The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: WEDNESDAY JULY 26 1922 MONEY and BUSINESS Grain and Provisions Cattle Hogs and Sheep TO REDEEM NOTES London inancial Markets 7 per note 725 Metals BLANDORD WHITNEY HOWE irst GENERAL ELECTRIC IMPROVES in Edna in Dry Goods oreign Exchange STEEL DIVIDEND OER PHILIPPINE ISSUE per They will live at 10 per present from Sto per tAsked Boston Produce Market DIVIDENDS DECLARED 725 0017 1 212 Aug 15 Initial Hartford Securities Insurance HAMPDEN 244 Main St 3665 1370 0912 9925 Local Produce Market CHESTER CENTER pre Za MONTGOMERY $500 for Road Repair 350 Companies A Splendid Shingle CALI 3636 Hotels Cotton at New York as strips 30 Trade Briefs Massachusetts Shore 183 14 Before tie Ct 8 Write or SO th New Hampshire LOCAL NEW WAUMBEK SECURITIES 104 in var 56 Put BONDS ATI 6 Steamships Alden 33 6 92 Durant PLUMBING 272 ST York Stock Exchange These in cent rejgna ofcrop 7 6 price were July 1991 1903 a dress of white veil was caught Acme do to to to to to 1559 1501 to to to to to to to to 843 844 611W 130 112 4 140 7750 7800 795 795 to to io to to to to to 20 sr cent three 85 55 l'4 99 best liciits to 25c lower bushels Ship 82 37 peso) 1278 00 35 58 re let better over 150 150 200 29 52 $20 1680 1GS5 SEA VIEW COTTAGE Coney Bench East Ha ven Conn directly on water Board and Room Telephone Mrs Mary Collins 465 Let us mail the samples and booklets they arc of more than 20 20 0031 0031 that between Whitney interview Life and Indemnity Insurance Aetna Cas Sure Aetna Life Ct General Life irst Reinsurance CO Hartford Steam Boiler Travelers sidewalls with new the had be to ex evi him the The will in 06 crown) 222 2600 2605 445 446 443 442 MOTHER WHITNEY BARRED PATH TO ALTAR atleit Time Accost the Pacifie 173 15 2150 2155 son of Mr an'I Montreal Several thousand ing workers go on strike to iiTmrM'TnTinn ti i VUUipiUlV 'T of lioultry three fourth pounds beef three and two thirds pounds pork 15 100 pounds of lamb This office extends an unex celled PERSONAL SERVICE in all lines of insurance Sonny' can go with 85 85 8824 49 52 New York July is im proving to a greater extent than is generally known according the fol lowing bulletin issued today by the National Bank of "The extent of business recovery In the United States is known by a comparison of trade and production statistics since the first of the year Wth corresponding periods of 1921 "Those cases whert the figures ari below those of 1921 were for the most part affected by special circ*mstances Thus the value of exports for the first half ofcl922 Is considerably lower than for 1921 but this is largely a reflection of price changes Wheat exports are little moro than naif of those of the previous period largely because of the extremely rapid move ment of grain in the fall of 1921 Ex torts of pork products are somewhat Springfield were BIG REDUCTION ft 75 to 100 to 100 to 100 to New York July 25 Directors of the United States Steel corporation today declared the regular quarterly dividend on common and preferred stock 15020 A0151382660 lawyers announced last elimination of duplicated the bankruptcy petition 38 ss 3890 47 ST 4792 12 8 250 to40 to 165 to 75 25 50 300 20 50 25 28 65 Men HELIN BRINGS ATTACK ON EDERAL RESERVE 114 28 27 to Camp later Sonny went of the pretty was sent to Two of his boy him 400 40050 175 100 35 100 350 NAMES ONLEY REEREE IN RYAN BANKRUPTCY 250 175 26 57 100 55 100 13 41 5 selling move prediction for in the east and cooler MORE THAN 52000000 POUNDS OOD STORED Schenectady Business at the Gen eral Electric plant continues to Im prove and it is believed that by late fall the normal number of employes (about 1S0I10) will be on payroll About 15000 are now working Radio apparatus is being manufactured on an extensive scale and the plant has many orders to fill Several small or ders for regular electrical work have been received A good share of the electrical work on contract recently closed by General Electric for build ing and instaling electrical equip ment of the power station to be built at Crescent dam will be done at the Schenectady plant Boston News Bureau 508 qu 2 qu 15 sa it knocks Conn Conn Hart do rfr Nor Ct Lt Pow pfd dG pfd do common So New Eng Telephone TTinip Water Cd pfd ao pfd 6 shingle or slate are using Ruberoid solely merits 165 10S 95 125 cessions in prices noted and southern spinners are said to be firm Berlin Lifting of Polish flax em bargo taken hopefully by German manufacturers ivho see low priced supplies Low value of Polish cur rency will aid them in purchasing Vienna Woolen fabrics of Ger man Italian and Polish manufacture successfully enter Austrian market Indications assure materials of two latter countries safe predominance over all others New York Pongee prices in Yoko hama 975 yen per 100 momme for 12 momme grade cable advices London Despite opposition of Lan cashire cotton spinners Board of trade decided in favor of 33 1 3 per cent duty on imported fabric gloves London Interest here is being dis played in prospects of cotton develop ment in Australia This year's acre age is 20000 as compared with 1500 for last year on De of lots Mellon be 5800 3825 Springfield People at Mountainyiew Blandford July 25 Guests whe have registered at Mountainview are Mr and Mrs Powers Miss Helen Powers Mr and Sirs Whalen I Atwood Mrs Ruth Stagnaro Miss Beatrice Putney and Elliott Brown all of SpringfieM Miss Margaret Barnett of Kingston Mr and Mrs Valentine and Miss Eleanor Valentine from Stafford Springs Ct are also at the house Mr and Mrs Howard Lloyd and two children of Hartford Gt and Mr and Mrs Lester Lloyd and daughter of Suffield Ct spent the week end at Old Homestead Mr and Mrs Raymond Snow and Norman Snow of Lee spent Sunday wtih A Snow Mrs William Stanton of Torring ton Ct is at the home of her father Healey Berton Sornberger and family are at Earl cottage Mrs rank Lee spent the week end with A Lee 36 82 162 102 90 100 TO CALL IN VICTORY NOTES IN DECEMBER 4454 443 442 750 1200 '7 Co Cdllins Co Arms Co gio Lock Co (fresh made tubs) (print) (lower grades) (Wls) (York state) announced tonight by City company run for 30 years 2614 26 4 20 120 Special Dispatch to The Republican Hartford Ct July The Hart ford stock market remains firm with a fairly good demand for industrials and insurance issues Good demand is also reported for public utilities stocks with increased strength re flected in quotations for Connecticut Light Power comtany and for Southern New England Tel ephone company Bank stocks hold at last level In the industrials Torrington com pany common Landers rary Clark Bristol Brass and Colt's Arms have sagged 1 point each Bigelow Hartford common is up points and American Hardware has ad vanced 1 point Billings Spencer is stronger in botn common and ferrod Closing Stock HOTEL RASCATI Bermuda Open all year ideal summer resort on water front Bathing boating fishing tennis golf dancing Lewis Davidson Mgr left final field is visiting Ellen Higgins Mr and Airs son and Mrs Pease at Middlefield Sunday financier and stock who filed a petition In bank week listing liabilities of $32 000 000 about $4 ivhich were in unsecured York July 25 Copper steady eleotro AJU M11U HI 1913 average per paper 1280 Charges Conjunction With Moneyed Interests and Wall Street Washington July 25 The ederal Reserve board was accused by Uen tor Heflin Democrat of Alabama in the Senate today with acting in con junction with the inter and street" to gain con trol of the news columns of any newspapers with a view to suppress ing news unfavorable to the board The Alabama senator declared that a court decision in Oregon had never appeared in any newspapers because he said it was a victory for the forces opposed to the board's deadly deflation The in terests" Senator Heflin declared were delving deeper into the business and political lite than overwas thought possible Senator Heflin told the Senate that House member had been by persons who he said had been inspired by the ederal Reserve hoard to discontinue attacks on the board or there would be opposition the ''next election "And that man has opposition this he asserted Stock of PKcrd July 22 July 21 July 21 July 31 July 1 July 20 Aug 1 July 20 July 21 Sept 5 Sept 5 Aug July 29 July 28 July 26 Aug 8 July 24 Aug 1 her grandmother Mrs John Kelso Lem Kel Ellen Higgins visited! North American do extra Brooklyn Edison Melville Shoo Corp do pr Clove A BnfT Tran Jrft Clo'ld I pr 8250 sa Benner airy T'n Barber Shops pr i 2 qu 210 269 475 2814 5114 where my night and elope with plained niv rocket you to elope with crazy my daughter do that You down and talk your It was a play there when off the stage Sonny her having come up after going to our apartment at the Pennsylvania hotel and learning that we had gone to the roof after talking things over Sonny decided to take ad vice He went back to the hotel with us and slept that night on a lounge in a room of our apartment "The next day he went to his office Upon returning to the hotel he had another talk with Evan glad I took your he said i rn giaa 1 waited Sent Away two weeks the mother dancer continued a camp in Maine friends accompanied him a boy named Cowles and a nephew of the late Theodore Roosevelt Kenneth Reed I believe his name was I am convinced Sonny was sent there to get him away from he kept 104 415 102 19 37 WORTHINGTON TELEPHONE RIVER JOG savings especially when th is absolutely add thy of the people Invested i banks should always bft art safe A Hartford business lacked any ag The bulk of the spreads Date payable Aug 1 Aug 1 Aug 1 Aug 15 Aug 1 Aug 1 Aug 15 Aug 1 Aug 1 Oct 2 Oct 2 Sept 1 AUg Aug Aiie Aug 15 1898 1900 florin)38883800 mark) 20 20 crown) 0031 0031 Div Rat Bld Railroad Hart Ct West gtd 2 17 Banks and Trust Companies NOTICE REDEMPTION I gij To Holder of Victory Notes and Othenn Concerned Egi Notice is Hereby Given as ollow: BrS 1 Call for partial redemption of 3 4 pfl Victory notes All 4 3 4 Victory note oth erwise known as United States of Amenta fold notes of 1922 1923 which bear the da tinguishing letters A dr pre fixed to their serial numbers hating designated for the purpose by manner prescribed by the Secretary of Treasury are called for redemption on li cember 15 1922 pursuant to the provision for redemption contained in the and in Treasury Department Circular! NoJ dated April 21 1919 under which tfie norafc were originally issued Interest all Am 4 34 Victory notes thus called for bm demption will cease on aad redemption datajl December 15 1922 jo Victory notes of the 4 3 4 series bjajj Ing: the distinguishing letters BCJi or prefixed to their serial numbers are nW in any manner affected by this call £br demption and will become due and'payaU as to principal May 20 1923 ceordita to terms pfr 2 Detailed information as to the preoen tation and surrender of 4 3 notes for redemption under this call is rfrfes in Treasury Department Circular Nq dated July 26 1922 copies of may In obtained from the Treasury Department di of Ioans and currency Washington or any ederal Reserve bank fe A MELLON Secretary of the Treasury Public Uti! Lt Power Co pfd Pfiwpp Co City Gaslight Co pfd 8 rommon 3 Electric Light Co 10 6 Company Dividend Am Salos Rook pr 1qu Bigelow Hart Carpt $150 qu no pr i Cent Ariz 1' pr Con Pas River pr arm wan cc irusi Iron Prod Corp pr Lyman Mills Monarch Knittg pr co 185 28 59 130 65 105 New York July 25 Public offer ing tomorrow of a per cent bond Issue of the Philippine gov ernment was the National bonds which be offered at 99 and accrued terest 38 3 too 85 48 50 30 THE BAWNMORE Woodmont Management board by day or home cooking rates moderate phone Mrs A Reyhon Prop 40 to 225 to 150 to 700 to 6006 400 300 6414 (par 203c per crown) 30 AR EASTERN RATES (par 49 Sc per Xn) 4 85 (par 5922c per dollar) 5800 York July Cotton goods were quiet owing to the early weakness in raw Staple domestics held steadier than 1UII1S ennvU i't'H MHVO 6414 3014 'vas had been tx So Says Mrs ontaine Whose Daughter Now Sues Million Son New York July 25 It ts only ths opposition of his mother that kept Cornelius Vanderbilt (Sonny) Whitney from marrying Miss Evan Burrows ontaine long before the birth of the dancer's son Cornelius Jr according to Mrs awn on taine mother of the disappointed girl In an interview at her home 181 Lefferts avenue Kew Gardens I today Mrs ontaine asserted that not only had youpg Whitney proposed im mediace marriage to her daughter on more than one occasion but that his father had indicated his willing ness to'the match Mrs Whitney however refused to listen to the proposals Said to Have Proposed Elopement came up to rhe ollies root daughter was piaying one tried to persuade her Mrs ontaine have a thousand dollars in now he told her want 377 MAIN ST Springfield Tel Wnl rGt'O ounded In 1820 Over a Century Old 3141 Market St TeL PP5 or quotations on local securities Vote Montgomery July 25 The sum of $500 was appropriated at the spe cial town meeting held Wednesday night for repairing the main road leading to Westfield which has been oauiy wasnsa out uy ucavy icuxio Airs Elsie irawson ana Grafton are at the home of Mrs Sporbert for a stay of several weeks A meeting of the Old Home Day association will be held at Union hall riday night when plans will be made for the "old home gath ering to be held Labor day Septem ber 4 replied had it between acts of Evan had come was waiting for my daughter corresponding with her and sent her pictures of his camp lite Mrs ontaine revealed subject of marriage daughter and Young come un again at an tween the dancer and Harry Whitney wealthy sportsman fathercf the boy about three months after the birth of Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney Jr as the dancer calls her 19 months old boy who is now fig uring as the storm center of the suit Mr Wlitiney Not Opposed It is Said The discussion was held at a ifth avenue hotel Airs ontaine says During tne course of that talk the elder Whitney confided to Miss on taine according to the mother that he would rather have a prac tical girl like her as a daughter in law than of those fol de rols from you he added accord ing to Mrs ontaine run my household My wife is the got the impression from what my daughter told me of this inter view that Air Whitney senior offered no objections at all to Mrs ontaine went on was the mother She was the only Mrs ontaine said her daughter it to Mr Whitney on that occasion that his son was the father of her child When he learned of the state of affairs Young Whit ney again expressed an eagerness to elope Mrs ontaine declared One of the elopment proposals came short ly after Young Whitney had been suspended from Yale Mrs ontaine explained The youth at that time was a candidate for a place on one of tne sopnomore rowing crews and dently his setback had affected keenly The dancer is still on Pacific coast today cctton sririiijx dross goods will be opened by worsted and woolen mills next week Silk Roods were steady as were burlaps Hampden July 25 An extremely heavy thunder shower with an al most typical downpour of rain struck the town Sunday night about 9 Much damage was done to the highways especially Scantic hill which was almost completely washed into the Scantic river Many tourists who were out motoring had exciting experiences on the flooded roads and several houses were flooded of Springfield with sev eral helpers have started work on re decorating the interior of the Con gregational church The ceiling and will be entirely changed colors and tints Men who would never even consider anything but the highest quality old time wood today on its Qark 3rd Cruic 2371923 round the world of RANCE" 18481 GroiaTONS 4 MONTHS CRUISE $1000 and np Inelndint Hotels eea Drivea Guides eta Clark Originated Round the World Cruiacn Clark's 19th Cruise ebiwei 3 1923 MEDITERRANEANEMPRESS of SCOTLAND" 2SOOO Gro Tm 65 DAYS CRUISE $600 sndcp Ckrk Time BaildinM New York JU Utetvft 40 SL Uoblca Walker Co Supplies Building Material lour To ship from mills Boston common rate points In sacks spring patents special short $8 65(9 standard spring first clears $550650 hard winter patents $650725 soft winter patents $635 (£710: soft winter clears $5506 soft win ter straights $565G5O flour white patents $525550 Com In transit No 2 yellow 834iS4c No 3 yellow Oats In transit fancy 40 lbs 5354c: fancy 38 lbs 52 53c regular 38 lbs 5051c regu lar 36 Iba 4950c regular 34 lbs Ml! Heed In transit spring bran pure $2550 (26 standard milling $252550 winter bran middlings $2734: mixed feed $26503150 red dog $39 gluten feed $37 gluten meal $5175 hominy feed $3225: stock fepd $33 oat hulls $14: cottonseed meal $4650 linseed nreal $4649 Cornmeal and oatmeal Granulated $1 95 bolted $190 feeding $165: cracked corn $165 oatmeal rolled $275 ent and ground $302 Hav No 1 timorny $2032 No 3 timothy No BUSINESS IMPROVING ASTER THAN SHOWN Elbertas Ga Hells California Honey Dews VEGETABLES New potatoes (bbl) Peas (bu) Parsley (doz) Celery (doz) Carrots (doz) Beets (bch doz) Cabbage (bbl) Onions (bag) Tomatoes (lb) Cucumbers (bskt) Cucumbers (doz) Squash Native lettuce Rtdishes (boxi Green beans (bskt) Wax beans MISCELLANEOUS Maple sirup (gal) Maple sugar new (lb) Almonds ilberts Mixed nuts Peanuts (Jumbo) Sorrento walnuts Bordeaux halves Wholesale prices quoted by Three Ega 426 street Eggs (fresh western) Eggs (locaiy Butter Butter Butter Cheese Cheese 3750 5775 rupee) 2000 2923 New York July 25 The Havana Electric Railway Power company today called for redemption on Sep tember 1 at 102if and interest all of Its $1500000 five year 7 per cent secured convertible gold notes duo September 1 1920 The holders have the right on or before August to exchange their notes into general mortgage sinking fund gold bonds of the company due Septem ber 1 1951 Speyer Co in con junction Co will ot these to yield Chicago July 25 Liberal export buying together with a falling off in the vclume of hedging sales had a moderate bullish effect on wheat prices today The market closed un settled at the same as yesterday's finish to two cents higher with September 107 to 107 and De cember 109 to 109 Corn lostc to lc oats were unchanged to a shade lower and provisions 10c to 20c down All the big export houses bought wheat futures steadily and It was estimated that 4vUuvvU were taken for nearbv ment to Europe including 1500000 of hard winter grades to go from ports on the Gulf of Mexico In this connection significance was attached to an advance in Liverpool quota tions for nearby deliveries and to the practical failure of the Liverpool market tc reflect the weakness of values yesterday in America On the ether hand most rectivers here sail country offerings had been greatly reduced because of de cline although hedging became more free again on the bulges today According to some shippers in Chicago bidding for cash wheat al ready booked was strong but it was hard to get an attractive offer on wheat for more deferred shipment inasmuch as owing to the rail strike buyers were reluctant to assume risk of delay in This circum stance was held to explain the fact mat most ot today advances in for September and December wiped out at the last whereas held a gain' of 2c Lorn and oats gressive support trade consisted of Provisions dragged lower influenced by a break in lard values at Liver pool The Leading utures at Chicago New uruit find ifntnrAR spot and futures 3212 Iron steady nnd un changed Lead quiet spot Zinc firm East St Louis iStfot and nearby delivery 590G Antimony spot 512535 inancial Lawyers ind Lia bilities Not as Great as Thought New York July 25 ederal Judge A Hand today named Peter Onley referee in the matter of Al lan A Ryan broker rutcy last more than 000000 of claims Ryan's night that items in would reduce the liabilities to $18 000000 with Harris orbes shortly offer a large block mortgage bonds at a price over 6 per cent Boston July 2" The director of the food and drug division of the de partment of public health Herman Lythgoe states today that there was in cold storage in this state 52 49()0(l pounds 'of food on July 1 as per reports of the warehouses to the department The egg holdings have reached the maximum for the season and are about 500000 dozens above the av erage for the past five years But ter has been going into storage faster than in previous years and the present holdings are somewhat above the average although the max imum holdings for the year (in Sep tember) may not be The poultry holdings have been de creasing at the usual rates but there has been the customary seasonal crease in holdings of fowl due to a storage of 523000 of pounds during June The poultry holdingc are about million pounds cloth effect complete unionization of industry Workers in shops of association members and those that have come to terms with the union return to work Berlin clothing shops here have been cleared of their stocks oy buying invasion of public which fears another slump in mark value Leipsig air committees of Leip sig rankfort Breslau Koenlgsberg and Cologne fail to come to satis factory agreement for amalgamation of individual fairs into one big en terprise Berlin Office of foreign trade con trol here rules that foreign fabrics may be imported into Germany re i from restrictions provided it can be shown that they will be reshipped after manufacture into clothing to country of origin Bond equal to value of fabrics must be deposited Philadelphia Amalgamated Cloth ing officials announce settle ments with 14 clothing manufactur ers involving 1800 strikers Demand of 20 per cent wage increase is being waived Philadelphia Summer dullness in hosiery market slows down opera tions of mills in this district Direct to retailer mills are receiving larger volume of business than jobbers Philadelphia Sales of small lots for early use appear to constitute bulk of cotton yarn movement in this market Uiua far ibis veelt sw ORD NOT BOTHERED BY EITHER STRIKE Chester Center July 25 Miss die Moore of Salem is visiting at Bromley's Miss Gladys Knowlton of Spring snaller than for the corresponding periods of last year contrast with these 1 sses car loadings exclusive of coal are more titan 11 per cent above the previous period pig iron production is nearly 28 per cent higher and steel ingot production 50 per cent higher Build ing contracts are up nearly 60 per cent Cotton consumption tor the half of the year was 18 per cent greater than during the first hai of last year for the first six months of 1922 totaled 20248000 cars compared with 18686000 cars in the fust half ot 1921 New capita issues to May 31 1922 were $2627648000 an Increase of $769974000 over the same period ot last year London July 25 Consols for money 59 Grand Trunk 1 De Beers 10 Rand mines 2 Bar silver 35d per ounce Money 1 per Discount rates short and months bills 12 per cent I Metnberi New I Court Square Pacific Coast Points Round trip ticket at a trifle more than the one way faro On sale tftiw Choice of routes stop over privileges One way tourist car excursion dally Save money Call or send for our spe cial California circular Let ns tellyou all about the six different ways ofSso lutt West COLPITIS TORIST CO 281 Washington bt Boston Maas New York July 25 A violent break in the cotton market today ap parently brought the liquidating movement to a close for it was fol lowed in the afternoon by an equally excited advance which prices 2 to 18 points net higher and the unrletone very firm selling movement culminated in the early afternoon all active positions hud declined under the 21c level Oc tober reaching 20R7 and December 2080 or about $250 per bale under the previous close and around 1250 per bale below the highest ofho season Under 21c stop loss orders were reached and there less traae buying tnan pected Part of the forenoon ment was due to the less showery weather and for possible rains Texas together with the absence of any news to indicate improvement in lie strike situation sentiment this time appeared to be extremely bearish but growing opposition to the decline around 2090 for October gradually checked the selling move ment and started a demand from shorts which became very widespread and active before the close An almost perpendicular advance of over 40 points from the lowest took place in the last hour and induced not only heavy covering but a large amount ot new buying by traders who were impressed with the persist ent reports of damage in Texas from hot winds and shedding These in creased toward the end of the session creating the belief that possibly re Biilion Dollars of 44 Per Cent Issue Will Be Re deemed Washington July 25 Approximate ly $1000000000 ot 4 per cent Vic tory notes maturing May 20 1923 will be called for redemption cember 15 1922 as a result drawn today by Secretary which decided the series to tired in advance would be those tered A and ni if you out be sorry you I Stop The Heat Yokohama Demand Cables Hongkong Demand 4 1 I 1 rvo Shanghai (par S23Sc per taeP Demand j'Y? Cables Mexican dollars (at Shanghai) Demand Cables Calcutta 913 average 3244c per Cables Gthof VvehanilTS Argentina (par 4245c per paper peen) Spot 3(i 10 Brazil (cents per milreis) Demand Io 5 Uruguay (par 10342 per pesM Demand Chile (par 20c jjemanu 7 Canada (cents per Canadian dollar) Demand Hotel and Cottages JEERSON In the heart of the White Mountain! EIGHTEEN HOLE GOL COURSE Tennis lshlnpr Dancing Riding: Branch office of Stock Exchange Broker RANK SHUTE General Manager Chicago July 25 Cattle: Receipts SCOT beef steers steady strong spots shade higher bulk vealers 25950 few to pack ers 975 others cusing generally steady butcher 3373 bologna bulls mostly 4ij0 475 few 485 Hogs: Receipts 23000 opened steady 10c to 15c higher on best light and medium weight nu tenors ciosea wea IO tn iAr lower! ntnnrs early top $11 bulk to good butchers 1085 packers mostly 80850 holdover Lib eral pigs steady 1035 Sheep: Receipts 17000 mostly steady top western lambs $1285 short deck choice ya tives 1275 to city butchers: packers top 1225 natives mostly 75O8 fat native ewes 3(3: i feeder 8 6 common 8 Manufacturing Companies 97 19 17 New VOTk July Butter unsettled re MS9 tubs creamery Srorei tram 3414fi35c creamery extras (V St: creamery firsts 88 to 9t 150 pcund seek 2 12225 Long Island 16o No 2 red winter 127 No 1 26 No 1 Manitoba 151 2 COHispot1 NNew white 82e and No 2 mixed 8 1 i Septf mber 1065 December 84a aH br other articles unchanged Tha raw sugar market was more active to day and prices were higher with Cbas qu oted nt Wo cost and freight equal to o3bc for centrifugal and Porto Jo ooo wl Iavp'1 There were sales of fully aKMKM) nags of ciibas and 61000 bags of Porto Ricos for July and August shipment to local and cut port refiners at quoted prices The strength 1n the spot market led to re newed buying in raw sugar futures and clos ing prices showed net advances of 6 to points the highest levels recorded so far this rear Trade interests were again active buy ers said be against sales of actual while there was also continued buying by out side interests Including the West Septemoy 379: 393: March 369 May 39 The market for refined 'was firmer with a more active inquiry for both domestic snd ex port c*nt Price vsa aachaw A in 1O CHI tin 14 in 13 days 'i rom Vancouver via Victorffj By magnificent great Canadian Pacific Ocean lier Empress of Canada Empress of Australia Empress of Russia Empress of Asia 4 Apply to local amenta or CANADIAN PACIIC fl BAHT General Acnt Dep( 405 IJoylston St hom*on Mas one and one half milli above those of last year The meat holdings are decidedly (low 6 12 million pounds below those of last year due largely to decrease in pork beef and lamb storage The average holdings per capitaJuly 1922 were 58 eggs two pcmds of butter nine tenths pounds of 'poultry three fourth pounds of of Wheat: July Sept Dec Corn July Sept Doc Oats: Julv Sept Doc Rye: Sept Doc Lard: Sept Oct Ribs: Scpt( tBid Cone Sherwood A Brainard Sherwood TeL Walnut 51 52 1515 B44 Main St Springfield Mass Eiening Wedding Ceremony at Congregational Church July 25 Miss Lovise Whitney daughter of Mr and Mrs Whitney was married to Milton reeman Howe of Enfield last night at the irst Congregational church by Rev William Robertson The double ring service was used The bride was attended by her cousin Miss Merriel Gardner of Stockbridge as maid of honor and Miss Elizabeth Howe of Gilbertville as flower girl Howe Jr brother of the groom was best man Miss Ruth Bailey of Westfield Miss Helen Hardy of Wilbraham John A Metcalf of Springfield and Warren Howe ot West ushers Tne bride canton crepe Her with orange blossoms and pearls and she carried a shower bouquet ot white sweet peas The maid of honor wore a dress of old blue georget and carried a bouquet of pink sweet peas The going away costume was a navy blue tricotine suit Mr and Mrs Howe left after the ceremony for a wedding trip to Bos ton and Maine Niagara street Springfield after Sep tember 1 Guests were bridge Enfield Springfield Westfield Brockton and Blandford SAVINGS DIVIDENDS rom the Hartford Times The Boston News Bureau report that the time is not far distant whe Massachusetts savings banks jtnus consider a reduction in their inter est on account of their inability reinvest matured obligations ofi much better basis than 47to per cent The reduction in interes is not to be below 4 per cent Quit a number of banks have paid rimor during the period of high diadem returns on choice securities (Vari ous savings institutions have in creased the rate some as highlas per cent They will gradually re turn to the 4 per cent basis The savings bank is the grea pocketbook of the common peopli The rate of 4 per cent which lai we nigh universal provides sufljpient re turn on capital savings savings solutely man who recently died possessed qti a large amount of properly "cm a said that he would have been hett off than he was had he invested money as it gradually accumulati fl throughout his life'in savings bLnk it This is a sufficient answer to 4h who consider a 4 per cent not worth consideration wly want to get rich quick lose thefr ill while the man or woman? who JS willing to let the money K6ep ItlcfS ing at a small return soon Unds' thay the capital has doubled I fc'j ARM PRODUCTS BUYING POWER TAKES SLUMP Washington July 25 The buying power or exchange value of farm products slumped four points between March and June to 72 per cent of the 1913 basis in the latter month ac cording to statistics made public to day by the department of agricul ture The buying power of farm products in terms of other products stood at 76 per cent in March hav ing advanced from 65 per cent in January which was a rise of three points over the low mark touched in November 1921 EUROPEAN RATES Yesterday Monday Sterling per sovereign) Demand 4 4 Cables Commercial 60 days do 90 days TPr rvone IO Demand Cables Italy (par 193c per lira) Demand 459 Calles 4 CO Belgium (par 193c per franc) Demand Cables 79 Switzerland (par 193c per franc) Demand Cables Holland (par 402c Demand 1 Cables Germany (par 238c Demand Cables Austria (par 203c Demand ro la Greece (par 193c per drachma) Demand 3 5 Sweden (par 268c per krona) Demand Cables 2605 Norway (par 26 Sc per krone) Demand 15 '52 Cables 168u Denmark (par 26Sc per krone) Demand Cables Spain ipar 193c per peseta) Demand Cables Tortuga! (par $108 per escudo) Demand Hungary (pur 203c per crown) Demand 006 Czechoslovakia (par 2026 cents per Demand ro'and (cents per mark) Demand 0011 inland (par 193c per mark) Demand Io Rumania (par 193c per leu) pemana Jugoslavia Demand Terry Steam Turbine Co 7 Torrington Co pfd 8 do common 10 Trant Hine 8 Uu Mfg Co New Britain 10 Envelope Co pf 7 do common 7 Whitlock Coil Pipe Wiley B'f'd Sweet Co of 8 Ex dir Toledo July 25 While other In dustries of the country face a rhut down because of the rail and mine strikes Henry ord's enterprises bear an for placard ords Kentucky coal mine and his railroad the Detroit Toledo and Iron ton are operating The employes are paid higher wages than the union scale Consequently the ord motor ear plants are running full blast because there is plenty of coal for them The ord Railroad and Mine work ers refused to walk out in compliance with the strike orders The mines and the railroad are on an basis THE SENATE AS A CLUB fl IWhiting in the Boston Any citizen may properly aspire tiie United States Senate It Is £1 fine aspiration The Senate is poll tentially a mighty body andlmemi berhsip in it carries mighty oportulj nities as well as responsiSillties fl light minded observation once madfl concerning the Senate was that ifl was the most exclusive clul in the world That was a frivoloui 1 remark but there are undoubted!) i men in the Senate who really fee something of that sort There is a atmosphere about the Senate You carvdiscove it if you frequent Senate haunts ion enough It is never put in tvords but it is there It came out whei Harry New of Indiana was def cate i for renoniination by the tempera mental and tempestuous Beyeridgji Now Mr New is not the herd of Seriate (No senator is a to any other senator) He is not 'even th best liked man in the Senate tManv of his own party there disagreb witit him in many matters But fhe "bel to the Senate 1I''a4 beaten by an though if is not so many years since Bever ldgl fiimseif was a senator the da4 pf the announcement of deffeat it was plain to any obsprveij that tha Senate felt that somethin! sad had happened to a member oj the club iiA I We have wondered eorrietifnes it the Senate would not be better 'saticj fled if it could elect its own member WYCITOII ILILOYI9 COMIPAIW LAAYETTE LODGE 1 WORTHINGTON the Crest of the 1500 eet I'lcvntlon Noted for its table and servic Specializing fresh country prod: ucts with delicious home bookind Orch estra 'Dan cing A'our patronage Is cordially i licited Splendid auto road direct to i lodge via Huntington Mas GEO A GRIPPING Manage points higher with fine granulated now list ed at 080 to 7 There was a little more activity in rcfi Pid futures and closing prices were unchanged 25 points higher Trading was confined to the November position at 7 August 710: October 7 December 7 The tnarket for coffee futures was much firmer today In addition to stronger Brazil ian advices and bullish crop news the trade was a good buyer on the idea that tlfe market had declined below a replacement basis with Brazil The opening was 11 to 16 points higher and September later sold up to 255 and December to 957 with the close flrm and 28 to 33 points net higher Local shorts and Wall street and commission houses were fair buyers at the advance Sales were estimated at about 32000 bags July 960 September 955 December 957 March 958: May 959 Spot coffee firm Rio 10 to 10 Wholesale prices quoted by Henry Perkins if Qmi i rfl company fruits Watermelons California cantaloupes South Car cantalopes (stand) California lemons Oranges (Cal Valencia) Bananas (lb) reaches 10 Case Inckwoud Brainard 4 A 8 10 x10 Electric Supply Equip 10 afnir Bearing Co 6 Griffin Tobacco Co pfd Hart Cooley Co IH Holyoke Water Power Col2 International Sliver Pfd 7 do common Jacobs Manufacturing Landers rary Clark Montgomery Co pref common National Marine Lamp Co New Brit Mach Co pf do common New Dept Mfg Co pref Niles Bement Pond Co prf do common North Judd Mfg Co Onio Mfg Co pref do common Peck Stow W'llcox KTjy Pratt Whi Co pf Wfc guar 6 Russell Mtg Co 8 Seth Thomas Clock Co pf 7 do common 6 Smyth Mfg Co 10 Stnn Screw pfd gtd 6 do common "0 Stanley Rulo Level Stanley Works pref zl zwmrnrqi 10 been exaggerated The opening of the market was steady and 3 points lower to 1 point higher Cables were better than due and there was a fair amount of buying for Wall street account which however disappeared as the market began its very severe downward movement Throughout the middle of the day there was very little buying but it was evident from the latter action of prices that the market was consider ably oversold Exports today 12070 making 6022 6S5 so far this season Port receipts 72S8 United States port stocks 507462 Cotton futures closed firm October 2140 December 2135 January 2123 March 2118 May 2102 Cotton epot steady middling 2165 Wire pfd oAinmntl Aetna Nut Co 8 American Hosiery Cq 16 American Hardware Co 8 American Silver Co 8 American Thread Co pfd 5 Automatic Refrigerating Co 8 Btgelow llart varp vo de common Billings Spencer Co rt pfd Bristol Brass Corp The Edward Bait Co didn't mv ad when I told you you should have health insurance Will you take it now or wish you had later? INSURE I ilILRED'SRoBINSOll GENERALMg INSURANCE Phoeitx'BMg Telphne VValnnt 3792 deck light western ewes lambs Single shingles or in plain or indented outline in rich dark red or green slate surface Splendid roofs handsome to look at and remarkably durable 2 et stern hnv JtO1H23 ClOVC mixed poor and damaged SliitfflS Rye 830040 oat 821023 wheat 820 a ion JOBBING LOTS White The American Sugar Refilling company quoted refined sugar at 680 with the usual 2 per cent discount in seven days Oleomargarine ancv table 24e lb medium table 19c fancy white 23e nut margarine bakers' pastry 18c cake shortening ic Northern fancy creamery in tubs 37143Sc lb in boxes 40041c in prints 40 western creamery in tubs fancy good to choice 35ti36c fair to good 33K034iaC Cheese New York twins fancy fair to good 2114022110 Young America 24 n5c Hennery 47048c choice eastern 420 43c fresh western extras 36037c prune fusts 32033c firsts 29031C Be3ns New York and Michigan pea 11 white Californio 887500 green peas 750 dried limas $1050011 yclioweyesi LM) red kidneys $950010 split 5 0008 Canadian peas $70750 Backs and short cuts heaiy $29 25 medium fl'l? 83075 lean ends $3725: bean pork 822 2150 loose salt pork lac fresh ribs 0 16V018C fresh 1819c hams skinned 24 2614c: shoulders corned sinoed 033 regular 2936c cooked 4b'aa3kjC bacon 2003214c briskets ISt sc bologna 17c frankfurts 1514023c fresh sausage sausage meat 22c pressed coocd meats pork trimmings latC law lard 15c rendered leaf lard 15c pure lalDrcssel Eastern fowls large 30 32c medium 25 027c broiler chickens western dry packed boxed turkeys eld 35c fowl large 28030c medium ac small 22023c old roosters 20c frozen roasting chickens large Lgt tot him 3538c: fowl large 29c medium 'li lx owls 21026c lb broilers 24026c old roosters llbc Dressed hogs Welghts about 2o0 lbs lc Lb 150 tu 50 lbs lb to lbs 15016c: pigs 26030c: boars Beef sides binds fores 9410c cows rJerl 820c western 8012c: mutton 1 018c jrarl Iti'Xq lambs genuine spring 22026c fall and winter 20024c New Zenffis Spples box bananas 614 Ktra wberrles qt bluebemcs qt blackberries 2528c cherries $250 03 box: grapefruit $10450 half box loupes California standards SI "50150 Arizona standards $33a9 hats $1250150 North Carolina melons 25075c each honey dew casalm $20250 ert oranges ons 82500 7 box peaches $301 rt pears 50 box: plums $2350 box Vegctablcs Strlng beans $22 i Iwx shell beans $17502 box lima beets box cabbage carrots $1125 box com $17i box cu cumbers native box other kinds 5c bskt eggplant $22j0)2o valley $3250350 bag native Lo0 box I Er st er a Shore $1500167 bskt Jersey $13o175 bskt Spanish $20225 ert peas $m0 09 box potatoes white $3 bnx: sweet $92501050 bbl: radishes $101 box lettuce native $225250 ert tomatoes native Jersey ert Maryland Tennessee flats turnips $o30 bbl Nevz York Produce Market Si 25 qul4qu 2 qu50c qu 1 qu2 $4 Su: Be ety OILS II" III IB 1 I JU I Pf I mMh I I 280 30 32 21 43 20 25 45 47 101) 112 30 33 V8 105 Open High Low Qose 108 111 101 110 LOS 108 106 107 100 110 109 100 62 62 61 iGl 62 63 62 62 59 59 58 59 31 31 31 31 33 33 33 $33 36 36 36 t36 80 80 78 80 80 80 80 1157 1157 1147 1147 1160 1160 1152 $1152 1112 1112 1107 1107 Citv Bank Trust Co 10 210 220 Com Trust Co of Brit 6 130 (X) Ct River Bunking Co 10 160 idelltv Trust Co 12 285 irst National Bank 200 210 Hartford Aetna Natl Bank 12 255 Hart Ct Trust Co 14 870 380 The Morris Pn of Hd 7 100 Land Mtg Title Co 10 60 65 New Britain Trust Co 10 190 Park Street Trust 6 130 145 Phoenix National Bank 12 245 255 Riverside Trust Co 10 2H) 3)5 Security Trust Co 1( 410 State Bank Trust Co 12 410 United States Bank 2i 500 ire Insurance Companies Aetna ire 24 435 415 Automobile Insurance 10 197 2r) Hartford ire 30 350 360 do full paid war 345 355 do part paid war 285 295 National ire 20 460 470 Phoenix ire 24 485 495 Standard ire 8 70 80 12 312 318 20 635 645 12 465 10 175 ISO 10 319 350 16 655 665 llitks 8 109 111 8 142 148 27 to 28 40 to 42 38 to 40 42 to 44 35 to 37 23 to 24 to 1.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

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