Worth Protecting (Lucifer x Fem!Reader) - Kai (DubuKai) (2024)

Chapter 1: The Clock is Ticking


A sudden meeting.

Chapter Text

The Head Seraphim brought her hand up before slamming a fist down onto the bench. Her goal was to gain the attention of the bustling courtroom, and she succeeded. The room fell silent. A deep sigh was heard from the Seraphim as she rubbed her temples in annoyance.

“There is absolutely no need for us to continue arguing about this,” She began, “My word is final.” Sera lifted her head from her hands. “We cannot let this falter us, Lute. I understand you are upset with the outcome of the latest execution, and that things are changing-”

Lute stood angrily from her seat in the courtroom. Her wings expanded before she took a deep breath and let out a hearty laugh. “Excuse my manners, Head Seraphim, but if you think I will sit by idly and let those freaks of hell get away with what they’ve done…” Her voice trailed off before she was cut off by the sound of a door slamming open.

Before Lute could blink, standing in front of her was an Angel whose head was held high. The Head Seraphim looked taken aback, as this was an unexpected company. Lute looked up slightly, only to be met with piercing cold eyes and an aura strong enough to move planets. The Angel took one step back, before turning to the Head Seraphim.

She cleared her throat. “If I may,” She interrupted, “I do believe that both of you are full of yourselves.” She scowled and made direct eye contact with the Seraphim.

“You say that we cannot let this falter us- but who is us ?” The Angel stated. “Princess Morningstar came here to show us that souls deserve a second chance at being redeemed into Heaven. She gave us evidence, she stood for her people and you sat there and let Adam, Lute, and the rest of their army go back down there to kill those very same souls that Princess Morningstar is trying to protect…” Her voice trailed off at the end. The Angels wings were shaking with anxiety. Her blood was boiling, but it was only understandable.

“We preach about purity and blindly go about our days not having to worry about- about…” Her voice began to shake from pure anger. “About whatever hardships those down in Hell are dealing with!” Her voice was louder than before.

The Head Seraphim squinted her eyes at the Angel before her. Her lips pursed together into a thin line before parting to say something, only to be cut off again. The Angel had a small smirk on her face.

“Head Seraphim, I do believe that Princess Morningstar made a good point.” The Angel began again. She unfurled her wings, and with one swift beat, she flew upward to look the Head Seraphim in the eyes.

“I advise you to take yourself back to the room you came from, Benevolent One.” The Head Seraphim stated in a low growl. The eyes of two strong souls glared daggers at one another. “You were not ever permitted to be here. There is far too little you know, and should you act out of line again, I will not hesitate to respond accordingly. ” Sera stood slowly from the seat behind the bench.

Never breaking eye contact, the Angel let out a huff. “There is far too little WE know regarding what it takes for a soul to reach this realm. I have been here far longer than you have, I have seen the very seat you hold be replaced by many other Seraphim before you… and not even I know what it takes for a soul to reach Heaven!” The Angel laughed in disbelief. “Why have I never questioned it before?” Her hand met with her forehead.

“I take it this is you taking a stand against the High Court then, Benevolent One.” Sera looked at the Angel before her, her lips trembling slightly.

“Take it as you must.” The Angel said confidently before turning back to the onlooking group of Executionists and Angels alike. “If none of you decide to take a stand now, if none of you speak up now… Then when?” She landed back onto the floor, taking her stance in front of Lute once more.

“Then it shall be this way.” The Seraphim turned her head away from the Angel, looking directly at Lute. “Benevolent One, I hereby sentence you to treason.”

Lute took this as an opportunity to jump onto the Angel, tying her wrists with Holy Rope before kicking her down onto her knees. Lute let out a laugh, and looked up at the rest of the room.

“Take this one as an example of what will happen should you go against the Head Seraphim.” A crooked smile formed on Lutes face before she grabbed one of the six wings on the back of the Angel who laid before her. Lute held a dagger made of Angelic steel against the base of the wing and the Angels back, before swiftly cutting through.

The Angel bit her tongue, causing it to bleed, not wanting to give Lute the satisfaction of inflicting pain on her. Lute threw the one wing to the side and reached for another, before being stopped by Sera.

“Lute,” Sera said.

“Yes, Head Seraphim?” Lute turned to face Sera.

“I believe the court has seen enough.” Sera stated. “Take her to the meeting room between Heaven and Hell. We shall finish business there.”
Lute nodded, dragging the injured Angel and her one severed wing into a portal that glittered in gold before it closed behind them. Sera stood, concluded the meeting, and flew out of the room. She went straight to her quarters, taking a moment to really think about what she was about to do. Her posture straightened, and her wings curled back into her hair. She opened a portal to the meeting room that Lute and the injured Angel waited in.

Lute, who now had her mask on, stood aside the Angel with the dagger against her neck. Her foot was tapping the floor impatiently.

“We will summon Lucifer.” Sera stated bluntly. “You are to act on my word, and on my word only.” She emphasized the last sentence. Lute nodded in agreement, the same crooked smile showing on her mask.

Sera summoned a quill and a piece of paper. She wrote nothing but two words, ‘ Meeting. Now. ’ and sent it on its way. The three sat in near silence, the room filled with the heavy labored breathing of the Angel on the floor.
A portal opened into the room. A blast of heat followed by a horrid stench entered the room. A pair of boots stepped through.

“To what do I owe this pleasure, Head Seraph-” The King of Hell stopped in his tracks, the portal closed behind him. He felt himself choke up. A knot formed in his throat as he stood in the presence of the Head Seraphim, the new General of the Execution Army, and the limp body of an Angel he had never seen before.

The hairs on the back of his neck stiffened, his wings ached to stretch out as rage filled his body. The King took one step forward.
“What is the meaning of this?” He growled, eyes scanning the poor soul who laid bloodily on the floor.

“Lucifer. Heed our warning.” Sera said, motioning her head to Lute.

The King clenched his jaw. Lute kicked the Angel over so her back was exposed once more, the first wound still spewing small amounts of blood.
“We will give you exactly one year.” Sera stated, nodding at the General. Lute grabbed another wing from the injured soul, brutally tearing it off as she cut into it. There was no holding back. This time a loud scream was heard from the Angel.





Lucifer had known those cries all too well. He lived it. But he could not move a muscle. The room was built to dull the Angelic and Demonic powers of both sides. In the meeting space between Heaven and Hell, he held little power. Even if he did act, he knew better than to endanger himself and the poor soul before him. He could only hear them out.

Lute tore into the Angel, until the last of her 6 wings were torn off her back. She stacked the wings into a pile before her feet, and kicked the weak body of the Angel over to Lucifer. He looked down at the poor soul, who laid before him unconscious.

“Lucifer Morningstar. You have one year to get Princess Morningstar in line. Our people are looking to us for answers and we cannot have another…” Sera looked at Lucifer up and down before letting out a sigh and closing her eyes. “We cannot worry about the fates of demons. This is your daughter you’re dealing with. But if you cannot fix things within the allotted time frame, the High Court will act as we see fit.”

Sera opened a portal back to Heaven. Lute jumped through, the severed wings in hand.

“There is only so much I can do. I’m sorry.” She whispered before following Lute through the portal, leaving a shaken up King and an injured Angel in the empty room. He knew her apologies were full of sh*t.

Lucifer did not hesitate. He opened a portal back to his own realm, scooped up the angel in his arms, and flew straight to his manor. One year to figure things out. One year to find a way to protect his daughter. One year, and the clock was ticking.

Chapter 2: You Aren't So Bad, King.


Lucifer, Charlie, and Vaggie work to heal the newly fallen angel.


This is my first fanfiction on this website, please be nice!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Lucifer laid the Angel on the bed in the closest room to the portal. He immediately phoned his daughter, who picked up with incredible quickness.

“Hi, Dad!” Charlie fluttered. “What’s up?”
“Charlie, bring Vaggie, and as many medical supplies you guys can carry... Please.” His voice was shaky and desperate. He waved his hand over the Angel, slowing her bleeding as best he could with his magic. His hands were shaking, but he couldn’t let that stop him from trying to help this poor girl.
“We’re on the way.” Charlie hung up, not even questioning her father. He threw his phone on the nightstand next to the bed. His clothes, the floor, and the bed were all stained gold. She was bleeding a lot and it wasn't stopping. Lucifer did what he could, he ripped the sleeves off of his own shirt and pressed down on the wounds as gently as he could to slow the bleeding even more. The Angel stirred, feeling the pressure on her back, she whimpered in pain. He bit his lip, afraid of what would have happened had he not shown up at the time he did.

Three minutes felt like an eternity to the shaken up King. He heard the front door of the manor slam open, and footsteps rushing down the corridor.
“Charlie!” He shouted, “Over this way!”
Charlie and Vaggie ran towards his voice, meeting his eyes as they came upon the room. It was a mess. A bloody, golden mess. Their jaws dropped, freezing in place before being shouted at by the impatient King.

Please!- Charlie.” He reached a hand outward to his daughter, still shaking. Charlie shook herself out of the trance she had found herself in, running over to her father. Her and Vaggie got to work, helping the King tend to the Angel.

After ten minutes of the Morningstars’ intense healing magic usage and constant bandage wrapping from all three of them, the Angels breathing had steadied and she was sleeping as soundly as one could after sustaining that much traumatic damage and blood loss.

Lucifer took a step back, taking in the view of the tattered Angel. He stifled back a cry before turning to his daughter, pulling her in for a tight hug.
“Thank you.” He cradled her, then pulled away and turned to Vaggie. “You too, Vaggie, thank you.” They nodded at him with small smiles, still speechless. They could see the concern glistening in his eyes.

“Oh, Dad…” Charlie's voice trailed off. “She’ll be okay.” Her eyebrows furrowed as glanced over to the sleeping girl. She gasped, causing the other two to look over too. Their jaws dropped.

The color began draining from her body. Her once vibrant skin began to dull. The halo above her head cracked a bit before becoming engulfed in blackness. Lucifer stood there unable to voice his concerns to his daughter, who looked like she could break at any second.

Vaggie grabbed Charlie by the hand, “Hey, Hon, let’s go wash up.” Vaggie looked to the King, giving him another small smile before leading Charlie to wash off the golden blood they had gotten all over their hands and arms. Lucifer took this moment to himself to finally catch his breath.

He looked down at his hands. He looked down at the Angel. He looked around the room. Everything was shimmering in bright gold. A few tears found their way down his cheek as he took everything in. The events of the very sudden meeting replayed in his head.

“There is only so much I can do. I’m sorry.” The words of the Head Seraphim echoed in his head. Bullsh*t! He thought to himself. If she was really sorry, she would believe in Charlie’s dream as he did. But that was a longshot, as Charlie’s dream seemed as unattainable as his.

He would never allow himself to believe that, though. His daughter was the one to stand up against Heaven, after all. He won’t let Charlie give up on her dreams- not as he once had.

Lucifer was shaken out of his deep thoughts as he heard footsteps approaching him.

“Vaggie flew us over here as fast as she could,” Charlie giggled. “It was insane.” She gave her dad a weak smile. “We’ll watch her for you, Dad. Go tidy yourself up.” Charlie and Vaggie sat at the end of the bed, hand in hand, watching the sleeping Angel.

Lucifer nodded, walking out to change and wash up. He walked straight to the bathroom in his bedroom, staring at himself in the mirror as he approached. His hair was a mess, strands sticking out in every direction. The King sighed, closing the bathroom door before going to mindlessly stand in the shower for a little bit.


Charlie and Vaggie sat in silence. Only the sounds of three breathing bodies whispered in the room. Vaggie squeezed Charlie's hand in reassurance, noticing that her girlfriend was shaking her leg in anxiety and anticipation.
“What do you think happened?” Charlie asked in a hushed tone.
“I don’t know, babe, but whatever it was…” Vaggie trailed off. “It probably wasn’t pretty.”
Charlie looked at Vaggie, both of them with extreme worry in their eyes.
“I’m sure that whoever she is,” Vaggie said, using her head to gesture over at the Angel, “She is strong enough to bounce back.” She smiled. “Call it an Angels Intuition. She’ll be fine.”

The white haired girl placed her free hand on her girlfriend's cheek. Charlie melted into her hand.

“I hope so…” Charlie sighed.

Lucifer walked back into the room, wearing a white collared shirt and black slacks. His apple cane tapped the floor once, and a blanket was slowly pulled up to the Angel’s shoulders.
“I think we should leave her be, let her get some rest.” Lucifer said, his eyes gracing over the Angel once more.

Charlie and Vaggie followed the King out the room, leaving the door open in case the Angel woke up. They followed him out and to the front room, all three taking a seat. Lucifer sat on a deep red colored reclining chair, and across from him sat the two girls on a loveseat of the same color. With the snap of his fingers, the fireplace lit up.

“Dad, I need you to explain-” Charlie was cut off.

“My Sweet Apple, listen to me.” Lucifer’s eyes were closed as he spoke to his daughter. Charlie sat up straight, listening to her father intently.

“I was called into a sudden meeting with Heaven.” He began. “They brought her to me.” Lucifer opened his eyes to make eye contact with his daughter. He sat his reclining chair upright, and leaned forward so his arms were resting on his knees. His eyes found their way to the ground. He couldn’t look Charlie in the eyes.

“What did they want?” Charlie asked.
“Did they do this?” Vaggie followed up. “I swear, if this was done by who I think it was…” Hints of anger twinged in her voice.

“No, listen, we- you have to be careful. There’s no telling what they will resort to next.” Lucifer looked back up at the two girls. “You two must promise me that you will focus on the hotel and work as hard as you possibly can. Heaven won’t listen, we know that much already.” He said, sadly. “We’ll do our best to prove to them that the hotel is worth the fight.” He grinned at them.

Charlie smiled at his dad in relief, taking Vaggie’s hand and standing up.
“We’re going to do everything in our power to prove to them that sinners can be redeemed, Dad. I promise that the hotel is worth fighting for.” Charlie stood proudly.

Lucifer looked at his daughter, taking in her enthusiasm. It’s exactly what he needed.

“I was given word that we have exactly one year.” Lucifer said to his daughter.

“One year?” Charlie raised an eyebrow. “I guess it’s better than the six month notice from the last execution, but what happens in one year? What if we aren’t able to gather enough evidence or redeem enough souls?” Charlie felt Vaggie squeeze her hand.

“I can’t give you a definitive answer, Apple Pie.” Lucifer sighed, also standing. “I can, however, tell you that the answer could possibly lie within our guest in the other room.” He half-heartedly laughed and pointed a thumb to the room the Angel lay asleep in.

“Do you know her?” Charlie asked.
“No!,” Lucifer replied quickly. “No. Sorry, no. I don’t. But I do know she must be of high importance.” He walked and stood in front of the fireplace. “I watched…” He closed his eyes again. “I watched them rip off her wings.” A gasp from the two girls was heard.
“She had six, in fact.” Lucifer looked at the ground with lids half open, his heart shattering all over again as the screams replayed in his mind. “Six wings, like me.” He said sadly. “We can ask her more when she awakens, but we don’t want to overwhelm her. So please, think of the important questions to ask before all else.”

Charlie and Vaggie nodded. Lucifer turned to face them.

“You two should head back to the hotel.” He flashed a big toothy smile at them. “Thank you, again, for coming. I’ll call when she wakes up.” He leads the girls to the door to see them out.

“Good night, Dad.” Charlie hugged him.

“Good night, Apple.” He smiled, before Vaggie flew them off into the direction of the hotel.

The King shut the door and leaned his back against it, sliding down. He sat on the floor for a while before deciding to walk back to the room the Angel slept in. Lucifer creeped his way in, trying to make as minimal noise as possible. He sat at her side, looking her over once more.

Her halo had cracked even more than it had when she arrived an hour ago. He reached out, lifting it off of her head gently, and laying it on the nightstand, placing it where his phone was before he switched the two. He clicked his phone on, he already had multiple messages from his daughter.

‘We’re back at the hotel!’

‘Let me know if you need anything else!’

‘I love you, Dad.’

Lucifer replied with an ‘I love you too.’ to his daughter before putting his phone down on the bed. His eyes grew heavy, and he took to the floor next to the bed. He wasn’t going to leave her side, not in the state she was in. Darkness engulfed his eyes but his mind was haunted by memories replayed of the most recent meeting.


The King sat up, rubbing his eyes. He stretched, his back and arms cracking as he had uncomfortably fallen asleep on the floor. On the floor? Lucifer's eyes went wide. He stood up as fast as he could, turning to the bed.

An Angel laid there, her head facing towards the windows. He looked at her, noticing a fierceness in her aura. He waved his hands at the window, curtains opening to a red sky and smoke on every other corner of the city. The Angel turned her head to him and they locked eyes.

“I know the view isn’t as nice as up there, but I figured why not?” He smiled sheepishly at her. “Enjoy the view.”

She gave him a small giggle. “It’s a nice change of scenery.” She looked back towards the window. “Thank you.” she said.

“No, don’t thank me.” Lucifer's shoulders dropped. “I couldn’t do anything but stand there and watch.” He was disappointed in himself.

“That isn’t your fault, your majesty.” The Angel tried to sit herself up. “I brought that upon myself. I’d say it was kind of deserved on my part.” Lucifer offered her a hand, helping her to lean back on a small stack of pillows. She winced as her back made contact with the pillows.

“They’ll grow back… Eventually.” He said exhaustedly. “Trust me.” His wings peeked outward slightly from behind him. He gave her a cheeky smile. “And please, I insist, call me Lucifer.”

“I trust you.” She smiled, “But I can’t drop the honorifics. I’d feel too out of place, Sir.” She rubbed her eyes a little to get a better look at the King.

“Oh, please.” He scoffed playfully, “Well, then as King of this damned realm, I demand you drop the honorifics.” He leaned forward on his cane, biting his bottom lip in childlike anticipation.

The Angel looked at the King as if he was insane. Who uses their power to demand something like that? She laughed. Her laugh was like a melody, much more calming on his heart than the screams of yesterday.

“Alright, Lucifer.” She stated. “I really appreciate your hospitality.”

He nodded at her and patted his pockets for his phone- unable to find it.

“Looking for this?” The Angel lifted the phone in her hand and handed it to Lucifer. “It was buzzing all morning…” Lucifer nearly snatched the phone from her. Her eyes widened. “Woah, woah, my bad.”

“Oh. My. Stars.” Lucifer opened his phone to tens of texts from his daughter sporadically sent throughout the morning.

‘Good morning! How is she?’

‘Has she woken up?’

‘I’m going to come back if you don’t reply to me’

‘Nevermind, Vaggie said you’re probably still asleep.’

‘Okay, I’m freaking out.’


Lucifer chuckled at his daughter's texts. ‘She’s awake, Apple.’

Charlie replied immediately. ‘We’re on the way!’

He put his phone in his pocket and looked back at the Angel whose gaze found its way back out the window. No words were exchanged, just the sound of two fallen angels breathing in unison.

She broke the silence.

“For the first Angel cast from Heaven…” She looked at Lucifer who looked back at her with furrowed eyebrows. “You aren’t so bad, King.”


Please leave comments on your thoughts!
I would love to hear back from you all.

Chapter 3: It's Nice Down Here


Lucifer, Charlie, and Vaggie get their proper introductions.


Thank you for 600 hits! Please enjoy this new chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Charlie put her phone into her pocket and sighed a breath of relief. The Angel was awake way earlier than she had expected her to be, but she was excited. Charlie walked over to Vaggie who was brushing her hair in their shared bathroom to share the good news.
“My Dad is awake,” She started, “We can drop by when you’re ready to go.” Charlie flashed her signature cheerful smile at Vaggie, who gave her a smile back.
“I told you, didn’t I?” Vaggie put the brush down and cupped Charlie’s face in her hands. “Angels Intuition.” She planted a kiss on Charlie's forehead before expanding her wings and leading them over to the balcony door.

Charlie opened the door, the everlasting red sky a little brighter today than normal.

“Ready when you are.” Charlie nodded. Vaggie scooped up her girlfriend and headed in the direction of the Morningstar Manor.


A knock was heard at the front door, and within seconds it had opened. No one was there to greet them, but Charlie knew that her dad had probably opened the door remotely with his magic knowing that they were on the way. The two stepped in as the door closed behind them and they began towards the room where the Angel resided.

The air was lighter now than it was when they had arrived last night. Lucifer could be heard trying to cheer the Angel up.

“And then I asked her if she could help me collect a few parts for the latest model-” Lucifer stopped talking when he noticed his daughter walk into the room. He stood from the foot of the bed and practically jumped into her arms.

“My Char-Char!” Lucifer gave his daughter a tight squeeze. Charlie hugged back.

“Dad!” She said, half embarrassed. Charlie looked past her fathers shoulder, briefly making eye contact with the Angel who was still seated upright in bed. Charlie let go of her dad and made her way to the bed.

“Hi,” She said in her usual cheeriness, “I’m Charlotte Morningstar, but please call me Charlie!” Charlie held her hand out to the drowsy Angel, who happily took it.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Princess Morningstar.” The Angel bowed with her head to Charlie, who gave her an awkward laugh.

“You don’t need to call me that!” Charlie said before she was cut off by her father.

“That’s literally what I told her!” Lucifer shouted from behind Charlie, the same look on his face from earlier in the day.

Charlie laughed as she turned back to her dad, “Ugh, I actually don’t think I’ve heard anyone call me that since my last meeting with Heaven!”

The Angel admired the two Morningstars in front of her as they went back and forth about how they don’t like it when their friends refer to them as royalty, and how it makes them feel silly. They were so much alike in ways other than looking nearly identical- their personalities were exactly the same. The Angel smiled and looked over to the left a little. Her gaze found its way to another girl who stood between the two Morningstars.

Vaggie notices the Angel looking at her and walks over to introduce herself.

“Hi, I’m Vaggie.” She says, extending her hand for a handshake. The Angel shakes Vaggie’s hand as her head tilts to the side a little.
“You’re different.” The Angel stated bluntly, Vaggie gives her a soft smile.
“Yeah,” Vaggie says, “I’m also from Heaven.” She said sheepishly.
The Angel blinked in disbelief. She thought to herself, ‘How many Angels had they cast out of Heaven unbeknownst to the rest of us?’ The Angels grip on Vaggies handshake tightened a little before she let it go. Charlie and Lucifer had stopped their conversation at this point and began listening in and watching the two others interact.

Charlie walks up to Vaggie and places a hand on her lower back in reassurance.

“Vaggie used to be an Executioner alongside Adam…” Charlie said nervously. “She was attacked by Lute, they took her eye and slit her throat. She was left behind for showing mercy to one of the souls of Hell.” Charlie and Vaggie looked at one another lovingly.

“If it weren’t for Charlie, I probably would have it a lot harder down here.” Vaggie laughed off the nerves.

The Angel stared at the two girls in awe.

“That’s lovely.” She gave them a warm smile. “I’m happy to know that your dreams of redeeming souls aren’t bound to just sinners, Princess- I mean- Charlie.” The Angel said.

Charlie lit up with excitement hearing the Angel call her by her name. Charlie turned to Vaggie to try to hide the big smile she had on her face. Lucifer rolled his eyes at his animated daughter. He walked past the two girls and stood beside the Angel before turning back to face them. He thought back to the conversation he had with them the night before, and cleared his throat.

“So, Charlie, Vaggie, now that we’ve all introduced ourselves…” He looked down at the Angel, “I think it’s time we let our new friend have the mic.” He bowed dramatically before handing her an invisible microphone. She giggled, taking the microphone and clearing her own throat.

“First and foremost,” She began, “Thank you all for saving me.” She flashed a smile to the small crowd of three. Her teeth were as white as the clouds in Heaven, and Lucifer found himself staring a little longer than he would have liked.

“I’m grateful for your hospitality, and I don’t know how else I can repay you.” She said, “The most I can offer is my knowledge and what little power I have at the moment.” Her shoulders fell slightly as she looked down at the pretend mic in her hands, her smile fading. Her posture became slouched at the thought of being so powerless. Lucifer frowned, the sight of her smile disappearing brought a slight twinge of sadness to his heart.

“My name is (y/n).” The Angel claimed as she looked back up.

Vaggie gasped, taking a step back, almost tripping over her own feet. Charlie reached for her girlfriend to help her balance herself again before looking back at the Angel, then at her father, and back at the Angel.

“I’m- I’m sorry. You said your name is (y/n)?” Vaggie choked out. “As in… The Benevolent One, (y/n)?” Vaggies jaw was nearly dragging on the floor at this point. If it were any more quiet in the room, you’d probably be able to hear her heart trying to beat out of her chest.

The Angel gave the crowd a reassuring smile.
“That’s me.” She said.
“Babe, do you know her?” Charlie asked Vaggie.

Vaggie nodded, her knees became weak and she fell to the ground, Charlie still holding her hand.

“She’s an Angel of myth, one that none of us in the lower ranks believed existed.” Vaggie began.

Lucifer’s eyebrow co*cked in interest.

“The story told of a singular soul that was so pure in life, she rose to a new rank. A rank between that of a Seraphim and an Archangel.” Vaggie looked up from her seated position at the Angel who looked down at her in worry. “They said this soul was the only one of it’s kind. No one knew what they looked like, or what their purpose in Heaven was. But everyone knew that you were graced with their presence when the stars began to shine through in the brightness of day.” Vaggies lip was trembling as she tried to stand back up.

“They cast you down here… For what?” A tear ran down her face. “I’m so sorry…” Vaggie covered her mouth with the hand Charlie wasn’t holding.

The Angel looked at Vaggie with soft eyes.

“I’m sure you saw the extent of my injuries.” The Angel said, turning so her back was facing the three. The bandages were stained with old golden blood in six different spots down her back. Lucifer bit his tongue but dared not look away. He was there to see it happen, he wouldn’t let himself forget how much pain he watched her suffer through. She turned back to face the trio.

“The Head Seraphim was holding a meeting, under the guise of holding a court with a jury. She spoke with the General of the Execution Army. The stands were full of other Executioners.” The Angels hands were balled into fists.

“When Charlie came to convince us the first time, I was there. I was disguised as a normal Angel, as to not bring attention to myself or disturb the court. It was there that I also first learned of what Sera had been allowing Adam to do.” The Angel hung her head in shame.

“I tried to convince Sera to stop Adam. I brought it up to her behind the scenes many times, but she would brush me off.” She brought her knees up to her chest. Lucifer stepped forward slightly, wanting to embrace the girl and tell her that it was okay. All three of them were still listening intently.

“She tried to ban me from ever entering a room she was in charge of. She told me she knew I snuck in to the first meeting with you,” The Angel looked at Charlie. “But I didn’t care.” She smiled at Charlie, who half-smiled back.

“I would allow Emily to follow me around. She and I saw eye to eye on the situation, and I found out through her that Sera was going to be holding a meeting with the General and her Army.” The Angel cleared her throat and looked at Lucifer.

“And now I’m here.” She sighed, trying to figure out the emotions behind the King’s eyes.

Lucifer looked back at the Angel, unable to speak. His mind was racing. An Angel that surpasses the rank of a Seraphim, but isn’t a high enough rank to be considered an Archangel… He didn’t even know that was possible. His mouth was slightly ajar, he was still speechless and had a million thoughts running through his head. He took a deep breath.

“You don’t deserve to be here.” Was the only thing he could manage to say before walking out, taking himself to his quarters.

Charlie ran after her dad, shouting a few apologies to the Angel and her girlfriend as she made her way after him.

Vaggie walked over and sat on the bed next to the Angel. They exchanged looks before they both started laughing.
“He’s right you know,” Vaggie said, catching her breath. “You don’t deserve to be down here with the rest of us.”

The Angel giggled, looking back out the window. Smoke began accumulating in the sky from multiple building fires and car wrecks. There was the sound of beeping and gunfire in the distance.

“I don’t know,” The Angel started. “I think it’s kind of nice down here.”

“That’s not something you hear every day.” Vaggie said.

The two fallen angels shared another laugh.


Lucifer slammed his bedroom door open, throwing his cane into the corner and kicking a pile of ducks that sat by the foot of his bed. He was frustrated with himself. He knew that Heaven wasn’t the place they presented themselves as, but to throw out another high ranked Angel was absurd to him.

Charlie followed in behind her father, catching her breath as she made it in.

“Dad!” Charlie shouted, “Dad, are you okay?” She walked up to her father, who sat at his bed with his head in his hands.

“I’m sorry, Apple, I didn’t mean to storm out like that.” He said, “I just… I became so overwhelmed. I didn’t expect to not know so much about Heaven, you know?” Lucifer looked at his daughter. She stared at him with worry.
“Listen, Dad, there’s a lot we don’t know about Heaven. I know you’ve been around a long time and all, but things change.” Charlie sat next to her dad. “Things change, and whether it be for the better or not, it isn’t up to us to decide- Or know, for that matter. They don’t tell us anything!” Charlie threw her hands up.

Lucifer chuckled at his daughter, bringing her in for a side hug. She laid her head on his shoulder.
“Thank you for coming after me, Charlie.” He kissed the top of her head. “You go back, I’ll join you guys soon.” He assured her. Charlie nodded at her father and walked back to the other room.

Lucifer focused on steadying his breathing before getting up to go grab his cane. He leaned over and inspected it as he picked it up. He started walking back to the other room with a few questions he needed answers to.


I'm still studying the Hellaverse, and I'm not well informed on religion or how accurate the show is to anything mentioned in any religious followings.
I apologize if I get anything wrong, but please remember this is a fanfiction and not everything is going to be perfect.
That aside, please leave comments! I love hearing back from you all!

Chapter 4: Meat Master


The newest fallen angel explains herself, and Lucifer offers a nice warm meal.


Thank you for 1k hits and nearly 150 kudos!
I'm sorry that the fluff and romance is yet to start, but please enjoy both a serious and silly chapter tonight!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Lucifer stepped back into the room, a big smile plastered on his face as he walked in. The three girls sat on the bed, laughing together as they spoke of the differences and similarities of the two realms.

“Sorry for running out.” He looked at the Angel, “I guess I was a little overwhelmed.”

She shook her head at him and giggled. “Don’t worry about it, Lucifer.”

His name slid off her tongue like butter. He caught himself staring for a second too long, and cleared his throat with a loud cough.

“So,” He began, “I just had a few more questions, if that’s okay with you of course.” Lucifer said. The room goes quiet again and the Angel gives him a nod.

“Vaggie said that your status in Heaven was a myth…” He said, “Why were you kept a secret from everyone?”

The Angel stiffened up.

“I was told by a few of the Seraphim that it was a miracle that I even existed.” She stared down blankly for a few seconds before her eyes found their way to Lucifer. Those tired eyes stared straight into him. He couldn’t look away.
“They told stories of an Angel so full of whimsy…” A glimmer of hope shone in her eyes. “An Angel so creative, so full of dreams, that he was cast out in fear of changing the course of Heaven.” Lucifer felt his heart stop for a second. She was very obviously talking about him.

“The Seraphim and the Archangels would argue over my status. They argued that I, too, was too dangerous to keep around. Some Seraphim suggested I be reincarnated on earth, others wanted to lock me away in a tower like I was some damsel in distress,” She rolled her eyes which got a little chuckle out of Lucifer, “I had no say in my own soul, and they agreed on something else.” She sighed.

“Due to the pureness of my soul, I was ordered to stay out of view of the other Angels. They decided I would stay in Heaven if, and only if, I followed these strict rules. If I were to go into public, I would need to manipulate my soul to change my appearance. They were afraid that news of a rank between Seraphim and Archangel would incite chaos in trying to learn how to reach this level.” The two never broke eye contact. Lucifer listened to her story, the urge to hug her stronger than ever.

“And so, stories began to emerge of an Angel who could make the stars appear even when the sun shone at its brightest.” She giggled, looking over at Vaggie. “It was me, of course. I wanted to leave my mark on the world without making it really obvious. I didn’t realize that even subtle use of my magic would anger the group of people who tried to silence me to begin with.”

The Angel raised her left hand and outlined the shape of a star in the air. A small, faint galaxy shone in the shape she had just drawn. Charlie’s intense stare turned into a huge smile and she turned to Vaggie, tapping her arm in excitement. Lucifer stared at the Angel in complete awe.
“They dislike dreamers up there,” She continued, not wanting to make eye contact with the first fallen angel, “They wanted me gone too. I could only sit around and repeat the same things every day. I had to stay hidden, and I worked in the shadows of the Seraphim. Which is why, Charlie…” The Angel stared at the Princess.

“Charlie, never give up.” She leaned forward, grabbing Charlie's hands. A wound seemed to reopen as fresh blood had begun seeping through the bandages. “Never stop believing in your dreams and do what you believe is right. You’re a dreamer, Charlie. Hold on to those dreams and run with them. Make them a reality.” The Angel let go, her own arms making their way to hug herself as she hunched over. The pain of the wound reopening finally hitting her.

The Angel screamed in pain, not nearly as loud as it was in the meeting room, but loud enough to make Lucifer choke up again. The three got to work on cleaning the Angel up again.


The angel lay back down on the bed, half conscious. It had only been an hour since she first woke up, but she was tired. The immense blood loss over the course of 24 hours had taken a toll on her body. Lucifer and the other two girls walked back into the room after cleaning themselves up.

“Before you go back to sleep,” He said, “Have some breakfast.” He offered.

The Angel shook her head, “Thank you, but I don’t think I can stomach anything right now.” She groaned.

Lucifer looked a little disappointed, but didn’t give up.

“Oh, trust me,” His toothy grin plastered on his face, “You don’t want to miss out on the breakfast of champs.” He wiggled his eyebrows at the Angel and struck a pose, flexing his arms like a bodybuilder, earning a small giggle. “I’ll be right back.” Lucifer smiled and excused himself as he made his way to the kitchen.

With the snap of his fingers, the lights in the kitchen switched on. An apron appears and hugs itself around Lucifer’s body. The apron had the words Meat Master on it, a gift he bought himself hundreds of years ago alongside a grill- just for sh*ts and giggles. He got to work, multitasking between making pancakes and cooking up enough scrambled eggs and sausages for all four bodies in the manor.

It had been a while since Lucifer had stepped foot in front of a stove, he had to admit that it brought him a sense of purpose. The manor was always empty, so he had no means to cook. His only daughter lived at the very place she built up from the ground herself, and his ex-wife? He would rather not think of her right now.

He shook himself out of his thoughts, focusing on the task at hand and wanting to nurse his guest back to her full potential. Lucifer stacked the food onto 4 different plates for each of them and conjured up 3 clones of himself. He grabbed a plate himself while the clones grabbed the other 3. They walked back to the room. Charlie’s eager voice followed by giggles from the other two girls echoed through the halls as Lucifer made his way back. He smiled to himself.

He pushes the door further open with his foot and walks in with his clones, passing out the plates to Charlie and Vaggie, and Lucifer walking to the angel herself with a plate he wanted to give to her personally. He places the plate of food on the nightstand beside her, and bows.
“I present to you, a meal fit for a King, cooked by a King.” He stands up straight and gives the angel a playful wink. “Don’t scarf it down all at once now.” He takes the last plate from the last clone and poofs them away.

The angel gave him a small smirk and closed her eyes.
“I seem to be thanking you often for taking care of me. But currently I have no other ways to express my gratitude aside from words.” She looked back up at him and lifted a finger, drawing a star into the air.
“And this,” She said, “I hope this suffices.”
A small flurry of yellow sparks and flashes of white stars bursted in the small radius between Lucifer and the angel. The sparks left a small message in the air.

‘Thanks, Meat Master’ it said.

Lucifer choked on his own spit and looked down at his chest, not realizing he had forgotten to take the apron off. He grabbed at it, ripping it off and chucking it into the hallway.

“f*ck.” He shouted, panicked. “Sorry about that- HA, wow. Just wow.” His face became hot, he played it off by shoving pancakes into his mouth.

Charlie and Vaggie sat there laughing at the King of Hell’s inattentiveness to himself. The Angel giggled to herself, and faced the food on the nightstand next to her. She got a good whiff of... Apple cinnamon pancakes? Her mouth watered and she asked for help sitting up. One bite wouldn’t hurt anyone.


Yes. Lucifer is the Meat Master.
How was this chapter? I'm sorry it was a little shorter than normal.
We'll be getting into more personal stuff with Lucifer and the angel soon :3

Chapter 5: Forbidden Magic


Lucifer learns a little more about the angel.


HOLY MOLY Thank you guys for 200 kudos and 2k hits!
Please enjoy the chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After breakfast, Charlie and Vaggie said their goodbyes and went back to the hotel. The angel had fallen asleep, a stomach full of sweet pancakes and fluffy eggs. Lucifer took his leave, returning to his own quarters for the day. It was nearly noon, but the day had been extremely eventful already.

Lucifer sprawled across his bed, his face making direct contact with a pillow. He laid there for a minute or two before groaning loudly into it. He pushed himself up using his arms, looking down at the pillow, deep in thought. He was still quite embarrassed about the whole Meat Master apron thing. Heat pooled in his cheeks as they tinted a light pink.

“Meat Master?” Lucifer asked himself, “Am I serious?”

He lays down on his back and stares at the ceiling. Within the span of a day and a few hours, Lucifer found himself in an impromptu meeting with Heaven, and then caring for an angel whose status he didn’t even know existed before today. Normally he would have spent his day at the hotel with Charlie, fixing it up or helping her with residents- whereas his nights would be spent alone in his workshop until he passed out from exhaustion or boredness. But things were beginning to change.
It’s like Charlie said to him earlier. Things change, and whether it be for better or worse, is not for him to decide. He was hoping it would be for the former. Lucifer let himself close his eyes, drifting off on his bed as his body finally relaxed into the soft cushion and silk around him.

He began to dream.

There was a bright light at the end of a tunnel, and he started to walk. It was as if the light was luring him forward- it brought him a sense of warmth. At the end of the tunnel was a palm sized white box with a crescent moon on top. The box was just sitting on the floor, in the middle of the rest of the vast nothingness that he was dreaming. Lucifer reaches for it and picks it up, his hand goes forward as he gets ready to open it…

His phone began buzzing in his pocket. Lucifer's eyes fluttered open, reaching for his phone. A message from his daughter. He pushes himself in an upright position and rubs his eyes.

Did you guys eat dinner?

Dinner? He looks at the time on his phone. It was nearly 7pm. How long had he been asleep? In a panic he stirs himself out of bed and runs to the other room. He notices a faint light emitting from under the door.
Lucifer knocks on the door and waits. No response. He knocks again. The light under the door began to dim, and then he heard a voice.

“Come in!” The angel said.

Lucifer opens the door to the angel, still in her lying position. He approaches her with a frown.

“I didn’t realize where the time had gone, I fell asleep, and I-” Lucifer tried to explain himself. The angel stuck a finger out, pointing at the concerned King.
“No apologies, I just woke up myself,” She stated, quickly shutting him up, “I just have one request.” She looked at Lucifer and smiled. “Bring me another plate of those pancakes.”

Lucifer’s face softened, he straightened his back and crossed his arms.

“Couldn’t get enough of the Meat Master?” He teased, wiggling his eyebrows at the angel.

Her jaw dropped and she laughed. “Pff- Ew!” She reached for a pillow and, very weakly, chucked it at the King.

“The pancakes were good,” She started, “But before you go, could I ask you for a different favor?” Her cheeks began to turn pink, she had to look away.

“Yes,” He said, “Anything.” He walks up to the angel, his eyes filling with worry.

“Please…” She hid her face in her hands, “I really have to use the restroom.” Her face stayed buried in her palms. Lucifer’s ears turned red at the thought of having to help her to do something very private. He felt his wings twitch in his back a little as panic set in.

“You sure you don’t want Charlie or Vaggie to…” Lucifer’s words trailed off.

“No,I don’t think I can wait- I really need to go now.” The angel said, muffled behind her hands. “I just need you to help me up! That’s really it, I’m sure I can walk fine!” Her hands were at her sides now, trying to push herself into a sitting position.

Lucifer runs over to her side, “Woah!” He gently places his hand on her arm, “Careful now, your wounds just stopped bleeding.” He inspected her body. Bandages were wrapped around her entire torso. It hugged her frame, and he noticed. The heat in his ears transferred to his cheeks, and he had hoped she didn’t notice. He placed a hand on her lower back, doing his best as to not put too much pressure to prevent another open wound. The angel sat up with his help. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and Lucifer positioned himself in front of her, holding her hands.

“Ready?” He asked nervously. She nodded.

The angel attempts to stand for the first time in a whole day. Her knees wobbled as she stood, not used to the imbalance brought by the absence of her wings. Lucifer gave her a sad smile, his hands holding hers tight enough to reassure she wouldn’t fall. Seeing her in this state brought back memories of his own misfortune of being cast out by Heaven.

“You doing okay?” Lucifer asked her.

She nodded, eyes on the floor as she focused on walking. Her tongue stuck out just a little as her eyes fixated on every step. Lucifer chuckled to himself. They made it to the bathroom, it was across the hall but felt further. She let go of his hands and used the counter for support.

“I-” She stopped herself, her hand reaching for the door.
“You?” Lucifer co*cked a brow at her.

“Yeah, I, thank you- again. I’m sorry.” She shut the door, too embarrassed to continue the conversation.

Lucifer exhaled. He hadn’t realized he was holding his breath the entire time. The heat snuck back up to his cheeks. Lucifer walks back to the room and sits on the bed. He’ll wait for her to call out if she needs help again.


The two fallen angels shared breakfast for dinner on the bed. The angel did need help getting back to the room, but after that, everything was fine. Lucifer had made them pancakes again, as per the request of his guest. The two had finished up and stacked the plates on the nightstand.

“I’ve been wondering,” Lucifer said, wiping his mouth with a napkin. The angel's head tilted in curiosity at him. “How does your magic work?” He faced her, his legs raising onto the bed. He sat in front of her with crossed legs.

“Oh, my magic?” The angel traced a star onto the bed and tapped it. “It’s weakened since… you know,” She said, “But I had a lot of free time on my hands since I didn’t work at the forefront of the Heavenly System.” The star that she had traced flashed for a second before turning a dark blue, a small galaxy forming out of thin air and floating in the center.

“I spent a lot of my time exploring.” She spun her hand over the tiny galaxy. “In a way that… Could be considered forbidden.” She said timidly. Lucifer's ears perked up.

“Forbidden magic?” He cackled, “You’re supposed to be pure!” He wiped away a tear.

“And look at where that got me!” The angel laughed with him. “But, I would project my soul into different beings back on earth.” She continued, “I learned through them what space was, and from there, I expanded my knowledge through astral projection of the soul. That, paired with what powers I already had and- did you know that there are beings down here in Hell that also study the stars?” The angel's eyes shone with a sense of excitement. Lucifer shook his head.
“I actually didn’t know,” He frowned.

“Well, I’ll tell you right now your people are extremely powerful. I respect that, King.” The angel teased, Lucifer rolled his eyes at her.

“In Heaven, the sky is always clear. Even at night,” She said, “The stars were beautiful. It didn’t feel right that such beauty was hidden from them, only to be seen if you were a soul on Earth.” Lucifer was spellbound by the way she spoke of life on Earth. It was something he had never been able to experience himself.

“That must be why you blessed people with the stars up there, huh?” Lucifer grinned at her. The angel nodded fiercely.

“Yes! Exactly!” She threw her hands up in the air, excited that someone finally understood her reasoning. “The stars, the other planets, they’re all beautiful… Life on Earth is beautiful…” She looked at Lucifer with yearnful eyes.
“You would’ve loved it, Lucifer.” She said.

He felt a single tear slide down his cheek. The angel takes notice and reaches forward to wipe it away, her hand lingering on his face a little bit before she pulls back. She waves her hand over the tiny galaxy once more and it dissipates.

“I’ll show you all about it when I recover.” She smiled at him.

Lucifer nods and gives her a warm smile back. “That’d be wonderful.”

The two sat in a not so awkward silence for a little bit before he excused himself to his workshop. For the rest of the night, Lucifer conjured up star shaped trinkets that later covered the entirety of his desk.


The next morning arrived and Lucifer had only gotten a few hours of sleep. He grumbled, his back aching from having fallen asleep hunched over his desk. He stands with a big stretch and gets himself ready for the day. The hallways are still dark. None of the windows were ever open in the manor, he never bothered to open them since he spent most of his time between his workshop and bedroom.

As he approached the angel’s room, the faint light from the night before had reappeared. Curious, Lucifer gets on his knees and tries to peek under the door. He couldn’t see much, but he knew that the angel was still in bed. He decided to knock.

No response, again. Just like last night.

He knocks again, and the light starts to fade. He hears shuffling in the bedroom, and then a small groan.
“(y/n)?” He asked, knocking once more.

“Y-yeah,” She said, “Come in.” Her voice was raspy from having just woken up.

“Sorry, were you still asleep?” He knew the answer to his own question already.

“Yes, I was,” She rubbed her eyes and slowly sat up, “Good morning, Lucifer.”
Lucifer looked at her. Her fluffy bed head. Her tiny hands rubbing at her face. He chuckles.

“Good morning, (y/n)!” His teeth bearing at her as he smiled. “Pancakes?”


What is the light that Lucifer is always seeing? Take a guess :3 I'm curious as to what you guys may think!
As always, your comments are appreciated!
Thank you for your continued support.

Chapter 6: Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel


Charlie invites Lucifer and the angel over for lunch. The angel makes her way to the Hazbin Hotel.


Your guys' comments make me laugh so much. Thank you for your interest in the story.
I also loved all the theories you guys came up with! You're all so enthusiastic, I love it!

Thank you for almost 300 kudos and 3k hits! I'm having a blast writing, I hope you all are having just as much fun reading. :D

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A week went by in the blink of an eye. Lucifer spent every morning cooking pancakes for the angel and himself, and he had to admit that he looked forward to having breakfast with her every day. In the afternoons, Lucifer would aid the angel in learning how to keep balance without her wings. They spent time walking around the manor and Lucifer would show off his little trinkets and other inventions. Charlie and Vaggie came by a few times, but other than that, every day has been the same.

Today wasn’t any different. The two had their breakfast, and the angel had her little physical therapy appointment with Lucifer. He had dragged a chair into the kitchen and placed it in front of the island so she could sit while he whipped them up some lunch. He helped her sit down and watched as Lucifer summoned his famed apron out of thin air and conjured up some ingredients onto the counter.

“What’s for lunch today, chef?” The Angel scoots her chair a little closer to the counter and leans forward, her chin resting in her hands. Lucifer looks over his shoulder, but before he could say anything, his phone rings.

“Hold that thought.” He answers the call, “Hi Char Char!” He grins.

“Hi Dad! I was wondering what you and (y/n) were up to?” Charlie's voice was faint, but still loud enough for the angel to make out what she was saying. There wasn’t any other noise inside the manor aside from them two, anyway.

“We were just about to have lunch,” He says, turning the stove on with his free hand. “Here, hold on, let me put you on speaker.” Lucifer puts his phone on speaker and taps the top of it, causing it to float above the island in between himself and the angel.
“You’re good, Apple Pie. We both can hear you.” Lucifer reaches for a pan and places it on the stove.

“Hello Charlie!” The angel greeted her happily.

“Hi (y/n)! How are- Wait! Dad, don't cook anything!” Charlie shouted, her voice nearly peaking.

Lucifer looks at the angel with a ‘seriously’ plastered on his face and rolls his eyes playfully.

“Alright. What’s up?” He asks his daughter.

“Dad, I was wondering…” Charlie’s voice trailing off, excitement clearly taking over, “If maybe you could bring (y/n) to the hotel for lunch!” Charlie exclaimed.

Lucifer blinked at his phone, not knowing what to say. He looked over at the angel, whose eyes were sparkling with curiosity as she stared back at him eagerly.

“If she’s okay with it, I don’t see why there wouldn’t be an issue…” Lucifer could definitely see why there would be an issue. He thinks back to every time he’s gone to the hotel to see Charlie, and each time he would get into a heated argument with the same person. Someone he would rather not even think about.

“What do you think, (y/n)?” Lucifer asks, grabbing his phone. He places it on the table and waits for her response. The angel does a little thinking pose for a second before nodding.

“I’d love to finally visit the place that had their panties in a bunch.” The Angel giggled and motioned upward with her eyes, “Plus I wouldn’t ever pass up an opportunity for lunch with the girls.”

“Yay! Oh my g- oh- oh!! Oh, I’m so excited!” They could practically hear Charlie bouncing off the walls. “We’re already cooking, just be here within thirty minutes,” Charlie said, “See you soon!” The phone beeped, signaling an end to the call.

The food Lucifer had taken out was all put away, and he reached to take off the apron. He sighs, visibly distressed. He snaps his fingers and another chair gets dragged into the kitchen next to the angel. He takes a seat and lays his head on the counter.

“Are you doing alright?” The angel asked him, raising an eyebrow. He grumbles at her.

“I can’t really hear you down there,” She pokes his shoulder, causing him to lift his head and look directly at her.

“(y/n),” He began, “When we get to the hotel, promise me you won’t go off on your own.” He said bluntly.

The angel stiffened up, taken aback by what Lucifer had just said.

“I- uh,” She stuttered, “Sure thing.” She places her hands on her lap. Lucifer noticed her body tense up, and sat straight up in his seat.

“I don’t mean it in, like, a bad way, I meant that there’s just,” He started to ramble, flustered by his own words, “There’s one person at the hotel I don’t typically get along with. And I don’t want you to…” He trailed off, making eye contact with the angel. She looked at him with worried eyes.

“I just want you to be safe. And I don’t like the way this guy acts, so, please, if you could just do me one favor, be careful around him.” Lucifer’s shoulders dropped in defeat, not knowing how else to portray his feelings.

“If it’ll make you feel better, I’ll stick by your side.” The angel smiles at him and places a reassuring hand on his arm. “I trust your intuition. Anyone that sends alarm bells to the literal King of Hell himself probably isn’t really good news, or rather, is worse news than one would like… Considering where we are.” She gave him a light squeeze and then let go, pushing her chair back and standing up slowly.

“My wounds have healed enough for me to at least go sightseeing, right?” She gave him a small twirl and almost tripped over her own feet, causing Lucifer to panic and stand up out of his chair. He reached toward her, but she caught herself and stood upward.

She stuck her tongue out a little, “Oops…” She laughed.

Lucifer sighed and rubbed his temples. “And I thought that I was childish.” He summoned his cane and tapped it on the floor, immediately changing his clothes. He wore his usual white suit and tophat. The angel looked at him, jaw hanging.
“What?” Lucifer asked, co*cking an eyebrow at her. “Never seen a guy as good looking as me or something?” The angel lifted her finger to say something, but was cut off.

“AH- don’t answer that. I already know the answer.” He teased her. The angel rolled her eyes.
“What’s this getup? I’ve never seen you wear this!” She leaned to the side and placed a hand on her hip. “You’re always wearing those fluffy duck pants!” The angel giggled.

Lucifer's smug look was wiped off his face when the fluffy duck pants were mentioned.

“Hey! Those pants are really comfortable!” He crossed his arms, “Plus, Charlie got them for me.” Lucifer pouted.

The angel rolls her eyes at him again and turns around to make her way back to her room.

“Wait, where are you going?” He asks her as she holds onto the walls for support. She stopped and looked over her shoulder.

“To change? I think. I don’t really have anything to wear outside.” The angel stared at the floor. “Lucifer. I don’t have any other clothes aside from the pajamas you’ve made for me.” Her hands made her way up to her face as she panics.

“Let me help, then.” Lucifer chuckles at her and places his cane back down on the floor, tapping it.

“Don’t move,” He said. She stood as still as a statue.

The angel's body was engulfed in a bright golden light, and Lucifer turned away, so as to not see anything he wasn’t supposed to. The bright light hugged her body as her pajamas disappeared. The light turns into a black button-down dress paired with a long-sleeved, collared white shirt that puffed at the ends of the sleeves. Black tights appeared on her legs, and the light finished sparkling with a pair of black platform boots with little apples embroidered onto the sides. There was a bolo tie around the collar of the shirt, with a bright red apple brooch holding it together. The angel looks down at her new outfit, taking in how cute it was.

“Lucifer, this is amazing.” She did a little twirl again, catching herself before she could lose balance. He turns around as she spins, biting the inside of his cheek to stop his jaw from falling onto the floor.

“You look great.” He manages to choke out, “But take this.” He conjures up a mini version of his apple cane and hands it to her. “You’re gonna need it, unless you wanna hold onto me all night.” He teasingly held the cane out to her and raised his brows at her.

The angel happily takes the cane and thanks Lucifer. “Yeah, yeah.” She said, “Thank you, Lucifer.”

He nods and gives her his signature grin.

“Ready to go?” He asks, holding his hand out to her.

“Ready.” She said, taking his hand. They start toward the front door but stop when Lucifer realizes something.

“Wait, (y/n),” He says, looking at her. “Do you want me to teleport us there? Or would you rather walk, get your legs moving? Or, if it’s okay with you, I don’t mind flying us there…” He said.

Her eyes light up at him mentioning flying.

“If it’s alright with you, I’d really like to fly there.” The angel said somberly. She hugs herself, rubbing her sides in comfort. “I miss it.”

Lucifer smiles and nods in understanding.

“I’m going to have to carry you, you know?” He said, eyebrows wiggling at her. The angel playfully slaps his shoulder and laughs.

“That’s fine.” She gave him a reassuring smile.

“Alright, up you go!” Lucifer swiftly picked up the angel as gently as he possibly could, still minding her wounds. The angel fell into his chest, looking up at the King of Hell as he held her close.

“Hang tight.” He said, glancing down at her. The front doors to the manor opened wide and Lucifer stepped out. He tilted his head back and stretched his neck. His wings expanded from his back and with one swift beat, they were in the air.

The angel couldn’t help but stare at Lucifer as he held her, amazed at how quickly they ended up in the sky. She watched as the wind blew through his hair, how the wind coursed through the feathers in his wings. It was a sight she didn’t want to forget.

Lucifer noticed her staring and chuckled, “Like what you see?” He said co*ckily.

The angel pressed her lips together and looked the other way, not saying a word. She looks in the distance and notices a building covered in bright lights and huge signs.

“Is that it?” She asks Lucifer.

“Yep! The one and only, Hazbin Hotel.” He said, as they approached the building. He lowers them onto the ground and lets the angel down. “How was the ride?” He asks her.

“I’ll give you a 3 star rating,” She crossed her arms, “I didn’t have any snacks and you didn’t even ask me how my day was.” The angel teased him.

“Three stars is a shame.” He pouted at her, walking up to her with his wings still open.

The angel stared at Lucifer. His wings made him look bigger, taller, and more fierce. He retracts his wings, and places his arm near her lower back, leading her to the front of the hotel. The angel frowned at not being able to see his wings anymore, but stood tall as they approached the building.

“Please stay close,” Lucifer whispered, leaning close to the angel’s ear, sending a shiver down her spine, “Don’t go too far, okay?” His hand makes contact with her lower back. The angel gripped onto her copy apple-cane and felt her heart skip a beat before they were interrupted by Charlie.

“They’re here!” Charlie screamed as she jumped out the door, “Dad, (y/n)!” She ran up to her dad, who then removed his hand from the angel's back. The two Morningstars exchanged a tight hug before Charlie turned to the angel, a big grin on her face. The angel smiled back, Charlie looked exactly like her dad when she smiled.

“Oh, (y/n), you’re going to love it here!” Charlie exclaimed.

“Hi Charlie,” The angel goes in to give Charlie a hug, “I’m excited for you to show me around.”

Charlie hugs the angel back before pulling away and grabbing her by the hand.

“We’ll have lunch and then I’ll give you a grand tour of the place!” Charlie said cheerfully.

Lucifer smiled seeing the two interact.

“Charlie…” He scolded, “You didn’t even give her a proper greeting.” He leaned on his cane.

“Oh!” Charlie let go of the angel’s hand and ran back to stand directly in front of the doors to the hotel. She clears her throat and throws her hands up in the air dramatically.
“Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!”


We made it to the hotel!
As always, your comments are appreciated. <3

Chapter 7: Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel pt. 2


The angel learns a new thing about herself, and Lucifer gets a bit irritated with someone.


Thank you for your support! We're coming up on 4k hits and 300 kudos!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Pleasure to be here.” The angel smiled and gave Charlie an equally dramatic bow.

“I hope you’re hungry!” Charlie said, opening the door for the angel, ushering her in. Lucifer followed behind.

“Vaggie and I thought, hey, why not make a big lunch for everyone today? We’re all always so busy, I thought it’d be nice to just have a little quality time with everyone. Plus, I can finally introduce you to the crew!” Charlie went on about how excited she was to show her around. The angel followed Charlie to and listened attentively. They made their way through the lobby to a dining room full of souls the angel had heard all sorts of stories about.

“Everyone,” Charlie announced as they entered the room, “This is (y/n)!” Charlie stepped aside and waved her hand in the direction of the angel. The angel stepped forward and gave them a small wave, she felt her heart begin to race. Lucifer walks in after Charlie’s introduction and stands beside the angel.

“My!” A staticky voice calls from across the room, catching the angel's attention. Lucifer groaned to himself quietly and stepped a little closer to the angel.

“What a lovely surprise.” A tall being wearing a red suit manifests in front of the angel. He stood tall and gave her a big smile, not blinking once, catching her off guard.

“Alastor,” He introduces himself, “A pleasure to make your acquaintance.” He holds his staff outward instead of his hand. The angel gives him a small nod followed by an awkward smile. Alastor pulls his staff back and holds it behind him, his smile never leaving his face.

“Please do enjoy the feast we have prepared for you this afternoon, Miss (y/n).” Alastor nods at her and steps aside, in front of Lucifer himself.

“Welcome back, Your Highness.” Alastor gave Lucifer a dramatic bow, and disappeared into the shadows.

Lucifer holds his tongue, and looks over at the angel. He can see her knuckles turning white from holding her cane so tightly. He steps in front of her, getting her attention.

“Hey,” He says, “Are you alright?” His eyes worried.

The angel nods, “I’m okay! I- I think I’m just not used to being the center of attention,” she bites her bottom lip. Lucifer places a hand on her cheek and smiles.

“I can help with that.” Lucifer turns around and throws his hand forward, large amounts of magic flowing from his palm. The dining room began to fill with large balloons and colorful streamers. Lucifer even summoned a few of his clones on the other side of the room to play some loud obnoxious music- gaining a few groans from the crowd.

“Dad?” Charlie looks at her father with confusion.
“Don’t worry, Sweetie! Just trying to make it a little more lively for our guest.” He gestures toward the angel, who was still unconsciously biting at her lip.

“Oh…” Charlie said, “Oh, okay, I see!” Charlie grabs the angel by the hand and then pulls her in for a light hug.

“When I’m feeling anxious, I like to think of the things that make me the happiest.” Charlie said, “In my case, Vaggie, Dad, the hotel and all my friends…” She pulled away, giving the angel the biggest smile she could. “If you need time, you can eat in the VIP room! It’s a lot quieter there, and no one will be able to go in or out but us.”

The angel smiles back, “Thank you Charlie, but I think I should eat out there with you all-'' She looked over Charlie’s shoulder and made eye contact with Vaggie, who waved at her from a nearly full table.

“You invited me as a guest, and you even stated yourself you want quality time with everyone- I can’t just shut myself out.” The angel huffed and straightened her dress, putting her weight on the cane to help herself stand straight. “I’ll be okay! I’m just not used to being put on the spot, I guess.” She giggled.

“If you’re absolutely sure, then okay. But don’t hesitate to let me know if you change your mind!” Charlie says, “Let’s go grab some food!”

Charlie practically drags the angel to the buffet table and Lucifer chases after them. He wasn’t able to get Alastor’s dumb face out of his head. How close Alastor stood to her. Lucifer found himself staring at his feet intensely as he stood behind Charlie in the buffet line. His foot was tapping on the floor, most likely out of irritation. Charlie heard his foot and turned around to ask him what was wrong.

“Now, are you okay?” Charlie asks worriedly, putting a scoop of spaghetti on her plate. Lucifer sighs and just gives her his signature big smile.

“I’m fine, Apple Pie, just make sure that (y/n) is comfortable.” He says, motioning behind Charlie.

The Angel had gotten caught up in all of the food that was prepared. She had two plates in her hands, and one was full of quite literally everything they had on display. He chuckles quietly.

“Alright Dad, I’m here if you need anything.” Charlie smiles and turns back to the angel, who was struggling to stack a donut on top of her dessert plate.

“We’re going to go sit, Dad, come join us when you’re done!” Charlie walks in front of the angel, who hesitantly followed her- but not without shooting Lucifer a glance first. He smiles at the angel, nodding at her.

‘I’ll be there.’ He mouths at her.

She smiles in return, turning to follow Charlie to the largest table in the dining room. Lucifer looks down at his plate. He was halfway up the buffet line but there was not a single edible thing on his plate. There was a napkin and a fork. He facepalms, turning back around to start from the beginning.


Lucifer approaches the table and sits aside the angel at the beginning of the table, his chair magically pushing itself out, and then in, as he sat.

“Great!” Charlie said, “Now that everyone is here, let me formally introduce you all to…” Charlie stands and waves her hand toward the angel. “(y/n)!” Charlie starts clapping.

The angel stands, fiddling with her cane a bit before clearing her throat.

“It’s nice to meet you all, thank you for having me.” She practically whispered.

“Ya gotta speak up, Toots.” A voice pipes up from across the table. The angel looks over and locks eyes with a demon, white in color with a fitted pink and white striped suit on. The demon had one golden tooth and one of his sclera was black in color. The demon was using his fork to play with a singular grape on his plate.

“It’s nice ‘ta meetcha,” He waves, “I’m Angel Dust.” He placed the fork down and leaned forward on his elbows, his hands holding his face. “I heard you’re staying with The Big Dick in Charge.” Angel Dust raises his eyebrows mischievously.

“Oh, I- yes.” The angel looks down shyly at her plate.

“Interestiiing~” Angel Dust sang.

“And how exactly did that happen?” A deeper voice asks from right beside Angel Dust. He held a cup full of an unknown liquid. This demon was dark gray and white in color, and had red wings. He wore a tophat that sat between his big pointy ears. He looked like a sleepy cat, the angel thought to herself.

“Well, I-” The angel was cut off by Lucifer.

“I asked one of my very good friends if they had any secretaries I could hire.” Lucifer leans back in his chair and pulls the angel's chair out a little bit, motioning for her to sit down. She obliges.

“No offense, sir, but that is quite unbelievable.” The same staticky voice emerges from behind the King.

“The last time we checked, when did you have, and pardon me for asking, ‘very good friends,’ hm?” Alastor teased at Lucifer.

“If I remember correctly, you’re a shut in. A recluse, and you’ve only recently begun to open up to your daughter.” The red demon stepped to the angel's side and leaned close to her face, looking her directly in the eyes. His smile looked sinister, but she couldn’t read his real emotions.

“In what world would our very isolated King… need a secretary?” Alastor co*cked his head to the side. The angel tensed up.

Lucifer grabbed the angel's seat and pulled her closer to him, and away from Alastor. He saw her shoulders relax, and her hand reaching for her cane again. She began to fiddle with the stem on the apple.

“Look asshole, I don’t know what your issue is,” Lucifer stood up and dragged the angels chair behind him, stepping in front of her and looking dead into Alastors eyes, “But you’re better off sitting on the other side of the table. Far from me.” Alastor straightened himself up and continued smiling at the King.

“All is well, your highness..” Alastor stated, “No need to become hostile! It was but a simple question.” He said, walking to the other side and taking a seat next to a small cyclops demon wearing a maid outfit.

Lucifer switched the angel back so she was seated in front of her food again.

“Ughhh can’t you guys go just one day without arguing?” Charlie groaned, a mouth full of spaghetti. The angel giggles at Charlie and looks back down at her plate to grab a piece of toast that had gone cold.

“Sorry, Char-Char.” Lucifer gives his daughter a big smile and returns to his seat, picking up his fork and bringing a big bite of food into his mouth.

“Anywaaay…” Charlie said, “Where were we?” Charlie looks down the length of the table.

“You’ve just spoken to Angel Dust, one of the first patrons of our hotel!” Charlie points toward Angel Dust who gives the angel a little finger wave. “And the one who spoke after him was Husk. He’s the hotel’s bartender, and almost everyone's therapist- unwillingly.” Husk rolls his eyes and raises a hand, then drops it down immediately.

“Over there we have, Niffty,” Charlie stands up and points at the tiny cyclops demon next to Alastor. She was toying with the knife on her plate and a little fly that unfortunately became her plaything.

“She’s our maid, and we’re almost 80% sure she’s not harmful?” Charlie laughs nervously, looking next to Niffty. “You’ve met Alastor.” Charlie waves at Alastor, who nods and then closes his eyes, sipping at a cup of tea. She looks around the room and turns back to the angel with a tiny frown.

“I don’t think she’s here yet, so you’ll have to meet her later, but her name is Cherri!” Charlie looks at the angel, who is trying to memorize the names of everyone she’s just been introduced to.

“It’s okay if it takes you a while,” Charlie assures the angel, “I don’t expect you to remember everyone's names on the first day.” She sits back down.
“And of course, there’s Vaggie and I.” Charlie gives the angel a big smile and picks her fork back up.

“We hope you can come around more often, (y/n).” Charlie says, spinning spaghetti noodles around her fork.

“Yeah, it’d be nice to have another new face around.” Vaggie chimes in after swallowing her food.

“I hope so too,” The angel played with her half-eaten slice of toast. “It’s lovely here.” She glanced over at Lucifer, who had barely touched his food.

Lucifer’s leg was shaking as he scanned the room. It was full of Charlie’s regular friends, the same six people and a few other sinners who wanted to shoot their shot at redemption. His mind was racing. He didn’t like how that damned radio demon spoke down on him. Lucifer felt something touch the leg that he was shaking. He looks down and sees the angel had placed her hand on his knee.

Lucifer looks over to the angel, who glanced away from him the moment he turned to her. He faintly smiles and looks back down at her hand still laid on his knee. She traced a small star on his knee which then bursted in a tiny yellow firework, and then waved her hand over it so the star disappeared. She removes her hand and goes back to nibbling on her toast.

Lucifer finds himself staring at the angel. He looks her up and down, noticing how the black button-down dress wrapped around her body. How she sat straight up, her posture making her look even more elegant.

“Damn, if you’re going to undress her with your eyes, at least make it less obvious.” A voice chimes, knocking Lucifer out of his daydream. He turns back to the table to see Angel Dust standing behind Charlie.

“No, that’s not what I-” Lucifer puts his hands up in defense, “That’s not what it was.” He clears his throat.

“I was just admiring her dress, I was the one that made it of course.” Lucifer smiled pridefully while crossing his arms.

“Sure thing, Boss. Whatever ya say.” Angel Dust smirks cheekily at the King, collecting everyone’s dirtied plates and walking back to the kitchen.

Lucifer sighs and turns to the angel, her ears tinged with a light pink. Charlie and Vaggie stood together, excusing themselves as they helped Angel Dust clean the table. Lunch concluded with Lucifer snapping his fingers, removing the balloons, streamers, and the clones playing obnoxiously loud music.


Charlie loops her arm through the angels as they walk toward the elevators.

“I finally get to show you around!” Charlie squealed.

“Let’s see it. Show me everything!” The angel laughed.

Lucifer followed the two, closely, but far enough to not be considered hovering. He wanted the angel to have a good impression on the hotel, and so far he was afraid that the image was already tarnished by that stupid red suited bastard. He sighs and follows the two girls into the elevator.

“I’ll show you all of the amenities, each floor has different themes, oh, and the top floors are basically penthouses!” Charlie let go of the angel's arm and clicked a button on the elevator.

“Dad’s room is the second biggest,” Charlie started, “He wouldn’t let me take it and insisted that Vaggie and I shared it instead.” She stood in front of the two angels.

“Thanks to his magic, we were able to rebuild the hotel with ease.” Charlie gives her dad a huge smile, and the elevator dings.

“Ah! We’re here!” Charlie drags the angel out of the elevator and leads her through the halls, showing her all of the intricate details on the walls. This floor held a lot of recreational rooms, from game rooms, to meeting rooms, and even a huge library.

Charlie shows the angel around the hotel, each floor correlating with a different theme as she had said. By the third hour, they had finally made it to one of the top floors.

“This floor is where we let Angel, Husk, and Niffty stay!” Charlie says as the elevator dings open.

“I’m pretty sure it leads to Alastors radio tower as well, but we aren’t allowed in there.” Charlie shrugs. “I won’t intrude into their rooms obviously, I just wanted to show you the floor.” She smiles and clicks a button to close the elevator doors, then pulls out a card and scans it. The elevator begins to move.

“The floor after this one is the largest room in the hotel,” Charlie smiled, “The room takes up the literal whole floor! It’s where Vaggie and I stay, and the one on the very top is where Dad stays.” Charlie rolled her eyes.

“He made it small intentionally, because it’s at the top. Kind of like a mini condo! It has a huge open space though, and the view of Pentagram City is insane!” The door chimes open to a small closet space with a single door at the end. The three walk up to the door, Charlie leading. She pushes the door open and a gust of wind flows through.

Charlie steps through, and then steps aside, letting the angel walk through, with Lucifer following closely.

“This entire rooftop is Dad’s.” Charlie exclaimed proudly, “It’s where he stayed before-” Charlie stopped herself from finishing the sentence. She chokes up a fake cough and looks at her Dad, who gave her a slightly annoyed look.

“I’ll let him give you the grand tour of the place.” Charlie tiptoed her way around the two and stepped back into the hallway. “When you’re done, meet me back down in the lobby! If we aren’t there, come check the rec-rooms.” Charlie gave them a smile and quickly shut the door behind her. The two could hear the elevator ding, the doors opening, Charlie stepping in, the doors closing, and the elevator going back down.

Lucifer lets out a huge sigh and walks to the middle of the open space. The rooftop wasn’t fully decorated. There were a few stone benches on each side, and on the other side of the roof was a building that looked like a condo.

“So,” The angel starts, walking forward with her cane, “You live here and at the manor?” She catches up with Lucifer, who had unlocked the front door and opened it. He turns back to her and steps out of the way.
“Ladies first.” He bows.

“Why, how courteous of you.” The angel laughs and steps in. Lucifer follows in, closing the door behind them.

“Yeah,” He says, “I go back and forth.” Lucifer took his hat off and hung it on a coat rack by the front door. He walks deeper into the room, heading straight for a red, L-shaped couch in the middle of the room. Lucifer sits, groaning as his back relaxes into the seat.

“Come!” He pats the seat next to him, “Sit down.” He smiles.

The angel walks over to the couch and sits, just a pillows distance away from Lucifer. Her shoulders finally fully relax as she melts into the seat.

“What do you think?” Lucifer asks the angel.

“Of the hotel? It’s beautiful.” She replies, “It isn’t at all like how they described it to us up in Heaven.”

“No, of my man cave.” Lucifer shoots her a mischievous look, “Heaven can kiss my ass.” He stuck his tongue out, the angel giggling in reply.

“Could have more colors than just red and white…” She critiques playfully. Lucifer rolls his eyes at her and adjusts himself to a lying position on the couch. His head lay in the open spot between him and the angel, his hair barely making contact with her thigh. He brings his arms up behind his head and closes his eyes.

“I’m sorry if anyone made you uncomfortable today, (y/n).” Lucifer said, his eyes still closed.

The angel looks down at him and places a hand on his head.

“Don’t worry about that, Lucifer.” She said, “No one made me particularly uncomfortable…” Her voice trails off, thinking back to her first meeting with the tall red suited demon.

“I never speak up much, aside from back in Heaven in front of Sera, but that’s it.” The angel began to play with his hair. “That was the first time I had spoken in front of a crowd, but I was full of passion. I was upset. The nerves didn’t bother me.” She laughed, her fingers lacing through fluffy tufts of his blonde locks.

“It’s new to me. Talking to people. Charlie mentioned anxiety. I’m sure that might’ve just been the case.” The angel tilts her head back onto the couch, still playing with Lucifer's hair.

“You didn’t seem to have that much trouble with Charlie and I.” He teased.

“I was in a room with the King of Hell, his daughter, and her girlfriend. Injured to the point of near death, and covered in my own blood. I think I was already past the point of shyness when I woke up, ya dork.” She moves her hand from his hair and flicks his forehead. Lucifer laughs and grabs her hand. He scoots up a little more so his head layed on her lap. He places her hand back into his hair.

“I mean, you can just say that I’m easily approachable.” He chuckled, the angel continued to play with his hair.

“Yeah,” She agreed, “You are.” She looks down at Lucifer. His smirk slowly disappeared from his face as he drifted off into a peaceful sleep. A small snore came from the sleeping body on her lap.

“Thank you for today.” The angel smiled down at him, never removing her hand from his head as he slept, it was the least she could do. She closes her eyes, nodding off and falling victim to an unexpected naptime with the King of Hell.


It might get a little tricky writing this, seeing as how I refer to her as 'the angel,' and I introduced Angel Dust this chapter. I might just write out his name in full every time, to prevent confusion.
Hope you guys enjoyed tonights chapter!!!
It is a little longer than normal. :)
As always, comments are appreciated. I love hearing from you!

Chapter 8: The Moon


Lucifer gets an answer to what the bright lights were. We get more explanation of how the angel is able to do what she does... and a new POV!


4.7k hits! Thank you guys for reading, I'm having a lot of fun writing. T w T
This chapter is longer than normal. Please enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Charlie walks into the lobby and makes her way over to the bar. Husk was behind the counter, cleaning a few glass cups left behind by a previous customer. Charlie sits down and asks for an appletini, a drink her dad introduced to her that she grew to love. She lays her forehead directly onto the bar counter, Husk raising a brow at her.

“Lunch was great, kid.” He said to Charlie, breaking the silence.

“Thanks Husk.” She mumbled.

Husk prepares the appletini for her, grabbing a cup and the alcohol necessary. He places the cup in front of her and stands there in silence waiting for her to pick her head up off the counter. Charlie keeps her head down, so he clears his throat.
“Something on your mind?” Husk asks.

“Mmm…” Charlie groans again, lifting her head and sitting upward. Husk shakes the co*cktail shaker in his hands and then fills Charlie’s cup. She grabs it and downs the drink in two gulps.

“No,” She says, “I’m just overthinking things. I really want (y/n) to like the hotel, you know?” Charlie places the cup back down and grabs a napkin, wiping her mouth.

“I’m afraid that today might’ve been too much for her.” Charlie places her head in her hands.

“I told my Dad that he can finish the tour up since that part of the hotel is his private quarters-” Charlie was cut off by a new voice approaching.

“Did’ja just say that the Big Boss and his new secretary are alone in his room?” Angel Dust purrs, taking a seat next to Charlie. She shakes her head at him.

“No, it isn’t like that, Angel.” She half-scoffs.

“Whatever you say, Doll.” Angel looks over to Husk, who was cleaning Charlie’s cup. Husk rolls his eyes at Angel who was giving him googly eyes.

“Say, Charlie,” Husk says, looking away from Angel, “I don’t mean to intrude, but does your dad really need a secretary? I mean, Alastor might’ve been a dick about it, but he did make a good point.”

“What do you mean?” Charlie removes her head from her hands and adjusts herself in her seat.

“Well, his royal highness doesn’t normally leave the room he built himself above the hotel… Unless he’s lookin’ for you of course.” Husk says, “We were all wonderin’ why we hadn’t seen him around you, or the hotel much this week. ‘Til ya told us he’s been back at the manor… Not to mention you’ve also been out more often than usual this week yourself.” He puts the cup away.

Charlie blinks at Husk, then at Angel, who was also looking at Charlie curiously. She laughs nervously.

“Well, now that we’ve expanded the hotel, we’re expecting a lot of more residents! I’ve been busy.” Charlie stands up paces back and forth in front of Angel.

“It might not seem like it to you guys, but my dad is a really busy person too.” She stops pacing and smiles at them, her hands resting on her hips.

“He’s still the King of Hell, you know.” She gives them a nod. “There’s a lot we don’t see him do. It only makes sense he hires a secretary, and she can’t stay here, there’s space for her back at the old manor.”

The two demons stare at the princess in front of them and shrug.

“Yeah, you’ve got a point.” Husk grabs a bottle from under the shelf and takes a swig.

“It’s none of my business anyway.” Angel smiles, turning back to Husk.

Charlie huffs in contentment, happy she could have her dads back. If he didn’t want them to know that Heaven had cast out another angel, then it wasn’t her place to give that information out. Plus, it’d be for the better, considering the fight against Heaven had taken place about two weeks before.

“Charlie,” Vaggie runs up to her from the direction of the kitchen and dining room, “How’d the tour go? I’m sorry I couldn’t come, there were more dishes than expected and I couldn’t just let Niffty clean it all alone…” She shivered, thinking about Niffty being unsupervised around all of the kitchen knives.

“It was great, Vaggs!” Charlie replied, “Dad’s showing her around the rooftop. They should be back soon.” Vaggie pulls her in for a hug.

“You’re doing great babe, I’m proud of you.” Vaggie kisses Charlie on the cheek. The two girls take their leave hand in hand, making their way to the elevators.

“How about we watch a movie while we wait for them?” Vaggie asks as they step into the elevator.

“Sounds great!” Charlie chimes happily. The elevator doors close and they make their way to the recreational floor.

“Let me tell my dad, maybe they’ll want to join us after.” Charlie sends her dad a text and the elevator doors close.


Charlie stands from one of the reclining loveseats in the movie room, stretching as she stands up.

“That movie kind of sucked.” She frowned at Vaggie, who laughed at her.

“Well it was about a bunch of talking foods. I don’t know what we were expecting.” Vaggie sprawled out onto the loveseat. Charlie rolls her eyes at Vaggie and checks her phone.

“He still hasn’t read my message.” Charlie mentions, “Do you think they’re okay?” She looks towards the doors of the movie room.

“Maybe I’ll go check on them.” Charlie jogs toward the door, Vaggie following close behind.

The two girls make their way to the rooftop, Charlie leading. They step through the elevator doors to the roof, both of them noticing a faint glow shining through the window of her dads rooftop home. They approach the building, curious as to what the light could be.

Charlie lifts her hand, she’s only able to knock once before the door slowly opened up. The girls walk in quietly and look to the living area. Lucifer sat upright on the couch right next to the sleeping angel. His finger sat over his mouth, shushing the girls as they walked in. The entire room was engulfed in a beautiful dark blue light.

He motions for them to sit down on the couch, but the girls sit across from them on the floor instead. Not a single one of them said a word to each other. They stared at the angel, who seemed to be peacefully asleep.

But her eyes were wide open. They were projecting dark blues, purples, and yellows into the room. The angel was dreaming. Her eyes gave them an immersive light show of stars, planets, and colorful galaxies. It was as if they were swimming in space. Comets would shoot by, crumbling into tinier pieces of rock as it collided with another. Lucifer was put into a trance.

He had seen the night sky during his very short time with Lilith on Earth, but this was an entirely different experience. His eyes watered, tears forcing their way down his cheeks.

Charlie and Vaggie stared around them in awe. They had never seen anything like this before. There were planets of all sizes, stars of varying brightness… and the moon.

Oh, the moon. It gave off an ethereal glow, never faltering, even in the vast loneliness of space.

Lucifer found himself choking on a tear, causing the angel to stir in her sleep. Their show was cut off, the angel blinking a few times before rubbing her eyes. She extends her arms into a stretch and yawns.

The angel looks around the room, all eyes on her. Charlie and Vaggie sat on the floor across from her, their mouths slightly ajar. She looks to her side. Lucifer sat next to her, his face soaked from tears.

“Why are you crying, Lucifer?” She turns her whole body to him, sitting criss-cross on the ouch. Her hands make their way up to his face and she wipes away at the tears that seemed to be never ending. Lucifer looks at her face, his eyes making their way up from her lips to her eyes. They shone with a celestial glow. He was speechless.

“Did something happen?” The angel asked him with concern. He shook his head and grabbed her hands, removing them from his face. He held them tight.

The angel looks back over to the girls on the floor.


“What was that ?” Charlie whispered.

“What was what?” The angel asked.

“You… Your eyes… They were open. You were asleep, but they were open.” Charlie was absolutely bewildered.

The angel gasped.

“It happened again, didn’t it?” She said shyly. “What did you see?”

Lucifer lets their hands fall into his lap, his big smile returning to his face.

“It was space.” He says to her. “It was beautiful.”

The angel blushes out of embarrassment.

“Thank you,” She says, moving so her knees were brought up to her chest, her arms on either side of her legs as Lucifer still held her hands in his.

“I didn’t want you to experience space this way,” The angel said sheepishly, “I wanted to bring you to it.” She looks at Lucifer regretfully.

He shook his head.

“No, this was just as amazing.”


“Thank you.” He pulls her in for a hug. She hesitates a moment, shocked at the sudden display of affection, but hugs him back.

Charlie and Vaggie stand and walk over to the two on the couch.

“So dad,” Charlie said, her hands behind her back, “What happened to the tour?” She looks down at her dad who gave her a half-assed smile.

“I got sleepy.” Lucifer lets the angel go and gives his daughter a childish pouty face.

“Lunch was just so heavy on my tummy.” He hugs his stomach and falls to his side, laying back down on the couch. Charlie and Vaggie roll their eyes at the King.

“Well, we ended up watching a whole movie in the span you two were gone,” Charlie said.

“And everyone seems to really think that you’re his secretary.” Charlie’s gaze shifted to the angel and she gave her an apologetic look.

“Secretary?” The angel questioned, looking back at Lucifer. “That’s really the first excuse you came up with?”

Lucifer sits back up.

“Uh, yeah!” He crosses his arms. “What was I supposed to tell them? Uh, ‘Hey guys, Heaven cast out another angel and we have a year to figure something out before they hit us with a random misfortune.’ ” He said sarcastically.

“I only ever mentioned going to visit you and a friend at the manor when Angel asked me where I was all day.” Charlie rubbed the back of her neck.

“I guess it’s a better excuse than none.” Vaggie said.

“That aside,” Vaggie continued, “How does that… stuff happen?” She waves her hands around in the air.

“Oh,” The angel stands up and asks the girls to sit. “Allow me to explain.”

The girls sit on the couch next to Lucifer. The angel stands in front of them and traces a star into the air in front of her. Another galaxy manifested in the space between the angel and the three that sat. The stars that shone danced together, shaping themselves into a constellation in the shape of an angel. It represented her, The Benevolent One.

She explained to the two girls the same thing she told Lucifer, how she studied the stars through astral projection of her soul. She told them about the different beings she would project herself into, up until the point she learned how to project her soul itself into space. The constellation danced around, jumping from one part of space to another. The constellation rode on comets, slid down rings of planets, and befriended the light.

“There is everything and nothing in space.” The angel said, “The darker regions of space weren’t ventured by the souls bound to Earth, they found it more supernatural than natural. I took it upon myself to learn more.” She slid her finger across the projected galaxy.

“That’s where I became friends with the moon.” Her smile returned to her face. “Heaven and Hell are the two realms we are sent to after Divine Judgement. Space is a place of it’s own, and just like earth, there was a soul bound there. The moon being the only one.” The angel sticks her hand into the galaxy and pulls forward a projection of the moon.

“She was a lonely soul. Not bound to a human body, but to a large, smooth rock in the sky. All by herself.” She looks at the projection sadly.

“The moon was the only soul who understood my loneliness.” She said, “I’ve seen and studied so much, it made no sense to me that a soul could be bound to some rock that constantly overlooked Earth. We could only communicate through constellations, rearranging them into different pictures like a book. You would think that maybe there are other souls in space, souls like her, but no, she was alone. It was her that taught me that being alone isn’t so bad.” The angel shifted her gaze from the projection over to Lucifer. She gave him a soft smile and then looked back at the projection.A flurry of comets and asteroids pummeled into the large rock. The moon, once smooth surfaced, was flawed.

“I spent a lot of time there. Learned a lot of things. The stars, they all tell a different story.” The angel waves her hand over the galaxy and it dissipates.

“She taught me that your eyes are a window into your soul.” A giggle leaving her mouth. “Ironic, isn’t it? A being considered lower than me, teaching me, an angel, about the soul…”

“I believe that the projections coming from me are simply my favorite memories being replayed as I sleep.” She smiles at the three.

“I was happiest with her. She was my best friend.” The angel straightens out her dress and walks over to Lucifer. She sits on the other side of him.

“I haven’t been able to contact her in nearly a thousand years.” She says in disbelief. “I have no idea where she is.” She leans back into the couch.

“You were friends with the moon?” Lucifer leans back with her.

“Yep. We couldn’t talk, but we figured something out.” The angel shrugged.

“Wherever she is, I hope she’s safe.” She sighed.

Charlie squeals, “That is actually one of the coolest things I’ve ever heard in my life.” Vaggie playfully rolls her eyes at her girlfriend.

“Anyway,” The angel said, “Thank you for listening. I’m sorry if I freaked you guys out.” She laughs.


Lucifer’s POV


She walked over to me and sat down like normal as if she hadn’t just told us the most heart-wrenching story I’ve ever heard in my life. She can’t be serious, right? There’s no way the moon had a soul. That thing was there when Adam was created. If another soul was made aside from him, Lilith, or Eve, I would’ve known about it. I’m f*cking ancient, and you’re telling me that soul was there the whole time?

“Anyway,” She said, “Thank you for listening. I’m sorry if I freaked you guys out.”

I can’t ever bring myself to say anything witty when I’m around her. I can almost always make a joke out of everything, but she always somehow takes my breath away with every new piece of information she drops.

I looked over at Charlie and Vaggie who stood and began to make their way over to the door.

“We need to take a breather after that one. We’ll wait outside.” Vaggie walked out, Charlie bouncing in excitement behind her.

We were alone.

I turned back to her, and she was staring at me with those big ass eyes of hers. I still didn’t know what to say. My mouth started moving before I could even think.

“Your thighs make perfect pillows.”

What did I just say?

She looks at me and raises an eyebrow. I can’t read her face. She bursts out laughing.

“And you make for a comfortable blanket, Luci.”

“Luci?” I smirked at her. I liked the way she said it.

“Yeah, Luci. Unless you prefer me using Lucifer?” She sits upright, I follow.

I stood up and stretched, then took a step to the side and stood in front of her.

“Nah, Luci works, but you’ll have to call me Sir when we’ve got other company.” I wiggled my eyebrows at her, she rolled her eyes at me. The whole secretary excuse really was the only thing I could think of, but I can work with it. Besides, the dress I gave her really brings the whole lie together. And I have to admit that I was staring more than I would’ve liked.

I reached my hand out to help her off the couch, and she took it. She stood directly in front of me. I never realized, but she was slightly taller than me. Hot.

Come on, Lucifer, get it together. All of these dumb thoughts and you’ve only just met her a week ago? Yeah it was nice to have someone else around the house again, but that’s purely circ*mstantial. Maybe after today, she’d want to stay with Charlie here at the hotel. I wouldn’t mind letting her stay in his place, I’d feel better if she stayed in this room than a room inside the hotel anyway.

I’d feel better if she stayed far away from that radio demon bastard.

“Lucifer?” She calls out to me, her voice like silk.

“Ready to go?” She steps around me, holding her cane close, and heads to the door.

“That’s Luci, to you, Starlight.” I stuck my tongue out at her.

“Oh? Starlight?” She raises an eyebrow at me.

“I thought we were giving each other nicknames. Starlight fits.” I shrugged and walked over to the door, opening it for her. Charlie and Vaggie stood near the elevator entrance, they turned to us when the door opened.

“I guess it does.” She smiles and walks out, heading straight to Charlie and Vaggie.

Her eyes twinkled with the brightness of the stars and I’m always lost when we make eye contact. Yeah. Starlight fits her. The elevator door dings open and we all make our way in, heading back to the lobby.

Luci, huh? No one’s called me that in forever. I glanced down at my hand, my engagement ring shining back at me. I sighed and put my hands over one another as I held my cane. The elevator made its way back down to the lobby and we all stepped out.

“Where’ve you two been all afternoon?” Angel Dust cooed in our direction from the bar.

I watched as she sunk into herself, taking a small step behind me. Even after that whole display, she’s still not ready to talk to anyone outside of Charlie, Vaggie, and I. My heart hurt for her. If anyone was going to understand her loneliness other than the moon, it would be me. And I’ll do everything in my power to prove that to her.

“They were watching a movie with us!” Charlie exclaimed. “It sucked though.”
“A movie? Where was my invite?” Angel Dust leaned back into his chair.

“Next time, sorry!” Charlie hurried to the exit, pulling Vaggie behind her. I felt a hand grab onto the back of my coat and froze for a second.

I look behind me to see the angel fiddling with her cane with her free hand again. She might be a little taller than me, but she looked really small in the moment. I pulled her forward so she stood next to me instead. I gave her a reassuring smile and let her hold onto the hem of my shirt as we walked outside. I could feel Angel Dust looking in our direction, I could sense the smirk on his face, but I wasn’t going to pay him any mind.

We made it out, Charlie and Vaggie already standing in the front waiting for us.

“Thank you for coming.” Charlie gave me a big hug.

“Anything for you, my sweet apple.” I pinched her cheek.

“Dad…” She groaned, rubbing the spot I just pinched.

“Thank you for coming, and for teaching me something new.” I watched as Charlie gave the angel a hug. She melted into Charlie's arms and I saw her shoulders release all tension.

“You know where to find me if you ever get curious about any wonders of the other worlds.” She smiled at Charlie. I saw Charlie’s eyes light up.

“Oh, definitely!” Charlie laughed.

Vaggie wished us a good day, and the two walked back into the hotel.

I looked back at the angel, her dress was wrinkled from having fallen asleep on the couch. It was wrinkled from me laying on her.

“So, teleportation, or flight?” I asked her.

“Let’s just teleport back, I’m beat. I’m sure you are too.” She said.

I frowned, I wanted to fly her back. The way she took in the sights of Pentagram City as if it were the most beautiful place to ever exist. The way her hair flowed with the wind. The way her body fit perfectly in my arms.

“Okay.” I said, summoning a portal back to the manor.

“After you, ma’am.” I bowed at her.

“Thank you, sir.” She bows back and steps through the portal. I follow, the portal closing behind me.

We walked into the manor. It smelled like sweets and pancakes. That’s all we ate this week. I watched her stumble to the living area and sit down on one of the loveseats. I took the reclining chair across from her. She groans.

“That was one of the most stressful things I’ve ever had to do in my life.” She hides her face in her hands.

“I didn’t realize how bad I would be with talking to people. I’m actually so embarrassed.” She kicks her shoes off and swings her feet up onto the couch.

“I think you did great.” I said, “Charlie was really happy to see you there.”

“I know she was, but I feel bad! I fell asleep after lunch, during her tour!”

“That wasn’t your fault.”

“You’re right. It wasn’t my fault.” She sat up and looked directly at me with a mischievous glare.

“It was yours.” She sends a flick in my direction, a puff of stardust flying into my face.

“Pf- WHAT THE-” I coughed and fanned my hand in front of my face. The stardust smelled like plums and freesia. It smelled like her.

“You’re lucky that’s the most I can physically manifest.” She puffed her cheeks and laid back down.

“Yeah whatever!” I stuck my tongue out at her and put the seat into reclining mode, laying myself back.

Her eyes were closed but I could tell she was holding back a smile. What a dork.

“Hey Starlight,” I called out to her. Her eyes opened and she looked over my direction. I snapped my fingers, and a waterfall of paper stars showered over her entire body. She sat up immediately, looking at me with her jaw dropped. I burst out laughing at her.

Her hair was full of tiny paper stars, they fell into her shirt and in between the seat cushions. She looks at me and crosses her arms.

“Luci that was absolutely uncalled for!” She grabbed a handful of stars and chucked them toward me. I stood up and ran to my workshop.

“Too bad you can’t run!” I shouted as I made my way down the hall.

As f*cked up as it was, it was true. She still can’t run, and I wasn’t about to take another handful of stardust to the face. I was going to take advantage of that as much as I can.

“Lucifer Morningstar!” I could hear her voice from the other side of the manor.

I ran into my workshop and shapeshifted into a tiny rubber duck, placing myself into a pile near my desk. I heard her footsteps approaching, slowly, but gradually getting louder. I watched her walk in and look around the workshop.
“Lucifer…” At this point, I was only hiding to hear her call out for me.

“Where are you?” She walks around, the cane helping her keep balance. She makes her way over to the desk and overlooks a few blueprints I had. She grabs something. It was a metallic star. One of the stars I had made when she first taught me of her studies of the stars.

I shapeshifted back, falling directly into the pile of rubber ducks.

“Like it?” I asked her.

“When did you make these?” She asked, admiring the metal star in her hand.

“One of the first nights you got here. I think when you first told me about your powers.”

“They’re so tiny, so cute.” She cooed at the star in her palm.

“There’s more.” I stood up from the duck pile and snapped, the lights automatically dimming. I swung the applehead of my cane over her hand and my desk, all of the stars began to float. They blinked in different colors and rose upward, covering the ceiling and twinkling like real stars in the night sky.

“I know it’s not as beautiful as the real thing,” I said, “But after you told me about it, I really wanted to see it again. This is how I remember it from my time on Earth.”

She looked up and around, her lips curling into a smile.

“This is beautiful in its own way, Luci.” She looks at me with those eyes. Those bright f*ckin’ eyes.

“It’s nothing compared to what you’ve experienced over there.” I sighed and sat on the floor next to the pile of ducks. She joins me.

“We all experience things differently, Luci.” She smiled. “I’m happy that you found a way to share your experience with me.” She looks back up at the makeshift starlit sky above us. The fake stars’ twinkle reflected off of her own eyes that were already sparkling with wonder.

We sat there, on a pile of ducks, staring up at a fake star covered sky. She adjusts herself, and we hear a squeak. She had accidentally sat on one of the ducks. We looked at each other, laughing as the duck exhausted its squeak.

Then silence after we caught our breath.

“(y/n),” I called out.

“Yes, Luci?”

What was I trying to say to her? Was I just trying to fill the silence?

“I meant it when I said your thighs made a pretty comfortable pillow.” Yeah. My mouth is moving before I can properly think.

She laughed again though. A win on my part, honestly.

I smile at her and stand, helping her up too.

“Let me show you around the rest of Pentagon City,” I offered her. “We can’t let this outfit of yours go to waste.” I playfully wiggled my eyebrows at her and flashed her a smile.

“Whatever you say, Sir.” She said.

“Ew, please, nooo…” I whined.

“But I’m your secretary!” She giggled, walking out of the workshop.

I brought the stars down from the ceiling and placed them back down on my desk. I followed her out and closed the door.

“You’re only my secretary in name, Starlight.” I rolled my eyes at her. “Please don’t do this to me.” I jogged to catch up with her.

“But Siiir…” She whined at me. I could feel my ears getting hot. Her whining was cute.

“Nooo!” I ran to the living room this time, tripping and falling face first into the same pile of paper stars I had summoned onto her. She burst out laughing, and I could see tears forming at the corners of her eyes from laughing so hard.

“Not funny.” I pouted. Admittedly, I loved hearing her laugh.

“But!- HA- But you!-” She was having a hard time catching her breath. I could listen to her laugh all day.

“Put your shoes back on already.” I tossed her shoes over at her and she reached for them, still out of breath.

“Was it really that funny?”

“It was.” She finally catches up on her breathing.

“Glad my pain makes you laugh, Starlight.” I walked over to her and opened the doors to the manor. I expanded my wings, stretching as I did so.

“Let’s go!” I turn to her, scooping her up as soon as she fastened her shoes onto her feet.


“Up!” I swiftly beat my wings and we were above Pentagon City again.

I just hoped she hadn’t seen my cheeks turning red, both from embarrassment and how cute her laugh was. The sky was red, it always is, if she ever mentions that my face was red I’ll tell her she’s seeing things and blame it on the atmosphere. Yep. Great plan, Lucifer.

I soared over the Morningstar district before bee-lining it towards what was probably the nicest area in all of Pentagon City, thanks to the Overlord in charge of it.

Cannibal Town.


Worth Protecting (Lucifer x Fem!Reader) - Kai (DubuKai) (1)


The photo attached at the end is how I envisioned the rooftop condo that Lucifer built for himself :P
How do we like Lucifer's POV?
Do you guys want switched POVs?
also! the scent described by lucifer this chapter is based off of a real scent, Pure Seduction from Victoria's Secret. :p

Chapter 9: Rosie and Vox


We are introduced to a few new Overlords.
Lucifer and the angel hang out at Rosie's Emporium for a bit before things go south.


I want to draw out a reference sheet for the angel- no face, skin color, just an outfit, halo, and wings. Would you guys want to see this?
I apologize for any typos or misspellings!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Lucifer flew them straight to Rosie’s side of town, the Cannibal District. He had to admit that although he didn’t care much for the Sinners and other Hellborn of his realm, that some of them weren’t all too bad. Rosie being one of them. He was thankful that she had accepted Charlie’s offer and aided in the stand against Heaven.

After Rosie had returned back to Cannibal Town after that fateful day, Lucifer had paid her a visit. He thanked her personally, claiming that had they not been there, he wasn’t sure the outcome would have been the same. Though Lucifer wasn’t exactly sure how Charlie came up with the idea of recruiting the cannibals, he was happy his daughter was able to make such a big decision in such a pinch.

Lucifer lands at the entrance to the district, letting the angel down as he retracts his wings.

“Woah,” She looks around, taking in the sights of a town stuck in time. The streets were filled with vintage buildings of the progressive era. There were Sinners walking up and down the streets, each with pale skin and large, sharp teeth. Cannibals , the angel thought to herself.

“They might look intimidating but trust me, they won’t lay a finger on ya.” Lucifer said, fixing his collar.

“For cannibals, they’re actually pretty… humane?” He leans against his cane. “They only eat bodies if they’re already dead.” He shrugs and holds his arm out toward the angel. She loops her arm through his and they step through the gates, making their way wherever their legs lead them.

“It’s actually my second time coming here,” Lucifer admitted, “The first time I came, I went straight to the Overlord that runs this place. Her name is Rosie, she’s one of the only Overlords I actually care enough to know of.” Lucifer was rambling.

“She helped Charlie back when, well, ya know. Anyway, I promised you a tour of Pentagram City, and the first place that popped into my head was Rosie’s Emporium!” He pointed ahead at a large building that sat in the center of a large plaza.

“What better place to bring a lady than a city full of cannibals?” The angel teased him.

“W-Well, to be honest, a lot of the places down here kind of suck.” Lucifer chuckles, a goofy grin making its way onto his face. “Cannibal Town is the only place that has a bit of a civil feel to it.” Civil. What a way to describe a town full of sinners that feast on human flesh.

Lucifer cringed at his word choice. Not wanting to talk more about it, he continued their walk up the plaza to the front of Rosie’s Emporium. The angel was still looking around quietly. Her gaze met a few of the cannibals, who, in turn, flashed their sharp teeth in her direction. Whether they were smiling, or snarling, she couldn’t tell. Still, the angel tried to hold her head high.

Lucifer reaches and opens the front door to Rosie’s shop, allowing the angel to step through before him.

A bell rings as the door opens, signaling the entrance of a new customer. The entire room was full of cannibals, all calling out a single name: Rosie.

The angel steps aside, allowing Lucifer to take the lead again. He grabs the angel by the hand and leads her through the crowd, forcing his way to the front.

“Oh my stars !,” An old timey voice called out from behind the counter, rushing around to meet with the King.

“To what honor do I owe a visit from our lovely King, hm?” A tall woman with grey skin and sharp teeth like the others towers over the King and the angel. Rosie held her hands together and placed them in front of her.

“Good afternoon, Miss Rosie, I was just taking a lovely stroll around Cannibal Town…” Lucifer smiles up at her.

“I was wondering if you still had those things I found last time? I wanted to show it to my friend here.” Lucifer side steps and reveals the angel, their hands still entwined. Her shoulders were slumped inward just slightly, as if she were trying to protect her body from the outside. She looks up and gives Rosie a nod.

“How do you do?” The angel greets quietly.

“Oh, Your Highness, who’s the sweet pea? So polite, this one. How cute is she? AH! I love it.” Rosie says, turning around, “I know exactly what you’re here for, no worries, no worries. Just follow me, and keep up now Your Highness, you’re both so tiny I don’t wanna leave you behind now!”

Lucifer lets out an awkward chuckle at the height joke as Rosie leads the two to the other side of the emporium. There were many large aisles, each full of different goods. It ranged from gift cards to hand-made knick knacks and other toys.

“Should be over there Hon,” She points to the back corner of the emporium, “Let Ol’ Rosie know if you need anything else!” Rosie waves at them as she walks back to the front to tend to the horde that called out for her nonstop.

“Look,” Lucifer pulled the angel over to the end of an aisle, “I wandered around for a little and got lost trying to count how many headless baby dolls Rosie had sittin’ around.” He lets her hand go and rummages through a large box that sat in the corner of the shop.

“She let me hang around for a bit, I found this thing- hold on-” He leans forward onto the box, practically getting swallowed by it. His feet barely touched the ground as he tip-toed to reach the bottom of the box. The angel moves her hand up to her mouth, trying to hide a smile forming from seeing the King of Hell digging through a big box of junk.

“Aha!” He exclaims, “Check this out!” He turns to the angel, a dusty briefcase in his hands.

She looks at him with a flat expression, unable to hide it.

“Oh come on, at least look excited.” He puts the briefcase on the floor and crouches next to it.

“I don’t even know what it is, Luci.” She crouched next to him and poked him on the head, causing him to lose balance and fall onto his bottom.

“Oof-” Lucifer dusts his backside off and gets back into a crouched position, “I’m not even going to address that right now.” He glances at the angel, she giggles.

“But look,” Lucifer opens the briefcase to reveal a small collection of handmade replicas of the sun, the moon and the planets within Earth's solar system.

“All that talk about you, and the moon, and stuff…” He trailed off, looking at the angel. She looked down at the briefcase with a face of amazement.

“I don’t know where she got this from, but if you want it, we can get it. I mean, only if you want of course. Ha. No pressure.” Lucifer found himself fumbling over his own words, unsure of what to say as the angel crouched next to him speechless.

“You don’t know where she got this?” The angel reached for one of the tiny planets that sat in the briefcase. It was made of wood but was covered in resin. It had scratches over it from rolling around in the briefcase for who knows how long.

“Nope! Not a clue.” Lucifer stands up and puts his hands on his hips. He stands, watching as the angel plays with the different planets in the case. She puts the planets back down and looks up at Lucifer, her cheeks blushed a light pink.

They were staring right at one another, Lucifer standing, and the angel at his feet, looking directly up at him. He looks down at her and feels heat rush to his ears.


Ah, Your Highness! ” A familiar staticky voice rumbles from the other side of the aisle, cutting the angel off.

The angel freezes. She dared not move. The familiar feeling of fear and shock striking her body as she felt the Radio Demon approach from behind her.

“What do you want, asshole?” Lucifer rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. He steps forward, standing between the Radio Demon and the angel.

My, so hostile.” Alastor laughs, “I was just dropping by to say hello to my good friend, Rosie, of course. She mentioned that you and a friend were also here visiting!” He smiles at Lucifer, his sharp, yellow teeth bearing at the King in a somewhat menacing way.

“Hello, Miss (y/n).” Alastor bends his neck sideways, greeting the angel who still stayed crouched on the floor behind Lucifer.

“Hello again, Alastor.” She said timidly, closing the briefcase. She refused to make eye contact.

“Oh, I don’t mean to be a bother.” Alastor twirls his staff behind his back, “But I do believe that item you have there,” He spun his staff forward, using it to point at the briefcase, “is mine.”

Lucifer scoffs.

“Yours?” He raised an eyebrow. “Last time I checked, it was dusty and left behind in a box at the back of an emporium.” Lucifer rolls his eyes.

“Why, yes, it was.” Alastor stands up straight and twirls his staff again, putting his weight on the tool and leaning forward. “That doesn’t mean I don’t own it.”

The angel's face fell. The briefcase had an owner, and as bad as she wanted to keep the contents inside, she knew she had no right to take it. She slides the case between Lucifer’s legs, toward Alastor, and stands up.

“It’s okay Lucif- I mean, Sir.” She stood straight, clasping her hands together.

“You could have it,” Alastor says. The angel’s eyes lit back up. “For a favor, of course.” He finishes.

“No.” Lucifer’s arms uncrossed and he held an arm out to stop the angel from taking any steps forward. One set of his wings unveiled themselves, shielding the angel from Alastor’s view.

“No favors. No deals. You can keep your stupid briefcase.” Lucifer scowled at the red suited demon, his own eyes turning a bright red from anger.

“If you insist, Your Highness.” Alastor walks forward and bends down to pick up the briefcase. He walks back to the other side of the aisle, briefcase in hand. The angel peeks from the side of Lucifer’s wing.

“Well, if you change your mind, little secretary ,” Alastor says sarcastically as he glances at the angel, “You know where to find me.” He disappears into the shadows.

Lucifer's heart was beating out of his chest. His hands were balled into fists, his knuckles turning white from clenching so tightly. He closed his eyes, trying to control his breathing, until he felt a small hand tap his back.

“Luci?” The angel's voice called out to him.

His eyes turn back to normal and he retracts his wing, turning to face the angel.

“Are you okay?” She asks.

“Are you?” He cups her face in his hands, acting before he could think. He looks her up and down.

“I’m fine, thank you for that.” She says, her voice a little muffled from her face being held.

“Good,” He smiles, letting her face go, “I’m sorry we couldn’t get the stuff for you.” He rubs the back of his head.

“I can make it for you instead, how bout it?” He smiles, holding his arm out for her to grab.

“I think I’d like that a lot more.” She loops her arm through his and they walk back to the front. The angel kept her eyes on the ground until they got back to the front. Rosie stood behind the counter with Alastor, his arm still hugging the case close. Rosie gives them a big smile, waving her hand as the two thanked her and said their goodbyes. The door rings again as it closes behind them.

Rosie turns back to Alastor, her smile turning into a small frown.

“I just don’t understand why ya gotta pick on our King like that, Alastor.” Rosie shook her head and took a seat behind the register. Alastor responds with a somewhat displeased hum, placing the case under the counter Rosie sat behind.

“Be a dear and keep this here for me, hm, Rosie?” Alastor grins, disappearing once again.

“Boy, what am I to do with you.” She shakes her head and returns to tending to her customers.


The two fallen angels walked arm-in-arm back to the front of the Cannibal District.

“Oh, I meant to ask earlier,” The angel said, looking over to Lucifer. His ears perk up.

“What’s that big white building in the middle of Pentagram City?” She asks.

Lucifer's face fell flat.

“That big white building is a clock tower,” Lucifer shrugs, “And the Heaven Embassy.”

“There’s a Heaven Embassy down here?”

“Yep. Not like they ever actually came down for meetings, anyway. They always called me into other places that felt more like jail cells than a meeting room. Or they’ll use holograms.” He shivers.

“I never knew there was an Embassy…” Her voice trails off.

“Didn’t expect you to,” They arrive at the Cannibal District entrance, Lucifer extending his wings again. “It’s kind of dumb and unfair though, they get an embassy down here but I don’t get one up there?” He holds his arms out to the angel.

“Talk about a double standard.” The angel walks up to Lucifer and wraps her arms around his neck.

“Can you take me to the clock tower?” She asks.


Lucifer’s POV


She’s so close. My left arm snaked around her waist and I hoisted her up, supporting her weight under her thighs with my other arm. The tights she was wearing were soft. Her legs wrapped around my waist. This wasn’t how we normally flew. Normally I’d have my arms under her arms and legs, cradled close to my chest. Normally I’d be holding her in a princess carry.

“Sure thing, Starlight.” Was all I could manage to choke up.

I beat my wings, once, twice, and then we were off. I don’t think she realizes what she did. I don’t even think she realizes what position we’re in right now. I can literally hear my heartbeat in my ears, it’s as if my eardrums are about to burst. Can she feel it? My heart racing? It doesn’t help that she's still wearing this dress.

She was facing me directly as I flew. I can see her eyes looking down, looking around, but she would occasionally look at me. My mind is still fuzzy from being upset with that dumbass Radio Demon. This doesn’t help at all.

“You passed it, Lucifer.” She says. I can feel her gaze on me.

“I knew that.” I said, bringing us back around.

“You look deep in thought,” Her head tilted to the side a little. “Still upset over Alastor?”

“Ew, don’t even speak his name,” I stuck my tongue out at her.

“You got it, Sir.” She giggles.

I looked around the surrounding areas of the Heaven Embassy, making sure there weren’t too many Sinners around causing a ruckus before lowering us down. I made it to the ground and retracted my wings. I looked at her, but her eyes were glued onto the clock tower in front of her. I heard a clicking noise come from an alleyway to our left. I look over, but I don't see anything.

“It reminds me so much of Heaven.” Her eyes glistened with the whites of the building in front of us. I focus back on her.

“What’s that countdown for?” She asked, pointing up.

Does she not realize she’s still clinging onto me? My hands are starting to sweat. What the hell do I do?

“Erm, ah, it’s for, the- the uh,” Seriously, Lucifer? Say something, idiot!

Her gaze found its way back to my face. I can feel my cheeks heating up. Oh. My. f*cking. sh*t.

“It’s for the- the countdown to- to the-” f*ck. Those big ass f*cking eyes of hers.

“It counts down to the next yearly extermination.” Someone says.

YES! Yes. That’s what it’s for.” I sighed in relief. “Wait, who said that?” I look behind the angel, only for my eyes to be met with Angel Dust.

“Heya Big Boss, (y/n).” He smirks at us. “Am I intruding or somethin'?”

I felt her jump in my arms. She looks at me, then looks down at our bodies. I can feel the panic set in. I can see the panic in her eyes.

“O-OH, Sorry- Um…” She unwraps her legs and loosens her arms from around my neck. She stands and sneaks behind me, out of view from Angel Dust.

“Sorry…” She whispered from behind me.

“N-no it’s fine…” I replied. I turn back to Angel Dust.

“Angel, right?” I cleared my throat, “No, you weren’t intruding. Nothing to intrude on, HAHA.” I laughed awkwardly, obnoxiously.

“Didn’t take you for someone into voyeurism, Boss.” Angel teased.

“You’ve got it all wrong-”

Angel walks up to us, close enough so only we could hear him. His demeanor became serious.

“Not sure if you’ve noticed, but you’re being watched.” He whispered to us.

“What do you mean?” My eyebrows furrowed.

“It’s a little too late now, but you're gonna wanna head back home. Keep an eye on the news when you get back. And you’re gonna wanna call Charlie as soon as you can.” He turns on his heel, waving as he walks back in the direction of the hotel.

I turn to the angel, her shoulders visibly shaking.

“Let’s go home.” I said, she nodded in agreement. I summon a portal beneath us, directly into her room, instantly closing it upon our teleportation. She doesn’t say a word to me, she just heads straight to the living area. I follow suit. I saw her reach for a remote and turn on a TV I didn’t even know I owned. She sits on the loveseat, I take a seat next to her. She starts flipping through channels, skipping through all of the random drama and unnecessary p*rn shows. A bright red alert blares on the screen, shocking us both.

The channel changes, a news anchor with a big screen for a face sat behind a desk. He begins to speak.

“Breaking news, Hell’s joke of a King has found himself tangled up with an unknown hottie-”

The scene flips, a photo of her and I in front of the Heaven Embassy popped up. It was when I had just landed, and she was still holding onto me. Her legs were wrapped around me, my arms were wrapped around her. I was facing the camera, but she was facing away. Thank f*ck. At least her face wasn’t out there for the public to see. The scene switches back to the TV headed demon.

“It’s been two weeks since we’ve seen him tussle with Heaven alongside his daughter-”

I felt my jaw clench.

“And it’s been seven years since his wife, Lilith, the true ruler of our realm, left him! Ha!”

I saw her look at me from my peripherals.

“Has our King found himself someone to keep his bed warm since our Queen left? Will he ever grow a pair of balls and actually learn how to run this place? Stay tuned, 666News will be right back.”

She clicked the tv off.

It was silent. I didn’t know what to do, didn’t know what to say.

“I’m sorry.” She stood, and ran to her room. I coudn’t even react fast enough. I heard her door close, and then a click. She locked it.

“f*ck.” My voice echoed through the empty living room. So much for a tour of Pentagram City, huh, Lucifer?


I'm so serious when I say I love reading your guys' comments. They mean so much to me. I had no motivation to do anything today, but got a flurry of notifications saying people were commenting. I got all teary eyed LOL.
I appreciate you all so much, thank you for reading.

Chapter 10: Worth Protecting


We get a glimpse of the loneliness Lucifer has felt in the years with, and without Lilith.


You're f*cking kidding me... Almost 7k hits? Nearly 500 Kudos?! I'm speechless... Thank you guys so much.
Please enjoy this chapter. I hurt my own feelings writing it LOL.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Starlight’s POV


“Breaking news, Hell’s joke of a King has found himself tangled up with an unknown hottie-”

What is this? The TV shows a photo of Lucifer and I standing in front of the Heaven Embassy, and it’s as suggestive as you’d think. My face grew hot. I was clinging to him, my legs were literally wrapped around his entire body. His arms were around, and under me. Are you kidding me? What else would this suggest? Oh, Heavenly Father, forgive me for my language, but what the f*ck was I thinking?

“It’s been two weeks since we’ve seen him tussle with Heaven alongside his daughter-”

And I heard they did a damn great job.

“But it’s been seven years since his wife, Lilith, the true ruler of our realm, left him! Ha!”

I’m sorry, what? I found myself looking at him, but he refused to turn his head to me. I furrowed my brows and looked back at the TV. My heart was pounding.

“Has our King found himself someone to keep his bed warm since our Queen left? Will he ever grow a pair of balls and step up to the plate? Stay tuned, 666News will be right back.”

I turned the TV off. My legs acted on their own and I stood up. My knees were wobbling, still unable to hold myself up properly, but there was pure adrenaline running through my veins.

“I’m sorry.” I ran straight to my room. I locked the door, leaned on it, and slid to the floor. I pull my legs up and hug my knees close to my body.

I miss my wings. I would have hidden myself within them. I would have nested myself on the bed and taken a well deserved nap. I’m exhausted. Today was way too much on my mental, and as much as I loved seeing Charlie again, I’m glad to be back in my room.

My room… in the Morningstar Manor.

The Morningstar Manor?

I stand and make my way over to my bed, kicking off my shoes as I slide under the covers. I lay down and stare at the ceiling.

I’m in the Morningstar Manor. Home to the King of Hell.

This is where Lucifer lives, and always has, it seems. Charlie had to have lived here at one point too, and if both of them lived here, then so did… Lilith. Why didn’t it ever cross my mind before? If this was their home, why does it seem so bleak? Unlived? Where were all of the photos of them?

I flopped over to my side, facing away from the door and at the window. The curtains were partially drawn, so I could see a little bit of the sky. A dark purple engulfed the atmosphere, signaling that Hell’s day cycle was coming to an end.

I sigh and close my eyes, feeling an oncoming migraine. I don’t want to think of anything right now, I just want to sleep.

There was a knock at the door. My eyes shot open and I froze, not knowing if I wanted to let him in or not.

“Starlight?” I heard his voice call out. My heart panged with guilt, but I stayed quiet. I heard him place something by the door.

“I’m here for you when you’re ready.” His footsteps disappeared in the direction of his bedroom.

I don’t know why I couldn’t look him in the eyes and ask him what happened myself. I don’t understand why I was the one that ran off.

Maybe I’m just afraid of the truth.


Lucifer’s POV


I set the box down in front of her bedroom door and headed back to my room. The house is quiet, there isn’t a single sound aside from the howling of the winds outside and my own heavy breathing. I should’ve been more careful with taking her outside. No one aside from Charlie, Vaggie, and I truly know who she is, and I was careless.

I reached for my phone to see I had two missed calls and nearly twenty texts from Charlie. I get to my room and switch my clothes to pajamas, lying on the bed before I call my daughter back. It doesn’t even ring once before she picks up.

Dad!” Charlie practically screams into the phone.


“Are you okay?” I could hear her breathing into the phone.

“Woah, kiddo, I’m fine.” I laugh, “But… (y/n) is taking this a little hard.”

“I was just about to ask about her too, oh gosh. I saw the news, I know they didn’t get her face, they-” Charlie stops herself, bringing her voice to a whisper.
“They don’t know, do they?”

She was probably asking if anyone knew Starlight is a fallen angel too.

I shook my head.

“Nah, I’m pretty sure they don’t.” I stretched my arm out and rested it behind my head, using it as a pillow. “The most they saw was my face.”

“They saw more than just your face, Dad, what was going on in that picture?!” Charlie shouted.

My face grew hot again.

WHAT PICTURE? HAHA” My phone nearly slipped out of my hand as I quickly sat up.

“Daaad…” Charlie groaned.

“Alright, look, it looks bad but I promise it isn’t what you think.”


“I swear, Char! I had just landed us in front of the Heaven Embassy to check it out, I hadn’t let her down yet and someone took a photo at the literal worst time possible.”

It was silent for a second.

“Okay. I’m just glad you’re okay.” Charlie sighed. “I’m sorry about what they said about you on the news, though. They’re slandering you out there! They- They brought up Mom...”

“I’ll take care of it.” I shrugged. “I’m the King of Hell, what are they gonna do, kick me from my seat?” I laughed and laid back down, trying to avoid the topic of Lilith.

Charlie laughs, “I guess you’re right. Let me know if there’s anything I can do, okay? I’m still your daughter, and the Princess of Hell after all.”

“Yeah you are.” I agreed pridefully.

“Good night, Dad. Keep me updated on (y/n), okay? I know she had a long day.”

“Of course, Apple Pie. Good night.” I smiled, ending the conversation with Charlie.

I threw my phone onto the other side of the bed and groaned into my pillow. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to sleep tonight.

Instead of trying to get comfortable, I stood up and threw on my robe and a pair of slippers. I step out of my room, walking down the hall to a flight of stairs that spiraled upwards. It brought me to a large observatory room that I remodeled into a library for Charlie when she was younger. It wasn’t like we could observe anything from down here anyway. I walked along the shelves of books, my fingers trailing across the ridges and backs of literature that hadn’t been touched in years.

In the back of the room was a wall covered in crayon scribbles from Charlie, and where I had re-hung all of our family portraits. I sigh, taking a seat in a beanbag in front of the photos.

“Oh, Lilith…” I look up, admiring the portraits of a once happy family.

The day Lilith left, she didn’t say a word. She walked out and didn’t even bother to look back. It was thanks to years of tension building up. Years of us disagreeing on many things regarding Charlie, regarding the future of Hell… But it was Lilith that I was arguing with. The most independent woman I’ve ever known in all my years of existence. I felt her slipping from my fingers as Charlie grew older. My pride far outweighed my humility, and I didn’t want to admit it.

We hid it from Charlie, how often we disagreed, how often Lilith would push me away. My own wife looked at me with much disdain. It came to a point where I couldn’t recognize her anymore, it was as if she wasn’t herself.

I reach out to the portrait, reaching like I was trying to grab onto something completely out of my control. The engagement ring sat on my finger. It still sparkled in the dim lights of the library. I couldn’t bring myself to ever take it off. I couldn’t bear to separate from the only thing that still bound my heart to the woman I loved.

My ears perked up as I heard a door creak open and then close. Was Starlight out of the room?

I stood, looking at the portrait of Lilith, Charlie and I once more before turning and skipping down the stairs. I walked down the hall and headed straight to her room. The little box I left in front of her door was gone, but she was nowhere to be seen.

It’s okay, Lucifer. Just give her some time.

I snapped my fingers and turned off the very few lights that were left on in the halls as I slowly walked back to my room. I made my way in and closed the door, retiring to my bed. I close my eyes in hopes that sleep would take me away.

I’ll give her some space.


Third Person POV


A week passes, and Lucifer and Starlight still haven’t spoken a word to one another. She stayed holed up in her room, letting guilt eat at her while she rotted in bed. Lucifer would often leave plates of food, little star shaped toys he would handmake, or even a little duck with his tophat on it in front of her door for her.

Neither of them have left the manor in the time since the incident in front of the Heaven Embassy, both too embarrassed to face whatever lies out there.

Charlie would often send her dad a text or give him a call, but he would always tell her things were okay and that he had it under control.
He, in fact, did not.

Lucifer had no idea what the other fallen angel was thinking, what she thought of the situation, what she thought of him. And it was killing him inside.

He would sometimes spend hours pacing back and forth in front of her door debating on knocking. Sometimes even sitting outside her door, watching as the lights shone from under her doorway. He so very badly wanted to make sure she was okay, but he told himself he would give her space. The gifts and food were enough to let her know that he still cared, or at least he hoped that she got the message he was trying to send.

On this particular day, Lucifer decided he would absolutely try to initiate first contact and he meant it. Although, it was already noon, and he had spent a good majority of the morning trying to convince himself to get over himself and check on his friend.

“Alright sh*thead, what do you think she’d like better?” He paces the kitchen this time, debating between a light or heavy lunch, debating between baking cookies or a cake. He comes to a stop in front of the stove.

“AGH, by the time you finish it’ll already be next week, idiot!” He stomps and smacks his face between his hands. “Maybe just a sandwich? No, a small meal would make her think I want her to starve. OH- I’ve got it! I’ll cook up an entire pizza and make a milkshake on the side. Yeah. Yeah, that sounds great. You’re a genius, Lucifer.” He gives himself a pat on the back.

“I think I’ll be fine with just a sandwich, Luci.” A voice called from the kitchen entryway.

“Oh, in that case I’ll make you a-” Lucifer froze, spinning himself around.

“STARLIGHT!” He jumps toward the girl with open arms.

“Hi, Luci.” She catches him and they share a hug.

“Are you okay?” He pulls back, grabbing her face and inspecting it.

“You had me worried,” He coughs, “You had, uh, Charlie worried, I mean. I was worried too, of course. But, yeah, Charlie…” Lucifer lets go of her face and ushers her over to a chair at the island in the middle of the kitchen..

“I’m fine,” She gives him a nod and takes a seat, “I wanted to apologize to you for closing myself off, it was immature and I should have just spoken to you.” Her voice trails off.

“Are you taking care of yourself?” The angel looks up at him, bringing her hand up to his head.

“You look like a mess.” She laughs, tousling his hair.

“I have been!” Lucifer stomps childishly and crosses his arms. “I just haven’t been wanting to style my hair, is all.” He walks over to the fridge and pulls out the ingredients necessary for sandwich making. He snaps his fingers, and the sandwich practically makes itself. Lucifer plates the sandwich and compliments it with a side of fruits and chips, bringing it over to the angel and placing it in front of her. She takes a large bite, offering Lucifer some of the fruits he got for her. He accepts, snacking on them as she eats her sandwich.

“I missed you.” Lucifer said, his hand smacking his mouth.

“I mean, Charlie! Uh, missed you. I, yeah.” He leans forward, placing his elbow on the table, his hand still covering his mouth.

The angel snickers at the King, putting her sandwich down.

“I missed you too, Lucifer.” She pops a grape into her mouth. “Thank you for all of the gifts, and for keeping me fed.” She gives him a closed lipped smile, not wanting to actually smile at him in fear of food stuck in her teeth.

Lucifer’s shoulders dropped as the tension on his body loosened.

“Did you like them?” His eyes sparkled.

“I loved them.” She says.

“Of course you did, I made them.” He straightens his posture and places his arms on his hips pridefully. The angel erupts into a fit of giggles. Her laugh brought butterflies to his stomach, it was like music to his ears.

He clears his throat and turns away, hiding a blush that was creeping its way onto his face.

“I’m glad you’re feeling better, Starlight.” Lucifer stands from the chair and circles the island, standing directly on the other side and facing the angel. He places his elbows on the counter and leans forward, holding his head in his hands.

“It was getting really dull without you around.” He mumbles.

The angel finishes her sandwich, wiping her mouth with a napkin before looking down and entwining her hands together..

“There was actually something else I wanted to say, too…” She whispers, fiddling with her thumbs.

“Anything.” Lucifer stands upright, looking at the angel with a glint of interest in his eyes.

“Well,” She says, looking back up at him. They lock eyes.

“I’ve had a lot of time to think. I know I say it a lot, but it’s only because it’s true. I’m grateful for your hospitality, for how often you check on me and how you show you care.” Her eyes begin to tear up. Lucifer’s chest tightened.

“Thank you, Luci.” A tear fell from her eye, and suddenly it was as if the floodgates had opened.

“Thank you for being exactly the person you are, and for offering me a friendship that I’ve always wanted and needed my whole existence.” The angel covers her eyes with her hands, unable to control herself from crying.

Lucifer runs over to her side, pulling her in for a hug.

“Hey,” He places a hand on the back of her head. “It’s okay, it’s okay…” Lucifer tightens his grip around her.

“Starlight…” Lucifer shushes her. The angel hiccups, trying to catch her breath between sobs.

“What kind of person would I be if I hadn’t opened my doors for someone who went through a situation similar to my own?” He pets her, his own eyes welling with tears at this point.

For the first few years upon being cast out, Lilith put her everything into building Hell up from the dirt. He felt alone, a second priority to his wife, who seemed to blossom in the new setting.

Lucifer gazes down at the girl in his arms. Her cheeks were red from her sobs, but she still seemed to glow even in a moment of weakness. Her arms were wrapped around his torso, and she held onto him as if he was going to disappear.

He wouldn’t even dare to think of walking out on her. He knew the feeling of abandonment, the dreary feeling it left on the heart. Lucifer hugged her closer.

In this moment, Lucifer realized there were still things in this sh*thole of a realm aside from his own daughter that were still worth protecting.


Obviously, I'm not entirely sure how accurate Lilith lore is. It just fits for the fic!
A lot of you seem to be interested in the reference sheet for the angel! I'll get to work on it asap!
Thank you all so so SO much for your comments and positive feedback- I really love reading them so much.
I have a twitter! I don't post on it often, but just in case I am behind on a chapter, I'd probably put out a PSA there!
@dubukais if you're interested. <3
I do try to update daily, if you haven't already noticed. So thank you to anyone who looks forward to updates, I appreciate you!

Chapter 11: The Benevolent One


Lucifer and the Angel get ready to go outside after a week of isolation.
Emily confronts Sera, and Lute pays a visit to the Head Seraphim.


Your guys' comments make me laugh so hard, I'm sorry if Chapter 10 hurt your feelings :P
Thank you for nearly 8k hits! Enjoy the newest chapter. :3

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The skies had just turned their usual bright red down in Hell. Lucifer hadn’t slept a wink the night before, as his thoughts had kept him up. He sat on the loveseat, his left arm resting on the armrest and his right arm was securely holding onto the sleeping body of an angel who had cried to the point of exhaustion. She laid her head in his lap, the rest of her body curled up the remainder of the loveseat. Her chest rose with every soft snore. Her cheeks were still tinted a rosey pink.

Lucifer’s eyes gazed over every part of her slumbering body, he took in how ethereal she looked in the early hours of Hell’s morning light. His hand lifted off of her shoulder and he brushed her hair out of the way of her puffy eyes. He stares down at the girl whose eyes are completely shut. No lights shone through, no memories played. He mentally punches himself in the face, blaming himself for the reason she was so emotionally drained. He places his hand back onto her shoulder, lightly holding onto her and petting her with this thumb.

He sits in silence, staring at an unlit fireplace. Lucifer had spent the night thinking about what course of action to take regarding the events of the last week. Neither of them had left the house in hopes that the news cycle would drown out their last public outing. He sighs, the only solution he could think of was breaking the screen of that dumb looking TV demon.

The angel stirs, her eyes fluttering open. She stares at the wall for a second before sitting up with a big stretch.

“Good morning, Starlight.” Lucifer greets her with a smile, reaching over to her and brushes her hair behind her ear.

“G’mornin’...” She mumbles with a yawn before she looks down at herself, seeing a white tee and a pair of fuzzy duck pants in place of her usual pajamas. Her eyes make their way over to Lucifer, who was sitting in the same position she remembered he had been sitting in the night before. She looks at him confused.

“Why didn’t you just wake me up? I could’ve gone back to my room.” The angel shifts so she’s facing him, her legs seated in a criss cross position. Her hair was sticking up in all directions and she looked like a huge mess.

“I fell asleep too.” Lucifer shrugged, looking away embarrassed. She looked too cute having just woken up.

“Mmm.” The angel squints her eyes at him. “Okay. If you say so…” She throws her legs off the couch and stands, stretching.

“Thanks for the change of clothes, Luci.” She walks around the loveseat and ruffles his hair as she walks by.

“I’ll be right back.” She headed to the bathroom.

Lucifer hums at her as her hand leaves his head, exhaling sharply as he hears the bathroom door click closed. His hand grabs at his chest and he can feel his heart banging as if it were trying to escape.

“Holy f*ck.” He runs his hand through his hair, trying to replicate the feeling of her soft fingers trailing through his locks.

He hears her washing her hands and clears his throat, leaning back into the loveseat and assuming a chill position. The angel walks back out to Lucifer, taking a seat next to him. She pulls her legs up onto the couch, her knees bent in Lucifer’s direction. She leans into him, her head resting on his shoulder as she closes her eyes again.

“You going back to sleep?” Lucifer asked, nervously placing his hand on her knee and scratching in circles.

“No, I’m just trying to take in these moments of peace and quiet.” She sighed.

“It’s almost always quiet here, Starlight. You’ve got all the time in the world to do that.” Lucifer rolled his eyes. Her eyes opened and she looked over at Lucifer.

“All the time in the world, huh?” She grins.

Lucifer looks away from her, using his free hand to cover the bottom half of his face from an oncoming blush.

“Yeah, I wouldn't be much of a friend if I didn’t let you stay.” He mumbled into his hand.

The angel giggles, poking Lucifer in his side.

“HOLD ON-” He jumps up from the seat, causing the angel to fall over on her side where he had just been seated. She looks up at him, her eyes wide with shock.

“Are you… ticklish?” She smirks at him, returning to a seated position. Lucifer stands in front of her, his arms crossed.

“Don’t even think about it, Star.” He grumbles and extends his hands out to her. She giggles as she takes Lucifer's hands and stands up.

“Do you think you’re okay enough to go back out there?” Lucifer still held onto her hands as he asked, looking at her with genuine concern.

“I’ll be fine.” The angel smiles back at him, “Are we going out?”

“Charlie’s been asking about your wellbeing,” Lucifer said, “She wanted to come visit, but I think we should go see her instead. We need the fresh air.” He laughs.

“I’ve also got a meeting with a few Overlords later in the day.” Lucifer’s tone turned serious.

“Do you think you can wait in the penthouse back at the hotel for a few hours while I handle that?” He asks, “Charlie will be there too, I’ll have her come check on you every thirty or so minutes, or every ten, I don’t know-”

“Lucifer.” The angel says, “I can handle myself fine.” She flashes him a cheeky smile.

He smiles back, letting go of her hands.

“Alright. Yeah. You’re gonna be fine.” Lucifer conjures up his cane and snaps his usual white suit and black boots on.

“What outfit are we feeling today?” He turns to the angel standing next to him.

“Surprise me. I’m your secretary, not the other way around. Dress me as you see fit.” She stands straight up with her arms stretched outward in each direction.

“Fine by me!” Lucifer taps her head with the apple on the head of his cane.


A flurry of yellow magic engulfed the angel's body. The pajamas she had been previously wearing were replaced by white long sleeve that hugged her torso, and a black overall dress. The same tights and black platform boots with apple embroidery appeared on her legs and feet.

“Simple and cute. I like it!” She chirped, causing Lucifer to turn back around.

“Me too.” He says, his gaze softening as he admired her. “Do you think you’ll need the cane?”

“I think I’m better now,” The angel gives him a little twirl. “See? Didn’t fall this time.”

He smiles, holding his hand out.

“We’ll portal today, is that okay with you?” Lucifer asks.

“Yes- Wait, give me a second.” The angel runs off into the direction of her room. Lucifer hears a bunch of clinking and clanking before she reappears with something in her hand.

“What’s that?” He points a finger at her curiously.

She opens her hand, revealing a small snake charm, golden in color. It was curled around a silver star, with its head resting on top.

“Oh.” Lucifer’s heart skipped a beat, “That’s the pendant I made you.” He looks at her.

“Mhm.” The angel holds her hand out to Lucifer. “Do you think you can turn it into a necklace for me?” Her eyes sparkled with excitement.

“Y-yeah, no problem.” He gently lifts the pendant from her palm and summons a gold chain, looping the snake pendant into it. She turns around and lifts her hair, exposing the back of her neck to him. He takes the necklace and wraps it around her neck, clasping it into place. She faces him, a huge smile plastered on her face.

“Out of all of the things you made me, this one was probably my favorite.” She touches the snake that hung over her chest.

“It was the first gift I made you.” Lucifer laughs timidly.

“The box it came in was beautiful too. I had one just like it back up in Heaven.” The angel rubs her arms sheepishly, as if to comfort herself.

“Wait, what? You had one back home?”

“Yeah, exactly like it.”

“I saw it in a dream. That’s where I got the design from.”

“Huh,” She said, “The stars align in mysterious ways.” The angel laughs and winks at Lucifer.

He raised an eyebrow, confused, but happy he could bring a piece of home to her. He takes her hand and opens a portal to the front of the Hazbin Hotel.


Back in heaven, Emily sprints through the large marble halls of the House of Seraphim. Her wings beat with every step she took to add extra speed to her stride. There was only one thought on her mind as she pushed open the doors to Sera’s room, why had she cast out The Benevolent One?

“You’ve avoided me for weeks, Sera.” Emily huffed, her wings tucking behind her as she stepped into Sera’s room. Sera stands from a chair behind a desk on the far side of the room, caught off guard by the sudden entrance of the younger Seraphim.

“I demand answers.” Emily shut the door behind her and crossed her arms. Her foot was violently tapping on the floor with anxiety.

“She acted out of line, Emily. She had it coming.” Sera sits back down, straightening her dress as she sits.

Emily’s arms drop to her side and she walks up to Sera’s desk, pushing aside a singular chair that blocked her way. Her face showed a small amount of fear as she approached the Head Seraphim.

“Are you not aware of what you’ve done?” Emily’s lips quivered. She placed a hand on her chest where her heart would be. Her eyes began to well with tears as she stood at the front of Sera’s desk. Sera looked back at her with an unchanging expression.

“It’s well known to the Seraphim and Archangels alike that The Benevolent One had a significant impact on Heaven- even if she only worked from behind the scenes.” Emily places a hand on Sera’s desk, “She may have been hidden from the rest of our people, Sera, but she still meant so much to me- to The Divine!” Sera winced at the last part of Emily’s sentence. Emily’s hands ball into fists as she grows more upset.

Sera clears her throat.

“Emily, she and I have been around for much longer than you. You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. You don’t have a clue who you’re defending.” She picks up a quill and begins to write something in a journal of sorts.

“You speak so low of her, Sera!” Emily shouts, “You speak of her as if she is some blemish on our society. You speak of her as if… As if she’s some vile creature that deserved what you did to her!” Emily’s eyes began to overflow with tears.

“Does Archangel Michael know?” Emily wipes her eyes of any tears that obstructed her vision. “Do any of the Archangels know of your decisions? Does The Divine?!” Emily slams her hands onto Sera’s desk with passion. There was a fire in her eyes as she looked at Sera for a reaction.

Sera’s eye twitched as she grew upset with the younger Seraphim. She takes a breath and stands, circling the desk and coming face to face with Emily.

“I’m sure you know that The Benevolent One was hidden away for reasons similar to that of an angel who fell before her.” Sera towered over Emily, her face showing no emotions.

“I’m sure you know better than anyone else, Emily, than to ask questions of issues that can only be handled by those of the upper ranks.”


“No buts, Emily. Had The Benevolent One realized her potential, you and I both could have been in grave danger. She was dangerous…” Sera places a hand under Emily’s chin and rubs her thumb over her cheek.

“Are you saying that you got rid of her… for us?” Emily weeps, tears returning to her face.

“For you, Emily!” Sera’s voice thundered, “For the future of our society-”

Emily takes a step back and swipes Sera’s hand away.

“Need I remind you that she was once a human soul?” Emily whispered. “How is it that a soul that once resided on Earth, a place supposedly crawling with evil, rose to a new, higher rank than us?” Emily looks down at the floor. “We’re Heaven-Born, Sera.” Her voice trails off.

“I just don’t understand how a human soul could be more pure than that of an angel created by the Divine himself.” Emily turns, slamming the doors open as she runs out of the Head Seraphim’s room.

Sera sighs and makes her way back over to her desk, sitting back down into the chair.

“No matter the repercussions, Sera.” She whispered to herself. She picked the quill back up and continued her writing.


Emily runs through the halls of the House of Seraphim, bumping into someone as turns the corner from Sera’s room.

“I’m sorry-” She chokes out before continuing on her way.

The Commander of the Exorcist Army scoffs, brushing off her shoulder. Lute walks up to Sera’s room and knocks.

“You may enter.” Sera calls out.

“Ma’am,” Lute bows to Sera.

“Come in, have a seat.” Sera motions over to a chair in front of the desk that had previously been pushed out of the way by Emily. Lute takes a seat.

“We need to talk,” Lute says, “My Army is still too weak to go back down there.” She runs her hand through her hair. “But if you’ll allow me a week in Hell alone, Ma’am, I could finish what I started with that good for nothing-”

“No.” Sera’s grip on the quill tightens and it snaps in half. She huffs, opening a drawer next to her and grabbing a new one.

“No, Lute. We told Lucifer we’d give them a year to figure something out, and we’re going to stick by that.” Sera was fiddling with the quill, unable to write as her chest grew with anxiety.

“A year, six months, two days, who gives a f*ck?!” Lute stands, upset. “They killed Adam!”

“And I allowed you to kill their people for centuries.” Sera snapped back. She sighs, rubbing her temples.

“We pushed the extermination date up by 6 months, and you lost. We will allow them this one year. In the meantime, focus on strengthening your army.” Sera goes back to writing in the journal.

Lute stands, salutes Sera, and turns to make her leave. She stops in the doorway, a thought popping back into her head.

“By the way,” Lute sang, “I heard from a little birdie that Lucifer’s little girl was able to redeem a soul.” She stretched her arms upward. “Let me know if you change your mind on that solo mission.” Lute steps out and closes Sera’s doors behind her.

Sera’s jaw clenched, she didn’t want anyone to know that Charlie was successful in redeeming a soul. More importantly, her and Emily were the only two who knew of this ascension.

She leans back in her chair and groans.

“No matter the repercussions...”


Worth Protecting (Lucifer x Fem!Reader) - Kai (DubuKai) (2)


I've started on the reference sheet for her clothes!
Pictured above is a reference to the snake pendant.
As always, your comments are always appreciated! I read every single one. :D
Again, my twitter is @dubukais
Please follow if youre interested in updates regarding the story. ^_^

Chapter 12: Favors, Deals


Alastor proposes a small deal, meanwhile Lucifer has a meeting with Carmilla and Vox.


You guys are insane. Thank you for all the love and feedback! 9k hits is really unbelievable to me.
Please enjoy this chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Charlie hears the familiar sound of a portal being summoned right outside of the lobby doors. She runs to the front, nearly tripping on her own feet as she reaches for the handles. She pulls the doors open to reveal two familiar faces stepping through a closing portal.

“Oh my gosh, you guys!” Charlie jumps forward, pulling both Lucifer and the angel into a hug. They smile and hug her back.

Charlie pulls away, pushing her dad to the side and holding the angel by the shoulders.

“I’ve been so worried- Are you okay?” Charlie asks, looking at the angel up and down, “Dad told me that he’s been feeding you, but you look like you lost weight- I’m so sorry for what happened. I’m so happy you’re safe! I’m-”

“Babe-” Vaggie steps out the hotel, walking up to Charlie and putting a hand on her shoulder. “Breathe, Charlie.” Vaggie laughs, looking at the angel who was released from Charlie’s death-grip.

“I’m happy to see you’re doing well, (y/n).” Vaggie shoots the angel a smile, who in return smiles back.

“Thank you both,” Starlight says, “I’m sorry for my absence.”

Lucifer strides over to her side, standing close enough for their fingers accidentally to brush. He feels his heart skip a beat and leans onto his cane, moving both of his hands to hold the top of the apple head.

“We’re both okay, thank you very much.” Lucifer clears his throat and playfully pouts at his daughter, a small giggle erupting from the fallen angel by his side.

“Sorry, Dad.” Charlie laughs, stepping aside, “Come in!” She holds her hand out to the entrance of the hotel.

Vaggie walks in first, followed by Lucifer, Starlight, then Charlie. The lobby is nearly empty aside from Angel Dust and Husk, who both took their respective spots by bar. Husk stood behind the counter, pretending to ignore a very flirty Angel Dust sitting on the other side of the counter. Angel looks over, noticing the four that had just walked into the hotel.

“Well, well.” He says, standing from his seat. “It’s been a while. How ya doin’?” Angel places a hand on his hip and leans to the side.

“Better now.” Lucifer smiles, nodding at Angel.

Starlight peeks her head from behind Lucifer, looking over at Angel Dust. She steps around Lucifer and walks up to Angel.

“Hello.” She says, looking up at the spider demon.

Angel looks down at the girl, raising an eyebrow at her.

“Hey, doll. You doin’ alright?” Angel gives her a soft smile.

“Yes,” She smiles back, “Thank you for advising us to go back home when you did.” She says quietly.

“‘Course. Glad I could be of help.” Angel’s smile widens and he crosses his arms.

Starlight gives him a small nod before turning to Husk, waving at him. Husk raises a hand at her in greeting. Starlight turns on her heel and scurries back over to Lucifer’s side. Lucifer's eyes were wide with shock as the girl approached him.

“Feelin' ballsy today or something?” He teases, nudging her with his elbow.

“Just wanted to express my gratitude.” She rolls her eyes at him. The two share a laugh as they walk to the elevator, thanking everyone once more before making their way up to the rooftop.

Charlie stood with Vaggie in the middle of the lobby, both of them holding back smiles.

“She spoke to Angel first.” Charlie whispered excitedly to Vaggie.

“I know.” Vaggie replies, grinning back at her girlfriend.

Angel Dust sits back down at the bar, eyeing the two women.

“You sure they’re strictly on a boss-secretary basis?” He raises a brow and smirks.

Vaggie rolls her eyes at Angel as her and Charlie walk up to the two demons at the bar.

“Pretty sure that’s all it is.” Vaggie shrugs.

“Yeah! Yep! Boss and secretary. Uh-huh!” Charlie shouts awkwardly. Vaggie glances over at Charlie, who was fiddling with her fingers. She laughs to herself and loops her arms through Charlie’s.

“Can we chat?” Vaggie pulls Charlie to the other side of the lobby, far enough so Husk and Angel couldn’t hear either of them.

“You seem tense. Are you alright?” Vaggie asks, hugging her girlfriend.

Charlie melts into Vaggies arms.

“Yeah. I’m okay, I think?” Charlie mumbles into Vaggies neck, “I don’t know. Am I looking too much into things?”

“What do you mean?”

“Dad seems to really care about her, you know? He looks happier. He’s glowing, even.”

“Wouldn’t you say that’s a good thing?”

“Well, yeah, but… I don’t know. I want him to be happy, I do. I know it isn’t my place to say who he can or can’t grow feelings for, but-”

“Woah, Charlie, listen to yourself.” Vaggie rubs the back of Charlie’s head as they continue to hug.

“You’re his daughter, Charlie. Your opinion means a lot to him, I’m sure of it.” Vaggie reassures.

Charlie sighs.

“You’re right, you’re right… I’m just overthinking it, maybe. I think I just… miss my mom.” She laughs awkwardly.

“I wouldn’t doubt it.” Vaggie pulls away from Charlie, pushing her hair out of her eyes.

“But hey, I think it’d be smart to have a chat with your dad.” Vaggie smiles, “Because I agree with Angel, it’s looks kind of suspicious when a secretary lives with her boss- plus they never leave each others’ side.” She rolls her eyes playfully.

Charlie giggles, “You’re right. I’ll just talk to my dad.” Charlie gives her girlfriend a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you.”

The two girls walk back over to the bar and order themselves a glass of water and an appletini, respectively.


Lucifer and the angel walk into the rooftop penthouse. She slips her shoes off and immediately walks over to the couch, grunting as her bottom makes contact with the cushion.

“I wasn’t too awkward, was I?” She adjusts herself so she’s seated with one leg on the couch and the other hanging off.

“I think you did great, Starlight.” Lucifer smiles at her, walking over to stand in front of the tv across from her. The girl looks over at Lucifer and gives him a cheeky smile back.

“You think so?” Her eyes twinkled with excitement, “It took a lot of courage for me to do that, I’m not gonna lie.” She places a hand on her chest and lets out a dramatic sigh.

“Yeah,” Lucifer lifts his cane and uses it to reach over and tap the apple on top of her head. “It was very brave of you.”

“Ow-” She giggled and reached up with both hands to rub her head. “Well, thank you.”

Lucifer's eyes softened as he watched the girl sooth herself. Kind of like a little puppy, or something.

“What was that?”

“Huh?” Lucifer looks away. Did he say that out loud?

“Something about puppies?” She tilts her head at him questioningly.

“Nope. Nothing about puppies.” He shook his head and held his cane behind his back as he stood rocking back and forth.

“Anyway,” He coughs and walks over to her. “Are you sure you’ll be okay?” He places a hand on her head, petting the spot he had previously tapped with his cane.

“I’ll be fine, Lucifer.” She closes her eyes and melts into his hand, “You saw how well I did today! I got this.”

“Yes, you will be. I don’t know why I’m so bothered.” He laughs nervously, “If you need me, just send me a text.”

Lucifer swirls his fingers and a phone pops up in front of the girl, dropping onto her lap.

“I’ve already input my contact information. Check it out.” Lucifer smiles.

She lifts up the phone and taps the screen, unlocking it and opening the contacts app. She had only one: Lucifer M. +0 666-6666

“Thank you, Luci.” She smiles.

“And if you need anything else at all, please don’t hesitate to find Charlie.”

“Yes sir.” She salutes him. Lucifer smiles and pats her on the head once more before his phone chimes. He takes it out of his pocket and checks the screen.

“Meeting starts in 5 minutes, I’ll be heading out now.” He puts his phone away and fixes his cane in front of him.

“Oh, one more thing, Starlight.” Lucifer looks at the girl, his tone suddenly serious. She glances up at him, confused and scared in the sudden shift.

“Don’t speak to that red haired deer bastard.” His voice became deep and full of irritation. “If he asks you for any favors, if he tries to make any deals with you, you turn him down. Call me immediately if he tries any funny sh*t.” Lucifer spat as he spoke of the Radio Demon. All she could do was nod in compliance.

His eyes turn back to their usual softness as he looks back at her.

“Atta girl.” He winks at her and gives her a big toothy grin before summoning a portal. He stepped through it, waving at her one last time before it closed.

The angel sat alone. The only things she could hear were the ticking of a clock and her own rapid heartbeat in her eardrums. She stands, walking around the penthouse, taking in the red and white colored decor that Lucifer claimed was chosen for him by the best interior designer in Hell. She giggles to herself as she walks into the bathroom, seeing a pile of rubber ducks all wearing different colored sunglasses.

She eventually makes her way back outside. She sits on a bench near the elevator, taking in the sights of Hell. Her eyes made their way up to a large, white ball of light engulfed in wing shaped clouds that sat in the middle of Hell’s red sky.

It had been almost a month since her wings were taken from her. Almost a month since she was cast out of Heaven. Her heart ached thinking about it. She sighs, her hand reaching up to the sky.

“It looks so much like the moon from down here,” She laughs to herself, a single tear falling from her eye. She wipes it quickly.

No point in crying about it now, she thinks to herself.

With a huff, she stands and makes her way to the elevator. Maybe Charlie would want to hang out in one of the game rooms. She calls for the elevator, stepping in as the doors open for her. It begins to descend, but stops one floor beneath the rooftop.

The doors open to reveal a certain Radio Demon.

“Ah, why, hello, (y/n!)” His voice was as staticky as she remembered.

She nods and steps aside to make space for him. Alastor enters the elevator, the doors close.

“Without company today, hm?” Alastor stood upright and stared straight, not looking at the girl next to him as he spoke.

“It baffles me, really,” Alastor brings his staff to the front of him and begins to clean the microphone at the end of it. “Why is it that our King is so enthralled by a lowly demoness like you?”

She stayed silent.

“It’s a little funny, you see.” He places his staff back down on the ground, “You don’t give off any demonic aura whatsoever.”

The lights in the elevator flashed once before coming to a complete stop. They were stuck.

Her heart began to race. She looked down and began playing with her thumbs.

“My!” Alastor clasps his hands together. “Now this is quite the predicament, my little angelic friend.”

She freezes. Her eyes grew wide, but she dared not to look up at the demon next to her.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She hissed under her breath.

“I’m sure you do, darling. But trust me, I mean no harm.” Alastor steps to face the girl whose eyes slowly make their way up to his own.

“You have something I need,” He said, looking down at her. “And I have something you might want.”

“If it’s that stupid briefcase, you can keep it.” She spat.

No, no!” Alastor laughs, his voice still raspy.

The elevator begins to move down again.

“You have the power I have been looking for.” Alastor stood tall. “And I have… Charlie.” A sinister smile grew on his face.

She gasps, her eyes fill with fear.

“Charlie and I made a deal. Don’t worry, dear, she still owns her soul! But our lovely Princess does in fact still owe me a favor. It could be anything, really!” He laughs.

“I will void her end of the deal if you take her spot instead.” He turns to face the front of the elevator doors. “I don’t want your soul. I just want you to take Charlie’s spot.”

The elevator chimes as they reach the lobby. The door opens, and Alastor steps out first.

“Please do consider my offer- Oh, and I’d love it if you kept our chat between us.” He walks off, disappearing behind the doors that separate the lobby and the dining area.

The girl steps off the elevator and walks over to the couch in a communal area. Her breathing becomes heavy, and the room begins to spin. She reaches out for the couch, but falls to her knees before she can take a seat.

The last thing she hears is her name being called out to her as she blacks out.


Lucifer stands in front of two metal doors in the largest building of the Carmine District. Carmilla Carmine had agreed with Lucifer to be a mediator of sorts for a meeting between him and an Overlord that had been constantly requesting his majesty’s presence for the past week.

He sighs heavily, opening the door. Four heads turn his way, that of Carmilla herself, her two daughters, and the flat-faced, TV-headed bastard that tried to slander his name. He walks in, taking a seat across from the TV demon. Carmilla sat at the head of the table, a daughter at each of her side.

“Carmilla,” Lucifer greets the Overlord, then turns his head to her daughters, “Girls.” They all nod at him.

Lucifer had to admit that, aside from Rosie, Carmilla was the only other Overlord he actually cared enough to remember about. Like him, she was alone in raising her daughters. They had more in common than he had expected, and he respected her on a different level than the other Overlords.

“Hello, Sir.” Carmilla nods at the King. “Thank you for meeting with us today.”

“I am here upon request of Lucifer, King of Hell, to be a mediator for this meeting requested by Overlord Vox, of the Vees. My daughters will be writing down everything you two say within these walls. No violence will be permitted.” Carmilla clasps her hands and places them on the desk in front of her.

Lucifer looks down at his nails and leans back in his chair, his face obviously bored.

“Very nice to finally meet you personally, Sir.” A voice pipes up from across the table. Lucifer looks up, his eyes meeting with that of the TV faced demon.

“And you are?”

“Vox, sir. CEO of VoxTek, member of the Vees.” Vox bows, still seated.

“Of the what now?”

“The Vees? The- You know what, that’s not what we’re here to discuss.” A professional smile crept across his pixelated face. He stands and straightens himself out.

“Now, I’m sure you’re aware of the news that has been circulating around lately, Sir.” Vox pushes his chair back and stands. He begins to slowly pace back and forth on his side of the room.

“It’s all the buzz! It’s all the people have been talking about!” He turns to face Lucifer.

“The people want to know, Sir.” Vox holds his hands behind his back, his smiling growing larger. “They want to know who she is, and why some random little demoness was clinging onto our beloved King like that.”

Carmilla’s eyebrows raise curiously. Lucifer stares at the TV demon, his face flat as to not show any type of expression.

“Is that all?” Lucifer stands, “If this is all you called me into a meeting for, then you’re wasting my time. We’re done here.” He pushes his chair back.

“Woah, hold on now!” Vox shouts. “That’s not my point-”

Lucifer freezes in his spot and looks at Vox.

“You’ve got one minute before I walk out of here.” Lucifer sits back down, his eyes glowing red with annoyance.

“Okay, look, I know you aren’t stupid, Sir. You know that if you go back out in public and are seen with her again without any explanation, you’re just going to get blasted again.” Vox crosses his arms across his chest.

“I think a basic explanation is fine. You don’t want the news slandering you now, do you?”

“Aren’t you the guy in charge of all the news and other tech related stuff around here?” Lucifer rolls his eyes.

“Exactly.” Vox smiles again and continues pacing. “Now, all I’m asking for is an explanation, you know, before the news channels get out of hand.”

Carmilla notices Lucifer’s eye twitch.

“That’s enough.” Carmilla stands, looking at Vox. “No provocation will be allowed, Vox. Be smarter than that, you’ve got a computer for a head for f*cks sake.” She motions at Vox’s head.

Vox’s smile fades. His face grows irritated as he takes a seat back in his chair.

Lucifer takes a deep breath, holding a hand out to Carmilla.

“Thank you, but I can take it from here.” Lucifer stands once more, holding his cane in front of him.

“You’re making something out of nothing, Vex.” Lucifer says. Vox cringes at Lucifer getting his name wrong.

“That demoness you speak of is no one. I was taking a stroll by the Heaven Embassy when one of the sinners took a fall out of a nearby building. I caught her, and that was that.” He shrugs.

“A sinner?” Vox scoffs, “But she was all over you.” He rolls his eyes.

“You should know how some of them can get.” Lucifer looks at Vox. “We’re in Hell, buddy. There’s drugs and sex on every corner. You don’t think some random sinner is going to want to get their grubby fingers on a piece of this?”He raises his eyebrows and motions to his entire body. “Not to mention, I literally saved her. She was falling out of a building for f*cks sake!” He throws up his hands dramatically.

Take it or leave it, sh*thead. Lucifer thinks to himself.

Vox squints at the King, his hands folding onto the table in front of him as he takes in the information that was just shared with him.

“If that’s all there is to it, Sir.” A smile found its way back up to Vox’s face as he stood. “Thank you for your time.” Vox zaps into the nearest security camera, making his exit.

Carmilla and Lucifer glance over at one another. Odette and Clara, Carmilla’s daughters, bow to Lucifer before taking their leave.

“If I may, that didn’t look like just any sinner to me, Lucifer.” Carmilla laughs, sitting back in her chair. He groans as he sits back down next to the Overlord.

“Not you too, Carmilla...” Lucifer puts his head into his hands.

“I’m just saying, it looked like more than that.” Carmilla pulls out her phone and pulls up the photo that was taken on that day in front of the Heaven Embassy. “The camera may not have gotten her face, but it got a clear picture of your face. You don’t look at just anyone with those types of eyes.” She laughs as she slides her phone across the table to him.

Lucifer looks up from his hands and picks up Carmilla’s phone. He focuses on himself in the photo. He noticed how carefully he was holding onto her, how she fit perfectly in his arms… How soft his gaze was as he admired her in the white lights of the Heaven Embassy. He remembers how she began to glow, as if her Holy Light had returned to her skin. His heart skipped a beat.

“There’s that look again.” She laughed. “You don’t have to tell me anything, I won’t push.” She stands. Lucifer places her phone back down on the table and sighs.

“And, not as an Overlord, but as your friend-” Carmilla picks her phone up and slides it into her pocket, “I’m here for you if you ever need to talk.”

She gives Lucifer a small smile, patting him on the shoulder as she walks to the double doors on the other side of the room, taking her leave.

Lucifer closes his eyes and lays his head back down on the desk. He gives himself a few minutes before standing up and stretching.

His phone begins to ring. He reaches into his pocket and fishes it out, checking the screen. Charlie was calling. Lucifer picks up.

“Hey, Char-Char, I was ju-”

“DAD! She- Floor!- AH!” Charlie was panicking into the phone.

“Give that here,” Lucifer heard Vaggie take the phone from Charlie.

“Sir please get here as soon as you can. (y/n) collapsed, and she isn’t responding.” Vaggie said.

Lucifer’s heart dropped. His sclera turned a glowing bright red and his horns emerged as he summoned a portal directly to the Hazbin Hotel.


I'm sorry for such a late update, my internet went out earlier in the day.
My twitter is @DubuKais, I post updates regarding the story there!
As always, your comments are appreciated. <3
Thank you for reading!

Chapter 13: Do You Fear Change?


Starlight has a memory of her time in Heaven. Lucifer and Charlie have a chat.


Thank you for 10k hits... I'm speechless.
Enjoy this new chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Starlight’s POV


I dim the lights and sit directly in the middle of a large, empty marble room. I close my eyes, allowing myself to drift into a state of unconsciousness. My soul leaves its Heavenly body and finds its way into the human realm, onto Earth.

With no physical limitations, I can go anywhere- I can be anything. But I just want to wander.

I find my way to a large opening in the middle of a vast forest. The trees swayed with every gust of wind, and the grass danced along with them. The moon peeks over from the tall trees. It shines down at me, as if it were greeting me. The brightness of the moonlight lures me in, and I’m taken by it.

My soul bursts upwards, flying directly towards it, towards the moon. But with every second I fly closer, she grows further.


And further…

Until she’s out of reach.

My soul isn’t able to reach the moon anymore, and with no way to cry out for it, I am forced to stop.

Forced to come to terms with the fact that no matter how hard I try to look for her again, I’ll be faced with the same fate I’ve always been destined for.

To be alone.

My soul floats in the opposite direction of where the moon sat. Deeper into space I went, with no real destination. I drift through gardens of stars, asteroids, and comets. I gaze into infinite spirals of galaxies, looking for a sign from her. But there is only silence.

I ascend back to Heaven.

I take a big breath in as my soul settles back into my Heavenly body. I lay on my back, my eyes adjusting to the lighting in the room. The entire place was made of marble, and the ceiling was painted a deep blue to represent the innocence of the sky. I sigh.

I use my magic to turn the lights back up to their normal brightness as I help myself to stand, walking over to the only set of doors in the vicinity. I stood in front of them, staring at the area where a door knob or handle should be- until there was a knock.

“O, Benevolent One.” There was a voice on the other side of the door. I wince, taking a few steps back.

One of the doors is pushed inward, opening towards me. The Head Seraphim steps inside, leaving the door cracked open as she approaches me.

“We allow you time outside, and you take it as time to cause mayhem.” She takes a stand in front of me, folding her hands over one another as she stands.

I don’t reply.

“There are reasons you have rules to follow, and if you cannot follow them-”

“No rules were broken, Head Seraphim.”

“You are not to be seen by the Winners or any of the other Angels. You know better than to allow your magic to go haywire!”

“I went about my day unseen by anyone.” I shrugged, hugging myself.

“You could have been caught.”

“By whom? The Winners? St. Peter? I’m well known by all of the Seraphim, Archangels, and The Divine. Why must I continue to hide?”

“Because your powers are out of control, Benevolent One.”

“Out of control? I can control them just fine.” I scoffed at her. She sighs.

“The stars and space are something The Divine created for the souls on Earth to find purpose in. Not for Angels to find fun in.”

Sera exhales sharply, rubbing her temples.

“My point is… Bringing pieces of Earth to Heaven will cause an imbalance in our world structure.” She makes eye contact with me.

“But Earth is beautiful, Sera.” My eyes begin to swell with tears. “There are creatures and other lifeforms of all types, they all have so much potential!-”

ENOUGH!” Sera shouts at me, her Heavenly Form flaring before she returns to her more human form.

“This type of thinking is exactly why we have you here.” She motions to the empty room.

“The Altar of the Sapphire Sky can help you suppress those urges, that dangerous mindset.”

“Dangerous how?” I tilt my head at her, “Dangerous because you fear change?”

“It’s just-” She calms herself. “It’s just dangerous. I’m sure you’ve heard the stories of the one who fell before you.”

Sera sighs again.

“You’re a smart girl, Benevolent One.” The Head Seraphim turns back towards the door.

“Don’t allow yourself to fall victim to the same ideals of those that have fallen before you.”

She walks out the door, and before I can run out after her, it shuts, confining me within these marble walls once more.

I walk back over to the middle of the room and lay back down, staring at the fake sky above me. My eyes close, and I try to go back to sleep.


“Her breathing is going back to normal.”

What? Was I dreaming?

“Hold on, give her some space!”

Who’s talking?



I felt someone's arms wrapped around me. A hand was placed on my cheek, and they were rubbing my face gently with their thumb.

My eyes flutter open, a bright light shines in my face. I groan, trying to sit up.

“Woah, easy there.” I heard a voice coo me softly, pushing me back down. My eyes adjusted to the many figures that surrounded me.

Charlie, Vaggie, Husk, and Angel Dust all towered over my body as I lay on the floor. Lucifer is also looking down at me, his hand was on my face, his arms were- oh. I wasn’t lying on the floor. Lucifer was holding onto me. I was laying in his arms.

I blink a few times before I look over at Lucifer, who sighs in relief.

“You had me worried for a second there,” He laughs, his thumb running over my cheek again.

“What happened?” I groan, reaching a hand up to my pounding head.

“We walked into the lobby and found you passed out on the ground,” Charlie said, “Alastor told me that you guys got stuck in the elevator. He said that you weren’t looking too well, so I wanted to come check on you. But you were already on the floor when I got here.”

Lucifer’s arms slightly tighten around my body at the mention of Alastor’s name.

“Oh…” I said.

My mind flashes back to the elevator, remembering what Alastor had brought up to me and the offer he proposed. I look up at Charlie, my eyes searching hers for a cry for help. But she looks just fine.

I sit up, placing a hand on Lucifer’s chest for support. He sits there, still cradling me in his lap.

The three bodies hovering over Lucifer and I as we sat on the floor made us the center of attention. The room is awkwardly silent as I’m trying to regain composure.

“I’m okay.” I whisper low enough for Lucifer to hear. He smiles at me and helps us both to stand. He took by my side, close enough that our hands would graze over one another.

“Oh thank goodness.” Charlie sighs, reaching over at me for a hug.

I giggle, hugging her back.

“I’m fine, Charlie, thank you.”

“I knooow…” She sniffles into my shoulder, “But I was worried!”

Charlie starts to sob into my neck. I look over at Vaggie who just gave me a sorry face and a shrug. I smile, patting Charlie’s back.

Lucifer laughs, pulling his daughter off of me.

Okay, Apple Pie, I think she needs to go get some rest or something.” He leads Charlie over to Vaggie, who takes her hand.

“You’re right.” Charlie sniffs, giving me a small smile. “Sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it.” I giggle at the young Morningstar.

The group begins to dissipate, leaving just Charlie, Vaggie, Lucifer and I.

Charlie turns to her dad, her lips pursed.

“Dad?” She says.

“Yes, my sweet?” Lucifer looks over at his daughter.

“Are you going to take (y/n) back to the manor?”

“Well,” He glances at me, “That’s up to her. Do you want to take a nap here or back in your own bed?”

“I’ll just head back upstairs since we’re already here.” I give them a small smile.

“There you have it.” Lucifer grins at his daughter.

“Oh, okay!” Charlie chirps, “Then, is it okay if we have a little bit of father-daughter bonding time?”

Lucifer’s face lights up. His bottom lip began to quiver in from pure excitement and joy.

“Of course, my sweet widdle apple!” He pinched at Charlie's cheek mark, causing her to blush out of embarrassment.


“Sorry, sorry.” Lucifer laughs. “Let me take her upstairs first, and then I’ll meet you down in one of the rec rooms? What do you say about some good old fashioned movie time with your old man?”

Charlie laughs, “A movie sounds great, dad, but I was hoping we could actually go somewhere we can talk!”

“Whatever you want, Charlie.” He smiles at her.

“Text me when you’re ready!” Charlie squeals excitedly before walking back to the kitchen with Vaggie.


Third Person POV


Lucifer turns back to the girl, his eyes flushed with concern and a hint of irritation.

“What happened while I was gone?” He takes the girl's hand and leads her to the elevator. They stood, hand in hand, waiting for the elevator to make its way to the lobby floor.

“It wasn’t much…” She looks down at her feet.

“Bullsh*t, Star, you passed out.” His hand tightens around hers. “Please tell me the truth.” Lucifer looks at the girl, trying to make eye contact. But she couldn’t raise her head. She was ashamed. The elevator doors slide open and the two step in. The doors close, and Lucifer cards them up to the rooftop.

“Did Alastor do something?” Lucifer grits his teeth, looking over to his side. She was still staring at the ground, her eyes were dark. His heart drops, not seeing any glimmer or sparkle in her eyes.

“Hey,” He takes a step in front of her, placing his hand under her chin and raising her head so their eyes can meet.

“You aren’t in any trouble, you know?” Lucifer gives her a soft smile. “I’m just worried about you.” He pulls her into a hug. She stood there motionless, not even hugging him back.

The two make it to the rooftop. The elevator doors open and they step out, walking over to the penthouse that stood across the way. Their hands were still entwined as they reached the door. Lucifer opens it with his magic, walking in first with the girl trailing behind them. He didn’t want to let go of her. He leads her to the only bedroom in the building, she lets go of his hand and takes a seat on the bed.

“Starlight,” Lucifer said, “I know a destructive tendency when I see it.” The King of Hell stands in front of her with his arms folded across his chest. The girl looks up at him, the sparkle in her eyes still dim.

“Luci…” She sighs, and closes her eyes, feeling tears rush to her tear ducts. Lucifer takes a seat next to her, unsure if he should pull her in for another hug or not. He chose to stay quiet and let the girl speak when she was ready to.

“I didn’t project while I was passed out, did I?” She whispered, leaning into his shoulder.

“No, you didn’t.” Lucifer wraps an arm around her waist.

“I had the worst nightmare…”

“Would you like to talk about it?”

“It wasn’t a nightmare, moreso me reliving a memory.” She sighs, opening her eyes. Her hand fiddles with Lucifer’s as he holds her.

“Have you heard of The Altar of the Sapphire Sky?” The angel asks him.

He shakes his head.

“I figured. Apparently, they made it for me.” She laughs in disbelief.

“The Altar of the Sapphire Sky… A large, empty building with only one way in and one way out. There were no handlebars or doorknobs on the inside, only on the outside. I wasn’t allowed out all the time, only during certain hours of the day or night.”

Lucifer's ears perk up.

“The room was made for me, recommended by the Head Seraphim herself. I messed up, Lucifer. I thought that manipulating my soul, changing my appearance, would be enough for them to leave me alone… But they eventually did lock me up- afraid that me bringing the wonders of Earth to Heaven would cause an imbalance.”

She stands and faces Lucifer.

“They were only projections. Projections of the stars, projections of planets… But I was told that Space was something for human souls to find purpose in, and not for angels to have fun with. They built me a large building and painted the ceiling a deep blue. Nothing else was there, not a cloud, not the sun, it was just blue, probably to send me a message of how Heaven is a blank slate with no imperfections.” She rolls her eyes.

“But thanks to that room, I was able to learn how to project myself into space without the need of books, or any other distractions. You’d be surprised how easily you can fall asleep in a dark room with nothing else to do.” She laughs half heartedly.

“It sucked.” Her eyes found their way back down to the ground, “It sucked being left alone. There were often times where I would just cry and silently wished they would cast me out already. It already felt that way, anyway.” She walks back over to Lucifer and sits back down next to him.

“Emily would be the one to come check on me and let me out the most. She got in trouble for it since she would stop by pretty often, but I’m glad to know that the new generation of Seraphim aren’t as corrupt as their Elder counterparts.”

Lucifer sat next to her, unable to speak.

“There’s a lot up there that has changed. For the greater good, or for worse. I’ll never know. I was never allowed to interact with anyone in all the eons I’ve lived up there, in fear of corruption. But I saw Heaven go through drastic changes. From the change of Head Seraphim every other century, to The Divine locking himself away in his own tower.”

Lucifer looks at the girl.

“What did you say?”

She looks at him.

“The Divine has not spoken to us in nearly seven millenia.”

Lucifer’s brows scrunch, he leans closer to the girl, their faces inches away.

“Why?” He was completely baffled.

The girl turns her head away, her ears growing hot at the sudden closeness of their faces.

“I’m unsure.” She shrugs.

Lucifer pulls himself back into a seated position.

“I… I see.”

“If I knew, I would tell you more about it. But I, too, was kept in the dark. Archangel Michael never wanted to speak with me when it came to the topic of The Divine.”

Michael’s full of sh*t anyway.” Lucifer snickered, a giggle coming from the girl on the bed.

She stands, pulling Lucifer up and hugging him.

“Thank you for letting me vent. I’m sorry for talking about Heaven so much. Please let me know if you get tired of hearing it.”

He hugs her back, playfully smacking her on the back of her head.

“It’s no problem, Starlight. If anything, I’m sorry that you went through all of that.”

The two pull away. Lucifer pulls out his cane and gives her a big smile.

“You want me to give you a change of pajamas before you take your little nap?” He teases.

“Can you give me your duck pants? Those were comfortable.” Her eyes sparkled again.

Lucifer laughs, tapping his cane on the floor.

“Told you they were comfy! You can thank Charlie for that.”

Her clothes were switched to a normal white tee and Lucifer’s fuzzy duck pants.

“Nice.” She flips over and crawls under the bed sheets. It smelled of… sweet apples and honey.

“Call me if you need anything. I’m serious.” He walks over to the door.

“You got it Boss.” She pulls the blanket over her head, disappearing into the bed.

Lucifer laughs, shutting the door behind him as he walks out.

The girl peeks from under the sheets, sighing heavily as she was left alone. Her heart began to race again, grateful she was able to avoid the topic of Alastor before Lucifer could pry any further.

“Just a favor?” She whispered to herself before losing consciousness and falling back asleep.


Lucifer reaches the lobby floor, looking around for Charlie. He spots his daughter at the front desk with Vaggie and walks over to them.

“Heyo, kiddo!” He exclaimed.

“WOAH- Dad!” Charlie jumps, “You scared me!” She laughs.

“I told you to text me when you were ready.” Charlie says as she checks her phone.

“Did you?” Lucifer co*cks an eyebrow in confusion. “Ah, well, I’m here now.” He smiles ecstatically at his daughter.

“Where to?” He asks.

“Let’s just head to the rooftop.” Charlie laughs nervously.

“I was just there…”

“That’s why I told you to let me know when you were ready!” Charlie playfully punches her dad on the shoulder.

“Ow, alright, let’s go.”

The two Morningstar’s excuse themselves and make their way to the rooftop.

Upon exiting, they take a seat on the bench nearest to the elevator, and furthest from the penthouse.

“Dad?” Charlie says, breaking the silence.

“Yes, Char?”

“Thanks for agreeing to hang out with me.” She gives her dad a soft smile.

“Of course, anything for you.” He smiles back.

“I…” Charlie’s voice trails off.

“I was wondering, Dad… How’ve you been?” Charlie looks off into the distance of Pentagram City.

“Me?” Lucifer crosses a leg over the other. “Well, I’ve got an extremely hard working daughter. I’m content.”

“Are you?” Charlie looks over at her Dad.

“What do you mean?”

“Are you content, Dad?”

“Well, of course I am. I’ve got all I need. I have you.” He gives her a warm smile.

“No, I know… But are you okay? And tell me the truth.” Her eyes grow concerned.

Lucifer looks at his daughter lovingly and sighs.

“I’ve been managing, Charlie.”

“Managing…” She turns to face her dad, criss-crossing her legs on the bench.

“Do you ever miss Mom?” Charlie asks timidly. Lucifer tenses up.

“I- Well… Yes, of course I do. I miss her every day.”

“I do too.” Charlie gives her dad a small smile.

“I noticed that you haven’t been moping around as much, though.” Charlie says.

Lucifer looks at his daughter with a raised brow.

“Say what now?”

“Yeah!” She laughs. “You’ve been a lot happier lately now that you’ve got (y/n) to hang out with.”

Lucifer blinks at his daughter before clearing his throat.

“I mean, we have a lot in common! Like, uh, we were both cast out from Heaven…” He says, “And… We both lost someone dear to us.” He looks down at his hands.

“Dad,” Charlie says, “Can I be honest with you?”

“Always, Apple Pie!” He gives her a toothy smile.

“You look at her the same way you did with Mom.”

Lucifer’s smile turns into that of a soft one. His eyes find their way up to Charlie’s, who was looking at him with anticipation.

“You look at her like she’s the world, Dad.” Charlie shoots her dad a small grin. “I haven’t seen you this happy in so long… Even before Mom left us, that spark in your eye wasn’t as bright as it is now. I can tell that she means something to you.”

Lucifer turns his head away from his daughter and looks over at the penthouse in the distance.

“Do you hate me for it?” He asks.

Charlie scoots closer to her dad and gives him a tight squeeze.

“How could I hate you for finding happiness?”

His eyes swell with tears as he hugs his daughter back.

“I’m not sure how I feel about her, Charlie. I just know that she and I connect. I know that her happiness is something that I want to protect, just like yours.”

“Then protect it, Dad. You’ll always have me as your daughter, but you need to focus on your own happiness too. Don’t worry about me, I’ve got Vaggie. And now you could possibly have someone too. Mom will always be my mom, but she isn’t here anymore.” Charlie leans into her Dads chest more, deepening their embrace.

“Don’t rush yourself, just take things day by day.” Charlie says. “But I think it’s really obvious you’re into her. That little boss-secretary lie won’t hold up for long. Angel already sees right through it.” She laughs.

“Thank you, Char. This was a nice chat. I think I needed it.” Lucifer chuckles.

“I think we both needed it.” Charlie pulls away from her dad and stands up.

“I’ll always be rooting for you Dad, the same way you do for me.” She smiles, “Plus, I like her too. She’s like a breath of fresh air, really. I wouldn’t be mad at you at all if you decided to pursue her.” Charlie shrugs, making her way over to the elevator.

“Don’t be afraid of change, Dad.” Charlie gives her dad a smile, and steps into the elevator.

“You got it, Char.” The elevator doors close and Lucifer makes his way over to the penthouse.

He steps into the living area, taking off his boots and starting for the bedroom. His eyes are fixated on the floor as it lit up under the door the girl slept behind. Lucifer smiles to himself, slowly pushing the door open to reveal the angel asleep in his bed. Her eyes were half-lidded as she dreamed. Lucifer takes a seat on the bed next to her and watches as the scene plays into the room like a movie.

Her eyes shone a flurry of dark purples and blues. Lucifer watched as the angel's constellation bounced from planet to planet, jumping on asteroids and freely riding them around space. His gaze fixated on a bright white light that never left the background of her dreams. The constellation would run circles around the light, it looked to be laughing at the lights side, and then everything cut off.

Lucifer looked to his side to see the girl's eyes had closed completely. She was in a state of deep slumber. The room filled with the sound of her soft snores. Her hair was astray, fluffy from having been moving around on the pillow. Her neck was exposed from the slightly oversized tee shirt he had summoned for her.

With a sigh, he lays down next to her. His eyes close as he becomes lost in thought. He took in the warmth that radiated off of the body next to him. He so badly wanted to draw her closer to him, to hold her closer to his chest. He wanted to feel her heartbeat with his.

Lucifer’s eyes open and he sits upright, throwing his legs back over the end of the bed. He looks down at his hand. At his engagement ring.

How could I hate you for finding happiness? Charlie’s voice rang in his head.

Lucifer runs his hand over the golden band that sat on his finger. He gets ready to stand, but two arms reach out and wrap around his waist. He freezes, looking down as he turns behind him. A sleeping angel had found herself tangled around the King. She was still snoring.

Lucifer's face grew hot as the angel pulled him into the bed with her. He was stuck in a web of arms, and now legs. She had thrown her leg over the king, trapping him in place. He saw no point in trying to move. Lucifer closes his eyes, hoping to give in to slumber as the girl snores into his ear. He could practically feel her breath on his neck, her chest pushing up against him as she cuddled closer into him. He bites his bottom lip, hoping the pain of his bite would distract him from the rapid pounding coming from his chest.

Lucifer calms himself, his breathing evening itself out as he cleared his head of sin. He shuts his eyes in hopes of being taken away by a slumber as deep as the girl beside him.


This ch. was mostly dialogue but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless.
Next chapter might be delayed by a day, I'm sorry!
Comments always appreciated!
My twitter is @DubuKais
I'm still working on the reference sheet for her clothes and halo, I really suck at drawing clothing. xD

Chapter 14: Favors, Deals pt. 2


The Benevolent One chooses to protect Charlie.


Clothing and Wings Reference at the end of the chapter!
Thank you for 11k hits, and almost 700 kudos. My heart is full.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

There’s a buzzing coming from somewhere beneath the blanket. Lucifer groans, feeling the buzz of his phone near his leg. His arm makes its way under the blanket as he begins to feel around the bed. His hand makes contact with something soft. Lucifer opens his eyes, they adjust to the dark room. He looked down to see his hand was placed on the exposed stomach of the woman lying next to him. She lets out a snore. His face turned beet red as he realized just who was at his side. He removes his hand, thankful she was still asleep.

Lucifer sits up in a panic and continues to look for the source of the buzzing. He lifts the blanket to see that his phone was stuck underneath her bottom. He mentally facepalms himself, but reaches to grab his cell. His fingers pick at the edge of his phone that stuck out from underneath her, and he paws at it trying to get it loose.

She stirs, flipping over to her side. Lucifer lets out a sigh of relief and lifts up his cell. He checks his screen, a singular missed call from Carmilla Carmine. His eyes cross at the notification.

Lucifer quietly steps out of the room so as to not disturb the sleeping girl. He makes his way to the living area and rings Carmilla back.

“Carmilla.” Lucifer greets as she picks up the phone.

“Lucifer,” She says, “I’m sorry to call you out of the blue.”

“It’s no problem, what can I do for you?”

“Regarding the meeting earlier today,”

Lucifer takes the phone off his ear and checks the time. Half past 8pm. He puts the phone back to his ear.

“-can take care of it for you.”

“I’m sorry,” Lucifer says, “I didn’t quite catch that.”

Carmilla laughs.

“The situation with Vox could possibly become a bigger issue if not dealt again with soon. I learned from my employees that he plans to spread misinformation about you sleeping with low ranked demons and imps. Sir, if you would like, I could take care of it for you.”

Lucifer laughs, leaning into the couch and crossing his leg over the other.

“You know, that’s very generous of you. But let him do what he wants. Overlord or not, he’s in my house. Let this f*cker get what’s comin’ to him.”

A faint laugh was heard over the phone as Carmilla agrees with Lucifer and says her goodbyes.

Lucifer leaves his phone on the couch as he makes his way back to the bedroom. He gently pushes the door open and peeks in. His eyes met with an angel sitting upright on the bed, still half asleep. He smiles and steps in the room.

“How was your sleep, Starlight?” Lucifer walks over and sits at the edge of the bed.

“Mmh…” She lays back down in the bed and groans as she begins to rub her eyes.

“Is an entire day's nap not long enough for you?” Lucifer laughs, scooting so he could sit criss crossed next to her.
His eyes glazed over her body, he noticed how the shirt she wore was still lifted slightly, exposing the very same stomach he had accidentally touched. He can feel his ears growing hot, and he’s thankful the lights in the room were somewhat dimmed. The girl puts her arms down and looks over at him.

“Did you fall asleep too?” She asks.

Lucifer blinks at her, thinking back to what had happened before he fell asleep. How her arms locked around his waist, how she tangled her legs with his, and how she practically dragged him back into the bed as he was about to get up.

“Yep! I did!” He laughs awkwardly, looking away, the blush that started in his ears was making its way to his cheeks.

The angel gives him a small smile and stretches her arms upward.

“Is an entire day's nap not long enough for you ?” She teased him back, squinting her eyes at him in the semi-lit room. “You look like you’re getting sick.” She reaches her hand to touch his forehead, but Lucifer grabs it before she can place her hand down.

“I’m fine!” He shouts, “I’m- uh, fine.” He lets her hand go and scurries off the bed.

“Okay, sorry for asking.” She laughs, pulling the blanket off her legs. She pushes herself off the bed and walks towards the living area. Lucifer follows behind. They sit together on the couch.

“How was your time with Charlie?” The angel asks, lighting up.


Lucifer’s POV


“How was your time with Charlie?” She looks at me, a happy bounce in her voice as she asks about the daddy-daughter time I had before my nap– our nap.

I turn to face her. Her eyes are slightly puffy from having just woken up. Her hair was a mess from the way she sleeps.

“It was great.” I smile at her. “It’s been a while since she and I had one-on-one time. I can’t remember the last time I sat down and spoke with her.”

“I’m happy for you. It must be wonderful… To have someone to depend on.” Her eyes glisten at me as we speak of my daughter.

“It’s great- Charlie is the light of my life, I don’t think I could live without her-” I stop myself from speaking. I look at her with a sheepish smile.

“Charlie is great.” She giggles, scooting back into the couch. I lean back with her. Our legs are touching as we get comfortable.

“Of course she is! She’s my daughter, after all.” I laugh.

“Prideful much?” She giggles.

“Absolutely.” I smirk at her.

Before I could say anything else, she squeals and jumps off the couch. I look over, confused.

“What hap-”

“Something vibrated on my-”

“Oh, my phone.” I laughed, grabbing my phone from the spot I had left it on the couch after my call with Carmilla. I look up at the angel that took a stance in front of me.

“You felt that, but you didn’t wake up from my phone buzzing earlier?”

She tilts her head at me.


“Yeah, goofball, I woke up because my phone was vibrating. I had to look for it in the bed because it slipped out of my pocket- it was under your ass the whole time.” I bursted out laughing.

“It was WHERE !?” She covers her mouth with both of her hands and falls to the ground dramatically. I could see her ears begin to turn red in embarrassment.

If only she knew about the process in which I ended up napping with her.


Third Person POV


Lucifer helps the angel change back into the clothes she had worn earlier in the day- a black overall dress with a long sleeved white tee underneath. They decided to go check out the bar downstairs.

“Hey, Star?” Lucifer said as they walked out of the building. She turns to him and co*cks her head to the side a little.


“Before we go, can you please tell me what happened while I was gone? You seemed to have had a real bad panic attack back there.” Lucifer closes the door behind himself and walks up to her, placing a hand on her lower back as he leads them to the elevator. She’s quiet for a second before they get to the front of the elevator doors.

“I’m going to be honest with you, Luci. But you must promise me you won’t get upset.” She crosses her arms and pouts at him. Lucifer laughed, looking at how her cheeks puffed out.

“Okay, I promise won’t get upset.”

“I learned that Charlie and Alastor made a deal.” She puts her arms down by her sides and she tries to make eye contact.

“They what?” Lucifer could have sworn he felt his heart fall into his ass.

“Don’t worry- She still owns her soul!” She grabs one of his hands, “It wasn’t a soul contract. I promise. You can’t let Charlie know that we know, she’ll feel so betrayed. It’s her business, not ours.”

As much as Lucifer hated to admit it, she was right. It wasn’t their business.

“I just don’t understand, I could give her anything she ever wanted…” Lucifer squeezed Starlight’s hand and she looked at him with eyes full of worry.

“I could get her out of it.” She said confidently.

“You could?” Lucifer perks up, his eyes shone with hope.

The elevator doors open, but the two don’t step in.

The angel standing before Lucifer looks at him, her face growing concerned. Her heart was racing as if it were trying to run away. But she knew the best thing to do was to tell him the truth.

“I could. But it would mean that I would have to make a deal with Alastor.”

Lucifer’s face drops once more.

“You can’t. You absolutely cannot.”

“He knows, Luci…” She grabs his other hand and squeezes them between hers. “He knows of my true identity, where I come from.” The angel’s eyes look up toward the large ball of light in the purple skies of Hell’s night cycle. She looks back to Lucifer, whose face was full of worry.

“You’ve got to be f*cking kidding me… How?”

“I don’t know. He just… knew.” Her voice trails off.

“I could get Charlie out of this. I could help her, and it wouldn’t even cost me much. He offered me a deal, and I’d still keep my soul!” The angel looks at Lucifer with hope.

“I promise you I’ll be okay. Just let me help Charlie.” Her hands were shaking from anxiety as they held onto his.

Lucifer brings their entwined hands up to his face and kisses her on the hand.

“I can’t let you do this-”

“Lucifer, this is your daughter we’re talking about!” She shouts at him. “You’re the King of Hell, you should know how deals and contracts work.”

“You’re right. Charlie is my daughter.” He says, “I’ll f*cking kill that damned red haired bastard. I’ll get her out of that deal my damn self.” Lucifer releases his hands from hers and steps into the open elevator doors. The angel stood outside, watching Lucifer’s sclera turn a bright red as the doors closed in front of her.

“No, no…” The Angel begins to pace back and forth on the rooftop. Her heart had not stopped beating at the rate they were the entire time she spoke to Lucifer, and it didn’t plan on slowing down.

“Oh… Oh no. What should I do?” She runs over to the ledge of the rooftop, looking over. She looks down at the front of the Hazbin Hotel and spots a certain Radio Demon making his way off the premises.

“Okay, think. Think!” The angel closes her eyes and hits herself on the head.

Her eyes flash open.

“Okay. It’s been a few weeks, but you’ve got this.” She sits down on one of the benches on the rooftop and takes a deep breath.

“I’ve got this.”

It had been weeks since she had tried to manipulate her soul, but she knew that time was not on her side and she needed things to change. Now.

Her heartbeat begins to slow as she reshapes her soul, growing herself a temporary pair of wings. They took the shape of that of a bat. They had grown over the spots her largest pair of wings initially were. She opens her eyes, huffing as the soul manipulation had taken a lot of energy out of her- wincing as the wings stuck out through her freshly healed scars. The girl stands, and places a foot on the ledge of the rooftop.

“Just like Heaven. Just. Like. Heaven. Except everything is red, and everyone is constantly shooting each other. It’ll be fine!”

She beats her wings once,


And she was off the ground.

She immediately jumps off of the ledge, hoping that her newly formed wings would be able to manage her weight as she tries to maneuver herself to the Radio Demon that was walking further in the distance. The girl pushes herself to catch up with him, nearly flying into a building as she crash lands in front of him. She takes a stand. Her temporary wings had disappeared into her body, her sleeves were ripped, and her nose lightly leaked of gold ichor.

“What do we have here?” Alastor chirps, leaning onto his cane.

“You will void Charlie’s end of your deal,” The angel wipes her nose with her arm, “I keep my soul, you give me yours. Only then will I accept your deal for one favor in her place.” She holds her hand out to the Radio Demon.

“More than I offered, but I’m glad we could come to an agreement.” He cracks a large smile at her, his body glitching in excitement.

The two shake hands.

Lucifer had just found his daughter down in the lobby with Vaggie when a green puff of smoke was seen in the distance from the Hazbin Hotel. Charlie inhales sharply, her heart feeling as if a weight had been taken off of it.

“Dad…” She turns to her father, “Where is (y/n)?”

Lucifer’s eyes widened in a panic.

“No…” His wings appeared, and within seconds he was flying in the direction of the smoke. Lucifer spots Alastor and a battered girl, hand in hand. He lands directly in the middle of them, breaking their hands apart. Lucifer turns to Alastor, shooting him a death glare. Alastor bows and walks off, heading to wherever he was heading to before the fallen angel had crash landed in front of him.

Lucifer turns back to the girl.

“Are you f*cking kidding me, (y/n)?” His eyebrows furrowed.

“I’m sorry.” The girl smiles weakly. Her legs slowly give up on her as she stands with the King of Hell in the middle of a random sidewalk. She falls to the ground, exhausted from soul manipulation, and in pain from the wings she forced onto herself.

Lucifer picks her up in a princess carry. Both are silent as he flies them back to the front of the hotel. He takes a few steps inside the lobby and motions for Charlie and Vaggie to meet him up on the rooftop. They nod, and head over to the elevator. Lucifer steps back out, flying up instead of following the girls.

He makes it to the rooftop and walks back into the penthouse. He sets her down on the couch, and sits on the floor beside her.

“It’s like the first day I got here.” She laughs nervously. Lucifer looks at her, his eyebrows still furrowed, his eyes full of concern. He waves his hand over her body, his magic working at the scars that had reopened.

Charlie and Vaggie immediately ran over to the angel’s side as they got to the penthouse. Charlie looks down at the girl, her eyes filling with tears.

“You didn’t…” Charlie chokes out.

Lucifer’s magic had healed the scar tissue, and the angel sat up on the couch. She looks around at the three that stared at her with concerned filled eyes.

“You guys are overreacting.” She laughs.

“What do you mean we’re overreacting?!” Charlie sobs, falling to her knees and putting her head onto the lap of the angel on the couch.

“Charlie, how do you feel? Are you okay?” The angel laughs, petting Charlie on the head.

“Why are you asking me if I’m okay? You’re insane! You made a deal with Alastor!?”

“I told her not to.” Lucifer chimes in.

“Just like how I told you not to, babe.” Vaggie rolls her eyes at Charlie, who was still sobbing into the angels’ lap.

The angel smiles down at Charlie and lifts her head up.

“Tell me, are you okay?”

Charlie sniffs and wipes her eyes of tears.

“I’m okay. I feel a lot lighter now, actually.” She laughed slightly, “What did you do?”

Charlie’s eyes fixated on the angel in front of her.

“I officially have my first demon soul.” The angel gives them a cheeky smile.

Everyone’s jaws dropped. The three stared at the girl like she was crazy.

“I’m sorry- you what?” Vaggie burst out laughing. “You have Alastor’s soul?!”

Lucifer grimaces at the thought. He crosses his arms and pouts. Charlie laughs with Vaggie, pushing herself up off of the angel’s lap and sitting on the floor on her knees in front of her instead.

“I guess that really isn’t so bad after all.” Charlie says, going in for a hug.

The angel hugs her back, patting her on the head as they pull apart.

“You’re an important piece to this whole puzzle of Heaven and Hell, Charlie. We can’t have you making deals you won’t know the outcome of.” The angel smiles at her. How ironic , she thought to herself.

“Thank you, (y/n).” Charlie says. She stands and takes a seat next to the angel.

“But… How did you know? You weren’t here when Alastor and I made a deal.”

“Angel’s intuition?” The angel shrugged at Charlie, who shrugged back.

“I guess so!” She leans back on the couch, Vaggie taking a seat next to her.

Lucifer stood across from the angel, his arms crossed over his chest. His foot was tapping on the ground.

First demon soul… I’ll show you a first demon soul- I was the first demon soul. ’ He thought to himself.

Charlie looks at her dad and notices his distress, she stands back up, excusing the two of them as they step into the bedroom.

Lucifer angrily stomps his way over to the bed and sits on the floor next to it, Charlie follows suit.

“You look upset.” She giggles. “I can understand why.”

“Charlie, she just got here, what’s she thinking?” Lucifer faces his daughter, “What were you thinking?” He ruffled her hair.

“I was thinking about protecting the hotel, Dad!” She says, swatting her dads hand away from her head.

“Alastor helped me recruit Aunt Rosie and the cannibals for extra manpower. If it weren’t for that, and the information he shared with me about Carmilla Carmine, I wouldn’t have been as prepared as I was.” Charlie pulls her legs up to her chest.

Lucifer side-eyes his daughter.

“Alastor helped you recruit Rosie? Cannibal Overlord Rosie?”

“Yep! Well, only Aunt Rosie. I convinced the rest of Cannibal Town myself.” She proudly pounds her chest.

“Aunt?” Lucifer raised a brow.

“Yeah, she told me to call her that.”

“Charlie,” Lucifer looks at his daughter, “If you wanted to protect the hotel, you could’ve just told me. I would’ve been there in an instant.”

“I know that now, and I’m sorry if you felt betrayed by me. I was just so desperate, and it was after I had found out that Vaggie used to be an Angel too- there was just so much happening.” Charlie laughs exasperatedly.

Lucifer gets on his knees and pulls his daughter in for a hug in her seated position.

“No apologies. I didn’t feel betrayed, just confused. If you need anything- and I mean anything, Charlie, you just ask. I’d give you the world, my sweet.” He plants a kiss on the top of her head and pulls away, taking a seat next to his daughter.

“Thanks Dad.” She smiles at him, laying her head on his shoulder.

“I’m grateful for (y/n).” Charlie sighs.

“I am too, Char. I got upset with her for making the deal, but I know she did it for you…” Lucifer rests his head on top of Charlies.

“She said she knew how to get you out of it, and I got upset with her and walked out. I was gonna kill that guy, yaknow.” Lucifer laughs.

“You’re exaggerating.”

“I might’ve been, but I really would have beat him to a pulp! No one messes with my widdle girl!” Lucifer reaches over and pinches Charlie’s cheek mark.

“Ugh, Dad…” She swats his hand away, and he chuckles.

The two Morningstars enjoy a bit of silence before they hear laughter erupt from the outside of the bedroom door. Both Charlie and Lucifer raise their heads and look at one another, crawling over to the door and cracking it open. They peek through the door and see Vaggie and the Angel laughing together. They begin to eavesdrop.

“I can’t tell you how many times I had to reject him.” Vaggie laughs.

“Oh, Adam. He was always a troublemaker, that one.” The angel leans back and raises her legs onto the couch.

“How long have you been down here, Vaggie?” The angel asks.

“A little over three years now, I think.”

“That’s a long time… Do you like it down here?”

“I had a hard time adjusting, but Charlie made it a lot easier for me. She told me about her dreams of redeeming Sinners into Heaven, and I knew from that moment on that I just had to be by her side through it all.” Vaggie smiles.

“How about you?” Vaggie asks, “How do you like it down here now that you’ve been here for almost a month now?”

The angel closes her eyes and throws her head back onto the couch.

“It’s a lot nicer down here.” She says.

“I know you said that before, but, what is it about Hell that you like? It’s not really the greatest in terms of safety and sanity.” Vaggie laughs.

“Well, for starters, I was able to make friends instantly.” The angel smiles, lifting her head back up and looking at Vaggie.

“I’m happy to be able to actually talk to people. I’m grateful for the very few friendships I already have here. I know that it’s kind of hard for me to speak up right now, but I have been trying… And Lucifer has been nothing but kind to me.”

Lucifer felt Charlie nudge his arm. He rolls his eyes and continues listening in on the conversation.

“Those Morningstars, I’ll tell you, they’re ambitious.” Vaggie laughed.

“They for sure are.” The angel smiles in agreement, “That’s why I want Charlie to succeed so badly.”

Vaggie nods her head, adjusting herself on the couch so she was facing the angel. The angel does the same. The two girls face one another, stare at each other, then share another laugh.

“We’re getting deeeep into this conversation, aren’t we?” Vaggie says.

“I think it’s nice.” The angel smiles at her, “Lucifer was able to talk to Charlie earlier today. He told me that they had a well needed conversation- I hope that this could be considered the same?”

Vaggie’s lip quivers just slightly before she purses her lips.

“Yeah. It definitely is the same.” Vaggie smiles.

“That makes me happy to hear. Thank you, Vaggie- for, um, listening to me. I normally only ever chew off Lucifer’s ears…” The angel rubs the back of her neck sheepishly.

“It’s no problem at all. It’s nice to talk to someone who knows of Heaven and their recent antics. It’s nice to know that there could be other angels up there who think the same.” Vaggie says.

“I agree. Though, I fear for their safety. I hope they are not as foolish as I was.”

“I don’t think you were foolish. The Elders saw you as a threat to the world balance- that’s why they hid you away from the rest of us. Your powers are f*cking awesome. I didn’t even know angels could manipulate their souls like that!”

“Aw, no, stop. It’s just something I picked up in all my times of solitude.” The angel blushes, tossing a hand out at Vaggie.

“That’s still impressive. You learned it on your own, it’s not like anyone taught you. You’re literally one of a kind.”

“Okay, now you’re just buttering me up.” The angel laughs.

“It’s called complimenting! Get used to it, ‘cause you’re gonna get a lot of it.” Vaggie giggled.

“There’s nothing to compliment, Vaggie, you’re embarrassing me!”

“I bet I know of two people who would absolutely disagree with you. There’s a lot to compliment and I’m not going to do it alone-” Vaggie turns her head to the door, readying to shout out for the two Morningstars when she realized the door was already cracked open. She raises an eyebrow, sitting on her knees and looking over the couch. The bedroom door slams shut.

“Oh f*ck. Do you think she saw us?” Lucifer looks at his daughter. Charlie was too busy giggling to herself.

“What’s so funny? Vaggie just caught us eavesdropping on their conversation!” Lucifer flicks Charlie on the nose.

“Hehehe, Dad… Dad, our girlfriends were bonding.” Charlie giggles, biting her lip. “Did you see how happy they were? Oh my gosh, I’m going to die.”

“Girl- Huh? Girlfriend? Starlight is NOT my girlfriend.” Lucifer’s ears grew hot.

“You already have pet names for each other, don’t make this any harder than it has to be!” Charlie playfully hits her dad on the chest.

“Char, okay, look… I may be, just a little bit, slightly interested in her- but I don’t know how she feels about me. I’m the King of Hell, recently divorced, I have a kid-”

“But she loooves me!” Charlie squeals, “Yeah, you’re the King of Hell, anyone would wanna get with you. Recently divorced or not, where’s your pride!?”

“I- Well… You!-” Lucifer squints his eyes at his daughter, “Hm. Touché…”

“Dad, you're ridiculous!” Charlie bursts out laughing. “I know I said I wouldn’t pressure you, but that doesn’t mean I won’t tease you about it.” She held onto her stomach as she laughed harder.

There was a knock on the door. Charlie’s laughter comes to a stop, and the two Morningstars slowly look over at one another. Lucifer gulps. Charlie blinks.

“You two wanna come outside, or do you want us to come in?” Vaggie calls from the other side of the door.

“I think we’ll just…” Charlie says sheepishly. The two Morningstars stayed seated on the ground as the door opened. Two fallen angels stood on the other side of the door, looking down at the King and Princess of Hell.

“Sorry.” Lucifer stands up immediately, pulling his daughter up with him.

“Yeah! Sorry.” The two Morningstars give the two angels their biggest smiles in hopes they would just forgive and forget.

They stood in silence, staring at one another for a second before the angel burst out into a fit of giggles.

“If you guys wanted to be a part of the conversation, we would have been okay with it.” She laughs, “We don’t bite.” She places a hand on her hip and leans to the side.

Lucifer felt his face warm up as he looked at the girl in front of him. She was still dirtied from her crash landing. There were remnants of dried blood on her arm, and her clothes were semi torn in places that could have exposed her body parts.

“I think we’re gonna head out for the rest of the night, Dad.” Charlie giggles, pushing her way through to the living area.

“We’ll see you guys tomorrow! I have some stuff I want to talk about regarding the hotel.” She turns to face the angel.

“And thank you again, (y/n).” Charlie hugs the angel, who returns the hug.

“I’m here for you Charlie, if you don’t want to talk to your dad you can come to me instead. Girl code.” The angel winks at Charlie, and then faces Vaggie.

“And you, Miss Vaggie, thank you for the chat. I hope we can do this again sometime.” The angel pulls Vaggie in for a hug.

“Oh- Uh,” Vaggie hugs back awkwardly, not used to physical contact from anyone other than Charlie. “Yes. Yes of course, Ma’am.”

“We’re past the point of Ma’am, Vaggie, don’t do that to me.” The angel says.

“See! That’s how I felt when you would address me as Sir, or Your Majesty, or Your Highness- AGH, thinking about it is making me itchy.” Lucifer exclaims as he starts dramatically scratching at his arms. The girls all laugh.

“Good night, Charlie, Vaggie.” The angel sees them off, closing the door as the two girls walk to the elevator. She turns back around to see Lucifer still scratching at his arms. The angel rolls her eyes at him and gives him a playful push, to which he dramatically falls over onto the floor.

“Okay, drama queen, let’s wrap it up.” She laughs, holding her hands out for Lucifer to hold. He reaches up, taking her hands, and pulls her down onto the floor with him.


He embraces her. Lucifer's arms snake around her waist, pulling her into a deep hug.

“You’re so stupid for making a deal with that bastard…” He whispers into her neck. It sent chills down her spine. Her body loosens as she lets herself be held by the King.

“I’m sorry if I upset you.” She said, running her hand in his hair.

“No, I’m sorry for walking out.”

“Thank you for protecting Charlie.” He sighs.

She smiles, using her other hand to rub at his back.

“I’d do it all over again if I needed to.”

Lucifer laughs.

“And you call me a drama queen.”

They sat on the floor holding one another before the angel tapped Lucifer on the shoulder.

“Mm?” He mumbles into her neck.

“Luci, I need to take a shower. I’m disgusting.”

“Just a little longer.” He buries his face deeper into the crook of her neck. The girl allows herself to be smothered by Lucifer, her heartbeat speeding up with every second they sit in this position.

Lucifer lets out a sigh, loosening his grip around the girl.

“I’ll be waiting for you in bed.” He gives her his signature toothy smile, and helps them to stand.

Lucifer walks into the bedroom, and the girl excuses herself to the bathroom to freshen up. In the bathroom, she stares at herself in the mirror. She slaps her cheeks between her hands, squishing her face.

“You idiot.” She turns around and looks back at her reflection. The angel takes in the sight of her extremely scarred back, where each pair of her wings used to be, and where she forced the new pair of wings to grow. She sighs and turns the water on in the tub, allowing herself to take a much needed hot bath.


Upon finishing her bath, the girl steps out, realizing she didn’t have any clothes to change into. Her face, already pink from the steam of the bath, turns an even darker shade as she realizes she needs Lucifer’s help. She wraps herself in a towel, and steps into the closet that leads to the bedroom. She cracks the door open to see Lucifer, asleep on the bed.

“Luci…” She calls out.


The King of Hell was knocked out.

“Pleeeaaase…” She whines, looking in the closet for something to throw at him. It was nearly empty, aside from a single pair of boots and a hanger. She takes the boots and chucks it at him. They bounce off the wall and fly across the room, completely missing.

“Seriously?” She says to herself.

“Okay, I have one more shot.” She grabs the hanger and tosses it at Lucifer, but it lands at his bedside instead.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” She facepalms herself.

“Well…” She looks down at herself, still wrapped in a towel. The angel opens the closet door and walks over to Lucifer. She stands at his side and reaches down, shaking his shoulder to wake him.


No response.

“Lucifer!” She shook him even harder- freaking him out.

Lucifer grabs her wrist and immediately pulls her onto the bed, pinning her down. The towel she had wrapped around her body nearly exposes her chest, and she screams.

“Oh f*ck .” Lucifer shouts, “ f*ck , I’m so sorry-.” He turns his head away, but his hands were still pinning her down.

“Lucifer let go of my arms!” She squeals.

“You’re right- You’re right! I’m sorry- You scared me, oh sh*t. I’m sorry!”

The angel reaches for the blanket on the bed and pulls it over her body.

“I’m sorry for waking you up like that, but I don’t have any clothes to wear.” She bites her lip nervously, “I needed your help.”

“Starlight, you can’t conjure up your own clothes?”

“I-” She cuts herself off, “I don’t know how to…” Her voice was quiet.

Lucifer smiles at her and laughs, snapping his fingers. She was put into her normal sleeping attire, white tee and fuzzy duck pants. He changed his clothes to match hers.

“You can create galaxies but can’t make clothes?” He laughs.

“I never needed to! Back in Heaven, I always wore the same thing.” She shrugged, handing her towel to Lucifer. He takes it and magically sends it off to his laundry basket.

“I guess that makes sense.” Lucifer says. The girl scoots over, making room for him on the bed.

“Is this normal?” She asks as he crawls onto the bed.

“Is what normal?” Lucifer asks as he fixes the blanket over the two of them.

“Do friends often share beds?” She tilted her head at him.

“I, um, not really- But I am okay with it- If you’re okay with… It?...” Lucifer chokes on his own spit, stuttering as he tries to come up with something to say.

The angel giggles.

“I’m okay with it. It makes sleeping a lot more comfortable.” She lies down, patting the pillow next to hers.

Lucifer hesitantly lays down, facing away from the girl. He turns the lights off, and the room becomes dark.

“Good night, Luci.” She yawns, pulling the blanket over her shoulders.

“Yeah,” He says nervously, “Good night, Starlight.” He closes his eyes, unconsciously biting at the inside of his cheek from anxiety. It was going to be another long night for Lucifer.


Reference Sheets her wings before her fall + the temporary wings she gave herself in this chapter. + a reference sheet on her clothes when she resided in Heaven!

Worth Protecting (Lucifer x Fem!Reader) - Kai (DubuKai) (3)Worth Protecting (Lucifer x Fem!Reader) - Kai (DubuKai) (4)

Worth Protecting (Lucifer x Fem!Reader) - Kai (DubuKai) (5)

Worth Protecting (Lucifer x Fem!Reader) - Kai (DubuKai) (6)


Sorry for a late chapter- It took me a while to finish up the reference sheets.
My twitter is @dubukais, I post often about updates regarding the fic!
As always, your comments are appreciated. Thank you for your patience!
I apologize if the colors are dim on mobile. Theyre easy to see on pc!
Just in case you cannot tell, the demon form wings are black with purple + red gradient. ^_^

Chapter 15: Remnants of the Past Collide with the Present


Lucifer's heart aches with guilt and loneliness... and his pride gets in the way.


A pretty important Author's Note at the end! Please read. :)
Thank you for 700 kudos and 12k hits. Enjoy the newest chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Lucifer was sound asleep when he felt a tickle at his chin. His hand reaches up, scratching at the itch- and then it happens again. There was a tickle on his cheek. He scratches it. Suddenly his face is attacked by a large amount of hair. He inhaled, the faint scent of sweet plums danced on his face. He blinks his eyes open. Lucifer found himself lost in a forest of hair. He moves it out of his face and tries to stretch outward, but his other arm is stuck.

He looks down to see an angel sleeping directly on his arm. She laid there soundly, her head on his chest and his arm wrapped underneath her. His face turns pink. Unsure of what to do, he just lays there in silence. The bright red sky of Hell peeked through the windows as he looked around the room, trying to find something to distract himself with.

His eyes eventually fell down to the sleeping girl on him. Her breathing was steady. Her mouth was slightly agape, a little bit of drool had pooled under her cheek and onto Lucifer’s chest. He chuckles, his eyes growing soft. Using his free hand, he pulls the blanket over her shoulders, giving her more of it as he found he didn’t need it due to the unexpected weighted blanket he found for himself.

Lucifer adjusts himself. He moves her head so she would lie on his upper arm, and he turns to face her. He wrapped his other arm around her, closing his eyes. The warmth of her skin on his brought him a sense of comfort. He sighs, gently rubbing at her back.

His mind jumps back to his favorite moments with Lilith. He remembered how she would love when he would trace shapes on her bare back, how she would love when he would gently pepper kisses on the top of her head as she tried to fall asleep. His heart became heavy thinking about it. Lucifer knew better than to dwell on the past, but how could he not when he and Lilith were lovers since the beginning of all creation?

Lucifer felt a sense of guilt finding comfort in the girl next to him. He didn’t know if he liked her, or if he was simply infatuated by the idea of her- the idea of having someone fill the empty spot Lilith left in his heart. Lucifer opens his eyes, looking back down at the angel to his side.

The angel lets out an obnoxiously loud snore, startling Lucifer. He stopped rubbing her back out of pure shock, and began to laugh silently. Using his now free hand, he covers his mouth to muffle any laugh that tries to escape. His whole body was shaking as he tried to hold back his laughs, eventually waking up the girl beside him.

She blinks at Lucifer, still groggy from having just woken up.

“Wuh-...” She reaches up and wipes her mouth from drool. “Luci?”

Lucifer explodes with laughter, echoing throughout the entire penthouse. The girl uses an arm to push herself up, and she looks down at the crazed King who found himself in a laughing fit. Tears were coming out of his eyes as he continued to laugh, unable to breathe with every chuckle.

“Good- HA- Oh, f*ck…” Lucifer manages to say between laughs, “Good morning- PFF- Holy sh*t.” He wipes a tear.

“What’s so funny?” She squints at him, “Did I do something?”

The angel gasps, covering her mouth with her hand.

“Did I project something weird?” She asks desperately, “Please tell me I didn’t project something weird.”

Lucifer regains his composure and turns back to the girl.

“No, Starlight, you didn’t project anything weird.” He chuckles, “You’re just cute when you sleep.” He pokes her on the forehead.

“Oh, thank goodness.” She sighed, laying back down next to Lucifer. She sprawled out, stretching her limbs in every direction and nearly punched him on the side of his stomach.

“Come on!-” He falls out of the bed at the sudden tickle of his side.

“Oops.” She shrugs, a small smile forming on her face.

Lucifer rolls his eyes at her and stands, patting himself off. He takes a moment to look at the girl that still laid in the bed, looking away when he felt his heart skip a beat. He turns around and makes his way to the restroom to get ready for the day. The angel jumped out of bed, following him to the bathroom.

“What are you doing?” He laughs as he reaches the bathroom sink.

“I need to use the bathroom, too!” She bumps his hip with hers, scooting him to the side as she reaches for her hair brush.

“Star- Please-” Lucifer chuckled, “I gotta piss. I can’t do that with you here with me.” He felt his ears growing hot.

“You got it boss.” She playfully salutes him and steps back out to the closet hall that connected to the restroom.

Lucifer sighs, and gets back to getting ready for the day. His mind was still racing. He couldn’t wrap his head around his feelings for her. He was confused. Was her being cast out a test from The Divine himself? A test of his loyalty to his wife?

Ex-wife , he thought to himself.

He splashes his face with cold water, trying to rid himself of the sorrowful memories of his last few years spent with Lilith. But to no avail, he found his head still congested with old memories of their relationship. His mind runs in circles, trying to find answers for anything. Answers for why Lilith had to abandon him and Charlie. Answers for his confusing feelings for this angel he had saved from Heaven’s wrath. He splashed his face again, groaning in annoyance as he did so.

“Lucifer?” A soft voice calls out from the other side of the door.

His head shoots up, his eyes focusing on a reflection of himself. He hadn’t realized he had been crying until he saw his puffy, bloodshot eyes. Lucifer sighs, reaching for a towel and dabbing his face dry. He glanced at himself once more before he reached for the door, opening it for the girl who had found a comfortable spot right in front of it. She looked up at him as the door swung open.

“Are you finished?” She asks, shooting him a cheeky smile.

Lucifer stares down at the girl. The innocence behind her eyes made his eyes swell with tears. He felt his heart sink, and fell to his knees next to her on the floor. He became a mess of sobs and hiccups. The angel immediately pulls him into a hug, comforting him with soft pets on the back of his head. He wrapped his arms around her waist, desperately pulling her closer. He buried his face into her neck, staining her shirt with stray tears that fell from his eyes. The sounds of his sobs brought tears to her own eyes. The desperation with each weep, his cries so painful, you could tell he was grieving. She allowed him to cry. Sitting in silence as she comforted her friend, petting at his head and shushing him soothingly.

“I don’t need an explanation,” She whispers, “I know this cry all too well.”

Lucifer broke down even more. His entire body shook as he wept, his hands were desperately grabbing at her torso as if he was reaching for something completely out of his grasp. The angel rubs his back, tears falling down her own face. Lucifer’s cries became silent sobs as his head circles back to the very reason he had begun crying in the first place.

Lilith danced in the garden of his mind, leaving behind trails of broken glass and rose petals. He tried to dance along with her, but would find himself falling behind. He stepped on the shards, and they became drenched in his gold ichor- his blood staining the petals around them as he tried to catch up to the woman he entrusted his heart to. Lilith, who once danced on an equal rhythm with him, began waltzing to her own songs. Her figure grows smaller as she slips into the distance, leaving Lucifer alone, broken and battered.

“Be gentle with yourself, Lucifer.” The angel places both hands on his back as she hugs him, “Your soul is wavering…” She pulls him in, tightening their already strong embrace.

Lucifer takes a deep breath as he tries to compose himself. His eyes are closed, and his face is still sunk into her neck. His tears had caused her hair to stick to his face, but he didn’t care. The smell of sweet plums brought him back to reality.

He pulls away from the angel, looking at her with his puffy eyes. She gives him a small smile and reaches up, wiping away at the last few tears that fell from his face. Lucifer stares at her. His heart grew soft as he looked at her tear stained shirt, her sticky hair, and red cheeks.

“Were you also crying?” He chuckles between hiccups.

The angel laughs, fixing her hair so it didn’t stick to her neck.

“It’s hard for me not to cry when you were literally in shambles, Luci.” She looks at him, her eyes softening at the fallen angel before her.

Lucifer looks down at his hands, unsure of what to say. He was in his most vulnerable state, a ball of unstable emotions and messy feelings, and honestly he was quite embarrassed.

“You don’t need to say anything.” She smiles, “Just know that I understand.” She placed a hand on his shoulder.

“I’m here for you, Lucifer.”

Lucifer looks back up at the girl, his heart skipping a beat when their eyes collide.

“Thank you.” Was all he could choke up.

He helps them to stand, leading her to the restroom. He closes the lid to the toilet and takes a seat, motioning to the sink.

“I know I told you that I needed the restroom alone, but can I stay while you get ready?” He asks shyly.

The girl laughs at him, closing the bathroom door.

“Sure, but you gotta look away when I need to use that.” She points at the toilet he sat on.

“I’ll step out when you go, I just want to be here while you finish everything else.” He gives her a weak smile.

She smiles back at him and nods.

“Sounds good.”

The angel begins to freshen herself up for the day with Lucifer seated directly next to her as she does so. Every so often she would glance over to him in the mirror, and she would see his puffy eyes glued directly onto her. She would smile to herself, happy knowing that just her company was enough to cheer up the King of Hell.

After she’s done, they walk back to the room together. Lucifer changes himself into his usual white tailcoat, red and white striped waistcoat, white slacks, and black boots. He turns to the girl, who sat patiently on the bed with a fresh face and clean hair.

“Any outfit ideas for today?” He asks.

“I don’t want to wear a dress,” The angel replies, “I want pants! I want to be able to sit down and spread my legs in all directions without any issues!” She throws herself backward onto the bed, kicking her legs up as she laid.

“Sit still!” Lucifer laughs and taps his cane on her head as she sits upright on the bed.

She changed out of her sleeping clothes into an outfit similar to that of his own. Red and white striped vest, white collared shirt underneath, and white slacks paired with black boots. Instead of a tophat, he tied her hair up with a bow that had an apple on it.

“Gloves or no gloves?” He asks her, holding his hand out for her to see.

“Gloves, please! If you’re going to dress me like you, you might as well go the full mile.” She shrugs. He laughs, giving her black gloves.

“Alright, let’s go.” He walks them out to the elevator and they make their way down to the lobby.


Charlie stood at the front desk talking to a strawberry blonde cyclops demon when she heard the elevator ding. She turns around to see the angel and her father stepping off.

“Ah! You’re awake!” She holds a finger up to the desk clerk and runs up to the girl.

“I’ve got great news!” Charlie says, facing the two.

“Lay it on us, sweetheart.” Lucifer leans onto his cane and smiles at his daughter.

Charlie is practically bouncing with excitement as she stands in front of Lucifer and the angel. She takes a deep breath.

“We’ve decided to throw a party here at the Hotel to celebrate all of our achievements!” Charlie jumps in place.

“A party?” The angel laughs nervously.

“Yes! After defending ourselves from Heaven, we rebuilt the hotel from scratch- Ah! And your arrival! It’s going to be so much fun, I promise! There are so many things to celebrate!” Charlie grabs onto the girl’s hands excitedly.

“O-oh! A party! Of course! That’s the perfect way to celebrate, Charlie.” The angel stutters, looking up at Charlie.

Lucifer smirks.

“Oh, you want a party?” He clears his throat, “I used to throw killer parties back in my day. Bee can attest.”

Charlie’s eyes lit up even brighter.

“Does this mean you’ll help?!” She squeals excitedly.

Lucifer nods his head at his daughter.

“Just let me know what you need me to do, Apple Pie. I’ll get it done for ya.” He winks.

“Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!” Charlie pulls both of them into a group hug.

“One more thing, come!” Charlie loops her arm through the angels, tugging her over to the front desk.

“This is Cherri!” Charlie places her hand out to a freckled cyclops demon that sat behind the front desk, spinning in her chair.

“Cherri, this is (y/n)!” Charlie motions over to the girl that stood beside her.

“Who’s this now? Your mum?” Cherri gave her a toothy smile and held out her hand, “Nice ta meetcha, Miss! Name’s Cherri Bomb, Cherri for short.”

“Mom? Oh, no. I’m not her mother,” The angel laughs, “I- I’m His Majesty’s secretary.” The angel's cheeks turned bright red as she shook Cherri’s hand.

Charlie’s eyes went wide and she pursed her lips. She looked over her shoulder at her dad, who stood a few steps behind them, whistling as he tried not to make eye contact.

“It’s, uh, nice to finally put a face to the name.” The angel smiles at Cherri.

“Ah, I’m just pullin’ your leg, Miss Secretary!” Cherri laughs, leaning onto the desk, “Ya said you’ve heard of me? What’d they tell ya? I promise I’m not as bad as they say!”

“Nothing bad!,” The angel replies, “Charlie mentioned you the day I got here. She said you were out.”

“Right on.” Cherri smirks and sits back down, leaning into the chair.

Charlie excuses them from the front desk and leads the angel and her father to the communal waiting area in the lobby.

“Sorry,” Charlie awkwardly laughs as she turns back to the two, “Cherri can be a little eager.”

The angel just gives Charlie a smile before looking over at Lucifer, who was busy typing away at his phone. He looked to be engaging in a serious conversation, so neither of the two women spoke a word to him.

“So, Charlie,” The girl says, “What have you planned for this party so far?” They sit down on a couch, Lucifer hovers behind them, still on his phone.

“Well, so far it’s just an idea.” Charlie giggles.

“I was hoping that you guys would hop on board and help me out with all of the other stuff.” She rubs her arm, “I’m a bit nervous, it’d be the first time we host anything here at the hotel!”

“I’m not so sure I’d be of any help at all, really.” The angel laughs, “Maybe I could learn a thing or two from Mr. Bossman behind us. I’ll ask him more about it later in the day.”

“That’s perfectly fine!” Charlie chirps, “If anything, you and Vaggie can just help set up! Dad and I will handle all of the other stuff.”

“That actually sounds perfect.”

“Good! I’m glad to hear, because Vaggie has been talking about you nonstop!” Charlie laughs.

“Has she now?” The angel straightens her posture, “That’s kind of her.” She smiles.

“Ugh, yes, oh my gosh. It’s actually really sweet. I’ve never seen her speak so highly of anyone- aside from myself, but I don’t count.” Charlie folds her arms across her chest.

“You guys can hang out together while decorating. I’m sure she’d love that.” Charlie smiles at the girl next to her.

“Do you think-”

“I’m sorry to cut your conversation short, but we’ve got to go.” Lucifer walks around the couch and grabs the angel by her arm, pulling her up and walking to the door.

“Oh, okay.” The angel looks at Charlie as they walk off, “We’ll finish this talk later!”

“Be back soon, Apple Pie.” Lucifer winks at his daughter, opening a portal and dragging them in.

The portal sends Lucifer and the angel into a large meeting room. Unfamiliar to her, but familiar to him.

“Here,” Lucifer pulls out a chair, “Sit down.” He motions for the angel to sit, and she complies. Lucifer bends down close to her ear.

“Don’t speak. Just take notes.” he whispers.

Lucifer snaps his fingers, a clipboard, notebook, and a pen with a duck topper, all appear on the table in front of the girl. She gathers the items and prepares herself in the most professional way she could think of. She fixed her posture, her back straightening out, and planted both feet on the floor directly next to one another. Lucifer takes a seat next to her. The angel takes a deep breath, noting how unnervingly calm the King next to her was.

The doors on the other side of the room open, and a tall demon with gray skin walks in. She makes her way to the head of the table, taking a seat. The room was silent, and the air was thick. A zapping noise was heard coming from one of the security cameras as a blue light manifested itself into another demon. Vox straightens his coat as he appears in the room, a co*cky smile plastered on his face. He takes a seat directly across from Lucifer. The angel fiddled with her pen as the other three waited for one of the others to break the silence.

“It’s good to see you again, Sir.” Vox nods at Lucifer.

“Vex.” Lucifer nods back, and Vox cringes.

“Good to see you too, Carmilla.” Vox turns to Carmilla and shoots her a smile. Vox turns back to face Lucifer, blinking over at the girl to his side for a second before looking back to Lucifer. A small smile crept its way onto his pixelated face.

“And you, Vox.” She places her hands on the desk, pushing herself into a standing position.

“Vox of the Vees, you claim to have another serious matter to discuss with our King, Lucifer Morningstar.” Carmilla glances between the two men.

“Once again, no violence, no provocation.” Carmilla sits back down, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms under her chest.

The angel begins to scribble down anything and everything she heard and saw within the span everyone had begun to speak. She kept her eyes down on her notebook, not wanting to bring attention to herself in a room full of powerful demons.

Vox pushes his chair back and clears his throat.

“Again, good to see you, Sir.” He stays standing in front of his chair, “I’m not going to beat around the bush.”

Lucifer looks at the TV demon with a smirk on his face. Vox fixes his tie as he steps aside, walking over to Carmilla.

“If you’ll allow me.” Vox says, pointing at the ceiling.

Carmilla looks up and nods. She switches seats, taking the one Vox had previously sat in. He pulls down a white screen and a projector pops out of the ceiling from the other end of the room.

“Now, I’m sure you know the extent of my power… How much influence I have on the media and all.” Vox looked at Lucifer who looked back at him with a raised brow.

“I happened to be flying one of my new VoxTek drones around Pentagram City. I was testing the connectivity limits on those bad boys,” He stretched his arms outward, “and I just so happened to fly upon something extremely interesting.”

Vox looks over at the girl that sat next to Lucifer, his smile widening in mischief. He steps aside, turning the projector on. All eyes shift to the screen.

A pixelated video began to play of a glitchy Alastor walking down the street, coming to a stop as something fell out of the sky beside him. The camera zoomed in on a battered girl as her demon wings disappeared, a small streak of gold ichor leaking from her nose as she had a short conversation with Alastor. The drone disconnects within a puff of smoke after they shake hands. Vox turns the projector off and the screen retracts itself back into the ceiling. He stood at the head of the table with his head held high.

“A girl with demon-like wings, but the blood of an Angel?” Vox asks, his smile growing. “And she just so happens to vaguely resemble your lovely Secretary over there.” Vox nods his head in the direction of the girl that sat beside Lucifer.

Lucifer bouts into a fit of laughter before calming himself down.

“You think any Angels would want to come back down to this sh*thole after what we did to their army?” He chuckles.

“You’ve gotta be suckin’ on me.” Lucifer shrugs, leaning back into his chair.

Vox and Carmilla blink at him in confusion.

“Pretty sure the saying is ‘ f*cking with me .’” Carmilla says, shaking her head.

“What’d I say?” Lucifer quickly sits back up.

The girl to his side looks down at her lap, trying to stifle a laugh.

“Okay, no, we’re getting off topic-” Vox says, “You’re saying that it’s impossible for Angels to come back down to Hell after what happened?”

“I’m not saying it’s impossible,” Lucifer snickers, “I’m saying it’s unlikely.” He cracks his knuckles.

“My secretary may have similar features to the woman shown in the video, but that’s based on pure speculation. A lot of Sinners down here look alike, dumbass- we’re in hell. The video is extremely f*cky, too. Some techlord you are, eh?” Lucifer teased.

Vox’s face began to glitch between a bluescreen and his normal face, irritation obviously overtaking his feeling of satisfaction. He looks to Lucifer’s side and makes eye contact with the girl that sat there. Her eyes were oddly calm as she stared down the TV demon.

“He makes a good point. How do we know you didn’t tamper with the video?” Carmilla says, turning Vox’s attention to herself.

“You are the media-man, after all.” She tilts her head at him.

Vox puts a hand on his forehead and sighs.

“Look, that’s the best I’ve got. The drones are still in developmental stages.” He surrenders, slouching into his chair.

“Can’t really see sh*t especially when that old-fashioned f*cker is on the screen too.” Vox mumbles under his breath.

“I’m just saying. As a businessman, this would be huge news.” He crosses his arms, “But as an Overlord, the possibility of an Angel down in Hell before the next Extermination is f*cking concerning.” He scowls.

“Finally, something we can agree on.” Carmilla nods.

“Should evidence of an Angel residing in Hell come to light, we will do everything in our power to suppress the news-” Carmilla glares at the demon slouched in his seat, “This means you, Vox.”

Vox rolls his eyes.

“Fine. On the condition that I get paid for it, of course. I won’t do that sh*t for free.” He shrugs, “I’m a businessman after all.” Vox raises a brow at Lucifer with a smirk.

“Fair game.” Lucifer and Vox stare at one another in silence before Vox stands.

“Thank you for meeting with me, Sir.” Vox straightens his shirt and zaps himself into the security camera.

Lucifer looks over at the girl to his side, scooting his chair closer to hers.

“You okay?” He places a hand on her shoulder. The girl nods her head with pursed lips.

“I’m fine, Sir.” She doesn’t look at Lucifer, but instead picks her pen back up and begins scribbling in her notebook. Her heart was beating on her chest, nearly sending her into another panic attack.

“Well,” Carmilla stands, walking over to the girl.

The angel gulps, putting her pen down and looking up at the tall demoness that approached her. She stands, pushing the chair back and meeting Carmilla half-way. They stood behind Lucifer’s seat.

“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Carmilla Carmine.” Carmilla holds her hand out for the girl to shake, and she takes it.

“Hello,” She says, “I’m (y/n). Secretary to His Majesty, Lucifer Morningstar.” The girl nods her head at Carmilla, who, in turn, giggles at her.

“You’re too polite, darling. You remind me of another girl I recently met.” Carmilla smiles, raising a brow.

“Thank you, Ma’am.”

“You aren’t slick, Lucifer.” Carmilla spins Lucifer’s chair around, facing him to them. He blinks up at the two women that stood before him.

“What d’ya mean?” Lucifer gives them a playful smile.

The angel shakes her head at him, and Carmilla rolls her eyes.

“This is the same girl from the photo, no?” Carmilla smirks at Lucifer, whose face turned bright pink.

“Dunno what you’re talkin’ about…” Lucifer mumbles, looking away.

“I told you, Lucifer.” Carmilla said, “Those eyes.” She shakes her head and makes her way back to her seat.

The angel sits down and scoots herself back into the table, putting her head down on the table as Lucifer spun himself back around.

“Okay. So what? Ya gonna expose me for making googly eyes at my Secretary?” Lucifer says.

“Absolutely not,” Carmilla laughs, “That is none of my business. Who do you take me for? Vox?”

“It’s none of my business who the King of Hell makes… ‘googly eyes’ at.” Carmilla shakes her head, leaning forward.

“It’s all in good fun!” Lucifer laughs, patting the girl next to him on the back.
Carmilla raises a brow at them.

“Mhm, sure thing.” She says, “Anyway, thank you for coming. I’ve seen all I needed.” Carmilla stands, walking back over to the girl who still had her head laid down on the table. She slid her business card to the girl startling her. She lifts her head and sits straight.

“If you ever need anything, here’s my contact information.” Carmilla gave her a smile, “I’m Hell’s largest weapons dealer. Give me a call if you’re ever in trouble.” She made for the exit.

“I can protect my Secretary just fine, Carmilla.” Lucifer shouts as Carmilla closes the door behind her.

The angel sighs, looking over at Lucifer.

“Why did I have to come?” She asked, “I would’ve been fine back at the hotel with Charlie-”

“Carmilla knew what Vox was going to bring up in today’s meeting. She knew you were with me at the hotel- I told her. She’s not entirely bad-”

“What happened to laying low?”

“Look, if you’re upset, I’m sorry, but Carmilla is one of the only Overlords I trust. That… Vex dude? He runs the Entertainment District. I needed you here to prove to him that the video he showed was partial bullsh*t, it really could have been anyone! he was spouting nonsense-”

“But it wasn’t, Lucifer.” The angel says, “That was- it was me.” She whispers desperately.

Lucifer looks at her. Her eyes fell to the ground.
“Please take me home.” She says.

They stand, teleporting back to the hotel. The girl pushes past him as they get back and makes her way to the elevator, taking herself back up to the penthouse. He mopes behind her, walking into the empty lobby, groaning as he steps inside. He sits on the couch and rubs his temples.

Vaggie walks into the lobby from the dining hall and spots Lucifer on the couch. She approaches him, eager to know where a certain angel was.

“Good afternoon, Sir.” Vaggie says, sitting on the other side of the couch.

“Oh,” Lucifer looks up, “Hello Vaggie. Can I help you?” He gives her a close-lipped smile.

“I was going to ask where (y/n) was,” She said, “But you look like you need an ear. I can lend one, if you’d like.” Vaggie sits up straight.

Lucifer looks at her.

“Am I really about to look like a total loser while I vent to my daughter's girlfriend?” He asks aloud. “Yeah.” He sits up, meeting Vaggie eye to eye.

“Okay, cool!” Vaggie laughed awkwardly, “Well, lay it on me.”

“I think that (y/n) and I just had our first argument.” He sighs.

“Hm, really? Didn’t think I’d ever hear that.” Vaggie says, “What happened?”

Lucifer looks around the lobby. Not a single soul was seen, it was practically dead.

“She’s mad I nearly exposed her in front of a few Overlords at a meeting today…” Lucifer whispered, facepalming himself.

Vaggie’s jaw dropped.

“Excuse my language, Sir, but what the f*ck ? What do you mean?” She shouts in a hushed tone.

“I f*cked up, Vaggie.” Lucifer laughed, “I let my pride get in the way of what was really important- the importance being her safety. I wanted so badly to prove to that Vex bastard that all of his allegations were based off of bullsh*t and speculation- I didn’t mean to hurt her or endanger her in any way, I just-”

“Okay, look at it this way…” Vaggie cuts Lucifer off, “I used to be an Exorcist with Heaven. I hid my identity from Charlie for three years in fear of being thrown out, or worse, killed .”

Lucifer looks at Vaggie with regretful eyes.

“Give her some space for now, Sir. She has a lot on her mind, and coddling her will only make her feel worse.” Vaggie says, “Just don’t let Charlie hear about this-”

“Hear about what?” Charlie pops up from behind the two.

f*ck .” Vaggie falls forward off of the couch, looking up at her girlfriend as she fixes herself back onto the seat.

“Heyyy… Babe!” Vaggie gives her girlfriend an awkward smile, “Ah, just talking about some… Angel stuff?” She whispers.

“Oh, okay. That’s cool! What about it?” Charlie grins at them.

AH , I can’t keep this from my daughter. I can’t!” Lucifer screeches, grabbing at his hair.

“Apple Pie, please don’t get upset with me-”

“Why would I be upset with you?”

Lucifer took a deep breath.

“I made (y/n) mad and put her in danger by taking her to an Overlord meeting.” He shuts his eyes tightly, expecting his daughter to burst with anger. Instead, Charlie walked away. Lucifer and Vaggie watched as Charlie quietly made her way over to the elevator, taking herself straight to the rooftop.

The two sat on the couch riddled with anxiety as they watched the number on the elevator door count higher, until it reached the rooftop.

“I f*cked up bad, didn’t I?” Lucifer sighs, putting his head into his hands.

“I would say so…” Vaggie agreed.

Lucifer excuses himself and goes to the second floor- the floor with all of the recreational rooms. He stumbles upon the movie room. Nothing was playing, but he spotted the loveseats littered across the room. He lies down on the loveseat, sprawling himself across the seat and closes his eyes. He felt his heart grow heavy once again. The same feeling from this morning, except it burned deeper than just his heart. It burned in his soul.

Lucifer clenches his chest, confused at the new feeling brought upon him. It hurt knowing he hurt someone he cared for, but why was the pain this intense? It was because he broke the trust of someone who showed him nothing but appreciation.

He hurt the person who understood his loneliness even without words- the person who helped him feel the purest form of intimacy he had in years: safety. He broke that trust, he made her feel unsafe, and now his soul was on fire from the inability to do the one thing he had vowed to do; protect what he believed was worth protecting.


I hope you guys really enjoyed this chapter. It was a rollercoaster of emotions.
Anyway! As the fic takes place after Season One, and we have no idea what Season Two will be covering ENTIRELY, I will be putting my own spin on the series. This means that I will be taking the story and incorporating my own theories into it. This series will be pretty long, as we are already on Chapter 15 and I don't see myself stopping any time soon. I do already have most of it story boarded out, I just don't know how long it will take me.
Remember, this is a FanFic.
I don't own any characters, I don't own you!
All Hazbin Hotel + Helluva Boss characters created by Vivziepop.
Thank you to everyone who has shown interest thus far, I appreciate you all for being so patient. I'm glad you're all enjoying it!
That being said, I do have a Twitter where I post updates of the story like if I am going to be late a day, etc. Please follow me there if you're interested!
Twitter: @DubuKais
I also made a Tumblr? I don't know how that thing works, I haven't used that website in years.
Handle is @DubuKai on Tumblr as well!

Chapter 16: The Chase


Lucifer takes a big step forward.


I've been sick, I'm so sorry for a late update. Thank you for waiting patiently!
Thank you for 14k hits! Enjoy this next chapter. <3

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Charlie steps off the elevator to see a small figure sitting on one of the benches in the courtyard of the rooftop. She approaches her quietly and takes a seat directly next to the angel. She looks over to the angel, then looks back over at the view of Pentagram City. There was smoke in various parts of the streets, random screams as gunshots and explosions were heard in the distance.

“Are you alright?” Charlie asked the angel as she sat.

The angel nods silently.

“I'll be fine,” She sighs, “I always am.”

The angel throws her head back and looks up at Heaven beaming bright in Hell's red sky. Charlie does the same.

“He told me he took you to an Overlord meeting.” Charlie laughs in disbelief, “Sometimes it’s hard to think that such a doofus like my dad is ruler of Hell.” Charlie looks back down at the city

The angel puts her head down and looks over at Charlie.

“I can’t complain about your father to you, Charlie.” She smiles weakly.

Charlie sits up, a straight expression on her face.

“Oh, you can complain all you want! I’m not saying he’s some saint or anything, he’s the King of Hell.” Charlie giggles, “I’d understand if you wanted to complain. I know I want to sometimes, but that’s what comes with being Lucifer’s daughter- plus, dad and I just recently started talking again.” Charlie says as she fiddles with her thumbs, “So, I won’t judge you if you did have anything negative to say.”

“You and your dad weren’t always close?” The angel asks curiously, “I would have never guessed. You two are exactly alike in more ways than I can count on my hands.” The angel giggles.

“Seems that way, right?” Charlie says, smiling and shaking her head.

“It does. Has he always been like that?”

“Like what?”

“Loving...” The angel says, smiling at Charlie, “Your dad loves you. It’s very apparent.”
Charlie smiles, “Well, kind of. He’s the reason I dream so big. If it weren’t for all of those stories he told me when I was younger, I don’t know how different things would be now.”

“It must’ve been fun hearing about his stories, huh?”

“It was! He opened my eyes to so many wonderful things, my imagination would run wild… I could say the same about you, actually.” Charlie says shyly. “You’ve helped me learn things about Earth and Heaven that I never would have any knowledge about had you not shared it with me… Thank you.” Charlie looked over at the angel and gave her a big, toothy grin.

“Can I ask you something?” Charlie asks.

“Sure, Charlie.”

“What do you think about my dad?” Charlie and the angel make eye contact, the angel gives Charlie a small smile.

“Lucifer is an extremely caring man,” She says, subconsciously reaching for the pendant that hung around her neck, “He’s been at my side since the day I was cast out- granted he was the one who brought me here and helped me get back on my feet. But even when I locked myself in the bedroom, he did his best to check on me daily. It’s the small things, you know?”

Charlie nods her head, listening intently.

“There were only a few other people I would be able to see during my time in Heaven, and most of them were the Archangels. They all were too busy with their own lives to interact with me much.” The angel looked down at her feet, staring at nothing as she spoke.

“In all the years I have existed, none of them treated me with the same amount of respect your father has shown me in my short stay here. Says a lot about Heaven, doesn’t it? The fact that my best friend is literally the King of Hell, and the ones who preach about peace, love, and justice would cringe at the idea of even treating me as an equal.”

Charlie purses her lips, trying to hold back a smile that was sneaking onto her face.

“Your father… His soul is kind. He brings me comfort when I’m feeling down, and I can tell he finds comfort in me too. It’s like we were meant to be friends.” The angel looked over at Charlie who was still trying her best not to smile.

“Lucifer has shown me sides of him that I’m not sure he’s really even shown himself… and I’m glad I was cast out of Heaven.” The angel says, catching Charlie off guard.

“You’re glad you were cast out?” Charlie laughs in disbelief, “Why?”

“Yeah, I am. If I wasn’t cast out, I’d never have been able to experience friendships the way you all down here have taught me.”

“I guess we’re all just teaching one another new things, huh?” Charlie nudges the angel playfully.

“Mhm,” The angel giggles, “I’m thankful to your father especially. I may have taught him a few new things about Earth, but he taught me that not everyone is inherently good or evil. It’s all in the way you choose to live.” She says.

“That’s beautiful, (y/n)... I can’t recall if I’ve ever said it before- I’m really happy to know that my dad has someone so reliable in his life. I wish I could be there for him, but he makes it hard to knock down those walls… Especially after, uh, Mom…” Charlie rubs her arm sheepishly.

“I trust that you’re the best person for him in his times of need. If he’s shown you sides he hasn’t even shown me, then I’d say you’re already an important part of his life.” Charlie smiles.

“And, on the topic of importance, Dad doesn’t do so well with no communication.” Charlie sighs, “Him and Mom had a hard time communicating, and it led to a lot of unnecessary arguments. I understand you’re upset with him, but I think you should talk to him when you’re ready.” Charlie stands up and stretches, holding a hand out to the angel.

The angel accepts Charlie’s hand and stands up, wiping off her bottom as she stands.

“Yes, I think I may have overreacted. I know he didn’t mean to put me in danger, I was just shaken up. I’ll just come down with you, do you think he’s upset with me?”

“I don’t think he could be upset with you, especially if he just let go of the whole Alastor ordeal.” Charlie shrugs.

“Ah,” The angel said, “Right.”

The two girls make their way back down to the lobby.


Charlie and the angel walk out of the elevator to see Vaggie seated on the couch alone. Charlie jogs ahead of the angel, sitting next to Vaggie.

VAGGS !” Charlie said as she jumped onto the couch.

Vaggie jumped, “Woah!-”

“Hi Vaggie, good to see you.” The angel smiles down at Vaggie, giving her a small wave.

“Hello, Ma’am- I mean, (y/n). Hi.” Vaggie smiles back.

“Where’s my dad?” Charlie asked as the angel approached them from behind the couch.

“He’s been gone for a while now, but the last I saw he went to the second floor. Probably in one of the rec rooms.” Vaggie says looking over at the angel.

“Are you alright?” She asks her.

The angel gives her a small smile and nods at her.

“I’m okay, thank you Vaggie, Charlie.” The angel leans over the couch, hugging the two girls before making her way to the second floor.

Charlie and Vaggie watched the angel disappear behind the elevator doors.

“Are you okay? You walked off without a word earlier, I was worried.” Vaggie pokes Charlie on her forehead.

“I’m fine! I just got a little worked up- Dad was talking about how badly he wanted to protect her and then goes and pulls this weird stunt. I don’t get it!” Charlie leans back into the couch and groans.

“Your dad admitted to wanting to protect her? That’s so cliché of him.” Vaggie crossed her arms over her chest and chuckles.

“Ugh, you’re telling me.” Charlie rolls her eyes, and then smiles, “But guess what?” She throws her hands over her mouth.

“What?” Vaggie asked.

“They’re totally into each other.” Charlie squeals, “You should have heard how she spoke of him! Ugh, Vaggie!” Charlie grabs the nearest decorative pillow and repetitively hits Vaggie with it.

“What- Oof, Charlie-” Vaggie said between smacks, “What do you mean?” She laughs.

“The other day, I asked my dad how he felt about her. He said he doesn’t know exactly, but he knows he really wants to protect her and her happiness. If that isn’t an admission of interest, I don’t know what is.” Charlie rambles, “And then today, I asked her how she felt about my dad, and I swear Vaggie, her eyes were glittering in the same way they do when she has those sleepy projections of the stars! It. Was. So. CUTE!” Charlie pulls the pillow onto her face and lets out a scream.

Vaggie smiles at her girlfriend and pulls her into a tight hug.

“I’m happy you’re supportive of them.” Vaggie says as she plants a kiss on Charlie’s cheek.

Charlie melts into Vaggie’s arms and sighs as she’s kissed.

“Well, I can’t stay sad about my Mom forever…” She closes her eyes, letting herself be held by her girlfriend, “The same goes for my dad. I hope he realizes it too.”

“He’ll figure it out.” Vaggie kisses Charlie on the forehead once more.

“Thanks, Vaggs.”

The two share a kiss before Charlie heads out to find decorations for her party.


The angel calls for the elevator and steps in. She glances over at Charlie and Vaggie one more time before the doors shut. The elevator takes her up to the second floor, but the doors don’t open. She clicks the emergency button on the panel, but nothing happens.

“Going somewhere?” A staticky voice pools from behind her.

Alastor manifests from a shadow, he steps beside her.

The angel sighs, looking at Alastor.

“Can I help you?” She crosses her arms across her chest.

“Not at all. Can I help you ?” He smiles at her.

Her arms uncross and drop at her sides. She sighs.

“Unless you can get this elevator open, then no.”

“Well, you did click the emergency button did you not?” He turns to face the doors, “I am still the hotelier, I can fix things in my hotel if needed.” He summons a shadow minion that immediately pulls the panel off the wall and messes with the wiring.

Alastor turns back to the girl, his smile still wide on his face.

“You appear to be less… Afraid.” His neck crooks to the side curiously.

“What’s there to be afraid of?” She looks up at him, her eyes calm. “I own your soul.”

Alastor laughs, his voice cracking.

“That you do, my lovely angelic friend.” He turns back to his shadow minion, recalling it as it finishes fixing the panel back into place.

“You own the soul of one of the most powerful Overlords in all of Hell, and you haven’t commanded a single thing of me.” He grins, “Only reasonable, considering you’ve got the King of Hell wrapped around your finger.” He leans on his microphone.

“Do you want me to command you around?” She squints at him, tilting her head, “Seems odd one of the most powerful Overlords in all of Hell would be so confused as to why he isn’t being bossed around.” She crosses her arms again, leaning to the side.

“Look,” She says, “If there’s anything I really want you to do, it’ll be to ensure the safety of this hotel.” The angel looks up at Alastor who looks back at her with a raised brow.

“Why, I already do that.” He says.

“Sure, but I want you to work extra hard in the next few weeks.” She shrugs, “Charlie is planning to host a large party here at the hotel. Knowing her, she’ll probably invite all of Hell. Do your best to make sure her party is successful, and that the hotel- and Charlie, are kept safe.”

Alastor stands up straight, turning back to the door.

“A good old fashioned extravaganza hosted by our lovely little Princess, ah, how exciting!” Alastor says.

The elevator doors open and he steps out, turning around to the angel.

“I won’t let you down.” He grins at her before disappearing back into his shadow.

The angel walks off the elevator and steps onto the second floor. She made her way down the hall and peeked into every room as she went. She passes an art room, the arcade, and a gym before reaching the movie room. She nearly passed the door before she saw a white tophat on the floor next to one of the loveseats. She peeks her head in, seeing a sleeping Lucifer on the seat. She approaches him quietly and picks up his hat, placing it on his chest as she sits on the floor beside him.She watches as his chest rises and falls with every breath he takes. Her hand found its way onto his head, and she gently pets his hair.

Lucifer stirs in his sleep, his eyes fluttering open and looking over to his side to see the angel. His eyes go wide as he pushes himself into a seated position.


“Shut up.” She stands, taking a seat next to him on the loveseat, “I’m sorry for being upset with you.” She closes her eyes and lays her head on his shoulder.

Lucifer’s heart skips a beat as her head comes into contact with his shoulder. He leans back into the couch, gently pulling them back together into a more comfortable position.

“Why are you the one apologizing to me?” He whispers, his hand reaching for hers, “I’m the one that hurt you.” He entwines her fingers in hers.

“I think I overreacted earlier.” She says quietly.

“No, you didn’t…” His voice trails off, “You have every right to still be upset with me, it’s barely been two hours since the meeting, and you’re here.” He runs his thumb over her hand gently.

“I can’t stay mad at you, Luci. You did what you did for the greater good of Hell, and I know that initially, you meant well. If Vox hadn’t agreed to help cover up any news about Angels, any future news of my existence in Hell would spread like wildfire.” She smiles, opening an eye and looking up at Lucifer.

“It doesn’t excuse the fact I didn’t let you know. I should have informed you, and I’m sorry for being ignorant to that fact.” He admits.

“A heads up would have been nice,” The angel giggles, “Thank you for the apology. I forgive you.” She smiles up at him.

“So quick to forgive, Star.” Lucifer says, “Makes me feel like a real bad guy, actually.” He sighs.

“What do you mean?” The angel lifts her head off his shoulder and turns to him.

“I mean, I’m just not used to making someone mad and them wanting to talk about it so quickly.” He shrugs. “It’s nice, don’t get me wrong, but it’s new to me…”

Lucifer stands, opening a portal back to the Morningstar Manor.

“Can I show you something?” He steps aside, motioning for the angel to step inside.

“Sure.” She smiles, stepping into the portal. Lucifer follows suit.

The portal brings them to the base of a spiral staircase at the end of the main hallway. The angel looks over at Lucifer, who begins walking up the stairs. He motioned for her to follow, and she did so quietly.

The stairs brought them to a large library, dimly lit with candles that burned with a low blue fire. The room smelled strongly of books, with a faint scent of sweet, crisp apples. Lucifer walks over to the end of the room and takes a seat on a bean bag directly in front of the large pillar that held all of the portraits of his little family. The angel takes a seat in a bean bag next to him, her eyes locked on a portrait of Lucifer, Charlie, and a woman she hadn’t recognized.

“That’s her.” He says softly, a sad smile on his face, “That’s my Lilith, Charlie’s mom.”

The angel nods her head, looking over at Lucifer. He looked up at the portraits, then down at the base of the pillar where Charlie’s crayon drawings sat.

“She’s my first love,” Lucifer says, “Nothing will change that…” His voice trails off.

“I thought of her everyday that she's been gone for the past seven years.” He sighs, “I would try to forget her by drowning myself in my work. I’d do nothing but create, invent, and repeat. Hoping that someday, I would just forget everything that happened between her and I.”

The angel sat quietly, listening intently as Lucifer vented to her.

“I knew it was coming,” His eyes break off of the portrait and he glances down at the ring on his finger.

“I knew something had changed, but I didn’t want it to be true. The way she looked at me, the way she spoke to me, that wasn’t the Lilith I had fallen in love with.” His voice cracks at the end of his sentence.

“I tried to make things okay. I tried to hide the truth from Charlie, but I’m sure she noticed too. There were too many instances in which Charlie would conveniently walk into our bedroom mid argument.” He shakes his head, his eyes filling with tears.

“She finally asked for a divorce seven years ago, and when it was finalized, she just left. No explanation on where she was going. Not like I was entitled to one, but Charlie definitely was.” A tear falls down his cheek.

“I felt so guilty losing her.” Lucifer places a hand on his ring, spinning it around his finger and fiddling with it.

“I had such a hard time coming to terms with her being gone. It took me so long to even talk to my own daughter- I’m a joke of a father.” His voice breaks.

“Charlie reached out to me .” He chuckles, “My own daughter took the first steps to fixing our broken relationship. She showed me that it was okay to be sad about things, and that it’s okay to dream again…” Lucifer looks up at the angel next to him. He gives the angel a soft smile and stands up, holding a hand out for her to take. She takes his hand and stands with him.

“I’m sorry for ranting to you about my ex-wife.” He smiled sheepishly, “But I’m going somewhere with this, I promise.”

“I don’t mind, Lucifer.” She smiles at him. “Lilith will always be a large part of your life, I don’t expect you to not talk about her. You can’t forget about someone who was by your side for… Well, eons.”

Lucifer sighs.

“I know. Which brings me to my next point,” He tangles her fingers with his, leading her back to the staircase. Lucifer looks over his shoulder one more time, glancing at the portrait of Lilith with a weak smile on his face, before walking back down the stairs, dragging the angel behind him. He leads them to his workshop, using his magic to turn on the metallic stars that sat on his desk and having them float around the room as they walk in.

“Lilith was a large part of my life.” He leads them to the middle of the room and dims the lights, the only light source coming from the stars that drifted around the room.

“But she walked out on me, and hasn’t looked back since.” He says, “I’ve learned that it’s time to move on.” Lucifer looks at the angel, her eyes glistening with the stars in the room. His heartbeat slows as he watches her. He uses his other hand to turn her head so she’s facing him. The air grew thick as they stared into each others’ eyes.

“I’ve been fighting internally, Starlight.” He sighs, “I’ve been trying to figure out exactly what it is my heart wants…” His hand rested under her chin.

“And I’m sure that it wants you.” His cheeks grow hot as he confesses to the angel. Her eyes widened, unsure of what to say.

“I haven’t felt as happy, comfortable, or safe, in a long time…” Lucifer brings their foreheads together.

The angel stood there, speechless. Her heart was racing, screaming and beating out of her chest.

“Lucifer, listen…” The angel tightens her grip around his hand. He looks at her and tilts his head slightly to the side.

“You make me feel safe, too. I’ve had the most fun I’ve ever had just being around you- and I know you say you’re ready to learn how to move on…” She whispers, “But I don’t want to be a rebound… I need you to learn how to be comfortable by yourself before you can be comfortable in another relationship.” She looks down at their hands that were locked together.

Lucifer lifts her head back up, forcing them to lock eyes once again.

“You won’t be just some rebound, Starlight.” Lucifer reassures softly, “You’re too important to me to be someone I can just toss aside. But I understand- and I’ll wait for you. I’ll wait for you to see that I mean it when I say I my heart wants you- sh*t, my soul wants you.” He says louder.

“Call me crazy, but I know that I want to be with you. I know that waiting for you will be worth it. I’ll wait for you to choose me, just as my heart chose you…” He pulls her face closer to his, “And if there comes a day someone else tries to pursue you, then I hope that they’re strong enough to stand against the King of Hell.”

She giggles softly. Their faces were inches away from one another. The angel could feel Lucifer’s breath on her lips.

“You brought light back to my life, Starlight. I can only hope to do the same for you.” Lucifer plants a gentle kiss on her cheek, close to her lips.

Lucifer lets go of her face and looks up at the stars that painted the ceiling above. The angel lets go of Lucifer’s hand and brings her hand up to her face, covering her mouth and gently brushing over the spot Lucifer had kissed her. Her face flushed a light pink as she looked up at him, watched him closely as he stared at the bright lights fluttering around the ceiling.

The angel smiles, tracing a star into the air. She summons a projection of asteroids and shooting stars. They flew by the two as they stood in the middle of her galaxy. Bright reds and oranges flared off of the rocky objects that sped past them. The stars danced in unison, shooting off into the distance as they switched between bright blues and purples. Lucifer takes in the scene around him before looking back down at the girl. He cups her face, staring into her eyes.

“You’re like a ball of wonder.” He laughs, kissing her on the nose. She stood there shyly, her face growing hotter when he complimented her.

“Don’t expect me to give up so easily.” Lucifer says with a wink. “I hope you’re down for a little game of cat and mouse.”

She giggles, at him before her smile slowly fades away as a thought crosses her mind.

“That’s charming, Lucifer. But I really do need you to learn how to be comfortable alone before you can be comfortable with me.” She says, “And what… what if Lilith decides to come back?” Her hand reaches for the pendant that hangs around her neck. Lucifer lets go of her face and pats her on the head.

“Lilith…” He begins, “Lilith is my past now. No matter how bad I wanted her to come back, my cries weren’t heard. My prayers were never answered. She won’t come back. I knew that before, and I especially know it now.”

“And if you’re still worried about me learning how to be comfortable on my own, then I’ll prove to you that it’s something I can easily overcome.” Lucifer smiles at her. He looks around the room as they were still surrounded by an neverending galaxy. The angel retraces the star, causing the galaxy to slowly fade away.

“You can move into the penthouse. I’ll stay back here, at the manor.” Lucifer reaches for her hand and brings it up to his face, “We’ll each have our own space. Decorate it as you see fit, I don’t mind- and I won’t take no for an answer.” He kisses the back of her hand.

“Okay, loverboy.” She giggles, “But you’ve gotta help me move all the little things from my room to the penthouse.”

“Deal.” Lucifer says, snapping his fingers. “It’s done.” He gives her a toothy smile.

“Showoff.” She said, rolling her eyes at him playfully.

“Mhm.” Lucifer cooed, pulling her close and rubbing his face into her neck.

“f*ck, it felt good to admit all of that to you.” He sighs. “Now, to just win you over.” He hugs her tighter.

“Come on, pack it up loverboy.” She laughs.

“Can you blame me? I love the chase.” Lucifer lifts his head up from her neck, his eyes half lidded as his mind races with excitement.

“I am in for it…” She whispers to herself as she pulls away from Lucifer. “Can you take me back to the penthouse? I’ve got some redecorating to do.” She smiles.

“Sure thing, Star.” Lucifer pulls up a portal back to the bedroom in the penthouse. The angel steps in, turning back to Lucifer before he closes the portal.

“Come by tomorrow for lunch.” She says, “I’ll cook this time.”

“You got it.” He smiles at her before closing the portal.

Lucifer stood in the middle of his workshop. He brings the stars down from the ceiling, turning them off as he walks to the door. He makes his way back to the spiral staircase and walks back up to the library. His eyes glance side to side as he looks down each aisle as he makes his way to the back of the library.

He approaches the singular portrait of Lilith by herself. He places a hand on the portrait, a weak smile on his face.

“I’ll be going now, Lily.” He whispers.

Lucifer conjures up a small shelf directly underneath the painting. He sighs, lifting his hand off the portrait and slips the ring off of his finger. He kisses the ring one last time before placing it down on the shelf. Lucifer looks up one last time at Lilith’s portrait before turning around and walking back down the staircase.

He walks to the kitchen and puts his apron on.

“You survived it, Lucifer.” He says to himself.

Lucifer walks around the kitchen, whipping up a nice meal for himself, alone, for the first time in years.




Lute walks down an empty hallway. She quietly hummed to herself as she approached a room labeled as vacant. She opens the door and steps in, her eyes finding the figure of a fairly tall woman with long, blonde hair standing on the other side of the room.

The woman stood in front of a large window, she stared off into the distance of clouds that bunched together over the Golden Gates of Heaven.

“I’ve spoken to the Head Seraphim.” Lute says, standing tall, “If she doesn’t approve of my solo mission, I’ll go down there against her word.”

The other woman says nothing.

“Should I fail,” Lute clears her throat, “You better figure it out yourself.”

She turns on her heel, leaving the room. The woman smiles, tucking her hair behind her ear.

“Figure it out, huh?” The woman quietly laughed to herself before she walked out of the room, disappearing into a large cloud as she exited.

The sun rises in Heaven, and another day of paradise begins.


Comments are always appreciated. I apologize for any grammatical errors or typos.
Twitter/Tumblr: @dubukai
I update daily about my condition + things regarding the fic. Please follow if you're interested!

Chapter 17: The Role of a Secretary


Lucifer takes a quick trip to the store! + Party talk with Charlie.


16k hits is extremely scary and overwhelming. But thank you all so much for being interested in the story.
Enjoy this chapter. :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The skies of Pentagram City burn a bright red as the day comes to a start. The angel sits up in her new bedroom, stretching her arms outward and groaning loudly as she wakes herself up. She throws her legs off of the side of the bed and slips on a pair of apple slippers left for her by a certain King. Lucifer had conjured up an entire wardrobe of clothes for her when he had teleported all of her belongings from the Morningstar Manor. The girl makes her way to the bathroom and gets herself ready for the day.

Upon finishing her morning routine of skincare and proper dental hygiene, she walks out into the living area. The day had just begun, so she had a few hours to kill before Lucifer came over for lunch. She sits on the couch and turns the TV on, clicking through channels until she finds a drama to watch. The girl sits there watching the show for a good thirty minutes before she realizes she’s never even stepped foot into the kitchen. She sighs, standing up and turning the TV off before walking to the dining area. She opened the pantry and fridge, but both were empty. The same could be said for the countless storage drawers and cabinets.

“Have you ever even used this kitchen?” She shakes her head and laughs to herself before walking to her closet. She throws on a simple red hoodie and white pants, paired with red slip on shoes. The girl checks herself out in a mirror before grabbing her phone from her bedroom and stepping out onto the rooftop. She enters the elevator and it brings her down to the lobby floor. The elevator doors open and she bee lines it to the dining area, not expecting to see anyone as it was still early in the morning.

The girl stumbles into the kitchen and finds herself rummaging through piles of pots and pans that looked unused. She places them on top of the kitchen counter and walks over to the fridge, opening it to inspect its ingredients. She finds the usual eggs, milk, and cheese.

“For a hotel, the selections are kind of minimal.” She whispers, grabbing four eggs. She closes the fridge and turns around, only to be met face to face with a certain Princess.

“Good morning!” Charlie greets chipperly.

“WOAH-” The angel jumps back, startled. The eggs fall out of her hands and onto the floor.

“Charlie-,” The angel greets, “Good morning!” She laughs and walks over to grab napkins to clean up her mess.

“Don’t worry about that, (y/n), sorry for startling you!” Charlie giggles, using her magic to pick up the broken eggs and discards them.

“Were you going to cook breakfast?” Charlie asks, walking over to the fridge, “We don’t have many ingredients right now because it’s just us. I can go grab some stuff for you if you need it?” Charlie opens the fridge and grabs four more eggs, bringing them over to the girl.

“Oh, no, I was going to use these for lunch later today.” The angel takes the eggs from Charlie and places them into a bowl on the counter. “But if you’re hungry, I can cook us some breakfast.” She smiles at Charlie.

“I don’t want to intrude on your morning,” Charlie stops mid sentence, “Wait, what are you doing here without Dad?” She scrunches her brows confused.

“We’re taking some time apart.” The angel says, taking the eggs out of the bowl and cracking them into the same bowl she had them in. She pulls up her sleeves and reaches for a pan that she had taken out earlier.

“Time apart? But… But why?” Charlie walks up to the angel, grabbing her by her shoulders and turning her so they're facing one another. “Did everything go okay yesterday? Are you guys still fighting?” Charlie’s bottom lip quivered as she asked.

The angel blinks at Charlie before bursting out into laughter.

“No, sweet girl. We’re fine!” The angel pulls Charlie into a hug. “Thank you for telling me to go talk to him yesterday. I promise everything is okay.”

Charlie’s shoulders dropped, her body loosening as she’s held by the angel.

“Oh, that’s a relief.” She says, hugging her back. The two girls pull away.

“I’m glad to hear you guys are okay.” Charlie pulls up her sleeves and turns the stove on, placing the pan onto the fire. “But why are you guys apart?”

The angel, who was whisking the eggs together in the bowl, smiles softly to herself.

“I just thought that we needed to learn how to be on our own. We’ve been by each other's side every day since my- um, arrival.” The angel brings the bowl over to Charlie, who was patiently listening to the angel, and waiting for the bowl of whisked eggs. Charlie takes the bowl, pouring it into the pan and scrambling it.

“And I don’t think it’s very professional for a secretary to be living with her boss. Wouldn’t you agree?” The angel takes the bowl back from Charlie and washes it as Charlie’s cooking.

“Well, you make a good point.” Charlie giggles as she cooks, “But it’s so sudden. I thought something bad happened because the last I heard from either of you, you guys had argued.”

“I can see why you’d think that.” The angel laughs, putting the bowl onto a drying rack and grabbing two plates. “But everything is okay, we’re okay. Thank you for your concern, Char.” The angel smiles softly, placing the two plates on the counter. Charlie brings the pan over to the counter and plates the eggs. She tosses the pan into the sink.

“Of course.” Charlie says, trying to hide a smile.

“Thank you for helping with breakfast, I was supposed to be the one to cook it though- I offered.” The angel points her fork at Charlie.

Charlie laughs, “Okay, but I broke the other eggs you had. It’s the least I could do!”

“Hm, good point.” The angel giggles. The two girls continued eating their breakfast, cleaning up after themselves as they finished their meal.

They walk out of the kitchen and make their way back to the front lobby. Charlie and the angel were giggling to each other when they saw Lucifer pacing back and forth by the front desk. Charlie lights up, calling out to her dad.

“Dad! Good morning!” She runs up to him.

Lucifer’s head picks up from the ground as he hears his daughter call for him. He sees Charlie running at him, followed by an angel slowly walking behind her. Charlie jumps onto her dad, giving him a hug.

“Good morning, Apple Pie.” He laughs, ruffling her hair.

“Dad…” She pushes his hand away and fixes her hair. She steps aside, allowing the angel to walk up to Lucifer.

“You’re here early.” The angel says, “Lunch is normally eaten at noon, you know.”

Lucifer scratches the back of his head sheepishly.

“I know,” He says, “I just couldn’t wait to see you.” He gives her a big toothy smile.

Charlie lets out a small gasp before pursing her lips. She covers her mouth with her hands, tiptoeing away to the communal area and slipping herself onto the couch.

Lucifer looks at the angel, who looks back at him and shakes her head.

“Lucifer, it's been like, 10 hours.” She crosses her arms over her chest, stifling back a laugh.

“Don’t lie, you missed me too. I know you did.” He teases, grabbing her wrist and pulling her close.

“Lucifer, not in front of Charlie-” The angel laughs, “Have some respect!” She pulls her wrist away and playfully pushes him away.

“No! No, don’t even mind me. I’m not even here!” Charlie shouts from the other side of the room.

Lucifer glances at the angel, who in turn rolls her eyes at him.

“You can’t be so touchy in public, Lucifer. I’m still your secretary!” She whispers as she straightens out her hoodie.

“Some secretary you are, wearing a hoodie to work.” He raises a brow at her. “You look niiice. Comfortable.” His eyes become half lidded as he looks at her up and down.

“Oh, please.” She laughs, putting a hand up to his face. “Some boss you are, looking at your secretary like that.” The angel walks over to the communal area towards Charlie.

“Like what? I’m just making an observation based on facts. My secretary looks comfortable.” He grins, following her.

The angel makes it to the couch to see Charlie laying on her back with a decorative pillow held on her face.

“Charlie?” The angel raises a brow, poking at the pillow on Charlie’s head.

HM?” Charlie mumbles into the pillow, “Yes?” She pulls the pillow closer to her face, muffling her voice further.

“Are you okay?” The angel reaches down for the pillow, and Charlie shrieks excitedly.

“Sorry!” Charlie jumps up, laughing as she runs into the dining area, leaving behind a confused duo.

The two look at each other and shrug.

“I also came early because I knew there wasn’t any food in the penthouse.” Lucifer laughs, “I never used it.”

“I could have told you that.” The angel rolls her eyes at him.

Vaggie walks out of the dining area, dragging behind her an extremely giggly Charlie.

“Do either of you know what’s up with this one?” Vaggie asks, holding Charlie up by the back of her shirt.

“Hehe…” Charlie giggles, her hands still covering her mouth.

Vaggie laughs with a sigh, putting Charlie down. Charlie stands, her hands still on her mouth as she tries to hide a very obvious smile on her face.

“Do you guys have any plans for the day?” Vaggie asks, placing a hand on her hip and leaning to her side.

“As far as I know, we’re just having lunch today.” The angel says as she looks over at Lucifer.

“Right?” She asks him.

“You got that right.” He nods, grinning at her.

“Okay, sounds good. If it isn’t an issue, after your lunch, can we talk about the party Charlie wants to host? I think we should make people RSVP. It’d make it easier for us to keep track of who is coming in and out of the hotel.” Vaggie pounds her fist into her hand determinedly.

The angel nods in agreement.

“That’s a good idea, Vaggie.” She smiles. “I’ll tell Alastor to fix up an invite and to run it by you or Charlie before you guys send it out.”

Lucifer's face goes flat at the mention of Alastor’s name. He pouts and crosses his arms, turning away from the group. Charlie looks at her dad, her eyes going wide before she starts bursting out laughing. Lucifer shoots his daughter a mean look, which only makes her laugh even harder. Vaggie and the angel exchange confused looks before continuing their conversation.

“Okay, yeah. Alastor and the invites, um…” Vaggie’s voice trails off, “Charlie mentioned you and I would be in charge of decorations.” She says.

“Yes! She did!” The angel's eyes light up, “I’ve never been to a real party before, so excuse me if I’m misinformed on the customs. You’ll have to teach me all about what types of decorations you all use down here.” She beams.

“I got you.” Vaggie says, throwing a playful punch onto the angel’s shoulder.

Charlie’s laughs begin to die down as she catches her breath. Lucifer still stood to his back to the group, uninterested in the conversation taking place. Charlie walks over to her dad and wraps her arms around him, pulling him into a big hug.

“Huh- What- Charlie!” Lucifer is caught off guard by his daughter's sudden sign of affection.

“Oh, Dad. This is so precious.” Charlie giggles. “I’m just so happy. Ah. So very happy.” She whispers to her father.

“Me too, sweetheart.” Lucifer laughs, hugging her back. “Now lemme go!”

He tries to squirm out of his daughter’s grasp. Vaggie and the angel step aside, watching as the two Morningstar’s practically have a wrestling match in the middle of the lobby. The two girls cross their arms over their chests and sigh simultaneously.

“This isn’t… normal.” Vaggie says.

“It isn’t?” The angel’s eyebrows furrow.

Vaggie giggles, “No. But it makes me happy to see them getting along.”

A soft smile finds its way onto the angel's face.

“That makes me happy to hear.” The angel turns to Vaggie, “Lucifer and I will be having lunch up at the penthouse later, you and Charlie are more than welcome to join.” She smiles.

“Thank you, but we don’t want to intrude.” Vaggie shakes her head, “We’ll join you guys another time.” She smiles at the angel.

“I’ve gotta head to Ms. Carmine’s. We’re looking into reinforcing the fences surrounding the perimeter with Angelic steel.” Vaggie says, looking back at the two Morningstars.

“Are you two done yet?” Vaggie calls out.

“Real mature, Boss!” The angel shouts.

Charlie smiles and walks up to Vaggie and the angel sheepishly, brushing herself off as she approaches them. Lucifer fixes his tophat and straightens his jacket as he walks back.

“Sorry,” Lucifer clears his throat, “Do you want to head out?” He turns to the angel.

“Where are we going again?” She asks, raising a brow.

“Food, silly. We’ve gotta restock your fridge somehow.” He leans on his cane.

“Wait, her fridge?” Vaggie chimes in, looking at the girl next to Lucifer, “You moved into the hotel and no one thought it would be nice to let me know?” She looks at Charlie.

“Woah, no don’t look at me like that!” She puts her hands up defensively, “I just learned about it this morning!”

“Well, it was kind of a last minute decision…” The angel says, putting her hands into her hoodie pocket, “Lucifer let me have the rooftop penthouse.”

Charlie and Vaggie look at the King, then back at each other, and nod.

“Well, welcome, technically, to the Hazbin Hotel.” Vaggie smiles.

“Thank you, Vaggie.” The angel does a small curtsy, her hands still in her pockets.

“Alright, I love that you’re getting along with the girls, but we’ve gotta go grab groceries before it gets too busy out there. Best to tackle the day while a majority of these Sinners are still asleep.” Lucifer places his hand on the angel’s lower back, leading her to the exit.

“We’ll see you guys soon!” She shouts to Charlie as she’s being dragged out.

“Okay!” Charlie waves as Lucifer and the angel make their way out.


Lucifer stretches down to touch his toes, then stands back up.

“This is the stuff.” He says, spreading his wings, “Ready to head out?” He holds his arms out to the girl.

“Lucifer, are you sure we should be going out right now? I’m not even dressed properly- if we run into Miss Carmine or Vox, it’ll look weird.” She rubs her arm anxiously.

Lucifer grins at her, “That’s why we’re going so early in the morning!”

“We’ll be in and out in no time.” He takes a step forward, grabbing her hand. She hesitantly takes his hand, stepping closer to him.

“I’m trusting you this time, King.” She squints at him.

“I know, Starlight.” Lucifer’s grin turns into a wide smile as he sweeps the angel off of her feet. His wings beat only once before they hover over Pentagram City. He flew for a few minutes before landing at an intersection in a random spot of the city. Lucifer places the girl down. She looks at her surroundings. There was a cafe on the other side of the street with a large teacup on the top and a sign that read Richest Cup.

“‘Where the poor pour for you’.” She says as she reads the sign. She turns around, raising a brow at Lucifer, “What kind of place is that?”

“Beats me. I don’t care enough to come out to the city much.” He shrugs, leading her to a grocery store across the street from the Richest Cup. He allows her to enter first, following behind as they make their way around the store.

“Don’t care enough to come out to the city, and yet you’re here grocery shopping with me?” She laughs, grabbing a basket.

“It’s different if I’m with you.” He grins.

“Okay, Luci.” The angel giggles, walking through an aisle of snacks.

“You couldn’t have just teleported us?” She asks, “Or let me ask you this, how do you normally get your groceries? If at all.”

“I would just use my magic to conjure up food for myself.” He shrugs, reaching for a bag of chips on a shelf.

The angel’s eyebrows scrunch on her face as she turns to Lucifer. She stares at him for a second before grabbing a bag of chips off the shelf and chucking it at him.

“You could have just conjured up groceries for me this whole time?” She laughs, walking over to pick up the bag she had just thrown.

“Oof- okay, yes, but hear me out.” Lucifer laughs.

“I’m listening.” She said, placing a hand on her hip.

“I thought it’d be fun to go grocery shopping.” He looks at her and blinks twice, “I haven’t done this in a long time.” He places the bag of chips he had picked up into her basket.

“That’s all, really.” He smiles, walking down the aisle, “We can just grab a bunch of snacks. I’ll get you the basics when we head back.”

The angel stands there looking at Lucifer, a small smile forming on her face. She walks up to him, looping her arm through his.

“Okay.” She smiles, following him down the aisle.

“I don’t know what more than half of this stuff is,” The angel says, unlooping her arm and grabbing a box off the shelf, “But it all looks so interesting. I want to try them all.”

Lucifer looks at the girl, a lightbulb lighting up in his head.

“We’ll try them all, then.” He says.

“We can’t try them all, Luci. There’s way too many.” She turns to him.

“Sure we can.” Lucifer says, his face serious. “We’ll get all of it, and try them all together.” He grins, walking to the front of the store. He pulls out two stacks of cash and leaves it on the counter. The little imp behind the counter stares at the money with their jaw dropped on the floor.

“I hope this covers whatever we grab?” Lucifer asks.

“Be my guest!” The imp says, already shoving the money into a safe under the counter.

Lucifer turns back to the angel, his smile larger than before.

“Let’s head back home.” He walks up to her, and summons a small portal directly underneath her. She falls in, falling directly onto her bed.

“Hey!” She shouts, looking up at the portal.

“Watch your head, Star!” Lucifer shouts.

The angel’s eyes widen and she throws herself off her bed and stands to the side. Lucifer began tossing snacks into the portal, all of them landing directly on her bed.

“Lucifer!” The angel laughs, grabbing at the snacks as they fall onto her bed.

Lucifer laughs, running through the store and grabbing handfuls of every product he could find before jumping into the portal and shutting it. He lands directly in the middle of the snacks piled on the bed.

“Nooo!” The angel screams, pushing at Lucifer, “Luci! The snacks! The snacks!”

Lucifer jumps off of the bed, crushing a few more bags underneath him before he successfully steps foot off the bed.

“Oops,” He says nervously, “Sorry.”

The angel laughed at him, picking up a bag of chips that had popped open and threw one in her mouth.

“I don’t think there’s enough space here for all of this, Luci.” She says, another chip finding its way to her mouth.

“No worries, I’ll take some back home.” He pats her on the head and sits on the ground beside the bed. The angel does the same.

“Oh, before I forget,” Lucifer snaps his fingers, “Okay. Your fridge should be stocked with a whole bunch of stuff.” He smiles, looking at the girl to his side.

“I don’t think we’ll have any room for lunch after snacking this much, Lucifer.” The angel says.

“I guess I’ll just have to come back tomorrow, then.” Lucifer pokes her on the nose and reaches for a chip from the bag she had in her hand.

She rolls her eyes at him, moving the chip bag closer to him so it’d be easier for him to grab.

“I guess you will.” The angel smiles.

The two share an abundance of snacks before meeting with Charlie and Vaggie to talk about the party Charlie wants to host.


Charlie and Vaggie walk into a meeting room on the second floor of the hotel. The walls are striped a dark red and black, with white apples stenciled on the top of every red stripe. Lucifer and the angel follow suit, and the couples each take a seat on either side.

Charlie pulls out a thick stack of papers and drops it onto the table.

“Okay!” Charlie says gleefully, “The first course of action we’ll be focusing on is a guest list!”

She passes out copies of the same paper to each other person at the table and then sits down.

“So, I definitely want to invite all of Hell.” Charlie says.

Called it. The angel thought to herself with a small smile.

“If it’s possible, Dad,” Charlie looks at her father with pleading eyes, “Please help me with this part? You did say you threw cool parties back in the day.”

“Don’t worry, Apple Pie, I’ve got that covered.” Lucifer smirks, leaning back into his chair.

“I’ll send a message to Bee, she’ll be more than happy to help spread the word.” He says.

Charlie squeals, “Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She places the paper down and flips through the stack again. She finds another paper and slides a copy over to Vaggie and the angel.

“This is a list of a few decorations I need.” Charlie says. She turns to Vaggie, “I know you were there earlier today but it totally slipped my mind, I’m going to need you to go back to Carmine Industries and see if she can provide us with confetti cannons!”

“I can make those for you-” Lucifer says before getting cut off by his daughter.

“No! Dad, no. Haha,” Charlie laughs, “Um, you’re already going to be so busy with the guest list and all. I’ll just have Vaggie go check with Ms. Carmine.”

“I’ve got it, not a problem.” Vaggie says. “It shouldn’t be too much work, I’m just going to go check if she has any in her inventory.”

“She’s an Angelic Weapons Dealer, you guys.” Lucifer laughs.

“It won’t hurt to try. I can just contact her, if you’d like.” The angel chirps up, pulling her phone out of her pocket.

Charlie’s head flies to face the girl that sat across from her at the meeting table.

“First of all, you have a phone?! Gimme!” Charlie reaches her hand out, “Second of all, you have Ms. Carmine’s contact before you have mine?!” She asks desperately.

“I don’t use it much,” The angel laughs, handing her phone over to Charlie, “And Ms. Carmine gave me her contact information at the meeting we had, I never saved it. I just have her business card.” She smiles, pulling the business card out of her pocket.

Charlie inputs her number into the phone and takes a selfie of herself.

“Here, Vaggs, you too.” Charlie passes the phone to Vaggie, who then follows the same steps as Charlie before returning the phone back to the angel.

“I hope you’re okay with multiple texts throughout the day of very random stuff.” Vaggie sighs, glancing at Charlie who was bouncing in her seat.

“Feel free to mute the conversation if needed.” Vaggie smiles at the angel.

“I’m sure it won’t be an issue.” The angel giggles, “But, would you like me to contact Ms. Carmine? It would only take a second.”

“Sure!” Charlie says happily, “Things would go a lot faster if you did. Thank you, (y/n)!”

“Of course, Charlie.” The angel inputs Carmilla’s number from the business card into her phone and looks over at Lucifer.

“Um,” She says shyly, “How do I do the thing?” She asks, leaning towards Lucifer. He blinks at her, then smiles.

“They don’t have phones up there?” He teased.

“No, they don’t.” She says defensively, “And if they did, I don’t know anything about it. I was an involuntary recluse, my good sir.”

The angel pulls her phone and leans away from Lucifer.

“Nevermind, I’ll figure it out myself.” She says with a pout on her face.

“Get over here.” Lucifer says, tugging the angel's chair closer to him. “Lemme see that.” He gently grabs her arm and pulls her hand to him.

“Click this… and that… then do this…” He guides her through the phone, teaching her how to send a text.

“I got the gist of it,” She smiles, “Thanks, Luci.” The angel scoots her chair away from Lucifer, her eyes still glued on her screen. His face drops slightly as she moves away.

“Okay!” The angel says, “I’ve sent the text.” She puts her phone on the table.

“Great!” Charlie smiles at the angel, “It is actually so exciting to know I have a way to contact you when I need to, and vice versa.”

The angel smiles at Charlie, nodding her head in agreement.

“Next thing on the list…” Charlie looks down at the stack of papers before her and puts a finger up to her chin.

“Hm, well, honestly it’s just other decorations and food. I can handle all of the catering myself, but there are a few other decorations that still need to be ordered.” Charlie says, looking up at Vaggie.

“Babe?” Charlie smiles sheepishly at her girlfriend.

“Yeah, I got it.” Vaggie rests her head on her hand as she leans on the table. She gives Charlie a small smile.

“Yes!” Charlie cheers, standing up. “That should be all, really! Thanks for meeting with us, I’m so excited for this party to happen!” She gathers the papers together and makes for the door.

“I’ll text you!” Charlie shouts, kicking the door open, “C’mon Vaggs! We’ve got a lot to do!”

“We’ll see you guys later.” Vaggie stands, following Charlie out.

Lucifer stands, looking over to the angel and pulling her chair out.

“Well, Ms. Secretary. It was nice of you to text Carmilla.” He smiles.

“If it makes Charlie happy.” She grabs her phone off the table and puts it into her pocket.

“You do know that Carmilla Carmine is an Overlord, right?” Lucifer laughs nervously, leading them to the door.

“Yes, I know she is, goofball.” The angel says, “But you’ve mentioned that you trust her.” She looks at Lucifer, who was looking back at her with his eyebrows raised.

“I-,” He stutters, “I, hm. Well, yeah. I did say that I trust her.” They walk over to the elevator and step in, clicking the panel to send them back up to the rooftop.

“But you don’t have to just jump into trusting other demons based off of how I feel, Star.” He says, his voice quiet.

“Lucifer,” The angel giggles, “I’m texting Ms. Carmine based off of my own instincts.”

The elevator stops at the rooftop and the doors open. They step off, walking to the penthouse.

“I texted her for Charlie,” She says, “And because she just didn’t seem as scary as I thought she was.”

They walk into the penthouse. The angel sits on the couch and Lucifer walks to the kitchen, bringing back a box of cookies for them to share. He hands it to the angel and takes a seat next to her.

“I might’ve been intimidated by her back then,” She says as she opens the box, “But, I think that if I’m going to keep up this facade of being your Secretary, I’m going to need to play into the role a lot more.” She pops a cookie into her mouth, “Especially after the stunt you pulled off. Bringing me directly to that scary Overlord meeting...”

Lucifer's shoulders fold slightly inward and he gives her a small, awkward smile.

“Okay, that’s valid.” He says, reaching for a cookie. The angel playfully smacks his hand.

“Ow?” Lucifer pouts, pulling his hand back, “What was that for?”

“It was for bringing me to an Overlord meeting.” She laughs, offering the box to Lucifer.

He reaches out hesitantly, swiping a cookie as fast as he could.

“I said sorryyy.” Lucifer whines, biting the cookie.

“I’m just messing with you, Luci.” The angel giggles at him.

“Jokes are meant to be funny.” He pouts again, finishing the cookie and reaching for another.

“Well, I laughed.” She shrugs, giving Lucifer the entire box.

“And to be fair-” Her phone chimes.

Both Lucifer and the angel make eye contact before she reaches into her pocket to grab her phone. She looks down at her screen. She had gotten a reply from Carmilla.

“Is that her?” Lucifer asks, his mouth full of cookies.

“Yeah.” She sighs heavily as she reads the text, “It is.”

“What’d you sigh so hard for?” He asks, sitting upright.

‘Sure, meet me here at Carmine Industries tomorrow at noon.’ is what she said.” The angel reads aloud. She laughs nervously, then begins to type.

‘That sounds perfect, see you then.’

‘See you tomorrow, (y/n)’

The angel locks her phone and places it down on the couch between her and Lucifer.

“I’ve got a meeting with an Overlord tomorrow,” She sighs, “I’m going to need a rain check on that lunch date, Luci.”


Hehe did anyone catch the Helluva reference...
Anyway... comments are always appreciated. I loved everyones reactions to the last chapter.
Twitter: @dubukais
Tumblr: @dubukai

Chapter 18: A New Feeling?


The angel has some self doubts and turns to Charlie and Vaggie for help. Meanwhile, Lucifer goes to meet with a few of the Seven Deadly Sins.


I'm so sorry for a 3 day late update. My pc crashed and I lost all of the original ch 18, and then I had the worst day ever LOL.
Anyway, here's the chapter!
And thank you for 18k hits :3

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Let me come with you.” Lucifer says to the angel. She looks at him and shakes her head

“That’s sweet, Lucifer.” The angel says, “But just as you’re learning how to be on your own, I need to learn how to step out of my comfort zones.” She lets out a small laugh.

“I’ve got to learn how to live my life down here. And my life now is playing Secretary for the King of Hell.” The angel closes her eyes and leans back onto the couch.

“Okay.” He says, “I’m not going to stop you from going alone, but I want you to call me immediately if something feels even the slightest bit off to you.” Lucifer places the box of cookies down on the table.

The angel's lips curve into a small smile, “I thought you trust Ms. Carmine?”

“I do!” Lucifer says, facing the girl, “But, you know. I’m a call away.” He looks down at her hands that laid limp on the couch as she relaxed. His hand reaches out for hers.

“I know, Luci.” The angel sits up, stretching her arms outward. She glances over at Lucifer, who quickly withdrew his hand and awkwardly placed it onto his lap.

“I’ll call if anything.” She smiles, standing up and grabbing the cookie box, “Are you done with this?” She asks.

Lucifer nods his head, “Uh, yeah. I’m finished.” He watches as she takes the box back to the kitchen.

“Thank you.” Lucifer calls out, “For not telling Alastor to send out invites just yet.”

“I’m not going to lie to you, King.” She giggles, poking her head out of the kitchen, “I completely forgot to tell him.” She shrugs, walking back out to the living area.

“And here I thought my Secretary was just looking out for me, as a father to Charlie.” He rolls his eyes playfully.

“Alright, you’re getting kicked out.” The angel laughs, reaching for Lucifer’s hands.

Lucifer’s entire body goes limp. He drops his body onto the couch, letting his full weight knock himself over and onto his back. The angel rolls her eyes at him, letting his hands go.

“Seriously?” She laughs, standing upright, “Lucifer, it’s getting late!”

Lucifer opens one eye and looks up at the girl as he lies on the couch.

“Let me stay?” He asked sheepishly.

“Lucifer…” The angel says sternly.

“Okay! You’re right, independence. Comfortable by myself. Got it.” He groans, putting his arms up, “At least help me stand?” He smiles.

“Sure thing, drama queen.” The angel reaches out to help Lucifer stand, but he had other plans.

Lucifer wraps his arms around her torso and pulls her on top of him, practically squishing him between the couch and herself. Their faces were inches apart.

“Lucifer!-” She laughed, looking down at him.

“Well, hello.” Lucifer grins widely at the girl.

“You sure know how to sweep a lady off her feet, don’t you?” She rests her hands on his chest.

“What can I say?” He bites his bottom lip, “I’m what the kids nowadays would call a, ‘dilf.’

“What’s that mean?” The angel asks, co*cking her head to the side.

“I dunno,” Lucifer says, “Charlie’s pal Angel Dust would call me that in passing. I never asked for the meaning.”

“Ah.” The angel says, smiling down at him, “Well, we’ll have to ask him about it sometime.” She pushes herself up, straddling Lucifer as he lay on the couch.

“Erm- Star,” Lucifer’s heart began to race. He could feel his cheeks getting hot as he looked at the woman that was sitting on him.

“Star, can you please- uh…” Lucifer puts his hands outward, reaching for her waist in an attempt to get her off of him. His hands make contact with her sides, and she laughs and bounces- shocked at the sudden tickle at her stomach. Lucifer’s eyes go wide as he realizes where exactly she was positioned on top of him.

“That tickles!-“ She laughs, grabbing his hands.

Lucifer panics. He sits up incredibly fast, pushing her off of him before she could feel anything. She falls backwards onto the couch, and with one swift movement, Lucifer hovered over her. His arms were at each side of her head as he looked down at her. His face was hot, his cheeks were tinted a light pink, and his breathing was heavy.

“I-I’m sorry.” Lucifer stutters before stepping off the couch, opening a portal and taking himself home.

The angel turned her head and watched as the portal closed behind Lucifer. She sighs, turning back to look at the ceiling. She places both of her hands on her face, covering her eyes.

“What was that?” She groans.

She sits up, her mind racing as she remembers how Lucifer looked as he looked down at her from that position. Her cheeks flare up.

“No, no.” She says, standing up from the couch.

“That is your boss. Your friend— Charlie’s dad! What are you thinking?” She slaps a hand on her forehead as she makes her way back to her bedroom.

The angel slides into her bed, pulling her blanket up to her shoulders and wiggling into a comfortable position. She stares at the wall after finding a good spot to lay in.

“Feelings are fleeting.” She whispers to herself, “and he’s the King of Hell.”

The angel closes her eyes, doubt crowding every corner of her mind.




The doors to Carmine Industries were heavier than she had thought. The angel pushed the doors, but they wouldn’t budge. She took a step back, looking up at the large building before her.

“What kind of…” The angel walks back up to the doors, pushing on them one more time. Still, nothing.

“Try pulling it.” A voice said from behind the angel.

She turns around to come face to face with not one demon, but two. Two young demons, both who looked to be around the same age.

“O-Oh!” The angel laughs awkwardly, pulling the door open, “Thank you.” She steps aside, allowing the two girls to walk in before she does.

“No problem.” The demon girl with white puffy hair said, “I’m Clara, by the way.”

The angel gives Clara a smile.

“And I’m Odette.” The other girl chimes in, giving the angel a small wave.

“It’s very nice to meet you both. Thank you for your help.” The angel says, turning to them as they reach the front desk.

“Of course. Is there anything else we can help you with?” Odette asks.

The angel gives them an awkward smile.

“Yes, actually,” She says, “Do either of you by chance know where I can find Ms. Carmine?”

Clara and Odette light up.

“Ah! Yes, we can bring you to her.” Clara says, “Just stick close.” She smiles at the angel.

The angel nods, following the girls into a stairwell and up two flights of stairs.

“Sorry,” Clara says, “Elevator is kind of broken.” She laughs.

“No problem!” The angel says, partially out of breath. She follows Clara and Odette onto a new floor, they lead her to double doors at the end of a long hallway. Both girls open a door, stepping in as they open. The angel follows them in, looking around the room and taking in the sight.

The girls had brought the angel straight to Carmilla Carmine’s office instead of a meeting room. There were large windows on every side of the wall with multiple weapon racks hanging above the windows. Carmilla sat at her desk writing. Her gaze lifts from the paper as she hears the doors open, she smiles upon seeing both the angel and her two daughters enter the room.

“Welcome.” Carmilla says, standing, “I hope that you coming to meet with me doesn’t interfere with your day.” She smiles, pulling out a chair in front of her desk for the angel.

“Please, sit.” She gestures toward the seat.

“Thank you, Ms. Carmine.” The angel says in a low voice, walking up to the front of Carmilla's desk and taking a seat.

“You must be very busy,” Carmilla says walking back to her desk, “Being Lucifer’s secretary, of course.” She takes a seat.

Clara and Odette slightly gasp in surprise, standing upright.

“The King’s PA?” Clara whispers to Odette.

“I didn’t know!” Odette whisper-shouts back at her sister.

“Girls…” Carmilla laughed, “I hope you both were on your best behavior when bringing our guest all the way up here.”
The angel smiles softly at Carmilla.

“They were very helpful, actually.” The angel laughs awkwardly, “They helped me, um, open the door.” She plays with her thumbs.

“The door?” Carmilla giggles, “Let me guess, you pushed instead of pulled?”

“Yes…” The angel drops her head in shame.

Carmilla leans forward onto her desk with her hands folded into one another.

“You came here on behalf of Princess Morningstar, correct?” Carmilla smiles at the girl that sat across from her.

The angel picks her head back up, ready to talk business.

“Oh, yes.” She adjusts herself in her seat so she’s sitting up straight, “Princess Morningstar requested I ask if you have any confetti cannons we could borrow, or possibly buy from your company.”

“I am an Angelic weapons dealer, you know that right?” Carmilla laughs, “But I can understand why she’d want one made by us- or, more like I can understand why she’d want something made of Angelic Steel. This is for, um, a party, you mentioned?”

“Yes. Princess Morningstar will be hosting a celebratory party in one week's time, and all of Hell is invited.” The angel clears her throat, placing both feet flat on the ground, “I do believe Lucif- Um, His Majesty, will be sending out invitations alongside another one of his… colleagues?” She sounded unsure at her word choice.

“I see.” Carmilla sits back in her chair, “Well, we will look forward to getting our invitations.”

Clara and Odette squeal excitedly behind the angel, getting another giggled out of Carmilla.

“Please excuse them,” Carmilla smiles, “They’re still young, and not well versed in party scenes.” She leans to the side, looking at her daughters. The two girls purse their lips and look away.

“Anyway,” Carmilla returns her focus to the girl across her desk, “I’ll be happy to provide the confetti cannons on one condition.” She pulls out a pen.

The angel's palms begin to sweat as she grows nervous at the sudden mention of a contract. Carmilla slides over the pen, and the paper she was writing on earlier.

“The condition being that should Princess Morningstar’s hotel get attacked by, well, anyone really, Carmine Industries will be the only provider of Angelic Weapons and other weaponry.” Carmilla smiles.

“Oh,” The angel chokes up, “I would need to call Princess Morningstar- I’m sure she wouldn’t want me signing any papers on her behalf without consulting her.”

“Be my guest. I’ll give you some space.” Carmilla stands, walking towards the door with her daughters. “I’ll be back shortly.” The three girls leave the office.

The angel sighs, feeling relief that she’s left alone. She pulls out her phone and dials Charlie’s number. It rings twice before Charlie picks up.

“Hey, (y/n)!” The angel could feel Charlie’s smile in her voice.

“Hi sweet girl, how are you?”

“How am I? How are you?! How’d the meeting go?” Charlie asks excitedly.

“Actually, I’m still here.” The angel says, “Ms. Carmine offered me a deal-“

“A DEAL?” Charlie’s voice echoed through the phone.

“No! Not like, um, not like that.” She laughs, “A paper deal, Char. A contract! It states that Carmine Industries will be the sole provider of Angelic Weapons and other weaponry, should the hotel be targeted by any outside source.”

“Hm, well, I don’t see how we lose in this situation! This is basically confirming an alliance!” Charlie says, “Is this all you called for, (y/n)?”

“Yes, that’s all.” The angel looks down at the paper in front of her and grabs the pen, “It’s alright if I sign it then, right?”

“Of course it is! Honestly, I trust you enough to make the decision on your own.” Charlie says sweetly, “But thank you for calling and letting me know anyway, (y/n). Very professional of you!” She giggles.

“Thank you, Char.” The angel smiles, signing at the bottom of the paper, “I’ll see you soon?”

“Yes! Agh!” Charlie squeals excitedly, “You’re so cute doing little secretary stuff- I love it!” She laughs.

“It’s the least I could do.” The angel places the pen down, smiling as she continues her chat with Charlie.

“Okay, I should let you go,” Charlie says, “Come straight to the hotel when you’re finished!”

“Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” The angel giggles.

“I’ll see you later, (y/n)!”

“Bye, Char.” The angel takes her phone off of her ear, a small smile on her face as she places it into her pocket. She hears footsteps approaching from behind her and fixes her posture.

“How’d everything go?” Carmilla asks, walking back to her chair.

“Princess Morningstar was pleased to know you were willing to be our sole weapons dealer, Ms. Carmine.” The angel says.

“Please, call me Carmilla.” The demoness sits in her chair, “I’m glad to know everything went well on your side. We here at Carmine Industries will do everything in our power to assist you all at the Hazbin Hotel.” She takes the paper and sets it aside.

“Thank you for meeting with me.” The angel says.

“Thank you for coming.” Carmilla smiles, “The cannons should be ready within the week. I’ll contact you.”

The angel stands, nodding her head at Carmilla before making her way out the double doors. Carmilla watches as the girl disappears behind the doors, smiling as they close.

“Where have you been keeping this little secretary, Lucifer?” She laughs to herself, taking the document and filing it away in her cabinet.

The angel walks down the stairwell back to the main lobby of Carmine Industries. Upon entering the main lobby, she sees an unfamiliar demon entering from the front door. This demon was extremely tall, he had lime green eyes and dark gray skin. The demon wore a long black cloak that covered the lengths of his body. He walked in and took notice of the significantly smaller being in front of him.

“Hello.” The angel says, her voice shaking.

“How do you do?” His voice was deep, and echoed as he spoke.

“Very well, thank you.” She ducks her head as she makes her way to the exit.

“Dost thou know if Ms. Carmilla Carmine is in a meeting?” The demon asks before the girl can slip out.

She slowly turns around, looking up at the demon before her.

“Not that I know of. I was the last one up there, so unless she was able to see someone else within the span of two minutes, then probably not.” She laughs awkwardly.

“Thank you.” The demon bows his head at the girl and makes his way to the stairwell.

The angel exhales heavily, her heart racing.

“Oh, I don’t get paid enough for this.” She sighs, stepping out of the building, “Wait. I don’t get paid at all.” She laughs to herself, pulling out her phone.

She opens Lucifer’s contact information and calls his number. He picks up immediately.

“Hi, can you-“

“Three steps ahead of you, Starlight.”

The angel hears a snap through the phone before a portal shows up in front of her.

“Thank you, good sir.” She giggles, stepping through the portal. It closes behind her as soon as her entire being is through.

Carmilla and her daughters stood at her window, looking down at the spot the angel had just been teleported through. The door to Carmilla’s office opens, and all three girls turn around.

“Hello, Zestial. Always a pleasure.” Carmilla smiles, gesturing to the chair. “What kind of tea would you like today?”

“I am fine with whatever thou decides.” Zestial sits down, watching as Carmilla pours them each a cup of tea.

Carmilla places a cup in front of Zestial, taking hers and sitting at her desk.

“I assume you ran into someone in the lobby?” She smiles, sipping her tea.

“Indeed, I did.” Zestial says, “They stated they had business here. That is all.” He picks up his cup and takes a sip.

“Wonderful.” Carmilla says, looking at her daughters who had turned back to look out the windows. “Don’t you two have something to do?” She laughs.

“Yes ma’am!” Odette and Clara shout in unison, running out of the room.

Carmilla and Zestial enjoy the rest of their afternoon drinking tea and enjoying each others’ company.




Lucifer snaps his fingers, opening a portal directly into the lobby of the Hazbin Hotel. A certain angel steps through, walking straight into the lobby. He hangs up and puts his phone back into his pocket.

“I’m so proud of you.” He walks up to the girl, pulling her into a hug, “You did well on your own.”

“Oof- Okay, thank you, Luci.” She laughs, hugging him back, “It wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. Very anticlimactic, and we got what we wanted.”

“That’s great! I’m sure Charlie would be happy to hear.” Lucifer breaks the hug and steps back, looking at the angel up and down. She was wearing a black belted pencil skirt and a loose fitted, white satin shirt.

“You look great.” He purrs at her, pulling her close by her waist.

“Thank you.” She giggles, putting her hand on his chest, “Lucifer… We’re literally in the main area of the hotel.” She whispers, a blush forming on her cheeks.

“f*ckin’ out in the lobby is actually crazy.” Angel Dust walks in from the entrance, slipping onto the couch in the communal area, “and I’ve f*cked in crazy places.”

“No, we weren’t…” The girl removes her hand from Lucifer’s chest and takes a step back, straightening her skirt, “It’s nothing like that.” She clears her throat and walks away into the dining area.

“Did I ruin a moment?” Angel Dust chuckles, “My bad Boss!”

“Um, Angel, right?” Lucifer turns on his heel and walks up to Angel, “I had a question for you, actually.”

“Listen, I promised Charlie I wouldn’t jump on that no matta’ how much money you’re payin’,” Angel sits up, “Sorry to disappoint, Short King.” He winks at Lucifer.

“That… That wasn’t what I was going to ask.” Lucifer straightens his hat, “I wanted to know what a dilf was, actually.”

Charlie and Vaggie exit the elevator and walk over to Lucifer and Angel Dust in the communal area.

“Good afternoon, guys!” Charlie chimes, “What’re we up to?”

“Ya dad just asked me what a dilf was.” Angel looks over to Charlie with raised brows and a smirk on his face. The girls’ jaws drop.

“Why do you know that? Where did you hear that word from?” Charlie asks, the faint look of disgust on her face, “Who taught you that?”

Lucifer points to the demon sitting on the couch. Angel Dust leans back, biting his lip with his brows still raised in a suggestive way.

“I might’ve said it a few times.” Angel shrugs.

“Ugh, Angel…” Charlie facepalms before grabbing her dad by the shoulders, “Don’t ever refer to yourself as… um, that.” She shudders as she looks at her dad.

“What’s it mean, Charlie? I wanna know what it means!” Lucifer whines.

“Okay! Okay, dad, don’t shout!” Charlie sighs, “It means you’re…” She purses her lips and turns back to Angel and Vaggie.

“I actually can’t do this. Someone else tell him, please. Oh, gross…” Charlie pushes her dad towards the couch.

“Means you’re sexually attractive, and a dad. That’s the simplest way to put it.” Angel smirks, crossing his legs over the other.

“Oh.” Lucifer says, “Not sure if I should be flattered or afraid. Welp, I’m going to, um. Look for… Yeah…” He pats down his waistcoat before clearing his throat and walking into the dining room.

Lucifer sees a girl sitting at one of the dining tables by herself. She was leaning on the table, one arm was holding her head up and the other was laid out in front of her, holding her phone. He approaches her, sitting in a chair right next to her.

“Starlight.” He says as he sits, “You alright?” He asks, his voice slightly concerned.

“Mhm!” She turns away slightly, “I’m okay!” She pokes at her phone screen.

Lucifer tilts his head, “Are you sure? Because it looks like your phone is off.” He laughs.

The angel puts her phone into her pocket. She puts her face down onto the table and groans.

“I know.” She says, “I think I’m just embarrassed.” She admits.

“Embarrassed?” Lucifer reaches for her hair, tucking it behind her ear. She turns her head to him.

“Yes, embarrassed.” The angel says, her face slightly pink, “I’m not used to this kind of attention, Lucifer.” She covers her face with both hands.

“Is it normal for my heart to be beating this fast?” She asks, “What about my face and stuff? Why is it always so hot?”

Lucifer stares at her, eyes wide. He does his best to hold back a smile.

“Well,” He puts his head down on the table facing her, “That just means it’s working.”

She removes her hands from her face and opens her eyes, making eye contact with Lucifer as they both lay their heads on the table.

“What’s working?” She asks, eyebrows furrowed.

“I’ll let you figure that out on your own, Star.” He chuckles, lifting his head up.

Is it ignorance, innocence?, he thinks to himself. He smiles down at the girl as she stares at him back.

“You’re cute.” Lucifer says with a small chuckle. He pats her on the head before he stands up and walks back to the lobby.

“Charlie’s here if you’d like to come say hello.” He disappears back into the lobby.

You’re cute, oh, shush.” The angel mocks him, standing up. Her face was still flushed pink as she made her way back into the lobby behind Lucifer.

Charlie turns her head when she sees the door to the dining room open after her father had already walked through. A flustered girl stumbles into the lobby. She held her head low so as to not let anyone see her face. Charlie excitedly runs up to her, arms reaching out.

“(y/n)!” Charlie shouts, hugging the girl as she runs up to her, “Hi! How was the meeting?”

“Hi Char,” The girl giggles, hugging her back, “The meeting went smoothly.”

“I’m so happy to hear! You’re the best, thank you so much.” Charlie pulls away, looking at the girl.

“Are you okay?” Charlie lifts her hand and places it on the angel's forehead, “You’re burning up.”

“Yes! Perfect, actually!” The angel stutters. She takes a small step back and turns her head away, looking the other direction of the group in front of her. Charlie puts her hand down and tilts her head to the side.

“Oho, okay?” Charlie laughs awkwardly before turning back to Lucifer, “What do you think, Dad?”

Lucifer’s gaze was fixated on a flustered angel standing behind his daughter. His eyes soften as he watches her fiddle with her fingers as she looks around the hotel. He smiles slightly at the view of her trying to distract herself with the decor around the room.

“Dad?” Charlie calls out, waving her hand in front of Lucifer’s face, “Are you okay?” She laughs nervously. “Did you hear anything I said?”

“Ah, yeah, sweetheart.” Lucifer looks at his daughter and brings his cane in front of him, “I, yeah.” He smiles at Charlie.

Charlie raises an eyebrow and then glances behind her to look at the angel. She nods her head in understanding as she turns back to her dad.

“Um, we actually need to gooo… smell the roses!” Charlie pulls Angel Dust off the couch and shoves him into Vaggie, pushing both of them through the doors to the dining room.

Lucifer shakes his head and looks over to the girl that was still trying to distract herself.

“Hey,” Lucifer says, walking up to her, “Can we talk?” He holds his hand out to her.

She takes it, and he leads them to the couch. They both sit, and Lucifer turns his body to face her.

“Do I… make you feel uncomfortable?” Lucifer asks with a small, concerned smile on his face.

The angel sits up, her lips slightly parted as she looks at Lucifer.

“I’m sorry?” She asks, “Why would you say that?”

“I’m not sure, really.” Lucifer laughs slightly, “I guess I’m just trying to figure out this whole flirting thing again- um, it’s been a while.” He rubs his hands on his thighs nervously.

“You don’t make me uncomfortable, Lucifer.” The angel gives him a soft smile, “Like I said, I’m just not used to the type of attention you’ve been giving me. I don’t know how to react, or think? I just get so flustered. I don’t know what this feeling is.” Her cheeks start to flush a light pink again.

“I- I know!” Lucifer laughs nervously, “But if I ever overstep, please tell me.” He looks at her, grabbing her hands, “I don’t want to scare you off or anything.” He smiles.

The angel looks at Lucifer, her heart softening as she feels his grip around her hands tighten. She squeezes his hand reassuringly.

“I don’t think you could ever scare me off, Luci.” She brings her other hand up to his face and cups his cheek, “It’s just going to take some time getting used to.”

Lucifer puts his hand on top of hers, pushing her hand closer to his face.

“Alright, Starlight.” He removes her hand from his face, kissing the back of it before placing it down.

“I’m going to be holding a meeting with the Sins later tonight. It’s for Charlie’s party.” Lucifer says, “It’ll be held at the manor.”

“The Sins?” The angel asks.

“Yes, The Seven Deadly Sins. Demons more powerful than the Overlords you’ve encountered so far. There are seven rings to Hell, and each of the Sins has their own ring to manage. Kind of like territory.” He leans back onto the couch.

“I’m f*cked. I haven’t seen this group in forever, and suddenly their King is calling them all together to tell them about a party his daughter is going to be hosting?” Lucifer looks over at the angel to his side, “You absolutely cannot step foot near the manor at all tonight.” He says.

“Oh. Um, okay! I don’t think there’s any reason for me to go there anyway… I don’t think...” The angel’s voice trails off.

“I’ll just hang out with Charlie and Vaggie tonight. Talk about the party and all.” She smiles at Lucifer.

“I’ll call you as soon as it’s over.” Lucifer says, pushing himself off the couch, “It shouldn’t take long, plus, if anything I really just need to convince Bee to come along. Once she’s a part of the game, there’s no turning back.”

Lucifer helps the angel to stand and walks her over to the dining area.

“I need to go fix up some snacks for them, or something. And I’ve gotta clean the meeting rooms, they haven’t been used in years.” He stops them just in front of the door to the dining area.

“So you’re heading out now, then?” The angel’s shoulders dropped, “I was hoping we’d be able to try some more snacks.” She smiles faintly.

Lucifer chuckles, grabbing her hand and kissing the back of it.

“I’ll be back before you miss me too much.” He teases.

“I think it’s the other way around, Luci.” The angel giggles, “You come to see me more than I come to see you.”

“That’s because I refuse to let you walk these horrible streets back to the manor, and I refuse to let you use those demon wings of yours again. That was way too dangerous.” He scolds her, lightly flicking her forehead.

“Ow- Luci…” She pouts, rubbing her forehead.

“Sorry, Starlight.” Lucifer laughs, leaning in and placing a soft kiss on her head.

“Stay here at the hotel. I’ll be back, tell Charlie I’ve got important business to take care of.” He lets go of the angel's hands and opens a portal back to the manor for himself.”

“Okay.” The angel sighs, waving as she watches the portal disappear behind Lucifer, “See you later.”

The angel turns around and pushes the dining area door to enter. Three bodies fall over and scramble away as she enters the room. She stands in the doorway and crosses her arms over her chest.

“Am I interrupting something?” She laughs, walking in.

Charlie had run over to a dining table and began folding paper towels as soon as the angel had walked into the room. She pretended to not know what the angel was talking about.

“Huh?” Charlie says, “Did you what?” She places a folded napkin in front of her gently.

Vaggie and Angel Dust had leaned against the wall and started whistling as if they weren’t doing anything either.

The angel rolls her eyes. She approaches Charlie and sits next to her.

“Char, would it be selfish of me to ask if you and Vaggie could come spend the night upstairs with me?” The angel looks down at her fingers and plays with her thumbs, “I’ve got a lot on my mind and I think it would really help to have you both there to talk to.”

Charlie’s jaw drops and her eyes widen, she slowly turns to face the angel and grabs her hands.

“I. Would. Be. Honored!” She squeals. She looks over to Vaggie, “How’s a sleepover sound?”

“Sounds great!” Vaggie says.

“On that note, I’ll catch you ladies later. I’ve got a date with a grumpy bartender.” Angel Dust smirks, waving as he walks out.

“Wait, are Husk and Angel dating?” Charlie asks, confused.

Vaggie shrugs, “He probably meant he was going to go mess with Husk. You know how he gets.” Vaggie laughs, walking up to the girls at the table and sitting across from them.

“We, um, we’re sorry. We were eavesdropping.” Vaggie says awkwardly.

“I figured, but it’s okay. It’s not like anything bad was said.” The angel smiles at the two girls, “Are you sure you guys are okay with hanging out with me tonight? I know you have the hotel to run and all-”

Charlie shoves her hand onto the angel’s mouth, shushing her.

“Nope. Alastor can handle a night alone! Plus, it’s not like everyone is flocking to the hotel or anything!” Charlie laughs awkwardly, “We’ll meet you up in the penthouse, then?”

“Yes please.” The angel sighs with a small smile on her face, “There’s actually a lot of things I have to ask you both.” She rubs the back of her neck sheepishly, “I hope it isn’t too much trouble.”

“We’ll be there.” Charlie says. The two girls stand and walk back out into the lobby. The angel sits at the table alone for a few minutes before standing and making her way to the lobby. She saw Cherri behind the front desk, and Charlie standing on the other side. They seemed to be deep in conversation, so she didn’t want to bother.

She makes her way to the elevator and steps in. The doors almost close before Vaggie sticks her arm in, causing the doors to automatically reopen. Vaggie steps into the elevator.

“Hi, um, (y/n).” Vaggie smiles.

“Hi Vaggie.” The angel smiles back, “Heading up?”
“Yeah, Charlie asked me to go get our overnight bags ready while she explains to Cherri how to use the hotel landline.” Vaggie says as she clicks the button to bring her to her floor.

“I see.” The angel says, looking down at her feet, “It must be really nice being able to split responsibilities between you two. Does it make things easier?”

Vaggie thinks for a second before she replies.

“Well, yes and no.” She says, “I think that it makes it more convenient when it’s two completely different things, but if we’re working together on a project- let’s say the party, sometimes we don’t see eye to eye.”

“Oh, that’s surprising. I don’t think I could see you two arguing, like, ever.” The angel laughs lightly.

“You’d be surprised.” Vaggie laughs.

“Do you think…” The angel hesitates, “That, um… If two people had their own responsibilities, two completely different responsibilities, would they be able to get along just as you and Charlie do?”

“Is this about you and the King?” Vaggie leans on one hip, a small smirk on her face.

“No!” The angel jumps, embarrassed, “No, but, well, hypothetically speaking…”

“(y/n).” Vaggie says, “Listen. I think you should bring this up to Charlie later tonight when we all hang out together. I think you’d be surprised what kind of thoughts this girl has on the daily just about her own fathers’ wellbeing alone.” She laughs.

“Okay. Yes. You’re right.” The angel sighs, “I’m sorry for bringing this up right now.”

“No, don’t be.” Vaggie smiles, “I’m happy to know you trust us enough to talk about matters this serious.”

“S-serious? No, it’s just a question.” The angel’s cheeks begin to flare up in a bright red.

“If you say so, (y/n).” Vaggie laughs.

The elevator dings, signaling they had made it to Vaggie’s floor. Vaggie turns to the girl, waving before stepping out and walking to her shared bedroom with Charlie. The doors close once more, and the angel is sent up to the rooftop.

She steps out and walks to the penthouse, her chest heavier than normal. Upon entering her home, she slides her shoes off and changes into her usual pajamas. She grabs the remote and turns on the TV. She leaves on a soap opera while she walks to the kitchen to prepare snacks and dinner for the girls later. The angel spots a box of cookies on the kitchen counter. A smile creeps onto her face as she opens it and grabs a cookie, tossing it into her mouth.

“Still here even when you’re not, huh?” She laughs to herself, putting the box away and fixing up a bunch of snacks for her, Charlie, and Vaggie to snack on.

Once finished, she brings all of the food out to the living area and plates them on the coffee table in front of the couch. She sits on the couch.

Time goes by a lot slower when you’re left alone., she thought to herself as she popped another cookie into her mouth.

A knock was heard at the door as soon as she began chewing. She gets up immediately and runs over to the door, swinging it open to see Charlie and Vaggie standing in front of her, already in their pajamas.

“Are we too early?” Charlie asks.

“No, you’re actually just on time.” The angel smiles, stepping aside, “Come in!”

Charlie and Vaggie walk in, placing their overnight bags behind the couch and slipping onto the sofa. Their eyes feast on the array of snacks left on the table.

“Is this for us?” Charlie smiles, “You didn’t have to!” She looks over the table to see a few of the chip bags Lucifer had crushed with his butt the other day.

“Yes, oh my, please, help me eat them all. Your father got like five of each bag, I can’t eat it all by myself.” The angel laughs, taking a seat on the floor by the table, “You guys can change the channel if you want. I just have it on for background noise.”

“Actually, can we turn it off?” Vaggie says, grabbing the remote.

“Sure.” The angel says, wiping her fingers on a napkin.

“I told Charlie about the question you asked me in the elevator, (y/n).” Vaggie says as she turns the TV off.

Charlie nods her head, standing up from the couch and walking over to sit next to the angel on the floor.

“Can you repeat the question for me?” Charlie asks, fixing herself so she’s facing the angel completely.

The angel smiles weakly at Charlie.

“Sure, Char.” She clears her throat, “I was wondering if it was possible for two completely different people, with different responsibilities, to get along the same way that you and Vaggie do.”

Charlie sits there staring at the angel for a second.

“Did you just ask me if I think you and my dad would be compatible?” She smirks.

“What? No- I-”

“That’s basically what you just asked me, (y/n).” Charlie giggles, “You’re asking me if, even though you guys have different things to worry about, would you and my dad be able to work something out.”

“Is that?... Is that what I’m asking?” The angel purses her lips as her face grows hot.

“I’m almost one hundred percent sure that’s exactly what you’re asking me right now!” Charlie laughs. She glances at Vaggie before looking back at the angel.

“Look,” Charlie reaches forward and grabs the angel’s hands, “I know that you being dad’s personal assistant makes it so that you have new responsibilities, but you know that at the end of the day, that’s still a cover up, right?” Charlie giggles.

“You may be his secretary to the rest of Hell, but to him, you’re like…” Charlie looks down at their hands, then back up, and makes eye contact with the angel, “Well, to put it in your words, you’re like the moon to him.”

“The moon?”

“Yes, the moon. The way you talk about her, how much you care for her and love her. That’s exactly how my dad thinks about you. I can see it in the way he looks at you, in the way he talks about you.” Charlie smiles, “What is it that you’re concerned about, really?” Charlie asks, her hands tightening around the angels.

“What am I concerned about?” The angel asks aloud, mainly to herself, “What am I concerned… about…” She looks down at the floor.

“I’m sorry to say this, Charlie, I really don’t want to bring up your past or trigger you in any way, but I’m concerned about… a lot of things.”


“Like how do I know that my feelings for your father are real? And vice versa?” The angel looks back up at Charlie, “I’ve never been in a situation where someone has had feelings for me- I don’t even know what having feelings for someone is like!” She says nervously.

“I’m so afraid of these new feelings. Your father is charming, he really is. The things he says, the things he does, he makes me feel wonderful. He’s my absolute bestest friend, and I am afraid of losing the strongest bond I have, should either of us act on these feelings.” The angel pulls her hands away from Charlie’s and places them on her lap.

“He confessed to me, Charlie.” The angel says, locking eyes with Charlie, “He confessed to me, and that’s why we’re staying in different places now. I told him that in order to healthily be in a relationship with me- a relationship in general!- He’d have to learn how to be comfortable by himself.” The angel’s eyes began to swell with tears.

“I feel like I’ve done him a great injustice, leaving him alone in the manor… I feel like I’ve abandoned him and that I’ve done the exact same as-” The angel stops talking before she could continue.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-”

“No, don’t be.” Charlie says, putting a hand on the angel’s shoulder, “It’s okay to talk about it. This is a safe space, and I don’t mind you bringing up my mom.” She smiles at the girl sitting in front of her.

“I’m afraid that your father might grow to resent me because I feel as if I’ve abandoned him in the same sense that she did, Charlie.” The angel had tears running down her face.

“I’m afraid that his feelings for me aren’t real, and that he’s only projecting his feelings for your mother onto me.” She wipes her eyes.

“I’m afraid of feeling these feelings- I don’t know if it’s lust or love? He makes my heart race- and it’s not in the same way as me having a panic attack! My face gets hot when he compliments me, I like the way he says my name, I like hearing him talk, I like-”

“(y/n)!” Charlie laughs, pulling the angel into a hug.

“Listen to yourself, (y/n).” Charlie pets the girl's head as she hugs her, “You’re so concerned about the wrong things!”

“When mom left, she left without telling us why or where she was going.” Charlie said, “And although she’s my mom, I can’t forgive her for walking out on us without an explanation. Not right now. She’s the least of my worries, actually.” Charlie laughs,

“She’s been gone for seven years now, and she’s gone no contact. I don’t think she has any plans on coming back. And if she did, it's a little late for that now!”

Charlie pulls away from the angel and helps her to stand, bringing her to the couch. The angel sat in the middle between Charlie and Vaggie.

“If you’re worried dad doesn’t like you back in a sincere way, you’re worried for nothing.” Charlie smiles at the angel, “Because I haven’t seen him look at anyone like that since I was born.” She scoots back into the couch.

“Mom and dad would argue a lot, actually.” Charlie said, “There came a point where Mom started acting all weird, and dad just didn’t have the same spark in his eyes since.” She shrugs, then looks over to the angel.

“But with you?” She smiles, “With you, it’s like color was restored to his world. You think you abandoned him at the manor?” Charlie laughs, “That’s crazy!”

“If anything, you’ve taught him that it’s okay to be alone. He used to shut himself out and only come outside if I needed him. But now that you’re around, he’s been showing up a lot more.” Charlie gives her a soft smile.

“Thank you for that.” Charlie puts a hand on the angel’s knee, “You’re teaching him what it’s like to be loved again, and I think that’s beautiful.” She smiles.

“Your arrival down here in Hell actually sped things up.” Vaggie said, placing a hand on the angels shoulder, “Lucifer’s been so busy with meetings, and so have you, so we’re one huge step closer to getting people interested in the hotel.”

The angel sniffles, wiping away a stray tear. Her bottom lip quivered as she tried to think of something to say.

“All of this is so incredibly new to me.” She says, “It all happened so fast. I didn’t have time to fully comprehend everything that’s happened.” She looks up and glances at each of the girls at her side.

“But I’m thankful that it was you guys who helped me at my lowest. I don’t know what would have happened if they didn’t call your dad in for that meeting that day.” She laughs nervously.

“Ah, yes, speaking of my dad?” Charlie had a wide grin on her face as she tapped the angel’s knee, “You said he confessed to you?” She giggles.

“I- Um, yes. He did. The same day you asked me what I thought about him.” The angel laughs, “I’ve been so in my own head about it… I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“That makes sense as to why he’s been so bold with you in public.” Vaggie laughs.

“Yeah! He literally can’t keep his hands off of you!” Charlie says, “And you question if his feelings are sincere.” She laughs, “(y/n), he’s head over heels for you. You’re his moon.”

“You can question it all you want, but it won’t change the fact that you’re both obviously into one another.” Vaggie says bluntly.

“Vaggs!” Charlie grabs a pillow and tosses it at her girlfriend.

“Sorry, it’s true!” Vaggie laughs, “If you’re unsure of your own feelings, then take your time with it. But both of us can tell you right now that he absolutely praises the floor you walk on, (y/n).” She shrugs.

“And, for the record, I wouldn’t mind you and him dating at all.” Charlie says sheepishly, “In fact, I’m really hoping that you do.” She giggles nervously.

“I- you what?” The angel was taken aback at Charlie’s confession.

“Well, yeah! You make my dad happy, and even before that, I was already so fascinated by you. You’re really cool, (y/n), I wouldn’t be against it at all.” She smiles at the angel.

“Oh… Well, thank you, Charlie.” The angel sniffles again,tears returning to her eyes, “That’s really sweet of you to say.”

Charlie sighs happily, pulling the angel into another hug.

“Thank you for this talk,” Charlie says, “You basically just confirmed that you guys are a couple without an official title.” She laughs.

“W-we aren’t dating!” The angel grows flustered, hiding her face in Charlie’s shoulder.

“Shhh, yeah, yeah.” Charlie giggles, pulling away, “Not dating. Just a boss and his secretary, yep. Just like how Vaggs and I were just business partners.”

Vaggie throws the pillow back at Charlie and hits her directly in the face.

“Come on!” Charlie laughs. “I’m joking!”

“Very funny, hon.” Vaggie rolls her eyes playfully, getting up to grab a snack from the table.

“Thank you both for staying the night, and for talking with me.” The angel says, leaning back into the couch, “I don’t know how I would have even begun to face the truth without talking about it first.” She sighs.

“So you admit it, then?” Vaggie smirks as she sits back down.

“What happened to taking my time with it?” The angel pouts, “Oh, I’m so overwhelmed.” She throws her head back and closes her eyes.

Charlie and Vaggie laugh in unison.

The three girls spend the rest of the night eating snacks and talking about how Charlie and Vaggie met.




Lucifer sighs as he gets ready to open his doors to guests for the first time in years. He shakes his hands loose and cracks his knuckles as he walks to the front. The doorbell rang, sending him into a small shock.

“You’ve got this Lucifer.” He hypes himself up before opening the door, “Welcome to the Morningstar Manor.” He tips his hat as three of the other six sins walk into his home.

“Real odd, gettin’ a text from the King of Hell himself.” Mammon, Sin of Greed, says as he walks in.

“It is so f*ckin’ nice to hear from you, Lucifer!” Beelzebub, Sin of Gluttony, flies over Lucifer and into the house.

“I have to agree with Mammon. What’s this all about, King?” Asmodeus, Sin of Lust, walks into the house.

Lucifer leads them down a hall and into a large meeting room. The table was covered in luxurious snacks and drinks of all kinds. Bee found herself stuffing her face with Lucifer’s homemade candied apples, Mammon had grabbed a bucket of popcorn, and Asmodeus stuck to a cup of red wine.

“I’m going to assume that the others are too busy to show up.” Lucifer announces, taking a seat at the head of the table. The other three sins find a seat and sit, listening intently to the King of Hell.

“Thank you all for coming,” Lucifer says with a large smile on his face, “I’m here to formally invite you all to a party, hosted by my daughter, at her hotel.” He places an elbow on the armrest of his chair and leans his head into his hand.

“So,” Lucifer says, his smile co*ckier than ever, “Who’s ready to throw a f*ckin’ banger party?”


Wouldn't you guys be confused if you were locked up for years with limited contact? Love is a confusing feeling, especially if you've never felt it before!
Sorry there isn't much Luci fluff this chapter. I'll make it up to you all soon <3
Comments always appreciated!
This chapter was 16 pages long on docs, but only 8k words. Lots and lots of dialogue here.
Twitter: @dubukais
Tumblr: @dubukai

Chapter 19: Asking for Permission


A small peek into the Sins' meeting. Charlie experiences Starlight's projections in a literal new light. Things get... kind of heated. And lastly, someone in the realm above makes a move.


Thank you for 20k hits. I'm speechless.
Enjoy this chapter, important PSA in the end notes so please read!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Bee’s ears perk up at the mention of a party. Her mouth curls into a smile and her tail wags slightly as she sits excitedly.

“Ooh, a party?” Bee asks curiously, “Do tell us more.”

“It’s as I’ve stated,” Lucifer says, “There will be a party held at the Hazbin Hotel, hosted by my daughter. All I need from you all is to spread the word to all of the demons that reside in your respective rings.”

“Don’t you think that might be overkill, Sir?” Asmodeus asks, leaning back in his chair as he swirls the wine around in the cup, “The Pride Ring has a lot of demons and Sinners on its own. You sure you guys can handle demons from other rings too?” He takes a sip of his wine.

Lucifer looks around the room, trying to weigh the decisions. He makes eye contact with Bee, who was bouncing in her seat with her tail wagging, then glances back over to Asmodeus.

“That’s a very good point, Oz,” Lucifer says, “How about this instead?” He uses his magic to conjure up circus themed invitations.

“This will be your ticket in. I’ll allow you guys a party of ten each, including yourself. So invite whoever you want.” Lucifer smiles as he hands each of the Sins their own invitation.

“Send me a text within the next few days to confirm if you’re coming.” He smiles at them as he sits back down in his chair.

“Oh, f*ck yeah!” Bee shouts, “I’m always down to f*ck around.” She laughs, “I’ll let you know who else I bring. But put my name down on the list for sure!” She reaches across the table to grab a slice of cake.

“It’s nice to see you haven’t changed, Bee.” Lucifer says before turning to look at the other two sins, “No rush, no pressure. You don’t have to come, I know you’re all busy doing your own things.” He looks down and inspects his nails.

“But missing out on a party thrown by me and my bloodline?” He smiles, “You’d be stupid not to come.” Lucifer looks back up at his guests.

“Thanks for the invite, but I’ve got other business to attend to.” Mammon says, his mouth full of popcorn, “I can sell ya a few brand new Robo Fizz’s if you’re interested.” He laughs greedily.

“I might just take you up on that offer, Mammon.” Lucifer says.

“I’ll get back to you about the party, Sir.” Asmodeus chimes in, placing his now empty glass down on the table, “I also have a business to run. But it might not hurt to go out for a night.” He smiles over at Lucifer.

“Great!” Lucifer says, checking his phone. It had just hit about 9pm, and he was growing impatient.

“By the way,” Mammon says, “Don’t mean to pry, but rumor has it that you’re seein’ someone new.” He swallows his food, “What’s all that ‘bout?”

Lucifer slides his phone back into his coat pocket before sitting upright and leaning back into his chair. He squints his eyes at Mammon, who at this point had put his bucket of popcorn down.

“Where’d you hear that?” Lucifer asks with a slightly protective demeanor.

“Might be old news,” Mammon shrugs, “Word travels slooow from Pride down to the other rings.”

Ozzie raises an eyebrow, silently listening in on the conversation being held between Lucifer and Mammon.

“Interesting.” Lucifer says. He sits there quietly before clapping his hands together and standing from his seat.

“Well!” He steps away from his seat, “Rumors are rumors for a reason.” He laughs as he pats down his pants. “As you can tell, the manor is as quiet and empty as it’s been in the past seven years.” Lucifer motions his arms outward.

Ozzie smirks, pouring himself a glass of wine. He reaches across the table to pour a cup for Bee as well.

“Those photos are full of crap, then?” Mammon laughs, “Shoulda expected that, seein’ all this new technology ‘n sh*t.”

Lucifer silently smiles back.

“Anyway,” Asmodeus chugs the rest of his wine and stands from his chair, “It was a surprise hearing from you, King. And an even larger surprise to be invited to one of your parties. It’s been a while.” He winks playfully at Lucifer.

“We’ll show these babies how to properly throw a party.” Bee stands, shoving one last candied apple into her mouth before walking over to Ozzie.

“You all have fun with that,” Mammon says, also standing from his seat, “Let me know ‘bout them Robo Fizz’s, King.” Mammon grins at Lucifer.

Lucifer walks the other three sins back to the front door.

“Thank you for coming,” Lucifer says, “I hope to hear from you all again soon.” He grins widely and tips his hat at them.

“Thank you for having us.” Ozzie says before teleporting himself back to his respective ring.

“Catch you later, King. Lookin’ forward to business.” Mammon smiles, walking off into the city.

“Woo!” Bee flies up and does a spin, “Man, I am so excited. Can’t wait to party with the King of Hell again, just like old times.” Bee hovers back down and high-fives Lucifer.

“It’ll be a hell of a time.” Lucifer laughs, “Thanks for coming, Bee. Keep an eye on your phone, I have a few other requests for you if that’s alright.”

“Anything for you, honey!” Bee chirps, “Ugh, I’m ready for this sh*t. Catch you later, Lucifer!” Bee says before flying off.

Lucifer sighs as the Sins leave his home. He walks back in, closing the door behind him and goes back to the meeting room. Bee had done some damage on a majority of the sweets, to which he was grateful for. He summons up a few clones to do the cleaning for him before retiring to his bedroom.

Upon entering the bedroom, he immediately changes his clothes and crawls into his bed with his phone clutched tight in his hand. His head hits the pillow and the blanket is pulled up to his chest as he unlocks his phone. He makes a phone call to a certain angel- but the phone continues to ring until he gets sent to voicemail.

Lucifer’s eyebrows furrowed as he looked back at his phone screen before calling her again. Voicemail.

“Okay…” Lucifer says out loud to himself. He opens the texting app and drafts a message to the girl.

‘Are you okay?’ He stares at the message before completely deleting it.

‘Call me when you’- he immediately erases the message again, mentally slapping himself.

“Is it so hard to send a text?” He asks himself, pulling the blanket over his shoulders and laying on his side.

‘Meeting with Sins done :] How’s hanging with the girls?’ He clicks send before he could delete the message again.

Lucifer sighs, locking his phone and placing it under his pillow. He closes his eyes and allows himself to drift off to sleep, the last thing on his mind being what the angel was up to back at the penthouse.




Charlie sits upright and stretches her arms out. She squints her eyes as they adjust to the room around her. Vaggie had fallen asleep on the other side of the couch, and the angel was laying on her side on the floor, her eyes half lidded as she projected her memories into the room. The room was dimly lit in variants of red hues. It was a different scene from the first time Charlie had seen the angel’s projections.

Charlie sat silently, watching as the projection showed two figures shrouded in golden light in a large red and white room that looked vaguely familiar to her. The figures were sitting together on a couch, oddly similar to the one she was sitting on herself. Charlie raises an eyebrow, her brain putting pieces together like a puzzle. She leans forward slightly on the couch, rubbing her eyes as she tries to understand what exactly she was looking at.

Her lips curl into a smile when the two figures fully form into coherent bodies. It was Lucifer and the angel, sitting together on the couch. Charlie smiles softly as she looks at the girl who laid asleep on the floor. Charlie focuses back on the memory being played in front of her.

Lucifer had laid down on the couch, scooting his head onto the angel’s lap. They were talking, but the words were slightly muffled. Charlie watched as the memory played out. The angel ran her hands through Lucifer’s hair and he fell asleep on her lap, followed by the angel falling asleep herself.

The memory fades into a dark void of white and yellow stars, and then a new memory fades into view. The new memory showed Lucifer holding the angel’s hand as he guided her up the spiral staircase to Charlie’s childhood library. Charlie places a hand on her chest, the slight feeling of her heart sinking causing her to frown slightly.

“Dad…” Charlie whispers.

She watched as Lucifer and the angel sat in front of the portraits. They were talking again, but this time Charlie could make out the words being spoken.

“That’s her.” Lucifer says softly, a sad smile on his face, “That’s my Lilith, Charlie’s mom.” Charlie’s eyes fill with tears as she watches the memory play out. She heard her father talk about how he and Lilith had fallen apart.

“Charlie reached out to me.” He chuckles, “My own daughter took the first steps to fixing our broken relationship. She showed me that it was okay to be sad about things, and that it’s okay to dream again…”

She began to sob silently, her shoulders shaking as the tears ran down her face.

“Lilith will always be a large part of your life, I don’t expect you to not talk about her. You can’t forget about someone who was by your side for… Well, eons.”

Charlie looks back down at the angel and takes a deep breath, regaining her composure before looking back to the memory.

“I’ve been fighting internally, Starlight. I’ve been trying to figure out exactly what it is my heart wants… And I’m sure that it wants you.”

Charlie had begun sobbing again, but she wasn’t sure if the tears were from sadness or relief. Her entire body was shaking as she cried. She hiccups once, causing Vaggie to wake up. Vaggie sits up immediately, looking at Charlie.


“Sh…” Charlie points behind Vaggie, and she turns around to see the memory playing into the air.

Vaggie scoots over from the other side of the couch and pulls Charlie close.

“Isn’t this like invading her privacy?” Vaggie whispers, “I feel terrible watching.”

Charlie nods her head, “I do too, but… I can’t look away.”

Their gaze finds its way back to the memory playing before them.

“You brought light back to my life, Starlight. I can only hope to do the same for you.” Lucifer plants a gentle kiss on her cheek, close to her lips.

Charlie’s jaw drops. She grips onto the back of Vaggie’s shirt and bites her tongue, doing her best to not scream as to not wake up the angel on the floor. Vaggie’s lips were pursed. She was speechless.

“Lilith… Lilith is my past now. No matter how bad I wanted her to come back, my cries weren’t heard. My prayers were never answered. She won’t come back. I knew that before, and I especially know it now.”

Vaggie rubs Charlie’s knee reassuringly as the memory of Lucifer spoke. Charlie wipes away at her eyes, drying any of the tears that she had left.

“Dad’s so cheesy…” Charlie laughed lightly, “Gosh, I haven’t seen him this smitten in forever.” She whispers to Vaggie.

The memory begins to fade into a dark void of dimly lit stars once more, before the projection disappears completely. Charlie stares down at the girl on the floor, her chest heavy from what she had just seen.

“You okay?” Vaggie whispers, “Do you need a minute?”

Charlie shakes her head, “I’m fine. I just hope she is too.” She nods her head over at the angel.

“I’m sure she’ll be just fine.” Vaggie pulls Charlie in closer and gives her a kiss on the head.

Charlie smiles at Vaggie before pulling away, she quietly steps off the couch and runs to the angel’s room. She snatches the blanket off of her bed and brings it back outside, covering the angel with it. Vaggie shakes her head at Charlie, then pats the seat next to her. The two girls spent the rest of the early morning dozing in and out of sleep in each others’ arms as the sky began to burn bright red with the dawn of a new day.


The angel stirs awake, her body aching from having fallen asleep on the floor. She sits up, cracking her back and her arms as she stretches herself out. She looks around the room to find the living area empty. Charlie and Vaggie weren’t anywhere to be found- until she heard a cracking noise come from the direction of the kitchen. The angel blinks a few times as she still tries to wake herself up. She stands, waddling over and peeking her head into the kitchen. Charlie and Vaggie were up preparing breakfast. Charlie does a double take when she notices a head in her peripherals.

“(y/n)!” Charlie says, “Good morning, how was your sleep?”

The angel steps through the doorway and waves at the other two girls as they prepare breakfast in perfect sync.

“Good morning, Char. My sleep was… okay.” She chuckles lightly, “I don’t remember falling asleep on the floor, though.”

“It’s okay, I don’t remember falling asleep in general.” Charlie smiles from across the kitchen., “Go freshen up and we’ll have breakfast ready for you once you get back!”

“You’re guests in my house, I don’t know why you’re the ones cooking breakfast.” The angel laughs.

“Think of it as thanks, (y/n).” Vaggie says as she places plates on the table, “You handled the business with Ms. Carmine, and even secured an alliance for us all by yourself. That's huge!”

“Yeah!” Charlie smiles, “We know you’re not really fond of being put on the spot. But you’re doing better and growing every day, so let us treat you!”

The angel smiles softly at the two girls in her kitchen before nodding at them and walking to the restroom to freshen up for the day. Upon returning to the kitchen, Charlie and Vaggie are already seated waiting for the angel to sit down with them. She takes a seat and scoots herself close to the table.

“You guys could’ve started eating without me, you know.” The angel laughs lightly.

“No! We made this for you, we want you to be here for it.” Charlie says, rolling her eyes playfully.

“Thank you for the meal, girls.” The angel smiles at the two girls across from her.

Breakfast went by in the blink of an eye. They had finished eating, and the angel insisted that Charlie and Vaggie leave the unwashed dishes for her to do. Vaggie wasn’t going to argue, and ended up doing the dishes herself before her and Charlie went back down for the day.

“I’ll be down in a bit,” The angel says, “I’ll go change and meet you guys downstairs.”

“Okay, (y/n).” Vaggie smiles, hugging the girl, “We’ll see you.”

The angel hugs back and sighs, “Thanks again for coming to hang out with me, I had a lot of fun.”

Vaggie pulls back and gives the angel another smile before Charlie lightly shoves her out of the way, hugging the angel.

“(y/n) thank you for having us!” Charlie said, squeezing the girl, “We should do this often!”

“Both of you are more than welcome to come back whenever you’d like.” The angel hugs Charlie back before pulling away. She waves as she watches them walk to the elevator with their overnight bags to head back down to their room. Once they’re out of sight, she closes the door and sits back down on the couch. She scrambles looking for her phone and finds it stuck between the couch cushions. Upon unlocking her screen, she saw two missed calls from Lucifer and a text that was sent overnight. She smiles upon reading the text, calling Lucifer back as soon as she finishes reading it.




“Mmh, hello?…” Lucifer mumbles from the other side of the line, his voice deep from having just woken up.

“Sorry, did I wake you?” The angel asks. She hears shuffling through the mic before Lucifer responds.

“Starlight!” He clears his throat, “No, don’t worry! I was already awake.”

“Are you sure?” She giggles, laying down on the couch.

“Yes, I was just about to, uh…” Lucifer’s voice trails off as he tries to come up with an excuse.

“Okay, I got nothing. Yeah, I was still sleeping.” He laughs.

“That’s what I thought.” She smiles, reaching behind herself and scratching her back, “How was the meeting?”

“It went better than expected. Only three of the other Sins showed up, but that’s to be expected.” He sighs, “I’m excited though, it’s been a long time since a party this large was held up here in Pride.”

The angel’s smile fades slightly at the mention of the party, her chest growing with anxiety. She sits up and leans back on the couch.

“I’m sure it’ll be an amazing party.” She says softly.

“I am too.” Lucifer says. She could hear the smile behind his voice.

“I’ve got a lot to talk to you about, do you think you can come over for a little?” Lucifer asks.

“Sure, Luci. I’ll go change and let you know when I’m ready.” She says.

“Aw, you don’t wanna just come over? I can style you again.” He teases, “I miss choosing your outfits.”

“Lucifer, you basically style me every day. My entire wardrobe over here was conjured up by your magic, you goofball.” The angel giggles, standing up from the couch and walking to her closet.

“What are the plans today, Boss Man?” She asks as she looks through an assortment of skirts and dress pants.

“Just wear something comfortable, darling.” Lucifer coos, “No big plans. You’re just coming to the manor for a chat.”

“O-Okay.” The angel slightly smiles to herself, grabbing a large white hoodie with a small blue star embroidered onto the top left chest area. She throws it on, deciding to stay in her duck pants.

“I’m ready.” She says. A golden portal showed up in front of her in the blink of an eye. She hangs up as soon as she steps through it and into the Morningstar Manor.

The angel steps forward, looking around an unfamiliar room. She stopped in her tracks when she noticed a clump of blankets on a large bed on the other side of the room.

“Lucifer?” She calls out.

The clump of blankets shifted slightly before Lucifer stuck his head up from underneath it. He waves at her with a smile.

“Hi, I’m right here.” He says with his arm in the air, “I don’t want to get up yet, Star.” He groans, burying himself back into the pile of blankets. The girl rolls her eyes as she walks up to the pile on the bed.

“What did you need to talk to me about?” She pushes at him lightly.

Lucifer pokes his head back out from under the blankets and looks at her. He kicks the blanket off of himself, revealing his normal white tee and duck pants, and scoots over.

“Come!” He eagerly pats the space he made for her on the bed.

She smiles at him and sits down, leaning her back against the headboard. She flinches lightly and sits up, taking pressure off her back. Lucifer lays his head onto her lap and sighs.

“Now I definitely don't want to get up.” Lucifer says playfully, cuddling his head into her lap.

“Luci, do I need to repeat myself?” The angel giggles lightly, petting Lucifer’s hair as he lay on her. He turns to lay on his back and looks up at her. The soft light coming through the windows shone on the side of her face. She looked down at him, a small smile on her face as she ran her hands through his bed head. Lucifer reaches up to her face and squeezes her cheeks between his thumb and his index finger.

“First, I wanted to ask you how you feel about the party.” Lucifer says, squishing her face again.

“I’m excited for Charlie to have her fun.” She says, grabbing Lucifer’s hands off her face and putting his arm by his side.

“No, Star, I know.” He sits up and faces her, “But will you be okay? There’s going to be a lot of people there.”

“I’ll be okay,” She smiles at him, “I’ll watch from afar.”

“That worries me.” Lucifer laughs nervously, “It’s going to be a full house. There will be demons and sinners everywhere. Sure, these are my people, but my people f*cking suck.” He rolls his eyes.

Lucifer sits on his knees and scoots closer to the angel, cupping her face with both of his hands.

“Listen, Star,” He begins, “This might be way too much of me to ask from you, but I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if something bad happened to you during the chaos of the party.” He smirks, the look of the girl's face squished between his hands making him chuckle, “Would you be okay with sticking close by throughout the night? Within the same room, at least.” He lets go of her face as he waits for her response.

The angel gives him a small nod.

“I’m okay with that.” She says, “It’ll make me feel a lot better knowing you’re near, actually.” She looks down at her hands and plays with the hem of her hoodie before her back starts to feel uncomfortable and itchy again. She fixes her posture, sitting upright. Her face showed slight discomfort, and Lucifer noticed.

“What’s wrong?” His voice was full of concern, “Are you okay?”

The angel shakes her head, pulling her hoodie off. She turns around so her back is facing Lucifer.

“It’s been bothering me since last night.” She says, lifting the backside of her shirt and exposing her back, “Did my wounds reopen?” She asks.

Lucifer looks at the angel's back, his jaw dropping as he examines her scars. The scars weren’t reopened, but instead, there were small bumps under her skin where her wings used to be. Lucifer pulls her shirt back down and turns the girl to him

“Star.” He smiles, “Your wings.”

“What?” The girl asks, “What are you saying right now?”

“They’re growing back!” Lucifer laughs, jumping onto the girl and hugging her around her shoulders.

“That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you!” He pulls away and looks at her, “It’s a miracle how fast they’ve grown back. What the f*ck? It took me months…” He tilts his head, “Ah, whatever. I’m happy for you!”

The angel sits on the bed, unsure of how to react. She felt happy, but afraid at the same time.

“Lucifer, I’m glad they’re growing back,” She says softly, “But this is probably the worst timing possible… The party is in a week, and I don’t think I can hide them during the regrowing process…”

“Hey,” Lucifer says, putting his hands on her shoulders, “It’s okay, Star. They’re practically nubs right now. If anything, it looks like they could pass as demonic spikes or something.” He shrugs, smiling. The angel sighs, seeing his smile made her feel a lot better about the situation.

“Finding a way to make the best out of this, huh?” She nudges him playfully, “Alright, but you’ve got to promise me you won’t be too far. I’m getting in my head about things… I think I’ll feel a lot more confident when you’re nearby.” She smiles, looking down and playing with the hem of her shirt again.

“Of course, darling.” Lucifer coos, putting his hand under her chin. He lifts her face up and leans close, “I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”

The angel feels her cheeks heat up. Her heart begins to race, but she keeps her composure. After her talk with Charlie, her mind was anywhere but where it needed to be. She gulps nervously, her eyes locking with Lucifer’s. Her lips tremble at the sight of the King of Hell looking at her, his eyes seemingly full of adoration. She could practically hear her heart drumming in her ears.

“Starlight, I…” Lucifer stutters, “I think you’re absolutely beautiful.” He states bluntly. He pulls his face away from hers and gives her a big grin as he watches her cheeks turn a darker shade of pink.

The girl pulls her legs up to her chest and hides her face in her knees. Lucifer chuckles, crawling closer to her on the bed and pulling her towards him. She lets herself get dragged out of her balled up position as Lucifer sits up against the headboard and places her between his legs. She was seated facing away from him, her back toward Lucifer. He leans to the right of her, gently placing his hands on her waist.

“Is it okay if I hug you this way?” His voice was low and husky as he spoke, sending a wave of chills down her spine.

Unable to properly speak, she nods her head and hums. Lucifer wraps his arms around her stomach, pulling her into his body. He hugs her close, placing his head on her left shoulder and closing his eyes. She slowly leans her back into his chest, jumping from the sensitivity at the light pressure being applied to her newly formed wing points. She places her hands on Lucifer’s as he holds her, feeling his light breaths tickle just above her chest as he breathes down on her. She runs her fingers over his arms, closing her eyes as she traces small shapes into his skin.

“Your touch is so gentle, and your skin is soft.” Lucifer mumbles, opening his eyes, “I’m going to end up falling back asleep.”

“You can’t fall back asleep, Luci. The day just started.” The angel giggles lightly. She leans her head back enough that it rests on the right side of his chest. Her head turns slightly to the side, she scrunches up her nose as it gets caught in his hair. She puffs air out of her mouth, blowing at the hair that was stuck in her face. Lucifer jumps slightly, lifting his head off her shoulder and looking down at the girl with furrowed brows and a small pout.
“I was comfortable…” He whines, pulling her closer.

The angel gasps lightly as her winglets press against Lucifer’s chest, a sense of bliss and slight arousal from the sensitive touch. Her face began to burn hot, her cheeks and ears flushed a shade of red deep enough to be mistaken for one of Lucifer’s many apple decorations. Her heart began to beat out of her chest and she quickly hid her face behind her hands. She crosses her legs over one another, confused as her breathing grew heavier at this new, but pleasant feeling.

Lucifer’s eyebrows raise in both confusion and amusem*nt. He moves his left arm up to grab her left hand, gently entwining his fingers with hers as he removes her hand from her face. Lucifer brings her hand down to her side, still holding her hand lightly as he does so. He uses his other hand on the other side of her to gently lift her head up to the left to face him. Her cheeks were still blushed red, her eyes glowing with curiosity and excitement.

“Please let me kiss you…” Lucifer whispers, his eyes scream and begged her for permission.

The angel unlocks her hand from Lucifer’s and she pushes herself so that she is facing him. She sat on her knees in between his legs and placed a hand on his cheek. Lucifer sits up, taking his weight off of the headboard. He places a hand on her waist and pulls her closer. One of her knees accidentally rubs against his member, and he does everything in his power to control his urges. He moves his legs so they lay down straight in front of him, forcing the girl to straddle his waist at his sudden change of his position. He pulls his legs up and criss crosses them underneath her bottom so she has extra support. The angel cups Lucifer’s face lightly, her hands placed gently on each of his cheeks. She giggles as she admires his red cheek marks, running her thumbs over them.

“You’re quite charming, you know?” The angel says softly, leaning in close to his face.

Lucifer takes a deep breath, his own heart drumming out of his chest at how close she was. He places one hand on her hips as he looks up at the woman straddling his body. His other hand found its way trailing up her back, delicately rubbing over her newly formed wing tips. She gasps, letting go of Lucifer’s face and hiding her own once more.

Oh, f*ck yeah. Lucifer thought to himself.

“Sensitive?” He asks, placing his hand firmly on her back between her wing areas.

“Very…” She shudders at the thought of him just touching her wings again.

Lucifer chuckles. He leaves one hand on her back, pulling her closer to him so their chests come into contact. He removes his other hand from her hips, grabbing her face with his newly freed hand and pulls her face close to his.

“Starlight,” Lucifer says, leaning his forehead against hers. His breath brushed over her lips as he spoke, “Please… Please let me f*cking kiss you.”

The angel acts without thinking twice. She snakes both hands behind his head and pulls him in for a deep kiss. Her hands gently played with his hair, and he found both his hands resting on her hips as they shared an intimate kiss. She pulls away and finds herself gasping for air. Lucifer looks up at the girl, the widest, happiest smile plastered on his face.

“I- um,” She stutters, “I don’t know what came over me.” She laughs nervously.

It would be me, but we’ll give that time. Lucifer smirked to himself at his thoughts.

“It’s okay, Starlight.” He says, the smile never leaving his face, “Did you… enjoy it?” He wiggles his eyebrows at her. He trails one of his hands up her back once more, tracing circles around where her wings were growing in.

“I did.” She admits, leaning forward, “But don’t let it get to your head, Luci.” She laughs, lightly kissing him on the forehead before placing her head onto his chest. She closes her eyes as she listens to the rapid beats of his heart.

“Sure, sure.” He sighs playfully.

“You’re right,” The angel says, “I’m going to end up falling back asleep if you keep tracing my back like that.”

Lucifer laughs. He was beginning to grow anxious and nervous. The kiss they shared was as far as he was willing to go with her right now, but his body was begging him for more. He closes his eyes, doing everything in his power to suppress the sinful thoughts that invaded his mind.

The body of the girl straddling him had suddenly become limp. He tried to look down at her face, but she was facing away from him as she lay on his chest. He hears a soft snore coming from the girl, and he chuckles. He places a hand on the back of her head and pets her. Lucifer uses his other hand to use his magic to pull the blanket over them, stopping it at her shoulders so she was tucked in comfortably.

Before he could close his eyes to take a nap with her, his phone vibrates from underneath the pillow he was leaning on. He reaches down and grabs it, seeing that he had a new text from his daughter.

‘Dad? I had a question about (y/n).’

‘What’s up sweetheart?’

‘What does it mean when she projects in her sleep again? I know she mentioned it to us before, but I can’t remember. :(‘

‘If I remember correctly, they’re projections of her most notable memories, or memories that just make her happy.’

Charlie hadn’t replied after that. Lucifer places his phone back under the pillow and sighs lightly, a smile forming on his face again.

Her lips are so soft. He thinks to himself.

Lucifer closes his eyes, allowing himself to fall into a dreamless sleep.




Charlie looks down at her phone, reading the last text from her father before locking it and sliding it into her pocket. Her cheeks began to sting as she had been smiling nonstop all morning since her and Vaggie had returned to their room. She squeals, throwing her face into a pillow on their shared bed. Vaggie walks out of the bathroom, freshly showered and dressed for the day. She walks up to Charlie and sits next to her on the bed.

“I’m assuming he remembered what her projections mean?” Vaggie laughs as she places a hand on Charlie’s shoulder.

Charlie flips over on the bed, laying on her back and kicking her limbs in every direction as she laughs maniacally. Vaggie stands up off the bed, throwing her hands up defensively.

“Woah! Babe!” She laughs, “Is it good news?”

Charlie takes a deep breath and sits up to look directly at Vaggie.

“It’s amazing news, Vaggs!” Charlie screams, “UGH, I just don’t know how to contain my excitement.” She grabs a pillow and throws it at Vaggie, who catches it and tosses it back onto the bed.

“Are youuu going to tell me, or are we going to keep going back and forth?” Vaggie smiles at her giggly girlfriend.

“Dad says that her projections are her most notable memories or memories that make her happy!” Charlie throws herself backwards onto the bed again, “Vaggs they’re literally two dopes in love, it hurtsss !” She clenches at her chest where her heart is.

Vaggie laughs, reaching out to Charlie. She grabs her hands and pulls her up off of the bed.

“You can gush about it all you want later, babe.” Vaggie says, dragging Charlie to the door, “We’ve got a party to prepare for.”

Charlie rubs at her cheeks as they go down to the lobby. They were sore from having smiled too much.

Upon entering the lobby, Vaggie kisses Charlie goodbye and walks out of the hotel to do business with a few demons around town for the party. Charlie stretches her arms forward and takes a deep breath. Before she could take a step forward, Alastor appears in front of her, forming from a shadow.

“Oh!,” Charlie smiles, “Hi, Al!”

Alastor stood silently at Charlie, a brow raising in suspicion.

“You seem awfully chipper today, Charlie.” Alastor says with his filtered voice. He leans in, squinting at her, “Did something happen?”

Charlie shakes her head as she tries to hide the smile that was tickling at the ends of her lips.

“Nope!” Charlie says, “Just my normal self!” She shoots awkward finger guns at Alastor in hopes of getting him to drop the subject entirely. Alastor fixes his posture and dusts off his dress coat, letting out a small hum as he takes Charlie’s word.

“Well,” Alastor says, “I was going to ask you if you knew where our pretty little friend was hiding?” He smiles at Charlie.

“Upstairs.” Charlie shrugs, “She’s probably still getting ready. What did you need (y/n) for?” She tilts her head questioningly.

“A gift,” He says, “I have a gift for her. But it can wait.” Alastor turns on his heel and walks off into the dining hall.

“Huh.” Charlie squints, “Okay.”

Charlie walks over to the front desk to check in with Cherri about the night.




With the dawn of a new day, Lute walks straight into the Head Seraphim’s bedroom without a word. Sera stands from her chair, startled by the sudden entrance.

“Okay, Sera. Quit the sh*t.” Lute says sternly, “Either you let me go back down there, or I tell all of Heaven that little miss Morningstar was able to successfully redeem a soul. I don’t think the community would be so welcoming to a soul that once resided in Hell.” She smiles maliciously as she stomps her foot, standing her ground against Sera.

Sera’s eye twitches as she looks down at the exorcist before her. She takes a deep breath before sitting back down.

“How much time would you need?” Sera asks, defeated.

Lute’s eyes widened excitedly, she stood with her back straight and her chest puffed out.

“It should take no longer than a week,” Lute says, “I’ll be careful.”

“What are you going to do down there, Lute?” Sera says softly, “There’s no need for more damage on top of what pain we’ve already caused them” She locks her fingers together and brings her now entwined hands up to her face, hiding her mouth behind them.

“Either I kill that brat myself, or I’ll kill her sh*tty little girlfriend instead. Teach them a lesson that killing Adam is not something they can just get away with.” Lute’s hands ball into fists as she stands before Sera angrily.

“I know that Lilith is here.” Lute smirks.

Sera stares down at the angel, not allowing her feelings to waver at the mention of the Queen of Hell residing in Heaven.

“I know more than you think, Sera.” Lute rolls her eyes, “I may be just an Exorcist, but I was Adam’s right hand woman. At this point, I’m not asking for permission.”

Sera sighs and places her hands flat on the desk before her.

“I will give you one week.” Sera says defeatedly, “If you return unsuccessful, you will drop everything and give them their one year.”

“Thank you, Head Seraphim.” Lute walks out of Sera’s bedroom with a smile on her face. She makes her way down the hall and out of the building.

Upon exiting, Lute spots Lilith standing before an isolated building in the distance. She flaps her wings and flies over to her. She approaches Lilith, landing on the marble steps behind her. Lilith turns around, smiling down at Lute.

“What is this building here?” Lilith asks, motioning to the doors before them.

“I believe that this is The Altar of the Sapphire Sky.” Lute says, “I’ve overheard from the Head Seraphim that the building was used to house a specific angel that once resided in Heaven.”

“Oh?,” Lilith’s brow raises curiously, “Once resided? Where is this angel now?” She turns to face the doors, reaching forward to pull open one side. Lilith glances inside. The room was dark, but the light shining in from the sun shone through enough for her to see that the inside was completely empty. The only color within the white marble walls was the blue ceiling.

“Fallen.” Lute says, a twinge of disgust in her words as she spoke.

“I see.” Lilith says as she closes the door. She turns back to Lute, “How was your meeting with the Head Seraphim?”

“I’ll be going down to Hell tomorrow morning.” Lute says, “If I can’t finish what I started, then you will.”

Lilith looks at Lute with a straight expression.

“How you decide to deal with it is out of my control. I couldn’t give less of a f*ck, actually.” Lute turns around and bats her wings so she’s hovering off the ground. “You wanna stay up here? Make sure they know Heaven isn’t to be f*cked with.”

Lute flies off, leaving Lilith to her lonesome. Lilith looks over her shoulder, glancing at the empty marble building behind her before walking down the steps and off toward her Heavenly Residence.

One week for Lute to handle unfinished business down in Hell.

One week until the celebrations at the Hazbin Hotel.


Chapter updates will roll out a little slower than normal.
Things are beginning to heat up, so I want to take my time with uploads.
No set chapter upload days yet, but once I figure that out, I will be posting about it on my socials!
Twitter: dubukais
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Thank you all for your patience, and thank you again for 20k hits.
I reside in the USA! My timezone is PST. This is to make it easier for anyone who might be confused with future date/time upload schedules. ^_^

Chapter 20: An Eventful day


Seems like everyone is beginning to fall for the fresh-face in Hell.


I don't know what else to say aside from thank you. Nearly 1k Kudos and 24k hits is actually really scary LOL, but I'm happy you all keep coming back to read. <3 Thank you for your constant words of encouragement, and all of your patience! This chapter has exactly 14,300 words, please enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A persistent vibration buzzed in the angel’s hoodie pocket as she slept soundly on top of Lucifer. Her head laid comfortably on his chest, her arms wrapped around his torso. Lucifer blinks his eyes open, slightly annoyed at the interruption of his cuddle time with the girl he was crushing on. He looks down at the sleeping girl as he slowly sits up, cautious as to not wake her. The angel stirs, her eyebrows furrowing as she is awoken from her nap. She reaches her hand into her pocket and pulls out her phone, opening one eye to check the screen.

Incoming Call: Charlie Morningstar

The angel's eyes widen and she sits up quickly, accidentally falling backwards onto the bed. Her back comes into contact with the mattress, and she groans- her winglets aching with the sudden pressure. Her legs were still wrapped around Lucifer’s lower body as she laid. He laughs as he rubs her thigh over her duck pajamas. Lucifer then reaches over and grabs her wrists, pulling her back up. She sat up, straddling him once more.

“I think you might’ve missed a call or something.” Lucifer chuckles. He places his hands on her waist, snaking his hands behind her as he pulls her in for a hug. He rests his chin just above her breasts and looks up at her with a toothy grin.

“Was it someone important?” He asks.

“It was Charlie, you goof!” The angel lightly flicks him on the forehead, “I was supposed to meet her in the lobby after breakfast- Oh no- What time is it?!”

The angel checks the time on her phone. Only thirty minutes had passed. She lets out a sigh of relief and calls Charlie back. Lucifer watched closely, his head still resting on her chest.

“Hi Char, I’m sorry I missed your call.”

“It’s okay!” Charlie laughs, “Do you think you can meet me downstairs in, like, ten minutes?”

“Sure thing, sweet girl, I’m so sorry for-”

“You’re apologizing for nothing, (y/n), don’t worry about it!”

“Okay, yes, you’re right.” The angel laughs nervously, “We- I. I’ll be there-”

“No, you were right the first time. We’ll be there.” Lucifer says.

The angel pursed her lips and she looks down at Lucifer, a smug look on his face. She went quiet, and for a second, so did Charlie.

“Was that… My dad?” Charlie laughs at the end of her question, “Are you with my dad?”

“I-” The angel was cut off before she could say another word. Lucifer reaches up and grabs her phone, putting Charlie on speaker.

“Hi, Apple Pie!” He chimes, “We’ll be there in, you said you needed her in ten? We’ll be there in ten.”

The angel brings both hands up to her face and leaves them there, hiding behind them as if Lucifer wasn’t looking straight up at her with his toothy smile.

“Okay, Dad. Well I’ll see you guys in a bit, then!” Charlie giggles, “Can you give the phone back to (y/n)?”

“She’s here, sweetie. She can hear you.” Lucifer says.

“Oh! Okay, well, in that case… (y/n)?”

“Yes, Charlie?” The angel uncovers face, revealing her semi tinted cheeks and an embarrassed expression. She left her hands resting on her cheeks, cupping her own face. Lucifer raises his eyebrows at the sight of the flustered girl before him.

“What was it that I said last night? Nothing to worry about.” Charlie giggles, “I’ll see you soon! Bye!” She hangs up, leaving the angel and Lucifer alone once more.

The angel looked down at Lucifer, his eyes were half lidded and his brows were still raised as he smirked up at the girl.

“That was not funny, Morningstar.” She pouted lightly before lightly tapping him on the forehead with a finger.

“I was just saying hi to Charlie- that’s my daughter!” Lucifer laughs, lifting his head off her chest. His hands sat gently on her waist as she crossed her arms across her chest and stared at him, doing her best not to show an ounce of amusem*nt. But the longer they held eye contact, the harder it was for her to keep a straight face.

“Okay. Whatever, you have a point! You’re right, that’s your daughter!” The angel laughs, throwing her hands up in defeat.

Lucifer laughs, pulling the angel in for a hug.

“I could just squeeze you to death. You’re so cute!” He wraps his arms around her lower back, careful as to not touch her winglets.

She rolls her eyes at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him back. She rested her head in the crook of his neck for a minute, taking in the warmth of his body before she pulled away with a sigh.

“Let’s go get ready, Lu.” She stands and steps over his legs, crawling off the side of the bed and stretching her arms upward. Lucifer watched as the girl reached her arms up. The way her body was still engulfed by the large hoodie he had left for her in her closet made him smile.

“You wanna head back home and change?” Lucifer asks as he throws his legs over the side of the bed. She shook her head at him.

“No, is it okay if I get a new change of clothes from you? If I went back and changed, I’d take too long looking for something to wear.” She rubs the side of her arm sheepishly. Lucifer stands from the bed and walks up to her.

“Of course, darling.” He smiles, twirling his finger. Her upper body began to glow gold as the pieces she was currently wearing disappeared off back to her wardrobe. Lucifer turns away immediately, walking off into the bathroom as she changes into a new set of clothes.

Her hoodie had been replaced by a ruffled maroon blouse, loosely fit so as to not irritate her growing wings, complemented with a black bow. The golden glow made its way down to her legs and feet, her duck pants being replaced by a black skirt that went down to her mid-thigh. She wore white knee-high socks and a chunky pair of black buckle shoes. The snake pendant sat around her neck, in the same spot it had been since Lucifer helped her put it on.

Lucifer walks back into the room with his usual white and red suit on. He smiles as he looks at the girl before him.

“How’s the shirt?” He asks, “Can you feel any pressure on your back?”

“It fits perfectly, I don’t feel a thing.” She smiles.

Lucifer walks up to her, examining her outfit closer.

“You know,” She says, “You’re extremely fashionable for someone who wears the same thing every day.”

“It comes with having a daughter who loved playing dress-up.” He shrugs, smiling as he reminisced about Charlie’s younger years, “Plus, you’re one to talk! You said you wore the same thing every day up there too, but you can dress yourself just fine!”

“Lucifer, I’ve worn two hoodies and one outfit to meet with Ms. Carmine. That one was an exact copy of one you put me in before!” She laughs.

“Okay, Star, we aren’t gonna argue about outfits.” Lucifer rolls his eyes playfully at her before conjuring up a bat-wing shaped hair clip and giving it to her. “Just one more tiny accessory.” He smiles.

“Alright fashionista, thank you for the new clothes.” She puts the clip into her hair before looking at Lucifer, “How’s this?” She asks.

Lucifer’s heart skipped a beat as he admired her in her new outfit. He walks up to her and smiles.

“You look beautiful as always, Starlight.” He leans forward and places a small kiss on the edge of her lip before opening a portal to the hotel, not giving her a second to fully register that he’d almost kissed her again. Her cheeks blushed pink and she hides her lips behind her hand as Lucifer grabs her by the waist and drags her through the portal.

The two enter the lobby to see Charlie and Vaggie standing at the front desk. Charlie turns around as the portal closes. Lucifer lets go of the angel's waist, a smug look on his face as Charlie approaches them.

“That was quick!” Charlie says, running up to the two, “I needed (y/n) for something real quick, be right back, Dad!” Charlie grabs onto the angel’s arm and pulls her into an office room behind the front desk. Vaggie follows the two girls in and closes the door behind them.

Charlie leads Vaggie and the angel over to a couple of chairs seated around a small round table in the middle of the room. All three girls take a seat.

“So,” Charlie says, “Vaggie and I were thinking about the party. We didn’t even take into consideration, well, you know, you.” Charlie gives the angel an apologetic smile.

“We don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. You don’t have to stay the entire night, we know how overwhelming it can be to be surrounded by demons and Sinners alike- especially in a building as large as this one.” Vaggie says.

The angel smiles at the two girls and shakes her head.

“Thank you both, really, but I think I want to give this a try.” She says, “I’ve never been to a party, I want to experience it in all its glory.”

“Are you sure, (y/n)?” Charlie asks, concerned.

“I’m sure!” The angel flashes her a smile, “Your dad asked me the same thing earlier today, actually.”

Charlie purses her lips to hide a smile.

“Ah, did he?” Charlie says, “Well I’m glad we’re on the same page then! We’ll be just a phone call away if you need an escape, okay?”

Both Charlie and Vaggie stand and walk to the door. Before they could walk out, Charlie stops in her tracks.

“One more thing.” Charlie turns back to the angel, “Alastor was looking for you. He said he had a gift for you!” She smiles and turns to the door, walking out with Vaggie. The girls head to the recreational floor after saying their hello’s to Lucifer.

A gift from Alastor? , the angel thinks to herself before standing and walking out the room herself. She makes her way over to Lucifer who was loitering in the lobby, shining the applehead on his cane with a small scowl on his face. His gaze makes its way to the girl walking up to him, and his entire demeanor changes. His small frown turns into a large smile as the angel stands before him.

“Everything alright?” He asks, putting his cane down.

“Everything is fine, Luci.” The angel giggles, “Charlie was just looking out for me, that’s all.”

“Sounds like my Char.” Lucifer says, “She-”
The angel's phone began to vibrate in her pocket once more. She gives Lucifer an apologetic look before checking who was calling her. Her eyes go wide and she turns away to pick up the phone.

Seems like everyone's timing with phone calls is just perfect today, huh?, Lucifer thinks to himself.

“Yes, um, hello, Ms. Carmine.” The angel says nervously. Lucifer’s ears perk up in curiosity and he looks to the girl in front of him. The image of his crush dressed up as his secretary made him swoon. He hadn’t meant for her to actually do the job, but here she was, tackling the responsibilities as if she’d done it all before. He smiles to himself as she has her conversation.

“Yes, Ms. Carmine. Just give me a time and date.” The angel turns away from Lucifer as he tries to press his ear up against her phone to listen. She uses her free hand to shove his face away, all while trying to conceal her laughter. Lucifer pouts and stands a few steps away, allowing the girl to talk.

“Okay, sounds good. I’ll be there tomorrow afternoon. Mhm, goodbye.” The angel clicks her phone off and places it back into her skirt pocket with a sigh.

“Really, Lucifer?” She places her hands on her hips as she turns back to look at him with as much of a stern look as she could.

“It’s important that I get this done for Charlie.” She shakes her head at him, doing her best to hold back the smile that was itching at her lips.

Lucifer shrugs, taking a few steps forward so he’s standing face to face with the angel. He leans in slightly, just so their faces are right in front of one another.

“You’re cute when you’re working, Star.” He teases, “But before you can say anything!-” He pulls his face back and winks at her, “I know. I won’t make it obvious in public.”

The angel cracks. A smile appears on her face as she watches Lucifer sway back and forth on his feet. He shoots her a cheeky grin, to which she shakes her head at.

“Sometimes it’s hard to believe that you’re the King of Hell, you know.” The angel begins walking forward to the elevator with Lucifer following suit.

“You better believe it, darling.” Lucifer winks at her again as they enter the elevator.

The elevator doors shut and Lucifer immediately turns to the angel taking this as an opportunity to peck her on the cheek. She lets out a small laugh and looks away, her ears growing hot at the sudden display of affection.


“We are alone in an elevator, Star. No one was around to see that!” Lucifer chuckles proudly. The girl closes her eyes and lets out another small sigh, trying to keep her composure and professionalism as the elevator brings them up to the recreational floors.

“You’re walking on thin ice, Morningstar.” The angel giggles as the doors open.

“It’s kind of exciting though, don’t you think?” Lucifer asks. He allows the girl to step off and follows behind her.

“What’s exciting, Lu?” She asks, looking over her shoulder as they walk down the hall.

“Yes, what is exciting, Your Highness?” The familiar staticky voice of Alastor crackles from behind Lucifer.

Lucifer and the angel stop in their tracks, both turning to face Alastor. Lucifer takes a few steps toward the angel, slightly standing between Alastor and herself.

“None of your business, sh*thead.” Lucifer rolls his eyes.

“My, my. So much hostility, and it’s barely noon!” Alastor laughs before his gaze makes its way over to the girl behind Lucifer.

“I’m sure Charlie told you I was looking for you?” Alastor asks the angel.

Lucifer furrows his eyebrows and turns around to look at her, a confused look on his face.

“Oh, yes. She did mention that earlier.” The angel says. She takes a step forward to stand beside Lucifer.

“What did you need?” She tilts her head at Alastor.

“A gift for you.” Alastor raises a hand, and from the shadows, a briefcase appears in his hand.

“Is that?...” The angel's eyes lit up, walking forward to Alastor.

They stood just three feet away from one another. The angel reaches out to Alastor as he places the briefcase flat in her arms. She smiles up at him, her eyes full of the same excitement it had been filled with the day she saw what was in the case for the first time.

“Alastor, this is wonderful!” She squeals, “Thank you!”

Alastor glances behind the girl for a quick second, making subtle eye contact with Lucifer before looking back down at the angel before him.

“Of course, my dear!” Alastor exclaims, “A token of my appreciation. From one person who sees Charlie’s potential, to another.” His smile grows larger as he raises his hand and pats the girl on the head. She holds the briefcase close to her body and gives Alastor a big, close-eyed smile, allowing him to pat her.

Lucifer’s eye twitches as he begins to grow upset, and maybe even slightly jealous. The small points of his horns peek through his head, and his sclera flashed with a bright red for a second before he calmed himself down. He takes a deep breath, and calmly walks up to the angel. Lucifer gently grips her shoulder, and she turns back to him.

“Look!” The girl excitedly holds up the briefcase to Lucifer before gasping out loud, “I’m going to go show the girls!” She turns back to Alastor, thanking him once more before skipping down the hall to find Charlie and Vaggie.

“I’ll meet you there!” She shouts to Lucifer as she leaves.

He waves her off with a soft smile before turning back to Alastor. His horns had returned, peeking through his forehead. Both men stood in the hallway staring one another down.

“Don’t you ever lay another one of your nasty fingers on her again.” Lucifer growls, his horns protruding even further.

“You’re worried about me touching your pretty little plaything when you should really be worried about, well, the rest of them, Your Highness..” Alastor raises his eyebrows and smiles down at Lucifer, his neck crooking to the side as he leans forward slightly.

“Have you ever taken into consideration how beautiful she is? A woman like her at the party, surrounded by unruly demons and nasty sinners… One can only imagine.” Alastor stands upright and straightens his coat.

Lucifer’s demon horns retract back into his head. He stood silently looking at Alastor before turning on his heel.

“She isn’t a plaything, and I’ll be by her side the whole night.” Lucifer spits, “So mind your own business, you bastard.” He begins to make his way down the hall.

“Ah, but Your Highness… (y/n) is my business.” Alastor smirks, “She owns my soul, afterall.”

Lucifer stops walking and turns his head to look over his shoulder. His eyes were still, a fire burned behind his glare.

“Whatever favor you decide for her,” Lucifer says, “If she ends up hurt… You’re f*cking dead , you hear me?”

Alastor silently stands at the end of the hallway. He lets out a light laugh before disappearing off into one of his shadows.

Lucifer shakes his head and sighs. He closes his eyes for a few seconds, regaining his composure before continuing his way down the hall. Upon reaching the game room, Lucifer could hear the angel talking up a storm. He peek his head in to see her seated at one of the side tables with Charlie and Vaggie. The two girls were completely awestruck as the angel explained to them each of the tiny replica planets and their names.

“This one is my favorite-“ She reaches into the briefcase and pulls out the smallest planet, “They called this one Pluto.” She proudly puts the small brownish orb in her hand and holds her hands out for Charlie and Vaggie to see.

“I learned that humans on Earth reclassified Pluto as a dwarf planet, which just means it’s too small to have its own orbital path.” She laughs awkwardly.

“That aside,” The angel places Pluto back into the case and pulls out Earth's moon. She places it into the palm of her hand and cups it ever so gently, a longing look appearing in her eyes.

“This is the moon.” Her hands stayed still directly in front of her face. The replica in her hand was accurate down to each crater and crack. Her eyes begin to water, but she blinks away the tears.

“Earth’s moon…” She begins, “She’s an imperfect sphere. Just as everyone else is imperfect, the moon has her flaws.” She smiles softly at the object in her hands.

“They relied on this bright girl to help light up their night sky. She has very important roles in the human realm. Without her, life on Earth would probably be a lot different than it is today!” She laughs and places the moon back into the briefcase.

“You’re more than welcome to touch them, I won’t be upset if anything breaks.” The angel smiles at the two girls, “I’ve already seen the real deal anyway.”

“This is supposed to be an exact replica?” Vaggie asks as she picks up Earth, “Human souls live on a rock?”

“Yep!” The angel says, “Pretty funny, huh?” She gives Vaggie a toothy smile.

“Pretty interesting.” Vaggie smiles back.

Charlie had picked up both Jupiter, and Saturn, and began inspecting them both.

“This one is so cool looking.” She says as she pokes at Saturn's rings, “and this one is huge compared to the rest!” She puts Saturn back down and holds Jupiter up like a trophy.

“Isn’t it? Life in the human realm is fascinating.” The angel laughs at Charlie.

Charlie places Jupiter down and looks at the girl with a somber expression. She opens her mouth to say something, but closes it after further thinking. She’ll bring it up to Vaggie later. Instead, she stands and lifts the angel with her.

“Thank you for sharing, (y/n)! That was very educational!” Charlie exclaimed, “Would you be interested in learning how to play some of these games?” She wiggles her eyebrows at the girl as she motioned to the rest of the room.

Lucifer takes this moment to step in, smiling at the girl as she and Charlie look around the room together. He approaches the two girls and says hi before going to sit down at the table with Vaggie. Upon seating, he lets out another small sigh and leans his cane against the table.

“Hello, sir.” Vaggie says with a nervous smile on her face.

“Hey, Vaggie.” Lucifer closes his eyes and rubs his temples.

“I’m gonna assume you didn’t have a good morning?” She asks.

Lucifer opens his eyes and removes his hands from his temples. He blinks a few times, remembering back to this morning. How he and the angel had shared their first kiss. How close her body was pressed against his. His cheeks begin to grow hot, but he shakes himself out of his thoughts. Aside from that, Lucifer had let Alastor get under his skin.

“It was fine,” Lucifer says, “Until that bastard-“

“Alastor?” Vaggie asks.

“Yeah.” Lucifer rolls his eyes, “He thinks he can just waltz in here and try to win over (y/n) with a silly gift?” He crosses his arms across his chest as he watches Charlie teach the angel how to play air hockey.

“Not to be rude, Sir, but that’s a bit hypocritical.” Vaggie laughs, “Don’t you make things for her too? Silly gifts and trinkets?” She smirks.

Lucifer squints his eyes and turns his head to Vaggie. She shrugs at him.

“You know what this means, Vaggie?” Lucifer asks, his voice lowering to a whisper.

“Um, no… What does it mean?” She gulps.

“It just means I’ve got to out-gift his gift!” Lucifer stands up in excitement.

The sudden movement from the King caused both the angel and Charlie to look over from the air hockey table at him. They both tilt their heads questioningly before shrugging and turning back to their game. He puckers his lips awkwardly before sitting back down and turning to Vaggie with a smile.

“I just have to come up with something better than… an exact replica of the very things she loves. Space.” Lucifer furrows his brows and slouches in his seat.

“How the f*ck am I going to do that?” He sighs.

“Well, for starters, what was the last thing you gave her?” Vaggie asks, leaning on the table and placing her head in her hands.

“The penthouse, technically.” Lucifer says.

“Well, let’s start there, then!” Vaggie smiles, “I’ve got the perfect idea.”

“You do?” He sits up, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

“Yes, but I don’t know how we’re going to pull this off if you’re always attached at the hip.” Vaggie uses her eyes to motion to the angel standing across the room.

“She’ll be gone tomorrow afternoon,” Lucifer chimes, “Another meeting with Carmilla.”

“That’s perfect! Let’s meet at the penthouse when she leaves. You can teleport her right outside when we’re finished and walk her in yourself.”

“Thanks Vaggie, I owe you one.” Lucifer holds out his fist.

“Of course, sir.” Vaggie fistbumps Lucifer..

The two look back over at Charlie and the angel who had now moved on to playing skee ball. The angel picks up one of the balls and rolls it forward using both hands causing the ball to roll back from how weak she had tossed it. Charlie bursts out into laughter and proceeds to show the angel the proper way to roll the ball, using one arm and putting the force in the flick of her wrist. The angel watches Charlie intently, her eyebrows furrowed as she listened to everything Charlie explained to her. Lucifer leans back in his chair crossing his arms, and then crossing his leg over the other as he watches the two girls bond over games. He finds himself smiling every time they share a laugh. Vaggie glances over at Lucifer every so often to see him either smiling at the two girls, or eyeing the angel as she tries and fails repeatedly at the new games Charlie was teaching her.

“I’m going to go play some games,” Vaggie says, standing, “Would you like to join?”

“No, I’m okay. Go ahead and have fun.” Lucifer smiles.

Vaggie nods, jogging off in the direction of the other two girls in the room. She grabs Charlie by the shoulders from behind, attempting to spook her girlfriend, but Charlie turns around with a big smile on her face instead.

“Vaggs!” Charlie gave Vaggie a hug.

“Let me in on a few games.” Vaggie grabs a ball from Charlie’s pile and hurls it straight into one of the targets.

“Ooh! Vaggie, you’re so good at this!” The angel jumps in place excitedly, “You have such good aim!”

“We spend a lot of our free time up here.” Vaggie smiles as she reaches for another ball, “There’s only one other person who can beat me at my own game.” She rolls her eyes as she looks across the room, back at the King who sat quietly by himself at the table she left him at.

“No way.” The angel says. Both Charlie and Vaggie nod their heads at the same time.

“That’s the King of Hell, for you. He’s good at, well, almost everything.” Charlie laughs.

The angel glances over at Lucifer and their eyes connect. Lucifer’s eyebrows raise as the angel stared back at him from her spot.

“I’ll be right back!” The angel waves at the two girls before skipping over to Lucifer.

Lucifer sits up in his seat, uncrossing his arms and legs. He leans forward slightly, resting both arms on his thighs as the girl approaches him. She stands directly in front of him and bends forward so they’re looking eye to eye.

“Can I help you?” Lucifer smiles.

“Vaggie says you’re better than her at the thing!” The angel says, using her thumb to point behind her.

“The thing, Star?” He laughs.

“Yeah, I don’t know what it’s called. But it’s the game with the balls!” She exclaimed excitedly.

Lucifer looks up at the girl for a second before bursting out into laughter.

“Th- The balls?” He laughs, “The balls?!” Lucifer hugs his stomach as his laughter grows.

The angel stands upright and places a hand on her hip.

“What’s so funny?” She asks.

At this point, Vaggie and Charlie had walked back over to Lucifer and the angel. The two girls stood on either side of her, both looking at Lucifer whose face was turning pink from how hard he was laughing.

“What happened?” Charlie asks with a small laugh.

“She- HA- She asked me to teach her about the game, the game with the balls!” Lucifer had tears coming out of his eyes at this point.

Vaggie closes her eyes and brings a hand up to her forehead. Charlie shakes her head and turns to the side, her body facing the angel. She wraps her arms around the angel's shoulders, bringing her in for a light hug.

“I am so sorry that my father is the way that he is.” Charlie sighs.

“I don’t get it?” The angel says, her face serious, “Did I say something silly?”

Charlie lets go of the angel and stares her directly in the eyes.

“Are you serious?” She asks.

“Why wouldn’t I be? I just wanted him to show me how he plays the game.” The angel shrugs, slightly embarrassed.

Vaggie purses her lips and puts her hand up to Charlie, signaling her to stop talking. Charlie nods her head and turns back to her dad. Lucifer was hiccuping as he tried to catch his breath, his laughter finally calming down.

“Let me show you how I play first, (y/n).” Vaggie smiles, grabbing the angel by the arm and dragging her off.

“Oh, okay! Thanks, Vaggie.” The angel smiles, giving a small wave to Charlie and Lucifer as she was being taken away.

Charlie bites her bottom lip, trying to hold back her laughter as her and her father silently stared at one another.

“Dad, you’re so stupid.” Charlie giggles, “You couldn’t even just keep a straight face for a simple question that had the word balls in it?”

“Please, Charlie, it was just so cute.” Lucifer laughs again, “She asked me about the balls, Char. How could I not laugh?”

“Okay,” Charlie takes a deep breath to regain her composure, “But I think she was a bit embarrassed you laughed in her face like that.”

“Oh. Did I f*ck up again ?” Lucifer’s smile disappeared as he grew concerned.

“No, Dad, you didn’t f*ck up!” Charlie laughs, “It’s just the fact that that was probably not a good time to laugh. She was really excited!”

“You make a good point, Apple Pie.” Lucifer sighs, “I’ll apologize to her.”

“But you’ve gotta admit, that was pretty funny.” He stands and stretches.

“Yeah, yeah.” Charlie rolls her eyes playfully before leading Lucifer over to Vaggie and the angel who were back at the skeeball machines.

“You don’t typically throw them into the targets, though.” Vaggie says.

“So Charlie’s the only one that plays this game normally?” The angel laughs, looking over Vaggie’s shoulder to see Charlie and Lucifer making their way over to them.

“Are you going to show me how you play?” She chimes as Lucifer approaches her.

“It’s all in the wrist.” Lucifer shrugs. He picks up a ball and, quite literally, chucks it into the target hole.

“Yes, (y/n), I’m the only one who plays fair.” Charlie giggles awkwardly, “Everyone else either throws the ball, climbs the machines, or has longer limbs than the rest of us.”

“I see.” The angel laughs, “Well, then I don’t want to see the way you play anymore, Lu.” She turns to Lucifer and sticks her tongue out at him.

“Aw, what?!” He throws his hands up defeatedly, “But I just got here!”

“Tooooo bad.” The angel turns away and grabs another ball.

Lucifer pouts before poking her sides, making her laugh at the sudden tickle. The ball slips out of her hand, falling directly onto her foot. She stares down at it, not reacting. She reaches down, picking up the ball and placing back in its respective spot in the machine. Lucifer stares at the girl with a horrified look on his face.

“Are you okay- I’m sorry-” He scrambles, “Is your foot okay?”

The angel turns to Lucifer, her lips pursed.

“I wanted to lie to you and say that it hurts just so you can feel bad, but I didn’t feel anything at all. What are these shoes made out of? Angelic steel?” She laughs.

Lucifer, Vaggie, and Charlie all sigh in relief.

“I thought you were in so much pain that you couldn’t say anything!” Charlie sighs.

“Yeah, I was worried for a second.” Vaggie’s eyebrows furrow, but there was a small smile on her face.

“You wanted to trick me?” Lucifer laughs, “You sneaky little-” He reaches forward and wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her in for a hug. She laughed as he rubbed his face into the crook of her neck, blowing raspberries as he did so.

“Lucifer!” She laughs, smacking at his shoulders.

Charlie and Vaggie turned around a full 180 degrees. They side eye each other before sharing a small giggle between themselves.

“What happened to not making it obvious?” She giggles in a whisper as Lucifer lets go of her. She straightens out her shirt and clears her throat.

“I got carried away.” He winks one eye and sticks his tongue out at her cutely, “I can’t help it.”

“You two seem to be way closer now than you were before!” Charlie giggles, her back still turned to them.

The angel pushes Lucifer lightly, giving him a stern, but playful stare. He clears his throat before speaking.

“We’ve always been close, Char.” He purses his lips and nods.

“Whatever you say, Dad.” Charlie laughs. Her and Vaggie turned back around.

“Thank you for joining us, but we’re going to go check on the hotel! And stuff…” Charlie says.

“No, thank you for the fun, Charlie.” The angel steps forward with a smile, “I experienced something new today, it was a nice change of scenery!”

“Ohhh…” Charlie’s lips begin to quiver, “You’re always welcome, (y/n)!”

“Let’s watch a movie next time.” Vaggie cuts in, “I’m almost one hundred percent sure you’ve never watched a single movie in your entire existence.”

“I’m always down to try something once.” The angel gives Vaggie a thumbs up.

The two girls wave at Lucifer and the angel as they exit the arcade room. Lucifer turns back to the angel and grabs her hand. Their fingers interlock and he leads her back over to the table. He uses his free hand to pack up the briefcase, closing it before picking it up and handing it over to the angel. She gives Lucifer a small smile and takes the case from him.

“Ready to go?” Lucifer raises a hand, ready to open a portal.

“Where to?” She asks.

“Back upstairs, goofball.” He chuckles.

“Ah. Of course.” She nods, slightly disappointed he didn’t say that they were going back to the Morningstar manor.

A portal opens before them, and Lucifer allows the angel to step in first. He follows behind her, their hands still entwined. They step directly into the living area. The angel lets go of Lucifer’s hand and takes the briefcase straight to her room. She places it directly next to her bed before walking back out to find Lucifer still standing in the same spot the portal closed. He was fiddling with his hands until he noticed her walking back up to him.

“Star.” Lucifer sighs with a small smile on his face, “I have something to say.”

“Okay, Luci.” She stands in front of him and puts her hands behind her back, patiently waiting to hear what he had to say to her.

“I wanted to apologize.” His gaze studies the floor before he looks back up to her, “I didn’t mean to laugh in your face like that.” He reaches his arms outward and grabs her shoulders gently, sliding his hands down her arms so her hands are brought back to the front of her. He takes her hands into his own and brings them up, placing a kiss on the back of each hand.

“I think that your innocence makes everything you do and say really cute. Thinking about it, it’s hard to believe you’re down here in Hell. There are so many things that I want to shield you from, but I know that there’s only so much I can do to limit that. I don’t want to shelter you, I don’t want to keep you from experiencing things… I just think that Hell is the worst place to try new things.” Lucifer looks into her eyes painfully.

“I won’t keep you from living your life down here in Hell, Starlight. But I will do everything in my power to protect you from things that I can protect you from.” He gives her a small smile before placing another gentle kiss on the back of her hands.

The angel’s heart softens at his words. She shifted her hands so that her and Lucifer were holding hands again, fingers intertwined.

“Hell may not be ideal to you, Lucifer, but I think I’d rather experience life down here than up there.” She says, “It sounds stupid, but I mean it. Thank you for worrying about me. I know how much you care for my safety, and I will always be grateful to you for that.” She pulls their hands close to her, causing Lucifer to take a step forward. She brings their hands down so that their chests collide.

The angel lets go of Lucifer’s hands and wraps her arms around his neck, laying her head on his shoulder as she hugged him. He stands shocked for a moment before a smile finds its way on his face. He wrapped his arms gently around her waist. The two lightly swayed back and forth as they embraced one another.

“You’re too pure for this realm, Star.” Lucifer whispers.

“Are you saying I need to go back?” She asks jokingly, “Because I don’t think Sera would appreciate that very much.” She laughs lightly before raising her head off of Lucifer’s shoulder, looking at him in the eyes.

“I appreciate your concern, Lucifer. But I promise you I’m not as helpless as you think.” She giggles, “Besides, If I can’t experience life down here, my only option would be to somehow sneak back into Heaven and beg for reincarnation.”

The angel gives Lucifer a reassuring smile. He couldn’t help but smile back.

“You’re right,” He sighs, “I’m sure once your powers return to their full potential, you’ll be able to protect yourself.” Lucifer brings one of his hands up to her face and cups her cheek, “But that doesn’t mean I’ll leave you all alone.”

Lucifer moves his hand under her chin and brings her face close to his. He places a light peck on her lips before pulling away

“If you’re going to experience life down here in Hell, you’re going to experience it with me by your side.” He gives her a toothy grin before moving his hand back down to her waist.

“Do you mean that?” The angel whispers.

“I do, Star. I promise.” Lucifer tightens his grip around her waist and begins to pepper her face with tiny kisses. She giggles with every collision of his lips to her cheeks, forehead, and nose.

The angel unwraps her arms from around his neck and places them on his chest, lightly pushing him away.

“Okay! Okay, I get it!” She laughs, “I get it!”

“Do you?” He kisses her cheek, “Do you really?” He kisses her other cheek.


“Good.” Lucifer places one long kiss on her forehead before letting her go.

The angel walks over to the couch and gets ready to sit when she suddenly gets a call on her cell. She gives Lucifer a small frown before taking her phone out of her pocket and checking who was calling.

“Oh.” She says, putting a finger up to Lucifer, “Hold on.”

“Hi, Ms. Carmine, how can I help you?” She answers the phone with a happy tone.

“Hello, (y/n). I’m sorry to bother, I know you’re meant to come tomorrow, but do you think you could make your way over here right now? There are some things I need to review with you as the cannons are finalized, and it’d be much easier explained if you were present.”

“Sure thing, Ms. Carmine. I’ll be there immediately.”

“Thank you, I’ll see you soon.”

“See you soon.” The angel hangs up and gives Lucifer a sorry smile.

“I’ve got to head over to Carmine Industries.” She sighs lightly, “Would you be able to portal me there? She sounded like she was in a rush.”

“Anything for you, darling.” Lucifer smiles and opens a portal, “I’ll tag along. You won’t even notice that I’m there.”

“Okay.” She gives him a smile and steps into the portal to Carmine Industries. Lucifer follows suit.

Lucifer jogs ahead and pulls the doors open for the angel.

“Thank you, Luci.” The angel gives him a small glare, and whispers as she passes him, “Don’t forget I’m your secretary, you goofball.”

“Just cause you’re my secretary doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be a gentleman.” He smirks at her as she walks by.

“He’s right, you know.” Carmilla interrupts.

The angel looks over to see Carmilla standing a foot away from the front desk.

“Good to see you, Lucifer.” Carmilla nods at the King before turning to the angel, “I’m sorry to call you in on such short notice.”

“No problem!” The angel smiles, “What can I do for you?” She walks up to Carmilla.

“We’re going to the back,” Carmilla hands her a pair of goggles, “As for you, Sir, you’re going to have to wait out here.” She looks to Lucifer, who was standing idly by the entrance.

“Oh- Yeah. Of course, I’m just here for moral support anyway.” Lucifer’s voice trails off as he sways back and forth on his feet.

“I’ll be back.” The angel waves at Lucifer as Carmilla points to a door for her to go through.

Before Carmilla follows the angel through the factory doors, she motions over to a door just on the other side of the building.

“There’s a waiting room over there. The girls will bring you something to drink.” Carmilla gives him a smile before making her exit.

Lucifer glances over to the waiting room door, looking at it hesitantly. He was hoping he’d be able to go with her, but he knew that this was her business to tend to. He walks over to the waiting room and enters. The room was fair in size, the floors were a mahogany colored laminate with white walls. There were mirrors on every side, making the room appear larger than it initially was. Lucifer took note that the decor attached to the walls were actually stationary handrails, or ballet barres.

Lucifer takes a seat at one of the many chairs in the room and sighs. He smiles, reminiscing on times of old, where Charlie would have ballet classes here when Carmilla first started up Carmine Industries. He looks around the room once more, seeing himself in every reflection. His gaze fixated upon himself and he sighs. Whether or not he feared change, there wasn’t anything he could do to stop it.

Before Lucifer could muddy up his mind with old memories, the door opens and both Clara and Odette walk in. Each girl held a tray covered in tiny cups as they walked over to Lucifer. They placed each cup in front of him before giving him a small bow, turning to leave.

“Wait-” Lucifer calls out to them as they’re halfway to the door.

The girls turn around, each of them holding the tray down in front of them as the King of Hell addresses them.

“Thank you.” He smiles.

Both girls smile back and give him a small nod before making their way out.

“He looks happier nowadays.” Clara whispers to Odette as the door closes behind them.

“I agree.” Odette says, “Remember when he would bug Mom about random parts he didn’t want to make himself?”

“Yeah! You’d think the King of Hell would just conjure up everything for himself.”

“But to be fair, this was when the Queen disappeared.” Odette shakes her head, “I’m glad he seems to be feeling better.”

The sisters put the trays away and then walk off into the factory side of the building. They spot both Carmilla and the angel and speed-walk to catch up with them. Carmilla was explaining the production of the confetti cannons to the angel, pointing to each part being built and put together.

“The only thing we needed to really talk to you about was how much confetti you’re realistically going to be shooting out of these things.” Carmilla looks up to see her daughters standing a few steps behind the angel. She gives them a small smile before continuing her conversation with the angel.

“These cannons are being custom built to be safely shot indoors,” Carmilla says, “There should be no issue with shooting them.” She looks the angel directly in the eyes, “No issue shooting them indoors whatsoever.”

“You got it.” The angel nods her head at Carmilla, a small awkward laugh escaping her lips at the end of her sentence.

“Good,” Carmilla says, “You can shoot them as many times as you please, just give them five or so minutes between launches.” Carmilla leads the angel out of the factory area, circling back to the lobby.

“The last thing I need is just one more signature from you and then I’ll see you again tomorrow for pickup.” Carmilla smiles, “You can go ahead and get Lucifer, he can come up to the meeting room as well.”

“Okay. Thank you, Ms. Carmine.” The angel turns on her heel and walks to the waiting room. She opens the door to see Lucifer holding a small teacup, mid-sip. They make eye contact and Lucifer throws the teacup back as if he was taking a shot of alcohol.

“Star!” He wipes his mouth and places the cup down onto the table.

The angel walks up to him and looks down at the table before him. There were about 14 tiny teacups, and all of them were empty.

“You drank all of those? I was gone for like, 15 minutes at most.” The angel laughs, “Come on, I’ve got papers to sign. Ms. Carmine says you can come with.” She walks around the table and grabs him by the arm, pulling him up.

“Thank goodness,” Lucifer laughs, “Let’s gooo!” He links their arms and rushes out of the waiting room to see Carmilla and her daughters standing at the base of the stairs.

Lucifer stops in his tracks and puckers his lips awkwardly as he and Carmilla exchange looks.

“You seem awfully eager to watch your secretary sign papers, Lucifer.” Carmilla places a hand on her hip and leans.

“Oh, you know me. I support whatever she does, that’s just how great of a boss I am.” Lucifer smiles.

“Ah, but of course.” Carmilla smirks before turning around and walking up the stairs, Clara and Odette following close behind. The angel purses her lips and shakes her head at Lucifer as he shoots her a playful wink while Carmilla’s back is turned to them.

The group makes their way to the meeting room. Carmilla takes a seat at the head of the table as Clara scurries off to her office for her to grab the papers. Odette stays with Carmilla, taking a stand behind her mother’s seat. Lucifer and the angel sat in the same seats they sat in during their previous meeting with Vox.

“Thank you for coming, I’m sorry it wasn’t much. But explaining it all to you face to face today makes it easier. Plus, it means tomorrow’s pickup will go a lot faster since you’re already here to sign the rest of the papers.” Carmilla folds her hands in front of her on the table.

“No, don’t apologize. I’m glad we’re able to speed up the process!” The angel smiles, straightening her posture, “If anything I should be thanking you, Ms. Carmine. I wasn’t expecting you to finish production within a day.”

“Again with the Ms. Carmine, sweetie.” Carmilla laughs, “Calling me Carmilla is fine.”

“Oh, right. Sorry, Carmilla.” The angel looks down at her hands awkwardly.

Lucifer looks over at the angel to his side and smiles softly at her as she stares down at her hands. He looks back up to Carmilla, who was already looking at him with her eyebrows raised ever so slightly. Lucifer rolls his eyes, but finds himself unable to wipe the smile off his face.

Clara walks back into the room holding a folder, she jogs over to Carmilla and hands it to her. Carmilla opens it and looks through a few papers before sliding one over to the angel.

“Just sign this one here, and everything will absolutely be finished for pickup tomorrow.” Carmilla says.

Lucifer conjures up a pen directly into the angel's hand. She looks over at him with a slight surprise on her face.

“Well thank you.” She giggles before signing.

“Mhm.” Lucifer hums. He leans forward on the table with one arm and uses it to hold his head up as he looks to the girl at his side.

Clara walks behind Carmilla and stands directly next to her sister.

“Okay, now I understand why he seems so much happier.” She whispers to Odette.

Odette bumps Clara with her hip.

“Hey, shush! They’re right there.” Odette smiles, using her eyes to motion at Lucifer and the angel.

“It’s not like he’s paying any attention to us.” Clara giggles, “I’d be distracted too if I had a personal assistant as pretty as her.”

“Ahem...” Carmilla clears her throat, causing her daughters to shut their mouths and stand quietly.

The angel looks up at Carmilla and smiles. She places her pen down on the table and then slides the paper over to her. Carmilla takes the paper and puts it back in the folder before handing it back to Clara.

“Both of you bring the folder back to the office, please.” Carmilla says aloud.

“Yes ma’am.” Both girls say in unison before starting toward the double doors.

“Clara, Odette-” The angel stands. The sisters stop in their tracks and turn back around to see the angel giving them a bright smile.

“Thank you for your help today, let me know if there’s anything I can do for you two.” She says.

“Any time.” Odette smiles.

“Of course!” Clara chirps.

The girls make their way out of the meeting room, and the angel sits back down in her chair.

“They seem to really like you, (y/n).” Carmilla laughs, “I’ve never seen them talk to, or about anyone outside of our immediate circle.”

“Me?” The angel looks at Carmilla confusingly, “I haven’t even done anything worth praise.”

“What’s not to like?” Lucifer says, leaning back into his chair. His sudden comment caused the angel to lightly facepalm herself, getting another laugh out of Carmilla.

“Anyway,” Carmilla says, “(y/n) mentioned yesterday that you were in charge of invites to this party that Princess Morningstar is hosting at the hotel?”

“Yep, that’s all me.” Lucifer nods, “I already asked a few of my old friends to bring their friends, I just don’t know how to talk to the rest of Pentagram City. A lot of them have voiced their opinions of me leading Hell. I didn’t want to bring this up to Charlie, though. I’ll figure it out.”

“I see.” Carmilla sits back in her chair and crosses a leg over the other, “I may have a solution for you, but I’m not sure if you’ll like it.”

“I’ll take anything at this point. I’m putting aside my pride to help my daughter, I’ll do anything.” Lucifer says.

“I can get you in contact with Vox. The Vee’s have a large influence on all of Pentagram City, if you can strike up a business deal with them, you’re set.” Carmilla shrugs.

“Aw, are you f*cking kidding me?” Lucifer groans, “That flat-faced f*ck again ?”

“That ‘ flat-faced f*ck ’ will be willing to help you for the right price. Should be no issue for the King of Hell.”

“She has a point, Luci- I mean, Sir.” The angel says, “At the last meeting, he kept mentioning how he was a businessman. It wouldn’t hurt to try.”

“Not you too, Star.” Lucifer slaps his face between his hands.

“What happened to putting aside your pride for your daughter?” The angel teases.

“Okay. You’re pulling that card on me?” Lucifer drops his hands and half jokingly glares at the angel.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to do it, Sir. Allow me, your secretary, to do so instead.” She gives him a smile before pulling her phone out. She places it on the table, ready to slide it over to Carmilla before Lucifer slams his hand down on her phone.

“No!” He shouts, “No, okay? I’ll do it, and you’re going to stay far away from that pixel faced freak.”

“But as your secretary-”

“Star, I said I’ll do it.” Lucifer sighs defeatedly.

“Splendid!” The angel lifts Lucifer’s hand off of her cell and picks it up, placing it back into her pocket.

Lucifer pulls out his phone and gives it to Carmilla. She takes it, inputting Vox’s information and then gives him back his phone.

“I thought that radio bastard was unbearable, this guy is just as bad.” He stares at his screen in disgust as he reads Vox’s name in his contact list.

“You’ll be fine.” The angel says, “What’s the worst that he could ask for?”

Lucifer brings a finger up to his head and scratches at his temple as he pretends to think.

“Oh, I don’t know… YOU ?” Lucifer says, wide eyed.

“Don’t be silly! I’m worthless to them.”

“You underestimate them. You’re f*cking gorgeous, Star, anyone would be lucky to have you.”

The angel’s cheeks tint a light rose as Lucifer admits that to her face.

“As their assistant… of course. That’s what I meant.” Lucifer mumbles, a small blush creeping its way onto his face as he realizes what he said aloud.

Carmilla sits silently amused at the conversation the two before her were having.

“Well, again, thank you for coming.” She stands, “I’ll be taking my leave. Goodbye, Lucifer. I’ll see you tomorrow, (y/n).”

“Goodbye, Carmilla. I’ll see you tomorrow.” The angel smiles at the Overlord as she leaves her and Lucifer alone in the meeting room.

The angel swirls her seat so she’s facing Lucifer. She grabs onto his arm rest and spins him to face her.

“You should call while we’re still out. It’s nearly the end of the day, maybe they’ll find time for us before they head to sleep.”

“Us?” Lucifer raises a brow, “You’re going home, Star. You shouldn't come along, it’s way too dangerous.”

The angel slightly frowns at him before nodding in agreement.

“I suppose you’re right.” She says, “Can I at least be here for the call?”

“I don’t see why not.” Lucifer gives her a soft smile before opening Vox’s contact. He grimaces at the name on his phone once more before clicking the number. The phone began to ring.

And ring.

And ring…

‘You’ve reached Vox, leave a message.’

There was a beep after the voicemail message played.

“Welp, I tried.” He shrugs, hanging up and placing the phone down on the table.

“Luci…” The angel says sternly, “If you really don’t want to try, I have no choice but to do it for you.”

“I know, Star, I’m just not so excited to be seeing this guy again.” Lucifer groans, “His blue screen gives me a headache.”

“Give it another try.” The angel laughs before sliding Lucifer’s phone toward him.

Lucifer grabs his phone and dials Vox once more. After a few rings, Vox answers the call.

“This is Vox.”

Lucifer’s face scrunches up as he hears Vox speak. The angel stifles a laugh, motioning for Lucifer to say something. He puts the phone on speaker.

“Vox,” Lucifer clears his throat, “This is, uh, Lucifer. This is your King speaking.”

The angel brings a hand up to her mouth trying her best to keep her laughter silent.

He’s so awkward, she thinks to herself.

“Lucifer? And what does the King of Hell seem to want from a lowly Overlord like me?” Vox says.

“I’m here to talk business, Vox. When can we meet?”

“My favorite words to hear!” Vox laughs, “And from the King himself, my, what an honor! I’ll tell you what, if you can come to V Tower within the next five, we can talk business.”

“Fine, I’ll see you then.”

“And-” Vox says, “If you would be so kind as to bring your secretary too, that would be great.”

“(y/n)’s got work to do.” Lucifer grits his teeth, “She won’t be able to make it.”

“Bummer. Oh, would you look at that? My next opening for a meeting isn’t for another three weeks…” Vox’s voice trails off.

The angel looks at Lucifer with pleading eyes. He frowns, clicking the mute button on the phone before looking back up at her.

“You can’t, Star. It’s way too dangerous.” Lucifer says.

“Please? It shouldn’t take long. I won’t say or do anything! I’ll be at your side the whole time.” The angel clasps her hands together, begging Lucifer to allow her to tag along.

“Tick Tock.” Vox’s voice echoes from the phone.

“Fine. Fine! f*ck, why am I losing all my battles today?” Lucifer facepalms, “You stay by my side and don’t go anywhere else. Don’t even breathe in another direction.”

“You got it, Boss.” The angel salutes Lucifer. He sighs and unmutes himself on the call.

“Fine, Vox. She’ll tag along. But on the condition she’s allowed to follow us into every room we enter.” Lucifer says.

“Perfectly fine!” The pitch in Vox’s voice seemed higher as he excitedly accepted Lucifer’s terms, “Five minutes. V Tower. Looking forward to business!”

“Yeah, okay.” Lucifer rolls his eyes and hangs up the call. He turns to the girl at his side and grabs her face between his hands.

“What the f*ck am I going to do with you?” Lucifer says as he squishes her face, “ I’m the one that wanted to talk to him, why does he need you to come along?” He pinches at her cheeks, causing them to turn red.

“Ow, Lu.” The angel brings her hands up to his and removes them from her face, “It doesn’t matter as long as we can get him to help.” She holds his hands in hers.

“You’re right,” Lucifer sighs, “I’m just worried.”

“I know.” She smiles, “But I told you, I’m not as helpless as you think. I’ll be fine.”

“Yes, you will be.” He smiles back. He stands, pulling her up with him, “Shall we go?”

She nods. The two unlink hands before he opens a portal to the entrance of the V Tower. The angel steps through first as always, Lucifer following behind. The portal closes and they’re met with bright lights under the dimming sky of Hell.

Lucifer shakes his head as he looks around the street before looking at the angel. Her eyes were scanning every single building and light in sight. There were billboards full of advertisem*nts promoting VoxTek Enterprises and their newest Angelic Security System. Lucifer rolls his eyes at the sight of cardboard cutouts of Vox himself at the entrance of the tower. He turns around and tugs at the angel’s sleeve.

“You look like a bug.” Lucifer laughs, “Are the lights that bright that you’re fixated on them that hard? I’m right here, you know. You can stare at me instead. I won’t make you go blind, unlike these neon colored monstrosities.” He waves his hand around as he motions to the entire street.

“Did you just call me a bug?” The angel laughs, “And yes, the lights are insanely bright. It kind of hurts, but I can’t stop staring. It’s like I’m in a trance.”

“Yeah. Star Bug.” Lucifer laughs, poking her forehead, “You’re a little bug.”

“Hey, watch it Boss.” The angel hides a smile as she straightens out her shirt. She turns to face the tower, “Let’s go, we don’t have any time to waste.”

“Oookay…” Lucifer groans. The angel stands a few steps behind him, allowing him to lead the way.

The two walk into the V Tower. The walls are covered in posters and TV’s playing many different advertisem*nts, just as the outside was. Lucifer makes it halfway down the lobby before he’s greeted by a demon with an earpiece on one ear. He assumed this was Vox’s assistant, based off of his attire and his one sclera being fully blacked out.

“Mr. Morningstar and his PA, I presume?” The assistant says, “Please follow me.”

Vox’s assistant leads Lucifer and the girl to an elevator that had a full body portrait of Vox painted on it. Lucifer scoffs to himself as the assistant calls for the elevator. He steps aside and allows Lucifer and the angel to walk on.

“Just head up to the second floor, it’ll bring you to a hallway with one door at the end. Mr. Vox will be waiting for you behind it.” The assistant nods his head at them as the elevator doors close.

“Kind of tacky, don’t you think?” Lucifer chuckles, “What kind of person just has their face on every single thing they own?”

“It’s not just his, though.” The angel looked around the elevator, there were even more ads- but instead of Vox, there were posters of two demons whom she didn’t know.

“Probably his little clique, they called themselves the Vees?” Lucifer shrugs.

“I see.” The angel says.

The elevator doors open and Lucifer leads them down the hallway to the conference room. The angel skips ahead to open the door for Lucifer, stepping aside as he walks through the door. She follows behind quietly. Vox sat at the head of a large table placed in the middle of a blue colored room. Cool colored lights radiated from the large fish tank behind him, as well as from the LED lights striped across the ceiling.

“Welcome to V Tower!” Vox stands, “Please take a seat anywhere you’d like.”

Vox’s voice was different than they had remembered it to be. There was more enthusiasm in the way he spoke. Lucifer takes a seat at the opposite end of the table. He motions for the angel to take the seat to the right side of him, and she obliges.

“So, what can I do for you?” Vox sits back down and flashes a large smile in Lucifer’s direction.

“You’ve mentioned before your large influence on Pentagram City,” Lucifer crosses his leg over the other, “How fast do you think you could come up with an advertisem*nt for me?”

“Depends,” Vox slightly co*cks his head to the side, “Where do you want to display this ad?”

“I need it to be broadcasted city-wide. I need every single soul down here to know what’s going on.” Lucifer says.

“Interesting.” Vox raises an eyebrow, “I’ll need more details.”

“My daughter is planning a large party to celebrate the new hotel and our victory against Heaven. It’ll take place at the hotel at the end of the week.” Lucifer says, “She wants all of Hell to be there, and I need your help in getting the word out.” He grumbles at the last part of his statement.

“I see, a favor for your daughter. How nice!” Vox’s eyebrows raise curiously, “I could definitely do this for you. But it’ll cost you, a city-wide ad is quite pricey.”

“I’ll pay whatever, just name the price.” Lucifer shrugs.

Before Vox could reply, the doors to the conference room slam open. The angel’s head turns to the doors to her left to see an extremely slender, four armed demon with pink eyes behind a pair of gold rimmed shades. She had recognized his appearance from the posters in the elevator.

“Voxy!” The demon stomps into the room, a trail of pink smoke following behind him. He makes his way over to Vox, whose eye was twitching irritably.

“Val… I’m in the middle of a meeting.” Vox motions over to Lucifer who stares back at them with a bored expression.

“It’ll only take a minute.” Val says, “I’m down an actress. What the f*ck do I do?! Velvette won’t lend me one of her models, and Angel Dust isn’t scheduled today.” He takes a drag of his cigarette and puffs the smoke into the air before looking over the table to see an unfamiliar, but extremely attractive face.

“Well, what do we have here?” Val walks around the table and up to the angel that sat quietly beside Lucifer.

Lucifer uncrosses his legs and sits upright, his body stiffens as the tall demon approaches the girl.

It’s okay. She mouths to him. Lucifer huffs and he places his hands on his lap as they ball into fists.

“Who are you?” Val asks, placing a hand on the angel’s shoulder, “I’m Valentino, I’m a director here in the Entertainment District. Are you interested in becoming an actress?” He smiles sinisterly down at the girl before him.

The angel doesn’t say a word, but instead shakes her head ‘no’ in response. Valentino’s smile slowly fades as the angel doesn’t make eye contact with him. Vox’s eyes light up as an idea pops into his head.

“Actually, Val, have a seat. Let’s negotiate with Lucifer, here.” Vox points to a chair next to him in which Val takes a seat.

“You want this ad for your daughter, right?” Vox says, looking over at Lucifer, “You asked me to name a price.”

“Your point being?” Lucifer asks, obvious irritation in his voice.

“Let your secretary stay here with us for a few days!” Vox says, “We don’t bite.” He shoots the angel a smirk that sends shivers down her spine.

“Absolutely not.” Lucifer says, “What would you even need her for? She’s my assistant.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t need her. I’ve got that scrawny little sh*thead downstairs!” Vox laughs, “But Velvette and Valentino definitely need some help. Your secretary seems more than qualified to do some house cleaning around here.”

“No.” Lucifer states clearly, “I’ll pay you as much money you want. But you cannot have my assistant.”

“What’s up with you?” Vox raises an eyebrow in amusem*nt, “So defensive over a measly assistant you could replace with ease.”

Vox looks over to the girl next to Lucifer. She was obviously trying not to make eye contact with anyone, as her gaze had fixated in Lucifer himself. He looks back over to the King, who looked as unamused as he had sounded.

“Just one night with me and my crew, and you’ll be a star, baby.” Valentino purrs to the girl, “I won’t leave any scars, I promise.” Smoke spilled out of his mouth as he spoke in her direction. The smoke travels across the table and swirls around her neck and up to her face before floating back in Valentino’s direction.

“I said no .” Lucifer’s eyes flashed red before he calmed himself down. He takes a deep breath and sighs.

“Look… You may think your workers are replaceable, but we don’t do stuff like that in my part of town.” Lucifer leans back into his chair, “Us Morningstar’s are loyal to the end.”

Vox’s smile disappears for a second before he regains his businessman composure.

“Text Velvette.” He says to Valentino. Valentino pulls out his phone and starts typing away.

Within seconds, another demon is walking through the meeting room doors. She walked with a strut in her step, her large, swirly pigtails bounced as she walked. The angel realized she was the other face on the posters.

“What the f*ck do you need? I was in the middle of teaching those buffoons upstairs how to properly walk a runway.” The demoness walks up to Vox and takes a seat on the other side of him, across from Valentino. She pulls her phone out and begins scrolling.

“Vel,” Vox laughs, “I’m glad you’re here.”

“Yeah, yeah. Get on with it. I don’t care that you’re in a meeting with Lucifer, what’s that got to do with me?” Her eyes were glued to the screen in front of her.

Vox stands up and puts his hands behind his back.

“We’re currently negotiating the terms in this deal,” Vox says. That seemed to catch Velvette’s attention.

“Okay. Go on.” Velvette placed her phone down on the table.

“We wanted to borrow his pretty assistant, but he refuses to hand her over.” Vox says.

Velvette looks across the table to see the girl sitting quietly beside Lucifer.

“Who are you? Never seen you before.” Velvette leans forward on the table, inspecting the girl's face from a distance, “You’re attractive. You’d make a good model.” She looks over to Lucifer, “How about it, King? Let her model for me just for a day!”

“She’s not just some object I’m willing to hand out like that.” Lucifer closes his eyes and puts his fingers to his temples, “I just need this ad to be put out by tomorrow. I’ll pay you handsomely, just leave her out of this.”

I’m running out of patience , he thinks to himself.

“Sure, fine, fine.” Vox says. He looks down at Velvette, “Take as many photos of her as you possibly can” He whispers.

Velvette nods, and Valentino takes another drag of his cigarette. The area behind Vox clouds with pink smoke.

“I just want to know how a hottie like her never crossed any of our radars- and quite frankly I’m upset that I didn’t find her first!” Vox laughs, “I’ll get the ad up and running by tomorrow morning. It should be everywhere before noon. Have your secretary leave her contact information with my assistant, I'll make him send the invoice.”

“So, we’re done here.” Lucifer says, standing.

“Pleasure doing business with you.” Vox smiles.

Lucifer pushes his chair out and turns to the angel who immediately stands from her seat.

“Pleasure.” Lucifer turns around to walk out of the conference room.

The angel nervously pushes her chair back in before giving the Vee’s a small, awkward smile, and walking out after Lucifer. Vox sits back down, his smile disappearing completely as the two enter the elevator and leave the floor.

“We gained nothing from that negotiation, you f*cking idiot.” Velvette says as she picks her phone back up, “Money is money, but his assistant is hot .” She scoffs.

“Imagine her pretty face in my videos. Imagine how much money she’d bring in for the studio!” Valentino slams his hand on the table.

“Guys, relax.” Vox says, “She’ll be back.”

“Oh you bet your f*cking ass she’ll be back.” Val says, “I stole her f*cking necklace.” He puffs a breath of smoke out as he raises his hand out of his pocket to reveal the small snake and star pendant that Lucifer had gifted to the angel.

“HA!” Vox laughs, “I meant she’ll be back because of other reasons, but this is comedy !”

“I’ll keep it in my room.” Valentino smirks, “Don’t want it getting mixed up with Vel’s jewelry.”

Velvette rolls her eyes before continuing scrolling through her phone.

“Alright,” Vox says, “You guys can head back- and Vel? Send me those photos you took. I’ve got a few things to put together, and I’ll need your social media presence for it.”

“Sure, whatever.” Vel shoo’s Vox off.

Vox leaves the other two Vee’s in the conference room and makes his way to his surveillance room. He walks up to his seat and plugs himself into the large computer. He began scanning through all of the surveillance videos from multiple cameras in the Entertainment District, pulling screenshots of the angel and Lucifer in different angles.

“How’d he bag two hotties?” Vox mumbles to himself.

“Whatever.” He puts together a collage of screenshots of the two and sends it over to Velvette.

‘Post this on one of your burners.’

‘What do you want me to caption it? I can’t just post a photo of some random demon chick with no context.’

‘The hell should I know? Just caption it ‘Lucifer’s New Assistant?’ Or something like that. Stir the pot, get the people talking.’

Velvette left Vox on read. He spends the rest of his night putting together a proper advertisem*nt to post to all of Pentagram City by the morning.


Lucifer and the angel make their way out the elevator and back into the lobby of the V Tower. The angel spots Vox’s assistant and jogs up to him.

“Hi,” She says as she approaches the demon, “Your boss told me to give you my contact information, and that you’ll send me an invoice later.”

“Y-yes. Um-,” He stutters, “Yes.” He hands her a pen and the clipboard he was already holding. She writes her information down and hands it back to him.

“Thank you.” She gives him a small smile before turning and skipping back to Lucifer. Vox’s assistant was left speechless and awestruck at his interaction with the woman.

Lucifer opens a portal back to the hotel and the two make their way through. They step foot into the lobby and are met with everyone that resided in the hotel. They all turned their heads to the golden portal that had suddenly opened in the middle of the room to see Lucifer and the angel.

“Speak of the devil.” Angel Dust says.

“Oh, (y/n), Dad!” Charlie stands and walks up to the two. She links her arm with the angel’s and leads her to the couch in the communal area. Lucifer follows closely behind.

“What’s with the vibe here?” Lucifer asks, “I don’t like it. Makes me feel gross and sticky.”

“We had a long day running around the city. Maybe you’re just gross and sticky.” The angel laughs.

“I’m not gross and sticky!” Lucifer says, half pouting.

The angel rolls her eyes at Lucifer as she takes a seat with Charlie on the couch.

“But seriously, why’s everyone acting so weird?” The angel asks with a raised eyebrow.

“I forgot you don’t have social media.” Charlie laughs, “Well, let me just show you myself.”

Charlie pulls out her phone and opens Sinstagram. She opens her direct messages to look at something Angel Dust had just sent her a few minutes before they had arrived. Charlie gives her phone to the girl beside her. There, on the screen, was a slideshow of collages of her from the meeting that had taken place just a few minutes earlier, and a few more photos of her and Lucifer together in front of V Tower. Her eyebrows furrowed as she read the caption.

Hell’s Newest Hottie! Lucifer’s Personal Assistant?! Both were seen hanging out in the Entertainment District, owned and run by Hell’s most influential Overlords: The Vee’s! What business do they have there?

“I’m sorry, what is this?” The angel hands Charlie back her phone.

“Just a bunch of tabloids.” Charlie laughs nervously, “All of Hell is having a debate on, well, weird stuff.”

“Like what?” Lucifer asks from behind the couch.

“Want me to put it bluntly?” Angel Dust chimes.

“Yes.” Lucifer and the angel both said in unison.

“Alright, suit yourselves,” He says, “The internet thinks Lucifer is bringing you, his secretary, to the entertainment district to slu*t you out. There’s a whole debate on whether or not the Vee’s are in on it.”

“What the f*ck ?” Lucifer says disgustedly, “I would never! We went there to talk business for the party!”

“Aw, Dad.” Charlie smiles up at Lucifer.

“Now’s not the time, honey.” Vaggie places a hand on Charlie’s shoulder.

“Yeah, sorry.” Charlie pursed her lips.

The angel looks down and quietly plays with the hem of her skirt. Lucifer takes notice of this and gently places his hand on her shoulder from his spot behind the couch.

“Well whaddya know.” Angel Dust smirks at his phone, “They got a poll up on Sinfessions*.”

“What’s the poll on?” Charlie asks.

“Well, first you need context.” Angel laughs, “People were arguing about who would be better in bed. Now they’re on the topic of who’s hotter.”

Angel flips his phone to show his screen off to the group. There was a photo of Lucifer and Vox side by side, with a poll underneath it titled ‘ Hell’s Hottest Demon ’ Lucifer cringes and pulls his phone out, opening Sinfessions and looking for the post himself.

“I’ll be damned if I lose to that pixel faced prick.” He scrolls through his phone angrily.

“Don’t worry, you’ve got my vote.” Angel Dust laughs.

Charlie looks over her shoulder to see Lucifer staring at his phone intensely.

“I’m losing by two percent ?” Lucifer grips his phone, “I’m the King of Hell- how does this make any sense?!”

“You have to remember you’re going up against the most influential Overlords. I’m pretty sure they’re using their power to win.” Vaggie says, stifling a laugh.

“It’s just a silly internet debate, Dad.” Charlie turns her body around completely, “I don’t think it should matter whether you win or not.”

“She’s right, you know.” The angel says, “At the end of the day, you’re still the King of Hell.” She stands from the couch.

“Thank you for sharing this, I'm going up to my room.” She waves at the group before walking towards the elevator. Lucifer looks up from his phone as the girl is halfway to the elevator.

“Thanks, guys.” Lucifer says. He turns around and jogs over to catch up with the angel. Charlie and Vaggie exchange worried looks as the rest of the group continues to chatter amongst themselves.

“Hey-” Lucifer stands in front of her as the elevator doors close behind him, “It’ll be okay.” He gently places his hands on her waist.

“Lucifer, my face is plastered everywhere for Hell to see.” She says, “Before, it was just the back of my head. But now? Now, it’s my entire face. How is it going to be okay?” Her breathing begins to speed up as she feels an oncoming panic attack.

The doors to the elevator open and the angel rushes across the courtyard and straight into the house. She throws her shoes off and walks straight into her bedroom, sitting on the floor and pulling the briefcase out from the spot she had left it before. Lucifer walks in quietly and sits beside her. She opens the case and pours all of its contents directly onto her floor. Her finger aimlessly trails through the pile of planets and moons as she traces random patterns into the floor.

“I’m sorry if I’m overreacting,” She says, “I’m just afraid.”

“It’s okay to be afraid.” Lucifer gives her a soft smile, “I know this is overwhelming. But remember what you said to me earlier?” He tilts his head at her cutely.

“My mind is kind of fuzzy.” She admits, turning her head to Lucifer.

“You’re not as helpless as I think, right?” Lucifer nudges her with his shoulder and she giggles.

“Okay, yes. You’re right. But my powers are still healing…” She looks back down at the floor.

“Neither of us know the extent of your powers now that you’re down in Hell, Star.” He turns his body carefully so as to not crush any of her model planets.

“I’ve said it before, but darling, you’re a ball of wonder.” Lucifer smiles as he reaches his hand out to her. He places her hand gently under her chin and raises her head so they make eye contact.

“You’re in Hell now. You aren’t caged up or locked in a room anymore,” He says, “The limit to your powers is unknown even to yourself.”

The angel stares into Lucifer’s eyes. The way his eyes shone with excitement made her feel hopeful.

“Thank you, Luci.” She sits up on her knees and crawls over to him, pulling him in for a hug. Lucifer carefully hugs her back, his arms loosely wrapped around her torso as he minded her incoming wings. The angel pulls away and gives him a smile before standing, walking over to her closet to change. She puts on a pair of black shorts and an oversized white tee before walking back over to Lucifer and picking up her planet pieces, putting them back into the case.

“Can you stay tonight?” She asks him, closing the briefcase and placing it upright against her bed, “I don’t want to be left alone with my thoughts.” She laughs nervously.

“Of course.” Lucifer smiles, standing up.

The angel slips into the far side of her bed and pulls the covers over her head as Lucifer changes himself into a matching pair of pajamas. He climbs under the covers next to her, sitting upright against the headboard. She peeks her head out from the blanket and turns to face Lucifer.

“Thank you.” She smiles, “Sleeping is easier when you’re here.” She places the blanket over her shoulders as she looks up at him.

Lucifer feels his cheeks heat up as the girl stares up at him.

“The same goes for you.” He looks away embarrassed, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand.

“Lay down, Luci. Aren’t you tired?” She yawns, patting the pillow next to her, “I know I am.”

“Yeah…” Lucifer slides down onto his back and stares at the ceiling. His hands are awkwardly clasped together over his stomach and he finds himself unable to find a comfortable position.

“You look uncomfortable.” She whispers to him with her eyes half lidded as she was already falling asleep, “Are you okay?”

“I-I’m good.” Lucifer stutters, his heart rate increasing.

The angel scoots closer to Lucifer, grabbing onto his arm and pulling it close to her. His arm rested against her chest, and blood began to rush through every single vein in his body. He panics as she pulls his arm closer to her body, his arm slightly deepening into her cleavage. She scoots her head forward and rests it against his shoulder. She curled her legs upward, bringing her legs to her chest, Lucifer’s hand brushes against her thigh. Her breathing becomes steady as she falls asleep.

Lucifer’s face burns red as he lays with his arm stuck in the angel’s grasp. He wasn’t complaining, he was just nervous. His mind was flooded with thoughts of their semi-heated session back at the manor.

He closes his eyes and sighs quietly. He reached down with his free hand to adjust his pants as his member grew stiff, hiding it under his waistband, but there was no helping his memories. He recalled she crawled on top of him, straddled him, and gave him both the hungriest, and softest kiss he had ever received. He thought about her embarrassed face and her red flushed cheeks when he rubbed over the tips of her winglets, how soft her skin was as he trailed his finger up her back.

Lucifer opens his eyes and turns his head to the girl who laid sound asleep beside him. He removes his arm from her grasp, his hand accidentally brushing over her cleavage as he did so. She stirs slightly, but doesn’t wake. Lucifer exhales a breath of relief and turns his body to face her. He smiles looking upon her peaceful expression, his heart skipping a beat as his eyes scan over her face.

He snaked his arm over her waist and pulled her in close to his chest. He rested his chin atop her head as he comfortably adjusted his arms around her torso, hugging her body and taking in her warmth. The angel moved her legs so that they were tangled with his, bringing their bodies closer than they already were. She cuddles her head into his chest and lets out a tiny hum as she falls into a deep sleep. Lucifer smiles contently and lets himself be taken away by his slumber.




The skies were dark in the early hours of the next day as Lute walked into one of Heaven’s many courthouses. She shuts the door behind her and approaches Sera, who was sitting silently alone in the large room.

“Prove to me this mission is worth putting my position on the line.” Sera looks down at Lute with a blank expression.

“I’ll prove to you more than just that, Head Seraphim.” Lute bows her head to Sera as a portal to the Hell’s Heaven Embassy opens before them.

“One week.” Sera says as Lute approaches the portal. “I’ll open this portal again at midnight in one week. If you aren’t here, I’ll assume failure and suggest to the Exorcist Army that they find a new general.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be back.” Lute smirks at Sera before stepping through the portal to Hell.

Sera stares at the portal, her hands trembling as it closes.

“Oh, Divine… I beg thee to spare my soul should any unholy decisions of mine come to light.” Sera whispers to herself before walking out of the courtroom with her hands clasped together.

Lute steps through the portal and takes a look around her. The last time she had seen this meeting room was when her and Adam met with Charlie to tell her about pushing up the extermination time. She scowls at the thought and kicks at a chair in the room. Lute walks up to the door and it slides open for her.

“This place is a literal sh*thole.” She glances side to side before walking up to the main door.

Lute pushes open one of the large double doors and peeks her head out to the street. The sky was dark, but the Heaven Embassy was shining bright and stuck out like a sore thumb. She clicks her tongue in annoyance, putting on a mask that covers only her face. She crawled out the door and ran to the nearest alleyway.

Thus began Lute’s solo mission in Hell.


* Sinfessions is going to be Hell's equivalent of Twitter.
What's Lute up to? Valentino has Star's necklace- what an asshole!
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Worth Protecting (Lucifer x Fem!Reader) - Kai (DubuKai) (2024)


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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.