The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

Tin; i i i ati, ii a 2 1 2 A 2-LINE MORNING AD AND SUNDAY COSTS ONLY $1.20 I'serl Autos For Sale. Autos For Sale. THE RIVER Record Shattered s'ueco residence at 312 Washingtmi Avenue. St. Bernard, and a lot 55 by 125 feet, to Leo Yonder Meulin for Charles H.

Williams Estate Company negotiated the sale. IT MUST PAY THEM! Or our readers would not use Morning Enquirer classified ads in buying selling renting or hiring These ads are known as the "little ads which produce big returns" the twentieth century miracle workers. It will mean dollars in your pocket to get acquainted with them now. They will solve many a problem for you. Money To Loan Mortgage.

IviONEY FOR TAXES If you need money to pay taxes or for any worthy purpose, we will be glad to make you a loan and arrange repayment in convenient monthly installments. No indorsers. No delays. Phone Main 1518. Community Finance Service, Inc.

505 ATLAS BANK BLDG. OPPOSITE KEITH THEATER BLDG. 8:4 WALNUT ST. (FIFTH FLOOR). Member Cincinnati Chamber of Commeice.

a LOAN to PAY TAXES or other necessities Loans made on furniture, pianos or indorsed notes; SO months to pay if desired; confidential service; $25 and up; legal rate of interest. Ask about our protected loan feature. Progressive Finance Co. 509 LYRIC THEATER BLDG THE CINCINNATI ENQUIRER (One of the World's Greatest Newspapers.) '617 VINE ST. PHONE CANAL 2700.


COUPE. J1.400. CROCKER-CADILLAC 1038 Gilbert Ave. Canal 672 192? HUDSON VICTORIA. Latest model, at a big paving.

HAS. MHIEAK MOTOR CAR Ninth and Sycsmor. Canal 2377. 24 1S2 CHEVROLET TOURING In fine run- nine condition: J75: $35 down. JOHN ELL V.

WOODRURN 1104. 2117 Gilbert Avenue. 24 2S PACKARD SPORT SEDAN. Six new tires: fender wells: guaranteed 11.435. Phone MR.

STEELE. 2320 Gilbert ave. Wood burn 4SQQ. '29 FORD MODEL FOUR-DOOR SEDAN; 57S, VINE A CLIFTON AUTO MALES 2000 Vine St. Canal 4105.

2 1327 CHKV.SI.EIl 70 ROADSfER Al con dition. C. C. Long Motor Co. MJanal 674 26 192S FORD TUPORB'st of ahape; $125.

BERNINU FORD. West 428. 24 132S OLPSMORI LE aedan: $225 down. 33og Madison rd. Melrose 6566.

24 Motor Trucks For Sale. CHEVROLET One-ton with peddler body. THIS IS A REAL BUY. General Motor Truck Co. 1914 West 8th.

Warsaw 1240. 20 FORD TRUCK. 1326 model. 430 Thornton South 6231 L. GOOD USED ttucks.


2035 READING ROAD, 25 REO 1927 Hi TON SPEED WAGON: Chassis and closed cab; rebuilt, and guaranteed 90 days. $693 TERMS OR TRADE, Herold Motor Car Co. 816 SYCAMORE ST. CANAL 2772. 20 REBUILT SCHACHT TRUCKS, COMMERCIAL TYPE DUMPS, 1'4 TO 5 TONS.



West 5600, 22 1928 Whippet Four Truck Driven very little, $445. State Motors 920 State Ave. Warsaw 3300. 25 Auto Parts and Repairing. ABOUT SO Patterns of Ford Delivery and Ex-pi-ess bodies; also Commercial Bodies for ell Trucks, Busses, etc.

Will trade for your old body. AMERICAN WAGON CO. Eighth and Sycamore. tf AUTO AND TRUCK PARTS. New and used parts for all models of cars and trucks; all sizes of solid tires; dump bodies and hoists from 1 to 5 tons; also big savings on glass for all makes of cars.

We buy cars and trucks regardless of condition: late models preferred. SPRING GROVE AVENUE MOTOR 8ALVAGE COMPANY. 2632-6 Spring Grove Ave. West 7121. 25 ANY PART for any car, new or used; you will save plenty.


Eighth St. Canal 723, 422. (Truck Division.) 403 W. Liberty St. West 993.

DUR ANT SALES and service. 6114 Mont-20 snmery road. Nor. 3810. USED TRUCK AND AUTO PARTS.

THE CINCINNATI AUTO TRUCK PARTS COMPANY, 409-15 W. LIBERTY ST. WEST 18 Oil 993. 22 Tires and Accessories. INDIA TIRES tost no more; sold on credit with adjustment; free repairs for life of tire; no money or bill of sale needed.

I. L. GREENWALD TIRE 1100 Race. Motorcycles and Bicycles. MOTORCYCLE SERVICE diet.

Har-ley-Davldson. 1990 Central Pky. C. 3202. Wa ted A tomobl les.

CASH FOR YOUR NO RED TAPE. The Imperial Auto Sales Co. 1609 MADISON KOAD, 21 If you want to Buy. Sell or Trade your tar for a new or used one, SEE Walter E. Schott Free appraisal, or will pay you 100 In cash immediately for your car.




2348 Gilbert. Woodburn 1312. 100 Used Cars Highest Cash Prices Paid COME OR PHONE Cin'ti Motor Sales 2510 Reading Rd. WDBHN. 047o.

24 Undertakers' Notices. "wTtTjaco*cks EDW. W. JAco*ckS FUNERAL HOME Woodburn SOL Gilbert ul Locust CHANDLER 1929 Sedan, four door; the very latest model: never driven; never sold; fully guaranteed; save $700 off regular price; can arranee terms or trade. W.m: GICK, 1044 Gilbert ave.

Canal 5153. CHANDLER Latest 1923 straight eight Sedan; fully equipped; drlen 5M miles; fully Guaranteed and latest model: $945 liberal terms or trade; open evenings until 9 o'clock. O. E. I I.OSTERMAX, Canal 5153.

1041 Gilbelt. CAN YOU BEAT THESE? Auburn Sedans. 1S2S Whippet Sedans. 1928 325 Ia is Sedans. 192S 325 Other Real Values.

Terms To Suit. SEIBERT MOTOR SALES, 1441 FREEMAN AVE. WEST 9477. Essex Challenger Coach: very latest type; only driven 15 miles: at a very big discount. 3417 Reading Koad.

Avon 633. HUDSON BROUGHAM '25 model: cond. all new tires; for quick sale Phone Bramble 1339 W. 21 HUDSON AND ESSEX B. B.


ap30-tfoSu MARMON SEDAN The very latent Mortal Sedan; straight 8. 4 fully equipped; this car rani; dir-fct off the floor and given to the owner free, she har no us? for same and will pell at a dinrount Hfiiv ran arrant terms or trade. WALTER C. S'HTT. 2349 Gilbert ave.

at Kojrers Place. Manv Good Used ars. THE At't'UKN IN TI 2410 Gilbert Ave. Phone Woodburn 1433. NASH SEDAN 1927, in beautiful condition, $295; also, 1927 Star Sedan.

$115. VM. GICK, 104 4 Gilbert ave. NASH ROADSTER-S650 1926 Advanced Six: original finish; this car Is guaranteed to have been kept In better condition than any other car of this model. Call Canal 502O.

A. N. Mohneclt. Sales Manager, LEYMAN BUICK H30 Walnut st. OLSMOB1LE coach: De Luxe; late model, a bargain for quick sale: $330; 3525 Sayt ook Hyde Park.

East. 2537 J. PACKARD 5-PASS. SEDAN Beautiful; 6 cylinder; blue finish: good tirti: perfect motot this car is exceptionally good throughout. Phone MR.

AKE. Canal 7200. Evenings: Harrison 2178 Y. PONTIAC COUPE. 1 927 $375 1328 WHIPPET COUPE 395 192R WHIPPET COACH 395 1928 WHII'ET SEDAN 425 WOODBURN MOTORS, 12 W.

THIRTEENTH ST. 24 PONTIAO AN I OAKLAND OAKLEY MOTOR CAR DEALERS. E600. 20 ROLLS-KOYCE FORMAL TOWN CAR In magnificent condition; less than one-fourth original cost and guaranteed by us. CINCINNATI BRANCH, 11 Eighth st.

Phone Canal 924. 24 SEVERAL MODEL A FORDS To Choose From. BAUER AUTO SALES 318 East Sixth St. Canal 7480. 25 SELECTED LIGHT USED CARS.



VALLEY 455, 22 WILLS ST. CLAIR One of the latest models; nij cylinder Hport urdan; four dnor; rak, in exceptional condition; ltheral iprins or will take your car in trade; nppn pvpninjr until 9 o'clock. O. E. flTEUMAN.

Canal 5153. 1014 Gilbert. WHr.V KNIOHT 2-donr fedan; xcellcr-t condition; puarante 30 days free service; $595. Nor. 7735.

23 TVIIXYS-KNIGHT SEDAN, $'150. Late model, driven 15.000 miles. Warsaw 483'S I. YKtXOW CHRYSLER 75 COt'FE. 1029 model, wl-h rumble seat.

Perfect condition only driven a few thousand miles; OWNER getting larger car; will arranjee terms. CALL EAST 3159 M. 1928 Marmon 8 Coupe Kuruble Seat Must sell big discount. This car was driven very little and has had the best of care; a real value and a beauty. CALL MR.

BECK, CANAL 7200, OR EVENINGS, VALLEY 388M. je15-7toSu 1929 Essex Coach This car Is rally In fine condition; one owner; fully equipped; you will admire Its evrra fine appearance and splendid mechanical condition; has alwavs had careful use: liberal terms or will take your car in trade: open evenlncs until 9 o'clock. O. E. CLOSTERMAN.

Canal 5133, 1044 Gilbert. 1926 NASH SPECIAL, Coa'h, fully equipped; rar has had exceptional care; one 423. CALDWELL-MUHLHAUSER, 391" Edward Road. Nnrwood 2815. IS 1926 NASH SPECIAL Coach, fully equipped: ar lias had exceptional tare; one own-r; $125.

CALDWELL-MUHLHAUSER, 3317 Edward Roa l. Norwood 281 S. 26 1528 CHEVROLET COACH 1''27 Chevrolet Srian; 4-dr 295 1927 Chevrolet oaeh 265 EASTI.R.V MOTORS. Terms. Open Evenings.

East 212. 192S OLDSMOHILE COACH. Driven mil; looka ajid runs first c'afft: terms -r trad. 2710 COl.LRAIN PHONE WLST 6314. 54 FORD MODEL-ACfTCT7 lon.lition.

$445. GILIiERT CHEVROLET CO, 2131 GUIeit Ave. vvoodburn 5S00. 21 1326 MAI; Mon SKI)! v. 5.

$445 gR-HAM PAIGE; '614 coupe! 845 1828 FORD CABRIOLET 445 AUTO 1114-1116 Ra'-e St. 21 1927 FALCON KNIGHT ROADSTER Khaki top and rumble seat; a beauty KINO CHEVROLET 108 WyomiDff Ave, 3221, RIVER SIAGES. Stages cf the Ohio River and Mississippi River at 7 a. m. and changes in the lust 24 hours follow: Stations Stations Cincinnati Dam 37 Pittsburgh Dam 6 Dam 13 Park'burg Pt.

Pleas' Dam 16 turn 28 Dam 29 Portsm'h Dam 31 Dam 3.1 Dam 35 12.110.1 Franklin Lock 7 Zanesville IvanhoH Radford Hinton K'ha Falls Charleston Logarr- Wlll'mson Plkeville Farmers Dayton Beat'vllle Frankfort T. Haute Burnside Nashville Knoxvllle Chatt'n'ga Florence lohnsonv'e Kan. City Davenp'rt Keokuk Omaha St. Louis Lit. Rock 1.0 10 6 8.7 10.3 7.6 1.6 8.4 1.2 2.31 3.01 3.4 7.21 6.3 10.5 6.0 8.9 8.2 8.5 12.6 1.0 1 0 0.4 1.3 0.2 2.

2.4! 2.91 0.J 0.9 0.1 8.1 2.4 7.91 3. 1.2 0. 0.2 0.3 0.2 7. 0.1 7.8) i i 14.0 7.0 7.2 3.2 Dam 38 Dam 39 3.1 Louisville Dam 41 17.0 10.1 2.9 9.2 8. Dam 45 11.2 1.0 2.31 Evansvllle Dam 48 Shaw't'wn Paducab.

Cairo Memphis 11.8 1MI 9.1 4-1 0.3 10.8 1.6 7.6 10 0.7 0.8 19.8 17.010.1 33.1 0.9 5.4 4.8 0.4 27.6i 38.5 51.8 19.6 0.6 10.4 Helena 1.0 10.3 13.21 0.3 Vicksburg 20.5 11.6 H.uneans I 2.3 Wlcltets up. Eiver Forecast. Cincinnati, June 19 The Ohio River, froth the mouth of the Kanawha to the mouth of the Kentucky, will be mostly tm pool ihursaay. w. C.

Deereaux. River 12.1 feet, pool stage. Business good. Arrivals. The steamer John W.

Hubbard, from Louisville; steamer Tom Greene, from Huntington. Departures. The steamer John W. HubbaM will leave the foot of Main Street at 6 p. ro.

today for Louisville and way points. The steamer Tom Greene will leave the root of Sycamore Street at 6 p. m. today for Charleston and way points. TELEGRAPHIC.

SPECIAL DISPATCHES TO ENQUIRER. Pittsburgh. June 19 It Is Relieved that repair work to Lock and Dam No. 12, Ohio River, near Wheeling, -will be completed before the end of the current week, according to advices from down river pilots. Packet General WbSI left for Charleston, W.

at 8:15 o'clock this morning. She was due to leave last night, but broka down and repairs were not completed until this morning. Steamer Sailor, down to Woodlawn at 1:50 a. m. with three barges of coal and one car down to Wheeling at 6:20 a.

m. with 10 barges of eoal; H. Hillman, down to Welrton at 8:15 a. with 6 barges cf coal. Stages: Point Bridge, 10.3 feet and sta.

tlonary; Lock No. 2, 8.6 feet and rising; Beaver Dam, 7.6 feet and stationary; wickets up. Marietta, Ohio River 9.8 feet and stationary. Steamer General Wood due down tomorrow morning. Wheeling, W.

Va. The General Wood, for Charleston, was the only departure today. A stage of 314 feet and stationary Is reported. Maysvllle, Ky. Stage at 4 p.

upper gauge, 15.9 feet; lower gauge, 7.8 feet. Steamers Alice, A. C. Ingersoll, Otto Marmet down; Hoosler Girl and Sam Craig up. Vanceburg, Ky.

Steamer Tom Greene, up at 11:15 a. Sam Craig, up at 6 p. m. River pool stage at Dam 32. Evansvllle, Ind.

River 12 feet and rising, steamers Rival and barge from Green River; Sara McDonald and tow from Green River. Portsmouth, Ohio River 12.8 feet, pool stage. Steamer Betsy Ann arrived frohi Pittsburgh at 8 a. transferring her trip to the Tom Greene; returned at 3 p. m.

for Pittsburgh. Steamers Tom Greene, for Huntington at 3 p. m.i Julius Fleischmann, down at 3:30 p. Helen up at 4 p. m.

Galllpolls, Ohio River 12 feet, pool stage. The Chris Greene, up for Charleston; Henry Yelser, down with tow of coal. Memphis, Tenn. River 27.6 feet, minus 0.9 foot and falling. The Missouri will arrive at Memuhis ports late Wednesday, exchange cargo and depart to St.

Louis Tuesday. She exchanged tows with the St. Louis, which went back to New Orleans. The tow boat El Capitan left Wednesday for the Obion Riveras far as Dyersburg to bring out a tow of timber. Louisville, Ky.

River stages: upper gauge, 17 feet; lower gauge. 15.2 feet and falling. Cairo, 111. At 4 p. m.

the gauge read 31.7 feet, a fall of 1 foot. No movements. Point Pleasant, Va. River ftl feet, pool stage; Dam 26, lower channel gaue, 8.7 feet, pool Arrived: steamers Chris Greene at 6:50 a. m.

Charles R. Wilson at 11:55 a. m. Imparted: steamer Henry C. Yerser at 11:10 a.

m. Charleston, W. Va. ThJ Great Kanawha, 7.2 feet, pool stage. Steamer Katherlne moving up.

Parkersburg, W. Va. River 10.5 feet artd falling. St. Louis, Mo.

Stage of the river 20.T feet. Paducah, Ky. Gauge reads 198 feet, a rn nf (17 font in 24 hours. Arrived: Tho Queen of Dycushurg from Dycusburg; Billi- ken from uoiconaa: coraena irom i Tennessee River with an empty. Departed: The Queen of Dycusburg for Dycushurg: Billiken for Golconda; Sunco No.

4 for Cairo. Madison, Ind. River stage at 7. a. m.

was 17.0 feet, a fall of 1.3 feet. Huntington, W. Va. River 8.2 feet and stationary. The Catherine Davis and Chris Green up.

The E. D. Kenna, Julius Fleischmann and Betsy Ann down. Vicksburg, Miss. Gauge reads 61.8 feet, a fall of 0.5 foot in 24 hours.

WEATHER CONDITIONS, The following table shows the state of the weather at the places men-tiQned, as indicated by the Weather Bureau, at 8 o'clock last night se enty-fifth meridian time: 5 3 3 to 3 5 2 3 32 Places of Places of Observa- 51 tlon. 3 0 2 2 a ATLANTIC STATES Eastport. 64 64 0 Lake Region (Con.) S.S.Marie 08 72 .01 Gr'n Bay 76 84 0 Gd.R'plds 76 80 0 Ft. Wayne 80 86 0 74 80 0 70 82 .02 I UP. MISS.

VALLEY. Mlnne'lls 80 84 0 Dubuque. 80 84 D.Moines 84 90 0 82 88 0 8pgfld.Ul 82 84 0 St. Louis 86 8i 82 88 Memphis 86 90 Of MO. VALLEY.

80 86 0 Kan ctty 8 88 I Conc'rdia 88 90 0 86 90 0 68 88 .02 Moorhe'd 70 88 0 Wllliston 56 66 .02 RKY. MT. REGION. Yel'wst'o 54 54 .01 64 70 Cheyen'e 72 78 0 R'p dClty 66 68 0 No.Platte 86 90 S.Lk.Clty 68 68 0 Gd.Junc. 88 88 0 86 90 0 DodgeCy.

90 94 0 Oklaho'a 88 84 0 Amarlllo 93 94 0 88 94 0 El Paso. 96 98 0 92 94 0 Santa Fa 84 24 0 66 88 i 82 86 Tt NewYork 78 2 .02 Atl. City 74 92 Fhirphia 84 94 Of Wash'ton 80 90 .16 82 88 Ot Charl'st'n 78 84 -0- Jack'vllle 78 88 0 76 82 .18 GULF STATES. 84 90 0 74 80 Monfery 82 90 Vlrksh'rg 90 90 N.Orle'ns 84 90 Shrevep't 90 94 Ft. Smith 92 94 Lit.

Rock 90 2 TJ 0 ot 0 0 ot 0 0 ot ot Ft.Worth 80 92 Galvest'n 82 84 S.Antonio 82 88 C. Christ! 84 88 OHIO VALLEY. Plttsb'gh 7C90 Of Park'b'rg 72 90 70 84 0 Col'mmis 73 88 .14 tlncinn'ti 72 86 .18 Indi'no's 84 88 Louisville 74 90 Evansv'le 82 90 .80 0" .01 1 0J .04 Ashevllle 74 84 Chat'n'ga 86 90 Nashville 84 88 LAKE REGION. Buffalo. 68 74 .48 Clevel'nd 68 84 .174 I 78 0 Tt Parry 46 84 0 1 'Clear.

tClondr. lPartly cloudy. (Rain. ISnow. I 0.1 0.1 01 Louis Fo, better knows as "Doc," the genial chattel mortals clerk at the County Recorder's Office, Is a veterinary and before entering politics had charge of several stables at the l.atonla Rare Track, but Doe aaja that all the gambler are not at l.atonla, and you don't need any further proof than to look at Wednesday's filings of rhattel mortgagee 683 breaking all previous records.

Out of this number 60 per cent cover automobiles and are given for balaaee of purchase money. side of Poplar Street, 139 feet east of Linn Street; Jl. WEST END Herman F. Wlecher per Sheriff to Mary J. Wiecher 26 by 102 feet on south side of Laurel Street; also, 24 by 103 feet on south side of Laurel street, house No.

815; also, 239 West Court Street: also, 216 Elmwood Avenue, In Elmwood; also, 627 York Street; $22,200. WE8T END Charles F. Harding to Moses vingransky, 19 feet on north side of David Street, 126 feet east of Cutter Street: $1. WESTWOOD Cincinnati Double Wall Company to John and Anna Fuehner, Lot on couth side of Muddy Creek Road, 278 feet west of Boudinot Avenue; Jl. WESTWOOD Estate of Charles Hanser to Anna Hanser, 40 by 167 feet on north side of Montclajr Avenue, being Lot 4 in J.

R. Barmes" second subdivision; J6.800. YARMOUTH PARK SUBDIVISION Ben I'ruene to Abraham Gerson and Percy Larup Lot 38; Jl. Mortgages Filed. Fred Erhardt to Brighton Bank Trust Co.

217,000 Frank E. Plogman to Burnet Woods B. S. Co 4,0 Gustav Hermann to Alfred 262 R. Schlotman to Glenn E.

McCormick Jacob Adams to Miami S. Co. Clarence Berger to Home S. L. Company Amelia Wallace to same 1,091 4,500 6,000 John Thels to same i inn Jtaymona J.

McBetn to same 3,100 Benjamin Williams to same 1S0n Clara A8horri to Harold 750 Anna c. Uber to Joseph A. 1,600 Abraham Gerson to Prudential Insurance Co. 11,500 Frank L. Walker to Twenty-first Ward B.

L. George L. Holllday to George E. Beckler 4,760 471 600 4.000 2,390 Joseph Helnrich to Anna Jung Frank W. Neumeister to North Hyde Park B.

L. A. Hilda SchmltJi to Mary vviiuam j. Huuer to Ormonde S. Li.

CO uscar viemems to Liberal S. dfc L. Company Julius F. Meyer to Gest Street B. 6,500 6,000 A.

NO. 1 Samuel Jacobson to Tannerv R. A. Company 2,000 cnanes v. Haker to Central B.

Li. CO. 750 600 Katherlne M. Peters to Max Younger- man Ida Feilhander to Hawthorne S. Li.

a 7,000 Christina Hasekoester to Cummlns- VII is L. B. Co son Sara Mesh to Price Hill Eagle L. B. Co.

No. 1. 7,500 Helen C. Kruezman to Catherine zitscner 6.K0O Dara oiesn to AUirust J. 2.000 Ida Fllhauer to Julius 1,860 Pauline M.

Duffy to Brighton Bank Trust Co 1,300 ni u. uutton to Eagle s. Li. Association Richard A. Wright to Harry E.

Metz Archie Hoover to Earl E. Clemens W. Merj to Huber Build 11,000 1,000 1,770 110 ers Material James P. Welsh to Provident Loan company 3.750 i lara b. Ha.iiem to same William B.

Thomas to same Henry A. Meyer to Atlas L. B. 400 3,900 4,600 6,000 4,000 6,600 3,000 5,750 6,000 6,000 company Joseph stavermann to Spring Garden L. B.

Co Clarence Lammers to Madison B. A. No. 2 Pleas Grimes to same Alexander Sneedden to Anna Hau to Twelfth Ward Li. Company Louise Brandhorst to Cheviot B.

L. Company Frank Goldsmldt to Cheviot B. i L. Company I.niilse Brnnrihnrat tn Frank Lleber man 1,150 Georgian Hall Apartment Company to Title U. T.

CO iDir.uvg Adam Nagel to Provident Savings Bank Trust Co zu.uuu Joseph F. Ehret to Extension L. B. Company i.000 Emma Cordes to Evanston 4s L. Company Wllber U.

Jones to same 10,000 William Botwin to Fifth rnira Un on Trust Co 24.UUH Eddie Lowery to Liberal S. L. Co. 180 Paul R. Neuhausser to Victoria s.

L. A 6011 8.500 1,000 Pearl L. Walsh to same Jacob L. Stoess to Mary A. oung Margaret B.

Erdman to Germania B. A. No. 3 u.vvv Joeph A. Unserbuehler to Trade Union S.

L. A Mortgages Canceled. 300 William T. Moran to Gest Street L. B.

Co Louis E. Frestone to Sylvester li. Van Kirk Sophia H. Straehley to Dale V. Cazel Twelfth Street Realty Company to Western Bank Jfc Trast Company Charles T.

Stout to Mount Healthy 1. Co i 1,237 1,700 7,500 2,600 John Peters to same 4,500 Katherlne M. Peters to Marina Warner 1,600 Hilda Schmitz to Loretta 1,490 Elizabeth Schloemer to Progress a. 'c L. Co lv.ovu Solomonv Rosenbaum to Pearl-Mar ket Bahk iVivvv Emma S.

Hauck to East End L. A Cn 3,000 1,250 6.000 6,500 6,600 500 9,000 6,000 F. Bonnie Becker to Miami Town-shlD B. L. Co L-Mary A.

Wood to Union Trust Com pany Frances V. Nagel to Cosmopolitan Bank Trust Company 6,500 Joseph Broerman to Town tinn o. L. CO. Christian M.

Mentnech to M. Bramble- I Moses Vlgransky to Clark Street L. a cf. Harry Trou'berman to same 6,000 Charles Y. Harding to uernmm B.

A. Mae Strohmeler to Flndlay Market L. B. Co. Ada J.

Harvey to June B. S. L. Company Herbert E. Beyring to Republic L.

B. Co William J. Huber to Ormonde 8. L. Co I'VV William C.

Henn to Citizens' Bank of St. Bernard George Brucker to Fundamental L. b. Co T.nni. wittreit th Krnst Station L.

1,600 4,200 4,500 3,300 2,000 9,000 3,500 a nnn 6,000 4.60O 2,300 b. co Mildred A. Chumard to Southern Ohio Loan Company rcnttarha to same Emma Riemenschnelder to Hamil 1,500 1,500 ton County national mns Roy Sellars to Eagle S. L. i.

1 W.lbM try Rnuthern Ohio Savings Bank Herbert J. Seal to Burnet wooas i. r.n 6,600 George P. Gross to Eagle 8. L.

A. 63.000 tacnh r.nllnkln to same 12,000 Julius Itonsheim to Hyde Park Sav ings Bank 3,000 8,500 850 2,000 7,000 2,300 3,500 3,600 3,000 1,950 6,500 2,200 Caroline L. McGowan to Fleasani Ridge B. L. Co Richard A.

Wright to American Home Builders Maria Carroll to Stai B. A Edward L. Nlekum to Molitor L. B. Co Loretta 8nyder to Northside Angle Noe to Norwood B.

L. Edwin A. Schott to Home S. 4 L. Company August J.

Oerlebeck to lime, car MMh tn Autust J. Henkel Same to Washington Mortgage Com pany Bessre Burgess to Sycamore 8. 4b t. Co Paulina imffv to Brighton Bank Trust Co 1.000 Fred Erhardt to same 15.000 L. Baker to Robert J.

1,000 Carrie B. Blerman to Spring Garden L. A B. Co 6,000 3.000 600 6,509 3,100 Fred J. Busrhle to same, i Alexander W.

Snedden to Philip Posner Pleas Grimes to Madison B. A. No. 2 C. F.

Sudbrack to Mount Healthy Savings Commercial Bank William W. Lanr tn Henry W. Vernholt 2,060 HIDES. SriCUL DISPATCH TO THI XXQUttll. Chicago.

June 19 Packer hides ttronr; heavy native steers 17 Vic, beavy native cows 17c Country hides firm: heavy cows ad steer 12 1 12 lie The five-room brick bungalow now under construction on Lawn Avenue, Bond Hill, was fold to Peter Kelley for J9.00O. John Robins Is the build er, and Charles H. Williams Renl Estate Company negotiated the sale. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, ADDVSTON Ida B. Jhniwn to Kathryn E.

Joh.ns.nn, 3i feet oif Lot li It) Short a butidtvlslon; I ANDERSON TOWNSHIP Martin 8chnur to Joseph Helnrb et al lort of at acre of land In Sureya U7 and 17t9 11.00. BOTTOMS Llna Rcserttum to Sophia Shane, 21 by 17 feet on north aide of Second Street 137 feet east of Broad way; Jl. CAMP WASHINGTON Gustav Kralller to Esther Kralller. half interest In Lot 4 In C.n..,.l h'. C.rll.

l.ln,. CENTRAL Thomas Emery's Sons to Rich ard A. Trlppett, 21 months' lease, from June 10, 1929, of storeroom at 623 and 525 Race Street; monthly rent 1,600. CENTRAL The Stilmar Company to Rich ard A. Trlppett, 67 months' lease, from September 1, 1929, of storeroom at 610 iiace t-treet; monthly rent (600, CHEVIOT Phoenix Cincinnati Company to Etnei.

k. uutcait, 68 by 159 feet on south aide of Phoenix Avenue, being- Lot 60 In Hurschberg Kaplan's Subdivision; Jl. CHEVIOT George M. Schalble to Frank and Margaret Lleberman. 50 by 190 feet on south side of Applegate Avenue, be lug Lot 40 in Sherman Appiegate's Sub division; Jl.

Frank Lleberman to Louise Brandhorst and Mabel E. Kay, same property; $1. CHEVIOT Florence Kelhoffer to Frank Ooldschmldt, 40 by 209 feet off Lot 27 In Crookshank addition; (1, CHEVIOT John Beruer to Katherlne L. Gatto, 43 feet on east side of Olivet Avenue 100 feet south of Woodbine Ave nue; $1. CHEVIOT Eleonora Weber to Eleanor Lawall, 50 by 135 feet on east side of Meyerftid Avenue, being part of Lots o7'and .18 hi Mcyeiield Sub division; Jl.

CLIFTON Rosa Wldiss to Robert L. Cole 61 by 158 feet on west side of Vine Street, being Lot 3 In Frank i eldman', Subdivision; (1. CLIFTON HEIGHTS Christina Miller to Cornelia Carpenter, 25 by 75 feet on south side of Emmtng Street; (1. COLERAIN TOWNSHIP Margaret S. Henderson to Adam G.

Burns, 110.61 acres of land In Section 13; ft, COLERAIN TOWNSHIP Charlotte F. Black to Jessie Stern, 28.50 acres of land in section Jl. COLLEGE HILL Mary Magusin to Joe and Glsella Dornstauder, 46 by 150 feet on west side of Hamilton Avenue; Jl. COLLEGE HILL David M. McCallle to Charles W.

Eihenlaub, Lot 1154 in Ohio Land Improvement Company Subdl vision: Jl. COLUMBIA TOWNSHIP Clyde Wilson to Charles W. Mueller, 29 by 162 feet on northwest corner of Verne and Minot Avenues; Jl COLUMBIA TOWNSHIP The Mardoll Realty Company to Harry Sagel, 41 by 86 feet on soutneast corner or i-ons. mouth and Columbus Avenues; Jl. COLUMBIA TOWNSHIP Estate of Wlb lium J.

McCormick to John and Anna Buck, 45 by 100 feet on east side of Marburg Avenue; also, 46 by luu teet on east slue or Marburg Avenue; iz.uvv. COLUMBIA TOWNSHIP Harold Hensgen to Clara and Walter Ashorn, Lot 75 ill Lenox Place Subdivision; jl FAIRMOUNT George Gamble to David E. and Frieda Gamble, Lot 126 in Joseph A. James's Subdivision, being 32 by 100 feet on north side of Queen City Avenue; Jl. FAIRVIEW SUBDIVISION Emma Stall, nor Sheriff, tn Frank E.

Plogman and William V. MacConnell. 48 feet off Lots 40 and 49, In L. H. Bolce's Sub.

division; J6.800. GREEN TOWNSHIP Leo Berauer to Frank Berauer, lot 85 by 187 feet In Section 27; Ji. Frank Berauer to Leo Berauer, 85 by 182 feet In same section; Jl. GREEN TOWNSHIP Frank Berauer to Walter and Elizabeth Tetjner, 60 by 311 feet on Ebeneser Road, tn Section 27: Jl. GREEN TOWNSHIP Peter G.

Ruehlman Jr. to Clyde Miles, three years' lease, from June 15. 1929, of 28.63 acres of land on Cinclnnatl-Louisviiie mgnway, in Section 33; monthly rent J100, privilege of purchase at J25.000. HARTWELL Ora 'Sturgeon to Glenn E. McCormick, Lot 85 in Joseph F.

Mills Subdivision, being 50 by 150 feet on north side of Hartwell Avenue; Jl. HYDE PARK Daisy Ronshelm et al. to Wllmer C. Dutton, 33 by 138 feet on north side of Observatory Avenue; also, Lot 21 in F. W.

Cook's Subdivision, being 38 feet on north side of Observa- tory Avenue; also, part of Lot 22 in same subdivision, in all being 65 feet on north side of Observatory Avenue; $16,000. MT. AUBURN Morris Fox to Tlllle Schwartz, Block 4 In Glencoe proposed subdivision; Jl. MADISONVILLE Cora E. Siebern to Walter E.

Haller, one-year lease from June 1, 1929, of 4730 Simpson Avenue; MURRAY HILL SUBDIVISION J. Earl Coad to Julia Heuer, Lot No. 19; Jl. NORTHSIDE Audrey Doss to Edward McClure, 35 by 100 feet on west side of Colerain Avenue. 100 feet north of Wejt Fork Road; Jl.

NORTHSIDE Martha Fettwels et to William Delhi, 60 by 123 feet on north side of Bruce Avenue, being Lot 20. in Samuel C. first subdivision; Jl. NORTHERN LIBERTIES Joseph Sebel to Louis Rauch. 45 by 60 feet northwest corner of Broadway and Twelttn Street; $1.

NORTHERN LIBERTIES Mary Tierney to Katie Baker, 20 by 90 feet on east side of Spring Street, 257 feet north of Woodward Street; Jl. NORWOOD Frank N. Mlnettl to Maurice Levitch, 34 by 147 feet on west side of Montgomery Pike in Section 35 in Columbia Township; Jl. Frank N. Mlnettl to Maurice Levitch.

46 feet on east aide of Carthage Avs-nue. being part of Lots 2 and 3 In Mitchell's Subdivision; Jl. Frank N. Mlnettl to Maurice Levitch. 61 by 107 feet on east side of Burwood Avenue, being part of Lot 421 in Els- mere Synalcate NORWOOD Douglas O.

high to Clarenc? P. and Estella M. Wedgewood, 60 by 120 feet on east sld.3 of Montgomery Avenue. 71 feet from Mound Avenue; Jl. OAKLEY Willis C.

Harper to Hattie Al- sop, 72 by 174 ieei on numiwcov nnd cushman Avenues; Jl. of Calvert and Cushman Avenues PRICE HILL-j-George W. Hngst. truste.1, to Charles A. unit, if" nue; J75.

Charles A. Funk to Edna Funk, sama property; Jl. PRICE HILL Mathilda Krauss to Morley Wrlghtman, Lot Lot 141 in Acme L. B. Association's Subdivision; Jl.

PRICE HILL Marie B. Fussner to Eliza beth Kammann, 45 ny n.i ieei uu sai side of Trenton Avenue; $1. PRICE HILL Emll Senholzl to Bessie Parol 40 by 125 teet on north side of Warsaw Avenue. 183 feet east of Undoi-wood Place; Jl. READING Fred Cromer to James W.

Price, lot on proposed street in Section 32 in Sycamcre Township; $1. SHARON Rose Bowen to Hugh Mahan. 66 by 132 feet on west side of Main Street, being Lot 25 In Myer's Subdivision: Jl. SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP Clarence O. Adler to Matilda Meyer, lot 100 by 145 feet in Section ii; Jl.

Matilda E. Merck to Tlllle Meyer, lot 100 by 145 feet in Section 32; Jl. SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP Jethro M. Hamilton to Cecile A. Morehead, 100 by 180 feet on Sharon Road -In Section 12; SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP The Haley Livingston Company to William and Mary Scruggs, Lot 113 In Cincinnati Industrial Subdivision; Jl.

Same to Jerry Mosley, Lot 107 In same subdivision; Jl. SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP Clarence Witteklnd to Joseph Dornstauder, lot on Hamilton Pike In Section 32; Jl. Same to Joseph Dornstauder, tract of land In 8ectlon 32 in Springfield Township; Jl. Same to Joseph Dornstauder, tract of land In same section; Jl. SYCAMORE TOWNSHIP Bernard Cook to Hugh Watson, five years lease from June 15, 1929, of 25 acns ot land In Section 16; annual rent J275.

SVtfAMORE TOWNSHIP Marie J. Young to Mai- Bergentine. Lot 163 in Clifford Place Subdivision; Jl. WALNUT HILLS Elizabeth A. Renneker, per Sheriff, to Frank E.

Plogman. 60 feet on north side of Merrlmac Avenue, 100 feet west of Woodburn Avenue; 15.500. Frank E. Plogman to William F. MacConnell, same property; Jl.

WEST END Elizabeth Kammann to Marie B. Fussner, 12 by 8i feet on north side of Oliver Street, 185 feet west of Linn Street; Jl. WEST END Solomon Rosenbaum opbi fnane, ii bjr feet a aortU Mourning Goods. GEORGE BACK, MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS, 21 IS FREEMAN AVE. WEST 876 J.

26 Death Notices. BLAXTON Mrs. M. L. Blanton, be loved mother of Mls Caroline Blanton, Robert.

Ervin. Hart and John Blanton, at Ironton, Ohio, Wednesday, June 19, 1929, aged 91 years. Burial Thursday, June 20, at Nashville, Tenn. URt'l'E Harry B. R.

Bruce, beloved husband of Jane Stewart Bruce and son of Benjamin Bruce, suddenly at Chicago, 111., June 18. Interment at Spring Grove Cemetery Friday, June 21, 1929. at 10 a. m. Ill KY Regina Bury (nee Gaben-nesch), beloved wife of the late Anthony Bury and mother of George Bury, Tuesday, June 18, 1929, at the age of 65 years at her residence.

1136 Harrlson ave. funeral Friday, at 8 a. from late residence. Requiem high mass at St. Auerustln Church at 8:30 a.

m. Relatives Invited; also members of Kt. Monica Ladies Society. Thomas C. Butler, beloved husband of Edith Butler (nee Mur phy).

Wednesday, June 19. 1929. at residence, 7S0 Greenup st, Covington, aged 37 years. Due notice of funeraL CALLAHAIV Elizabeth M. Callahan (nee Molloy), beloved wife of the late John 11.

Callahan, entered into eternal rest Wednesday, June 13, it 1:45 at her residence, 9fi6 Hawthorne Price Hill. Due notice of funeral will be given. COHX Harriet Frenkel Cohn, wife of the late Henry Cohn and mother of Edgar Cohn, In her 7lst year, of funeral later. COLLOPY Catherine Collopy, beloved wife of John J. Collopy and mother of Leo Ernest W.

E. and Carl ana sister of Mrs. Alary O'Hara and Mrs. Josie Boles, formerly of 629 West Fourth street. Covington, at New Bedford, Mass.

Requiem mass at St. Patrick's Church, Friday, June 21, 1929, at 7:50 a. m. Remains will arrive at Grand Central Depot, Cincinnati, at 9:15 a. Friday and will be taken to St.

Mary's Cemetery for burial. CONWAY Laura A. Conway, beloved sister of the late Ella A. Taylor, Tuesday, June 18, at the home of her nephew, T. C.

Tayor, Hopkins-ville. in her 93d year. Services at Spring Grove chapel, Thursday afternoon, June 20, at 3 p. m. tHOWLEY Winifred Crowley, at the home of her daughter, Mrs.

William Craig, 1006 Fifth Dayton, Monday, June 17, 1929, aged. 67 years. Funeral Thursday, June 20, from late residence, with solemn requiem high mass at St Kernard Church, Dayton, at 8:30 a. m. Interment aX St.

Stephen's Cemetery. Los Angeles and San Francisco papers please copy. KKRGl'SOJT Benjamin V. Ferguson, beloved husband of the late Elizabeth A. Ferguson (nee Klssick) and father of James and John Ferguson, Tuesday, June 18, 1929, at residence, Cameron near Mt.

Healthy, in his 80th year. Funeral from late residence Friday, June 21, at 2 p. m. Interment New Burlington Cemetery. FOG ARTY Rose Anna Fogarty (nee Hickey).

beloved wife of the late Patrick Fogarty, Wednesday, June 19, 1929, at her late residence, "665 June st, Walnut Hills. Solemn requiem high mass at the Church of Assumption Saturday. June 22, at 9 a. m. Members of the Married LHdles' Sodality of St.

Xavier'a Church and the Church of the Assumption are requested to meet fct the residence Friday evening, June 21, at 8 p. m. HAMMER Lillian Hammer (nee Flck), widow of Frank Hammer, suddenly, Tuesday, June 18, 1929. Services at late residence, 629 Park Newport, Friday, June 21, st 2 p. m.

Interment Evergreen Cemetery. IIAXM Victor J. Hans, beloved husband of Henrietta Hans, at his residence 129 Washington Belle-vue, aged 28 years. Remains at Vonderhaar Stetter funeral home, Third and Overton Newport. Due notice of funeral.

HOWELLS Sarah A. Howells, widow of Richard Howells. at the residence of her son-in-law, G. O. Blackburn.

Tuesday. June 18, 1929, in her 94th year. Services at Spring Grove chapel, Thursday, June 20, at 2 p. m. LEY! Pauline Levi, widow of Louis S.

Levi, passed away Wednesday, morning. June 19, 1929, at Petoskey, Mich. Funeral Friday at 2 p. from the Muertz-Dethlef's funeral home, 543 Rockdale Avondale. LINDSAY Jessie Ellen Lindsay (nee French), widow of Charles E.

Lindsay, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. -Harry G. Franklin. 8335 Burns Hartwell, Ohio, Tuesday, June 18. 1929.

Funeral from the late residence, Thursday, June 20, at 2:30 p. m. Burial Spring McLAUGHH Jf Mary McLaughlin (nee Morrln), widow of Edward F. McLaughlin, Wednesday, June 19. at 6:20 p.

at residence of her daughter, Mrs. Leo A. Clasgens, 528 East Mitchell Avondale. Due notice of funeral. MITCHEMj Wlllinm T.

Mitchell, husband of the lnte Mollie Mitchell (nee Guy) Tuesday, June 18, 1929, at No'v Smyrna, Florida. Due notice of funeral. O'nniEN Michael C. O'Brien, beloved husband of Catherine O'Brien (nee Griffin), Tuesday, June 18, 1929. at the residence, 1713 Greenup Covington.

Funeral Saturday. June 22. Solemn requiem mass at St. Mary's Cathedral at 9 a. m.

Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. PENDLETON Elliot H. Pendleton Jr, son of Mrs. Elliot H.

Pendleton and the late Elliot H. Pendleton, passed on in Chicago, Monday, June 17, 1929. Funeral services at Spring Grove Cemetery chapel, Thursday, at 4 p. m. IIA1IT7 John A.

Rahtz. beloved husband of the. late Mary Rahtz (nee Zimmerman), passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Anna Engbersen, 526 Grace Madison place, Tuesday, June 18. 1929.

Remains at the W. H. Dunn's funeral home, 6111 Madison rpad, Madison-ville. Requiem high mass at St Anthony Church, Madisonville, Friday, June 21, at 9 a. m.

TIEMAN Rev. Louis A. Tleman, rector of Sacred Heart Church, Marshall Camp Washington, suddenly, Sunday, June 16, 1929. at 12:45 p. aged 69 years.

Funeral mass at Sacred Heart Church, Camp Washington, Friday, at 10 a. m. Office of the dead at 9:30 a. m. Remains will be transferred from the parsonage to the church Thursday at 2:30.

p. m. invited. niCHARDSOX Mrs. Anna B.

Richardson (nee Walt) passed away Wednesday, June 19, 1929, at 1:30 a. m. at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Harry A. Stith.

667 St Paul ave. She Is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Harry A. Stith anl a granddaughter, Anna Stith, a sister, Mrs. William Frickman, of Columbus, a brother, Christopher Walt, of Los Angeles, Calif.

Funeral Friday, June 21, at 12 o'clock noon, from the residence of her daughter. Burial at Wesleyan Cemetery, Cincinnati, Ohio, at 2 p. m. Friends invited. WALTON George Walton, beloved husband of Margaret Walton (nee Bledermann), at his residence, 431 Collins Tuesday, June 18, 1929.

Remains at Frank T. Corken's funeral home, 2821 Reading Road. near Oak st. Services Thursday, June 20, at 3:30 p. m.

ILK IS Dora W. Wilke (nee Klst-ner). beloved wife of John M. Wilke passed away Wednesday, June 19. 192, a 12.12 p.

at residence, 2822 Jefferson Corryville, in ner a in year, ispringneia, Dayon, Ottawa (Ohio) papers please copy. HAMRLY Merrill Hambly, beloved husband of Gladvs Locke Hambly, Tuesday, June 18. 1929. Funeral from residence of his father, George Hambly, ziU4 Harris Norwood, Ohio, Friday, at 2 p. m.

ANNOUNCING A NEW CLASSIFIED SERVICE IN THE PUBLISHING OF IN MEMORIAM NOTICES. The Enquirer has prepared a large loose-leaf book of several hundred Memorlam verses for Its readers. If you contem plate Inserting a Memorlam notice rail at the Enquirer office. 617 Vine Stree and ask to be assisted In preparing your copy. There is no additional cost for this service.

A charge will be made only for the actual space your notice consumes. Tear after year Memorlam notices have become more popular In the En quirer rates for these notices are ex ceedingly reasonable. INFORMATION CHEERFULLY GIVEN. PHONE CANAL 2700. A COURTEOUS AND INTELLIGENT AD-TAKER WILL GREET YOU.

One of the World's Greatest Newspapers THE CINCINNATI ENQUIRER. 17 VINE STREET. Jal7-tfoSu The Busse Borgnian Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 1517 Freeman Ave Phone W. 4)38-458 Established 1885..,.

Sanitary, Aesthetic Modern. Cremation nn'll Cremation 810 Union Central Bldg. M. 305. Free Booklet.

Free Chapel. W. MACK JOHNSON FUNERAL HOME Woodborn 475. McMillan and Upland PI JULIUS BAER Floral Designs 116 EAST FOURTH ST. RIVER STEAMBOATS.

LOWER OHIO. THE LOUISVILLE AND CINCINNATI PACKET COMPANY. Steamers Cincinnati and John W. Hubbard leave L. and C.

wharfboat, foot of Main Street, for Louisville and way points at 6 p. m. every week day except Saturday, and on Sunday at a. m. Phones Main 1897 and 4762.

UPPER OHIO. GREENE LINE. Steamer Tom KJreene will leave the Greene Line wharfboat. foot of Sycamoru Street, Thursday. )une 20.

at 6 p. for Charleston and Intermediate points. Tele- pnone Main nil. REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING One hundred realtors attended the fortieth annual outing of the Cincinnati Real Estate Board yesterday aft ernoon and evening at Cody's Farm, Dixie Highway, Erlanger. The real estate men left the Realtors' Building, 323 Hammond Street, in automobiles at 1 o'clock for the scene of the out ing.

After an afternoon devoted to athletic events and other games they partook of a fried chicken dinner. The H. L. Pachoud Company yesterday sold three home sites in Rav- enwood Avenue, off Kennedy Avenue, Belaire Subdivision, Kennedy Heights, to Mrs. P.

Ossege, M. Steinmetz and Mrs. Helen Nolan. The Buyers each are erecting a flve-room bungalow for their own occupancy. Raymond J.

Doerger and Thomas J. Scanlon, attorneys, yesterday leased Room 603 and part of 604 in the Schmidt Building for five years at $7,600 for the term. The Frederick A. Schmidt Company negotiated the lease. Dr.

J. B. Moses has contracted with Lang Brothers, Incl, for the erection of an English design house of stone, stucco, brick and half timber con struction on a wooded lot on Larry Avenue, Corcoran Subdivision, College Hill. Mr. and Mrs.

Leopold Palcsin sold their flve-room bungalow, 5321 Ward Street, ladisonvllle, to Mrs. Bessie C. Taylor, Indian Hill, for H. G. Bloss negotiated1 the sale.

X. The Leibold-Farrell Building Company yesterday" contracted with the Krauss Radio Stores to remodel a storeroom. 150 High Street, Hamilton, recently leased through the Frederick A. Schmidt Company. The work will cost 1,500.

Peter Xally sold ail two-atory Main 1043. v. v. LOANS FOR HOUSEHOLD EXPENSES. Quirk loans In strb privacy; $10 and up on your own signature; cost fixed by law: easy monthly payments.

Cali, write or phone. Beneficial Loan Society Room 2H. Provident Bank Bldg. At S30 Vine St. Phone Canal 7-3-7-3.

LOANS Liberal T-oans on TMainmvl. Wafli Jewelry LOWEST INTEREST RATE. RAISBECK BROS. PROVIDENT BANK BT.DG., 7th and Vine Sts. Est.

35 Years. Canal 991. jelUtoSa Beneficial Loan Society Room 204, Provident Bank Bldg, Second Floor S30 Vine Cor. 7th Vine Su. Cincinnati, Ohio Telephones Canal 7-3-7-J, 7-J-7-4 Open 8:30 to 5 Saturday 8:30 to 1 LICENSED BY THE STATE LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES PROMPT SERVICE.

THE CENTRAL ACCEPTANCE, CORPORATION, Liberal Savings 24 E. Sixth St. Cannl (12S9. 25 TO A FURNITURE, AUTOS, -V (3 DIAMONDS, PIANOS, AT LEGAL RATES. Main 7615-Phone-Main 1029 UNION LOAN' COMPANY 26 Wiggins Block.

LOANS-REFINANCING AUTOS FURNITURE DI A MONDS PUBLIC FINANCE CO. 22 Wiggins Block. Second Floor. Fifth and Vine Sts. Main 2553.


24 LOANS On your own personal security. No Indorsers. ACME LOAN SERVICE 304 INGALLS BLDG. Main 7416-7417. Entrance 6 E.

Fourth St. N. E. for. Fourth and Vine Sts.



Canal 6610, 6611, 6612. 1eU-4toW LOANS $10 TO $310. THE CINCINNATI iLLATEFt AL LOAN COMPANY. Greenwood Bldg. Entrance No.

7 W. Sixt St. 21 LOAN ON FURNITURE AMERICAN LOAN Fourth Floor. Fountain Square Bldg. PHONE MAIN 5023.

22 CITIZENS' MORTGAGE I. OA CO. (The oldest and cheapest loan conirany In the city. Rates always less than legal rates 514 Main opp.l'p?tOffjr 20 GLOBE SECURITY LOAN Odd Fellows' Temple, 3351. jcL'o- Used Autos For Sale.

A Complete Line of Good Used Passenger Cars and Trucks THE MASON TOWLE CO. 2358 Gilbert Ave. Wdbrn. 134. Auburn 6 Sedan Latest 1929: fully equipped; you will be the first owner; looks and runs like showroom tar; $793: liberal terms or will take your car in trade; nrcn evenings until 9 o'clock, rl.os.

TERM.AN, Canal 5153. 104 1 Gilbert. A CHANDLER SEDAN demonstrator; driven 400 miles; $355 AUBURN, LATEST SEDAN In A-l condition; driven 1,000 miles; $593. Also many others, 1044 GILBERT AVE. CANAL 5153.

Buick "LATE 1926" 7-Pass. Sfdan; driven 8.000 Jionest miles; a real quiet motor; upholstery and finish are worthy of a new car; 8 good tires, bumpers, shocks, motor-meter, winter front, other extras; this la a real car and bargain for only $695. OAKLEY-CHEVHOLET i 8011 MADISON ED. NOR, 7500. CHEVROLET 1929 COACHES.

$595 CINCINNATI OAKLAND. 1024 GILBERT, CANAL; 4353. Am 1- i 'I I 1 smammmmmmrr-.

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.