnd Krukons Ralph and Emmet lavin pleaded guilty and were fined $10 each Many complaints have come to the local police in the past few days of boys coming out of the building in a questionable condition Henry Barnett has his candidacy for the nomination for assessor Democratic candidates are ing: for tax collector Whiteman officiated Burial Green River cemetery One Had Been Bool logger Other Held on New Charge Greenfield eb 18 Joseph Ad amczyk and Jacob Afreczkowski i of Sunderland were arraigned in district court this morning having been found in a car last night both drunk Ad amczyk was fined $100 a short time ago for bootlegging Both were fined $10 for drunkenness Mreczkowski was also charged with cutting timber not his own which case was continued until tomorrow morning tomorrow at 230 Mrs rank Hall of XVorcester will addfess the ing and wiil tell what the women are doing all over the state The fifth and sixth grades at Rus sell school had a valentine party Thursday afternoon These two grades arc the first' to have 100 per cent with banking accounts Gordon Willis president of the Hampshire County Trust company of Northampton ad dressed the children He presented a silk fla to the schools A play writ ten by Helen Bowen a pupil tn the sixtli grade was given by five pupils Refreshments wore served Miss Gladys Bailey of Brooklyn is visiting Miss Agnes Ayres of Middle street Mrs George Andrew is the guest of her daughter Mrs Ralph Uldrin of Darien Ct Hope grange wil hold its regular meeting tomorrow night The pro gram is in charge of the dramatic committee The club of the irst church wdll hold an all day sewing meeting Wednesday at Mrs George rink 314 Northampton Miss Mildred Person Needham at the hom*o of her brother rAlTAniAM PALE DRY GINGER ALE Made with York Springs water at Toronto Can Speare Carla Smith Agnes Anna and Ruth XV Howe 61 Dies Easthampton e' IS William Howe 64 of Easthampton died at fl lo nioht 1 reifrsiiur? rut ThA Alasonic club has but two weeks more to go and the appear sure winners with a present lead of 11440 points Interest in the tournament continues high in spite of the large lead enjoyed by the uneral of John Wilga John Wilga 32 for several years employed as a blacksmith by Phileas Hebert died suddenly at his home on South street Saturday and the funeral was held this morning at St church Rev Oswald Loretan officiat ing at a high mass of requiem Burial was in St cemetery Mr Wilga lived here for many years He leaves a widow three children and a brother at Ware and relatives in Poland Wait for Weather new manufacturing concern Beauregard Brothers is ready to start work manufacturing cement blocks as soon as the weather warms up a little eliminating any danger of freezing Tile buildings have been erected on the site acquired from Joseph A Rimdrati near the Sandy Bottom swimming pool and all machinery installed BOTH PARTIES NAME TOWN CANDIDATES I the brook on its side None of men were injured but the badly smashed Give to your table a cer tain richness that makes your service distinctive CARD THANKS tr wish to thank our relatives nd friends for their kindness and sympathy extended to us during our recent bereave ment in the death of our husband and father MRS EPHRAIM CROTEAU AND AAI I Death of Michael Campbell Michael Campbell died thisj morn ing at his home 22 Walnut street fol lowing a long illness He was a na tive of Bangor Me and had lived in Greenfield 11 years being employed as a car inspector at East Deerfield He is survived by his widow and two children The 1 funeral will be held at Holy Trinity church Wednesday morning The Greenfield club will entertain the Tcacher associa tion and the Drama club at a musical and dramatic evening tomorrow night at high school hall Miss Craig and Miss Atherton will be in chaise of the dra matic entertainment and Miss Hender son of the musical program The funeral of Gillette Thomp son was held this afternoon at the funeral parlors of Ingell Shepard Rev Howard May of West Deerfield officiated Burial was in Gren River cemetery The funeral of Harold Bonne ville was held this afternoon at his home on Meridian street Rev John in rof Parshley of Smith Terms It Wasteful to Give All Same Education Northampton eb IS Application cf the of heredity to edu cation immigration eugenics and prohibition was made by Prof How ard Parshley of Smith college in iu 1 tbf IU1K dL U1C Kiwanis club at restaurant today Prof subject was heredity and some social Tn view of the evidence of the fixer character of hereditary qual ities the speaker considered it waste ful to give to all children the same type of education individuals without ability for book learning should be instructed in the mechanical arts so that they may compete successfully with their equals instead of hopeless ly with their betters Immigration should be controled by examination at the point of embarka tion and selection should be based not on racial distinctions but on individual qualifications Racial prog ress is accomplished the speaker said by improvement of stock and the sei ente of eugenics merely applies prin ciples long recognized by the breeders of animalsi Eugenics proroses the re pression of bad strains by confine ment sterlization and birth control find encouragement of the good fctrains by various methods Prohibition is only one of a number of social problems connected with the subject of heredity and much con cerning it is yet to be determined by scientific research with respect to the effects of varying types of alco holic indulgence In view of the co Bulerations that Nature hqs provided for the easy production of alcohol and of the insuperable obstacles to com plete enforcement of prohibition I seems the part of wisdom to suspend judgment until the evidence is an Mrs Lawrence Dickinson and Mrs Vernice Behre There will be an open meeting of the Thursday club of South Amherst at the Hills Memorial clubhouse on Thursday afternoon Rev John A Hawley of the irst Congregational church will speak on the town war rant Dr Mary Sanderson will act as hostess The Amherst Mount Holyoke alum nae are taking part in a drive forfunds tor the new Science building at Mount Holyoke college They expect to make their quota before March 17 so that they can present it on the birthday of DrCornelia Clapp which occurs on thacday The art section of the club will meet on XVednesday after noon at 330 Mr and Mrs Richard Smith of earing street were taken to the Dickinson hospital this mornins ill with scarlet fever Mrs Smith was ill on Saturday and Dr Marion Rock well the physician in charge pro nounced it scarlet fever today Dr Rockwell believes both cases promise to be light DIED In this city 18th Miss Agnes Black 74 Services conducted by rank aperburg from the Springfield Home for Aged Women 471 Chestnut street Wednesday at 230 Burial In air view cemetery Chicopee In this city 17th Maurice Byrne' fl year old son of Thomas and Mary itz gerald Byrne uneral at the parents' home 114 Benton street Tuesday at 815 a Re quiem high mass following at the Holy amily church at 9 a tn riends Invited I Chicopee 16tt Maurice Lanav uneral at the home 97 Bell street Tuas dey at 830 a Solemn requiem blah mass' following at the church of the Hole Name at 9 a Burial In Calvarv ceme tery MacDOUGALL tn this city 17th Walter Marshall Macdougall 24 of Woronoco neral at the Community church Russell Mass Wednesday at 2 pm Burial In Russell MURPHY At Worcester 18th Mrs Cath erine Murphv mother of Rev George Murphy of St cathedral Spring field uneral will be held in Worcester Thursday morning with a solemn high mass of requiem in St church at 10 a Relatives and friends Invited to attend Kindly omit flowers In this city 17th Marie Pratt ee uneral services will be held In Gra chapel 37 39 Howard street Tuesday at 330 Burial In Oak Grove ceme tery SIMMONS Tn this city 17th Mrs Saran Simmons 54 wife of Arthur 8 Sim mons at her home 52 Pearl street uneral from her late home Tuesday afternoon at 230 Burial In Oak Grove cemetery In this city 18th Nathaniel Wade tit of 16 Broad street uneral at the parlors of Dickinson Streeter company Thursday at 2 ni Burial In Oak Grove cemetery WELLS In this city 16th Mrs Cora Wells 59 of 145 Bowles street uneral services will be held in chapel 37 39 Howard street Tuesday afternoon at 2 clock Burial In Oak Grove cemetery In this city TTth Susan Annette 92 widow of Samuel Wood bury uneral services from the home of her son Milo Woodbury 672 Chestnut Street Wednesday at 230 nr Leon Bailly wire married this morning by Rev James A O'Malley at the Church of the Annunciation Thj wedding marches were played by Miss Elizabeth Hickey organist and Wil liam Bernache violinist A solo was sung by Mrs Eugene Gagnon sister of the groom The witnesses were Ndrbert Gagnon and Theodore Bailly father of the groom The ushers were Ambrose Gagnon and Romeo Duplin The bride wore a gown of changeable taffeta silk and carried 22 bride roses The ceremony was followed by a re ception at the home of the groom on High street lorence After the wed ding trip Mr and Mrs Bailly will live at 39 High street lorence Car Plainfield automobile this morn ing The car was going slowly and Mrs Torrence was only slightly in jured The automobile was driven by John MeMonegle of Bates street Two Couples ile Intentions These marriage intentions have been filed at office of the city clerk: Raoul Tatro of Prospect street and Miss Ethel Norton of Orchard street Raymond Wheeler and Miss Lena Pothier both of Leeds John Koziarz of Amherst was charged in the district court today with nonsupport of his family and the case was continued for hearing The annual banquet of the Nu Gamma Clii club will be held tomor row night at the club rooms After dinner the club will attend a ixt formance of of Troy at the Academy of Music Mayor Edward Woodhouse was a guest of honor at a banquet of Demo crats at Somerville tonight Members of Camp Nonotuck the A camp at orest lake will hold a reunion at the association building XVednesday night Afjer sup per the Springfield college junior gymnastic team will gixe an exhi bition at the gymnasium The Legislature has enacted the bill to permit Northampton to bor row $275000 outside its debt limit for school building purposes TAIT BROTHERS ACE TWO SUITS OR $20000 Woman Asks $15000 for Injuries Caused I Husband $5000 Costs Northampton eb brought in sums aggregating against Tait Bros of Springfield were started in the superior court today after the preliminary proceedings of the ebruary sitting Justice William A Burns of Pittsfield is presiding and the opening prayer was offered by Rev Marion Smith pastor of the Methodist church Clerk of Courts Chilson who is undergoing treat ment at Boston for throat trouble was unable to be present and his place was taken by A Moise The grand jury took up its work after receiving in structions from Judge Burns Bonds men of George A'ickery of Ware charged with abuse of a female child surrendered him and he was com mitted The plaintiffs in the suits against Tait Bros are Julie Niedbalski and her husband Wincenty The woman brings suit in the sum of $15000 be cause of injuries alleged to have been received when she was hit by a truck owned by the defendant company and the husband sues In the sum of $5000 because of costs of treatment of his wife and loss of her assistance Stev ens Andre appear for the plaintiffs end Ely Ely for the defendants It Is Alleged in the case of Mrs Niedbalski that when she was walk ing on Market street this city near the local ice cream establishment of the defendants an auto truck of the company started backward going over 1 Im ivomnn no ii ipu egainst a house sustained a broken ribs Ploye of the cranked the backward stopped it Ik and pinning the woman it ih a neaeti mat ouv broken collarbone and Gilbert Bigelow an em company testified that he truck and that it started He jumped into it and Ba said the truck hit a woman and when he saw she was hurt be called an ambtilanee and had her taken to the hospital Other wit nesses testified to the manner of the accident The plaintiff testified that she spent six In the hospital and that she is unable to do hard work the sprlnuneld Motor Owners fl 4 4 4 meeting for all women interested in Republican politics at the town Ivtll superintendent by Norcross Brc 4 i coil UttU LUAS vu utuuitvi 1 fl fltC ti i Mio flflfl be held at St Death John O'Neil this rnornin? his home on long illness XVednesday mornin Conception church uneral of 1'eloquin John rancis Peloquin 3 son of Mrand Mrs Nelson Peloquin of Parsons street died Saturday night The fu neral was held this afternoon at Notre Dame church Rev rassa officiating Burial was in St Bridget's cemetery Barnett Out for Ortice announced Republican Additional the or selectman John Martin fnr tree warden John Lynn Dr Harold Miner district health officer will speak on diphtheria pre vention at the high school hall XVednesday night under tne auspices of the chiid welfare committee of the Easthampton Women's club The young men have organ ized a political club with these of ficers: President Joseph Janik vice president Robert Banas treasurer Alex Kania secretary John Grze sktewicz flay or Nigbt GRAHAM Corp UNDERTAKERS it? HOWARD ST Granby eb 18 There was a special Lincoln memorial service at the Sunday school session Sunday The parts were taken by the super intendent John Scott the assist ant superintendent W' orward Raymond Dickinson and Miss Jose phine Allard' The reveille and taps were sounded by Nyles Baker The librarian of the public library Mrs George Eastman has arrang ed to have the library opened at the usual hours on Wednesday after noon instead of on riday this week as that is a holiday It will also be a convenience for the school children as the schools close for a week's va cation on Thursday night The com munitv social and supper will be held in the' chapel on Wednesday night There was sing ing by the male quartet of Mr Wat church at Eastliampton The Congregational church united in the service and Rev Ward the pas tor spoke extending the greetings of his people The observance will be continued on Thursday when District Superin tendent orfl of Springfield will deliver an address The meeting will follow a supper at 630 and the gen eral topic of the meeting will be XVorld Service of the Methodist Rev John Chaffie of Mittineague will speak on "The Out look in the oreign ield" Rev Dr Roy Mvers of Westfield on Outlook ii? the Home and Dr ord on to Put the Program Across" Solos will be sung by Mrs James Smith of Easthampton Music Section Renders Pro gram and Refreshments Are Served in Novel Way Amherst eb 18 The meeting of the held this afternoon with Hubbard in the chair She the following as program for the next year: Miss Jean Ken drik Mrs Edna AVatts and AirsMarjorie Cook The name of Mrs Eva Brooks was recommended for honorary membership and accepted Mrs Brooks is a charter member of thu club and now lives in Crescent City la After the business the meeting was in charge of the music section and a delightful program was rendered AVith Mrs Tillson at the piano and Allan Elwell with the drum the waitresses all in costume march ed down the center aisle dividing to the right and left to tho front row of seats Dlrs Elwell chairman of the section dressed as Columbia proceeded by a Boy Scout carrying the Hag audience Spangled Mcall lor refreshments many nationalities the must which have been studied in the tion this year Six past presidents poured At the American table Mrs George Olds rench Mrs Kenyon Butterfield Tohemian Airs rank A Waugh Russian Mrs Marshall: Norwegian Mrs James Paige and German Miss Caroline Hunt Thera were assistant hostesses at each tabic all dressed in ihe table at There is in the music section a hospi talitv committee Six of this commit tee with a badge of red and white mingled with the club members while the seiving took place acting as hos tesses of the afternoon They were: Mrs Charles Wellington Mrs Harry Kidder Mrs Jofm Goodell Mrs James Merrick Mrs Bosworth and Mrs Newell Sims The refreshment committee were as follows: 2Jis Samuel Dana Miss Nellie Thompson Both tickets would re elect of the other town officers DO YOU AVOR Mney Bus Service? rank Dragon Was a Member 104th Regiment and XX'as Northanuon eb rank Dra gon 26 son of Air and Mrs Ge rge A Dragon of King street died at New York today after being in ill health World war from at the front He Mr The auto have brought competition and better street railway service developed outside terri tory given quick service protected their passengers on each xvith a ten thousand dollar surety bond have had no serious accidents have made a large investment in and xvith permanence given their business will put on new and improved surpassing in comfort ordinary street car rhe City Needs Both Street Railway and Service The Public Must Defend the Transportation Service A gainst Monopoly Make cur Position Clear Today 105 doth St Acw I orlg Methodist Church 80 Years Old Rev Martin and Rev Watling Speak Southampton eb 18 The obser vance of the Methodist church's 80th I anniversary opened yesterday with i the delivery of an historical sermon by the acting pastor Rev Mar tin of East Longmeadow His topic was "Methodism and ha told the story of the founding and de velopment of tho Southampton church Special services were held the Sunday school and at 6 a pra ver service was held at which Rev I Watling of Easthampton for merlv pastor of the church spoke on Middlefield eb 18 George Olds is serving as grand juror woifor a smith Arthur Pease Wesley Chipman have been drawn as traverse jurors Samuel XVillard Sr and Samuel AV XVilliard Jr attended the funeral service of AVilliam XVillard in Longmeadow Sunday Mr Willard was a brother of Samuel XVillard Sr Clark Wright is gradually im proving at the home of Dwight McEl wain in XVest Springfield A kitchen dance was held at James Saturday night ver since th wounds received nerved in Co I 104th regiment Dragon leaves besides his parents four sisters Mrs Herbert Childs and Misses Dena and Edna Dragon of this flitv and Mrs rank Nestle of Am herst The body was brought here tonight by 'Undertaker Quinn Ballly XVcdillng sMiss Myrtle Barrett daughter of Mr Mrs John Barrett and Sign This Coupon I oppose the attempt to outlaw the auto and wish to be reg istered against granting a monopoly to the street railway Belchertown eb 18 enum way has charge of road The Mrs of the at High street a Valentine and the committee in charge the teachers of the building Beds I fading 'em Home bridge tournament of the Worthington eb The school at South Worthington has been closed because of an epidemic of mumps Hie teacher Mrs Tuttle anT several pupils being ill Miss Eliazbeth Cole has been sub stituting in the Corner school tor a week for Miss Alice Bartlett who has been undergoing treatment for her eyes in Northampton Miss Bart lett is suffering from severe eye strain Mrs Charles A Kilbourn is spend ing the week end with Mr and Mrs Sidney Smart of Longmeadow i Dewey street fter a The funeral will held at Immaculate our Girls Go to Northampton our Meet at Vassar at South Hadley to Dispute League of Nations South Hadley eb The mem bers of the squad of eight from which the Mount Holyoke teams will be se lected to debate Smith and Vassar on the question That the United States should enter the League of in the annual intercol legiate debate March 15 have been chosen Try outs participated in by over 30 students were held Saturday' and the esiilts were announced today The teams have been limited tofour members each this year by vote of 'the six colleges two speakers and two alternates instead of three speakers and three alternates as formerly in order to shorten the time of the debate Mount Holyoke's af firmative team will meet negative tit South Hadley this year and the Mount Holyoke negative team will go to Northampton Smith The members of the Carolyn Eads '26 of Ursula Hubbard '26 Mich Lucy Pickett '25 of Bev erly Margaret Speare 26 of Bound Brook Ja 1 of Washington Tweedie '26 of Belmoht Wells '26 of Dallas Tex Miles '25 of Cambridge Dr Irving isher professor of polit ical economy at Yale university will speak in the chapel at 8 tomorrow night on Money and Un stable Dr isher is world famous for his advocacy of the stabil izing of the dollar by giving it a fixed commodity value Airs Henry Russell of 244 Oak street Holyoke will give a tea for Mount Holyoke workers in the Skin ner coffee house in Holyoke at her home tomorrow afternoon St lie nai spent several winters in lorida and was taken ill soon after going South last fall Mr Howe was bom at Plainfield the son of Sylvester and Cordelia Howe A part of his youth was spent at Northampton where he attended the high school He was a carpenter and had been employed as 4 I All I I The funeral will Petersburg of John Republicans and Democrats Ready for Town meeting Turners alls eb Both par ties held their caucus to name tickets for town meeting tonight The Re publican caucus was held in the town hall ourth street and the fol lowing slate was nominated Modera tor Stuart AVinch'town clerk Hen ry Bardwell tax collector and treasurer ''John McLaughlin se lectmen Henry Deaumier Edward Bitzer and XVilliam Parsons as sessor for three years Henry Dube board of health for three years Con rad Alber: overseers of the poor for three years Mrs Alice for two years Charles Parsons for one year' Edward March school com mittee XVallace Marston XX aldo Ellis and James A Gunn trustees of the public library Dr A Nims Mrs Margaret and Mrs Augus ta Taggart license commissioners XVilliam Bitzer and rank Duble tree warden Sigmund Klaiber park commissioners Henry Kellogg Harry IT Maddern and Martin Schuhle auditors Homer Cole Harold Reynolds and Christian Stotz constables William Callahan John Marc Joseph Thaler John Redding Sigmund KI rank Kittridge John A Griffin Merritt A Bartlett August Ungricli William LaPean John Richardson and Matthew Shulda A Porter was chairman Clayton iske secretary The Democratic caucus took ulacc in Knights of Columbus hall and the following slate was nominated: Mod 'erator Anthony Clean town clerk Henry Bardwell tax collector and trftnsHTPr John MeTjauchljn sc lectmen Robert Allen Matthew Welch Jr and John Welcome: as sessor for three years Edward P' Shanahan overseers of the poor for thena vAara AT rs AllPP OXX' 11 VO vpnrs Tncspnh ShukiaZ 1 Mrs Julia Broderick: bnard nfhcalth Conrad Alber school committee D' Beads His Resignation Orange eb 18 At the morning service of tlie irst Congregational church yesterday Rev Andrew Campbell who for nine years has been the pastor read his resignation to take effect April 30 Mr Campbell has a call from the Congre gational church at Petersboro His first pastcrate was nt Deerfield where he remained for three years rom that place he went to Webster and from there to Groveland where he stayed six years coming to Orange from that place Mr Campbell is re garded locally as an exceptionally ef ficient clergyman and the Congrega tional church has made rapid prog ress under his guidance He has taken a keen interest in civic affairs his departure will be regretted by the Inwnsnonnc luring Campbell served as a A sec retary in rance i i Mrs Bolashy Dead Millers alls 18 Mrs Joseph Boissby 53 died at her home on Pros pect street this morning after a long illness Mrs Boissby was born in Canada in 1871 and came to this coun try about 30 years ago Before conb ing to Millers alls she lived in Hol yoke where she was married 27 years ago She came here 13 years ago ne is survived by her husband one sis ter Mrs Mary Ray of Leominster two daughters Laura and Lillian Boissby and two sons Arthur and Roland Boissby all of this town The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 9 at St church Burial will be in Notre Dame cemetery South ley Building on Green Street Lot to Cost Not More than $1 75000 Sentiment Uni fied Brattleboro eb 18 A 16 room school building to be erected on the Hines lot on Green street at a cost not to exceed $175000 was approved by the voters of 'the incorporated school district at a special meeting in the high school this evening The report of the special school building committee was read by the chairman Judge A Schwenk Charles A Boyden made a motion that the report be accepted and adopted and that the proudential committee proceed under the recommendation The motion was passed without a dissenting vote An other special meeting of the voters of the district will be necessary to meet the legal requirement regarding a bond issue but there is no doubt I from the sentiment of the meeting to night that the necessary vote will be cast SKI JUMPER BREAKS COLLARBONE PRACTICING Iloylston tslo Norton Maintains Bos ton Civil Service Lett Leaves Him Inspector WILLETT WILLET AVare vb The question as to who is legally the inspector of plumb ing at Ware is still a matter of con siderable controversy XVilliam Norton maintaining that a letter he lias received from the state civil serv ice authorities at Boston proves that he is still inspector and cannot be re placed without a hearing and the tiling of charges by the board of health If the town has accepted the civil service provisions a disputed fact Mr Norton would apparently be the in spector until removed and under the provisions of the state law his salary could not be reduced unless sufficient cause was shown to make it a neces sity The letter refers to certain sections of the state laws which cover the standing a civil service employe and outline his rights An investigation is being made of town' records to see if the town ever accepted the civil service provisions in connection with the appointments of the board of health and so far it is said the investigation has not re vealed any such action although it is known to have been contemplated at one time The present inspector of plumbing is John Moriarty and his assistant is ortuna ournier according to the records of the board of health Teacher Called HomeHirosdalo Deh 18 Mrs Marlon Cobb teacher of grades seven and eight Center school received news to day of the death of her father Wil liam Whitmarsh who had been Ill for the past throe weeks at his home in Dorchester Mrs Cobb will leave for Dorchester tomorrow morning Cora Lovell will substitute for her during the first half of the week and Mrs ranklyn arrell of Dalton for th last half Thursday night the members of her Sunday schooL class making a natty oflio I 1 sh lie food sale held Saturday noon it the home of Mrs Lydia Eaton netted the Missionary: A CietV 18 4 4 4 tribe of Red Will be served a 'chicken supper row Had it Shelburne alls eb 18 Leonard biTiitu of I uchniond ing at the home of his Annie Smith on North street and with other relatives in town Encouraging reports come from Mrs Galen Johnson who is at one of the California hospitals recovering from an operation Mrs Johnson with her family is spending the win ter in California Stanley Cummings returned on Sunday night from Philadelphia where he had been attending the hardware convention Stan ley Cummings Jr has been in Meri den Ct for the last week and re turned at the same time A meeting of the Parent Teacher association will be held evening at 8 in the United XV orkmen hall A dance will be held auspices of the New England Power Electric association on XVednesday night in Memorial hall The following officers are installed by Rev Widenhouse at the Methodist church Sunday night for Epworth league this year: President Miss Elsie Haller 1st vice president Miss Margaret Baahr 2d vice presi dent Howard Mills 3d vice president Hume 4th vice president I Mrs Charles Canedy secretary red I erick Wilde treasurer Elmer Rand I Word was received at Shelburne last week of the death of Rev Owen Hardy at the home of Dr Mouseley at XValpole Mr Har had been at the doctor's home for i treatment for a week and underwent an operation of the nose pneumonia I setting in and death resulted Air i Hardy was pastor of the Shelburne Center Congregational church for i about three years and went from I there to Alstead The funeral of Mrs Bertha Andrews Koenig who died on Wednesday aft ernoon was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Arthur Mason on Maple street on Saturday afternoon at 130 I Rev Samuel Walker pastor of the Methodist church of Colrain had" charge of the service Arms academy and vschools are closed fcr a A regular meeting of chapter Order of the Eastern Star will be held Tuesday night at 745 1 A XVashington party will be held aft er the meeting The committee asks every member to bring a box lunch for one person Enfield eb 18 The Quabbin club will meet with Mrs tomor row afternoon Miss Kathleen Ewing has returned from spending several weeks in Bos ton and vicinity Miss Dorothy Downing who has been in the employ of the Grant Kelley Co mills as bookkeeper two and one half years has resigned her pi sitioil BEUCHERTOXVN more class to the other three classes in the Lawrence Memorial hall Danc ing was enjoyed Local Notices forget the Masonic ball at Belcher town tomorrow night Oichestra of Worcuflter Caucus Also Approves Build ing of New Belchertown Road Amherst eb The slate drawn up by the Democrats at their caucus in the town hail tonight was as fol lows: Clerk tax collector and town treasurer Thomas XV Smith select man John Mullen assessor rank A Hobart board of health three years Dr Durgin for one year Dr yv Davis school board three years Prof Machmer elector under the Oliver Smith will George Cutler park commissioner for three years Max Abel! constables Evrett O'Brien Johty Clifford Graves Arthur Warren Thomas Dil lon XV Bates XVilliam Casey II Tillson XV Crossman George Knightly tree warden Dr George Stone The expression of the caucus was verv much in favor of the build ing of a new Belchertown road Amherst Club Plans The Amherst club will observe ladies' night in their rooms on riday night The officers of the club with their wives will lie in the receiving line as follows: President El der and Airs Elder Vice Presidents rank A Cadwell and Robert letch er with Mrs Cadwell and Mrs letch er Treasurer Edward isher and Mrs isher Secretary If Edwards mnd Mrs Edwards The committee on arrangements are Kenny chair man Cook and Prof Clarence XV Eastman They have arranged for an entertainment by John Thomas Mr Thornes has been seen in Amherst at different times in concert work He is at present in the Legislature repre senting the Gloucester district After the entertainment there will be cards and games and refreshments A preliminary meeting of a commit tee to plan for a club to be known as the Amherst club vyas held re cently under the auspices of the home making section of the Woman's club The date for the organization meeting was set for Thursday night at the Hills Memorial clubhouse at 7 AU Amherst girls over 12 are invited to meet the committee at that time The chairman of the section will act as chairman of this committee and the other members are Alts John Alullen GREENIELD INES OLLOW GAMBLING RAID Howard Davis Who Won a Third Place Prize Last Week Hurt Try ing to Stretch Record Brattleboro X't eb 18 Howard Al Davis of Cedar street fell while practicing on the ski jump yesterdayimd broke his collarbone He took third place in the ski jumping contest Thursday at the carnival He jumped 125 feet and stood XVhen try ing to go a little farther he jumped again and fell Put Over a XVeek The case of Mr and Airs Rufus Houghton who were arrested riday for tlie possession and sale of liquor was continued today for one week I Mr and Airs Houghton live at 103 I Main street and the raid upon their home was made by Sheriff Wellman and Deputy Sheriff Cressy who were obliged to break the door to obtain entrance Air Houghton was jailed that night but his wife obtained $500 bail and he was released Satur day To Obserfe Anniversary The Baraca class of the irst Bap tist church will observe its 25th an niversary tomorrow night with a turkey supper at 630 There will be a musical program and Charles Hawley of XVorcester Dallas Pollard of Burlington and Ethan Hesco*ck of New Jersey will speak Airs XV Hawley the veteran Bible school su perintendent has been the teacher of the Baraca class since its organiza tion Two Town Tickets iled Two tickets for town officers have been filed with tlie own clerk for the annual meeting Alarch 4 The only difference in importance between the two tickets is that the ticket may advance Robert Coombs pres ent incumbent for road commission er while the ticket may list XVallace A Harris for the same of most MASS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE '4' Bl Si 4 A fl fl I 4 1 ff I 1 A i I 'J I Ji I fl fl I I il i S'v I i Mil I field Mrcet Nprinnfi1 delnpr ldnj 3 1 lufTTT bTTT Ull 1 ii I I Ik Ml Mi 4 I.

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.