The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas (2024)

BLYTHEVILLE LE 'THE DOMINANT NEWSPAPER OF NORTHEAST COURIER NEWS ARKANSAS AND SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Swollen Streams Alarm Arkansans; State Gets Ready VOLUME X1-NO. 47. Blytheville Blytheville Daily Courier News Blythertlle Herald Mississippi Valley Lender ARKANSAS, TUESDAY, MAY 11, 19433 SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS I el Reds Make Gains Near Novorossisk Europe Braces For Invasion Move As Commons Holds Secret Session; GUNS PULVERIZE NAZI PILL BOXES, Russian Foot Soldiers Capfurc Hill Near Black Sea Naval Base Hr Halted Prosy The Red Army has punched another hole 111 the German lines northeast of Novorossisk. Soviet brig guns began the new attack with a systemalle 18 rage that pounded the enemy's concrete pill boxes and gam empicements to rubble. Then tufautry a'lced to capture an important hill near The Block Sea unval base, The Russians, striking toward Novarossisk front the west.

nOW ArC deep within German detenses of the Kubun bridgchend. And radio Parls reports that other tortet forces have made large scule Inudings. near Novorosslak. 7'hc report docs not say where 1110 landings were mande, But presious unconfirmed had said the Russians were nttempting to land troops south of Novorossiek from tho Binck Sea. One Nazi Genunn -atlack WItS hunted back nii .280 Germans killed.

me: enemy also mule a counterthrust in the Donets River sector southeast of Kharkoy but WINS stopper without regaining previous lost ground. cEre: lines, Russian Illers continue to shatter enemy supply and communication centers. and munition clumps were blown Up Bryansk southwest of Moscow. And on the central and southern front, Soviet bombers miIncked railroads moving troops mud supplies. German.

fliers tried to retaliate A with au unsuccessful rald ou Rostor. And other enemy rudders nttucked junction at the ceninter of the Russian sallent between Orel and Kharkov. BIGAMY SUSPECT IN DIVORCE SUIT Now Free Under Bond, Harry Whitney Sued By California. Woman Harry IT. Whitncy, 46-year-old alleged bol2amist, apparently yins married when he wed the former Miss Wilmn Wood of Blytheville Inst October and for which stood trial in the Criminal Division of, Circuit.

Court' in April but IL was to Mrs. Bonnic Whitney. of ly. wed although he miso had gone ramento: Calif: that he- was. legal- through a ceremony with the fortac.r Miss Grace Kemp of Momphis, it was officially tcarned tochy.

Stricken On Bus. Taken Ill while. on bus Inst night cn1 to Blytheville, Whitney was admitted to hospltal here, leading to the disclosure that he Ind been relensed from the county jail under bond two weeks ago and that On the following clay, he was served papers in which Mrs. Bonnie Whitney sought. divorce 0n1 the grounds of desertion.

His condition today was motels improved and ho was able to leave the hospilni. wiTched Mrs. on a Grace charge Kemp of bigamy Whitney In of Memphis was declared his Icgal wife, the Jury acquitted hian nfter the defendant testified an the witness stand that he WAS married nt the time he wed oliver but that he was legally married to the woman In California and not the wife in Memphis. The state immediately trad him scarrested on another charge of bigamy in the case of Mrs. Donnie.

Whitney and he was returned to Jail. there been since January, he was returned here from Benton Harbor. where arrested at the request of Mississippi County officers. Made Bond April 26 Unatle to make bond, he had remained in Jail his Blytheville wite posted A $300 rash bond April 26 and lie was relcased. 1t was Icarned today.

Ele 1s to face trial AL the November lerm nf court if his California wife docs not secure a divorce prior to that time. 1L Is understood that he had been working for a landscape tractor at the Malden. alr base since being released from jall. Ile had a similar job here last Fall when he wooed and wed the former Miss Woods. who remained al hts side throughout the trial.

He sald today that he was bed of $45 and his wallet altering having become unconscious on the Chicago Wheat Chicago Wheat high low close nr.c.l. July 144 14344 Sep. Germans Captured In Tunisia Interested In Coming To U. S. WITH AMERICAN POROES.

NORTIS TUNISIA, MAy 11 (UP)- Many pl tho young German prisences In northern Tundela want to B10 sent to prison So tho United States, But five German soldiers who made a guerrilla -attack on sillInge near Ilizerio after the surrender of their won't gel to an American prison comp. They fell befatn tho el two American prisates when they Into 1114 town and started burNing hand grenades. 'The eagerness of the prisoners to nixot America was widesprend. One prisoner--formerly stew- erd on. the Minor JAYCEES CHOOSE DAVIS PRESIDENT Succeeds S.

Bertish As; Head Of. Group Here; Other Officers Nanied Louts Davis was elected president of the Blythoville Junior Chamber of Commerce nt meeting of tho group nt Hotel Noble here lust night. Ic stleccerts G. S. Benish, Other officers elected were: 1.

vice -president: Simon Jaseph, secretary, and Sunford ShelLon, treasuror. The now officers will ba Installed A at the next regular meeting of Lite club. Mr. Davis, Local agent for the Southwestern Transportation Contpony, Ines lived here since 1038. AL the dinner Second Lieut.

John of tho Blytheville. Army: Alt. Base recalled elvidly some. of 'experiences during the attack on Pearl Harbor. Scrub Ralph former plythevllle.

who bus been stationel in the Aleutians, gave few eldellahta on life de tho Far North, He brought nows of other. Blytheville men who are stationed in the Northwest Pacific outposts. business session plans were formulated to send cigarettes Lo the armed forces overseas. Thad Nicel and L. E.

Isnincs were appointed In take charge of this project. Shon Joseph, chairman of the Victory Garden committee, 101- nounced that, this project sponsored by the club has been a success wiLl all of tho available space having been taken. The members voled to sponsor first old and' class, and asked that Roy Itca fleil John McDowell, two quailinstructors, take charge of the project, A report off the recent war COnclave held. In- Hot Springs was Riven, witti special attention the scimp drive 05 an urgent activ11y of the club. Ccell Wrolen and Fred Van Dyke were Introduced to this club as new members.

First Lieut. Ulho Harnes WaS A visitor. 8-Year-Old Crawls in Sleep SOMERVILLE, Mass. (UP) Eight- year- old Jaincs Higham went la bed and hind nightmare that someone chasing him. When he' woke up, the fire departfinent land to be called to rescue him from the rooftop of his home.

witerc he had crawled in his alcep. ho land sister who owned chieken farm in L. 1, Allother auld he used to go with girl in froboken, left of folated the Nazis are all that aro Carmenn force fri the to area. Tho cutlers trail of prisoners to American lines continued toclay. Most of them are yong--and they are admitted weary and They the Americans are rcal Aghters despite whint their tenders hind told them to the contrary.

One American nary private Lott newamen lie had almost got In ilkding some of 1110 German prisonhe added, "whom I suw what thoy hnd done to the civilI lane. 1 Colt like want to kill all of them." Late Bulletins LONDON, 'May 21 (00)- The radio broadcast A18 official Nazi announoement today deal March Erwia meh left North Africa on March 11. NEW YORK, May 11 (UP)Mosenw radio reports an nI. tenupi to assassinate Gestapo Chief Beinrich The Moscow broadcast said the report came from Zagreb, Croatia, by the wuy of banne, 1 carried few details, exert that two men fired on car a few hours atter ise arrived in Zagreb. The report wildest that fEmter escaped without Injury.

WASHINGTON, May 11 (UP There Is considerable speculation in Washington on the possibility of another mertIng between President louseveil smal Prime Minister Churchill. At. least one London' paper. it Is noted, has carried a Minry that the (wo leaders may meet again la review plans previous! By drawn fur the next A against the Axis. And 11 pointes out that the Tunisian war reslow to Commons WAS made today by Deputy Prime Minister Attlee- -a -Job usually reservest for Churchill.

The Strite Department, askal far comment 001 the possibility fifth Churchill- Ronsevelt moel. 130 bans. referred the matter the White House. New York Stocka A I' 153 1-8 Amor Tobagre 59 Ancondn Copper 20 Hell: Sicet Chrysler 74 5-R Cien Electric 37 5-8 Gen Motors 53 Ward 42 7-8 Int Central 18 3-41 Harvester 6'T 3-0 North Republic Am Aviation 12 3-4 Steel 18 Radio 11 5-B Socony Vacuum 13 1-4 12 1-8 Standard of 57 1-4 Corp 40 1-2 Packard Sicel 5u 3-8 1n Belglum, 14-vrar-olds are hotaken from parents by the Naals nmet Indentured to German "foster parents" as form laborera. S.

J. Cohen Eager To Serve U.S. With His Knowledge Of Russia A engineer has hope: of relurning Lo his native country to azsist the Allies in winning a speedy victory. -5. J.

Cohen cuginicer, has been given a high-ranking slot. In the Naval Reserve and- alrcads Ins been assigited alter requesting oversens duly. Bnck to Russia he will go. if Bels wish is granted, help the country where he winS born, at the same time he will be assisting his own country of many years. Commissioned a Neutenant 15.g.) on his 461h birthday, Mr.

Cohen volunteered for service soint time RIO. Eager to repay the United Sintes for the privilege of becoming a citizen of this country, Isn passed difficult mental and physical tests and went through OfTcer Training Course In which he made one of the top grades and which he completed this weck. Now stationed at Camp Peary. near Williamsburg, he will he given three monilis special training before leaving overscas. Mrs.

Cohen left yesterday to join him for that lime. and when he departs for foreign service, she will return to Blytheville where they have lived for the past 25 years. Born In Minsk, Russia, Mr. Cohen allended a. university in that country when very young, having recelved diploma from; thint Ischdol nt the age of 16.

THREE SHOCKED WHEN LIGHTNING HITS BARN ROOF V. H. Brycans And Two Negroes In Narrow Es- cape; Livestock Killed Lightning danecd neross the tin of Henry Young's born 1 late roof yesterday aficincon ott Highway 61, A mile north of Blytheville. and the result was one borse and three hogs three men temporarily paralyzed from shock and a part of the roof gone, V. 11.

Brycans, 44, brother-In- law of Afr. Young. and two Negroes, Caniel, Ned Johnson, 39, and James! 57, also employed by Mr. Young, were severely shocked when lightning struck within two fret let 1110 animala, killed Instantly. All the He; stuck Inside the barn, where the men had token refuge at 5:30 o'rlack storm, nothing -enught.

Ile. The men were able to regain use of their bodies after a short time but secre conAned to their beds today because of shock. It Ls belleved 02 ill eilcels will result. Mins Marnie Young other members el the Young Family watched from the your porch ol their hone as the men tan the told. Thinking the barn would be safe.

they stopped there and hurried in whlle much of the stock, which Irightrned TAn into the open, None af Wiese was Mr. Brycans: moved here fu JunNary from Clovis, N. to assist Mr. Young in forming. This way the second Limp the barn.

out Mrs. 1. J. Mafazan, has had misfortune. It mysteriously burned about 1wO scars ago when nded with feed.

stock and implements, all of which were lost, Negro Child Loses Long Fight For Life Burns received wille tal with fire last Nov. 28 proved playing tato Don Edward Harris, local Negro child, who died Friday in a New Orleans hospita! many Blytheville. groups and after rudividuals had sought to assist Eu his recovery. The fire started by the child as he played with kerosene and matches, ho. -third degree burns when attenijiling to" put out the blaze.

nization church and orgnEvery in Blytheville assisted Red Cross chapter and Social Welfare organization Ila giving add to bely the child light for his lifc. After, two hospital, months treatment al at he was Inc Flint-Goodride sent to Hospital In New Orleans. Funeral services were held will: Caston Funeral Home in today charge. Draft Tompkins Appointed Board Member A C. P.

Tompkins, Burdette cr. Selective has been named, a member of Service Board of Mississippi County, to succeed J. A. Pigg ul Osccola, who resigued because of ill heulth. Other members of this board.

which has jurisdiction over the with nortli the cud of exception Mississippi of the County, cite vicinity' of Blytheville, are R. G. West and Marcus Evrard. Mr. Tompkins: appointment, recommended by Gov.

Homer M. Adkins, WAS made by President Rnosevell. NAVY DISCLOSES NEW U.S. BLOWS IN THE SOLOMONS LITTLE ROCK, Nay 11. cy agencies have been ordered the worst flood in 100 years River.

Rivers are on the rise ways are cut in dozens of SAM P. JOHNSON DIES SUDDENLY Clear Lake Planter Suffers Heart Attack: Funeral Plans Incomplete Sam Pickens Johnson. for 10 sears a planter near Blytheville, died suddenly carly Loctay nt tils He was 69. Dealh came only a few minutes alter Ito awakened about 4 o'clock. In apparent 'good henith unell scyerni weeks ago when he had sercrui heart attacks, he Lancl allother attack yesterday afternoon but seemed greatly Improved last night.

Funcral arrangements will not bc made until his two sons arrived by plane late today from Florida, where S. P. Johnson is enployed at Saratoga, neud whor* Ray Johnson in attending Officer Candidate School of the Army. A brother, W. E.

Johnson of Osceola, is here but another brother. Dr. I. R. Johnson, is al Mensphis went a operation, need 311- Baptist Hospital where he underother brother, Charles Johnson; lives in Washington, D.

C. He also Is survived by his wife. Mrs. Daisy Johnson; a daughter, Miss Marguerite, Johnson, a goverminent teacher -in the Panama Canal Zone, and two sisters, W. Howard, wife of the Memphis specialist, and Mrs.

Charles Rogers of Florida: Born In 'Fchuln, he rented there and tiler was at Goodman, where nc WAS a -bookkeeper niter, attending bustness college. Entering the farming, business, he farmed at. Marks, Miss; and later at For 10 ville 10 years ago. Since that years before' he came to time he had lived seven miles south of this city' near Clear Lake: Cobb Funeral Honic is (n charge. INFANT DROWNED IN TUB OF WATER Child Crawls Off Porch, Falling Into Tub; Services Held Today A nine months oic baby was drowned yesterday when be fell off the rear porch into a tub of rain water al tire family residence in western Mississippi County.

Willis W. Duffle. son of Mr. and Mrs. E.

A. Duffle, crawled out of the house and ou to the porch ol the Duffles' country home in the Silverdalc Community near Leachville, while the mother was working intoors. The baby was not missed its floor pallet unlit school clirector, Ernest Griffin, calted at the house for the school census When the mother answered the knack, she missed the baby and a search revealed the child's body lying in the tub af water on the ground at the crige of the porch. 'The baby was rushed to a physician at Cardwell, but efforts to revive him were unsuccessful. Funeral services were held this afternoon al the Lita Baptist Church with burial al the cometery there with the Rev.

Mr. Wil. son conducting the rites, Howard Undertaking Company was In charge. Mrs. James Newcomb Dies At Flat River OSCEOLA, May cal services for Mrs.

James Newcomb of Flat River, mother or Mrs. J. L. Glascoc of Osccola, will probably be held Wednesday or Thursday in Flat River, it was stated by J. Glascoc, superintendent of Osceola Municipal Light nad Power who left Monday for that city.

Mrs. Newcomb died al her hame there at 9:45 Monday from an 111- ness of eight months. She was 63 ycars of age and active in church club life of her town. Mr. and Mrs.

Glascoe are the parents of a baby girl born in 8 hospital at Bonne Terre. 10 days ago and Mis. Glascoe had returned to her mother's home In Flat River only the day before her death. In addition to Mrs. Glascoc, Mrs.

Newcomb is survived by three sons and another daugliter, C. N. Newcomb, Flat River; Jamies and Willain Newcomb, St. Louis; and Mrs. W.

M. Williams, Bloomington, 111., Mrs. Glascoe will be unable to return hom*o for another week. (UP)-All available emergento mobilize as what may be is rolling down the Arkansas throughout the stale and highplaces. Train service has been at many points.

Army Engineer Prank Gruever of Little Rock says that the flood stage 011 the Aransas River will De the highest in 100 years with the possible exception of 1927-- still remembered a5 the worst orerflow in the state's history. The Red Cross is going Into action In Crawford aud Sebastian Counties in the Fort Sunith aren and mobilized all being in the Morrilton vicinibuild up the levees. The Emergency Relief CommitIce Leu: state has met with Gov. Adkins and asked for $25,000 front the War Emergency The Arkansas guard is standing Appropriation. ready for flood duty.

White River is rampaging. List guage at Batesville has gone to 34 and 6-10 15 meet above flood stage-with 11 roariug rise still to be recorded. POWER SERVICE IS INTERRUPTED' Lightning And Flash Flood Puts Plant Out Of Cornmission Last Night Old Mother nature went 011 rampage in this section Sast night, blasting, lines electric with belts service of lightning and (looding hydro generating plant of the Arsansas Missouri Power Company with twn fect of water in a flash flood. Declared the. worst electrical storm that been experienced In this section In the past several sears, George D.

Pollock chief engineer of the power company which serves 0G towns and COnImuullies, said today that service WAS restored throughout Norticast Arkansas and Southenst MIs. jess than one. hour. Electrle service 'was Interrupted and entire towns were: in the dark part of. the Nu one was injured during the storm and all electric service has been given permanent repairs, 10 was announced.

Last nigh.S; storm, which struck many towns at the same time, followed a rain' storm in the Inte afternoon in which lightning struck In several places. Livestock ST. LOUTS, May It 1UP)--tog receipts 13,000 bead, with 12,500 salable. Top price $1450; 180 to $80 pounds 14.10-14.45: 140-160 pounds 13.30-14.00; sows 14.33. Cattle receipts 3.200 licad, with 3,000 salable; calves 1,200, all shlable.

Slaughter steers 11.59-16.75: slaughter heifers 10.75-10.00; mixed yearlings and heifers 13. Council Will Meet Blytheville's City Councll will meet tonight. 7:30 o'clock at City Hall, in regular session. It is understood that only rolltine business will be taken up. American Fliers Cause Heavy Damage At -Mupda and Vangavanga By United Press The Navy today reports two altacks agatast the enemy In the central Solomons- -one of' which caused honey dammge.

dive Amertenn bombers torpedo planes started a number of (res and knocked out gun emplacements in 020 assault on -bombed standa. And they struck nt Vangavnaga on the southwest coast of Island. The combers were escorted on both eldes by fighters and all planes reurned safely. communique from trita told of big raid by Catalina lying boats on Babo in Dutch New Gudura. 'The Allied airmen 23 enemy craft.

out the ground and completcly destroyed three or them. The when remaining Catalinas twenty all were nile the wheeled away Trasn the nlinck. The Oying coats also went over the ell tank dock areas of Esalo and started number of large fires. Cther Allied plancs ranged over nertheast. New poundings eneray bases and strafing encniy lines.

Japanese Innd troops attempled minor push ht the area cast of Salamaun but ware thrown back. 'The Japanese curried out fonr week ralds-the strougest against village cn the north Australian coast. lu Harma, RAP bombers started large Tires in raids on caltroad vltluges north of Raugonn and ncar Mandalay, Villages north or Akyab on the west Burma coast also were hit. A Japanese army official today renewed Japan's threat to carry out an aerial offensive against 'the United States mainland. 'The DEllcer-a Neutenant genein) in of the sati army's atfairs charge section, bombing or the American continent "will be carried out to urine America to her knces." 'The outcome of the war, saki, depends upon complete mastery of the abr.

He admitted that Japan's. air force was inferior to America's 1cchnical knowledge. But he insisted that the Japanese have greater May Showed Field But Fliers Learn It Was All Plowed MAYFIELD, May 11. -An Army plane from The. Blytheville, airficid crashed on in plowed Airport al.

Mayfield Monday morning. Names of the student and structor abonrd the plane, neither of whom was injured, were not released. The plane was heavily damaged explain, not who 11050 did not over. An divulge Army his name. said the plane 011 A rouline training Night, He said airheld amp nt the Blytherille Field showed an auxillary airport al Mayfield.

'The al port here was discontinued carly this year after the city council declinerl in pay rent on the tract that was the property of MayBelrl business man and which was soldi this Spring and plowed for corn planting. Chicago Rye men lalght tow close pr.el. July 905: 884 Sep. 92 0216 Dionne Quints Launch Five Ships a Five -eyed little girls, too excited for sleep, coach, cagerly chattering about each new sight which scampered greeted from them window to window of their rallway yard. The special coach which brought the quintuplels and their In the heart of a humming ship- their first trip to the.

United Stales, was spotted in the yards of party from Callander, In the launching took pince, Shown in the the Walter Butler Shipbullders, where one of the ships is Yvonne while Papa Dionne stands behind urcaking a bottle across the Superior, shipyard bow of her. The four other Quints, watch sister perform. (NEA telephoto). TUNISIAN BATTLE, IN FINAL STAGE Ext m. Nervousness Sweeps Yanks: Reported 'On Cyprus My United: Press All Europe Tis tense.

There: 15 Want -romething miomentous: about to now. that, the buttic of is In its last con: vulsive: slage, British House of Commons has just held highly secret ko5. ston en subject which Foicizmi gruretary Eden cald -would be advisable to mako Flarily: thereafter, Depuly, Piline. Minister Alliess made a 'report on the 'Tunisian alliation--a (ask silly handled by. Winston Churchiif, Axls Defenses Axis reports reflect' the extremi nervousness swecpline Europo.

Anicrienn Island troops are reported on Cy-, prus In. the eastern 'Medli terrancan, presumably for oftenRive operations. Axis ls: reported Inboring frantically to strengthen its. fortifications on Sicfly, Eurdinin, Corsica end southern Ituly. Italians Moscow reports that many' I have deserted recently in southern and Sicily.

Norway reports: Intensive Nazi ship moveInvolving tho' super Algiera: says. Mung range Nazi gUnS are boing mounted on the French evnc*nted riviera and civilians hayc been from the FrenchMediterranean const. Depression: 1s the reported heels rumpant in Hungary on of the Axly, defeat hi Twenty-six more Dutch stain patriots: ArC sald to havo been by. the -Nazis In Holland: Cot of And. the In Washington Sccretary: Navy Kunx has hinted that Sicily miny.

bo an early target Allied cured: Invasion: 'Hei 'of. Stelly by the Al 50 would possorsion Iles would be 'A tremendous of NICAL." northern coast of the MediterrKiox predieted that the whole will bc. suit- or the Tunisian shipping. victory as do- m- Uniled Nations spice all. the Nazi air force Resistance' Dying er.

vintary. nesuminz great-: That Is. resistanco, on Bon Is Organizerti. -hourly. out and the entire In Isolnted.

In Zughouan: mounttaln troops sector. cruck German assault but contimie to fight bitterly, tlan they. under are. In a hopeless postsides. assault from turgi The number of.

German prison: 100.000. tuken. Ls rApidly Ron, appronching On Cap elized whole Nazis: ave surrendering by me. regarded companles, second nithough they The real as ones ilne rienr Ircaps. Zagfor hounn-arc expected to hold out a while longer.

in the far the Nazis just below Lake rule resistance also are continuing German army hi although, sector the main vendored formally to the Ameririlin cans on. Sunday, Smail Nazi bands are: Iris caves und clashing Cont In night tiro raids. neaiby vilnges. American nad British bombers again have. bombed the airfields and harbors on Pantel: Perla Island.

and Sicily, while. planes pinstered Cap: Bon Arid the Zaghounn sector. small Axis bombers strips were sunk by. Bellish in the Aegean Sen. lold Commons Alter today's' 5C- Deputy Prime Minister Allico cret Hrs session that British casualtotaled 10,800 men in the Inst three weeks of the Following his graduntion in Rusin.

br came to New York City where he attended Brooklyn PolySchool and New York city College. Long citizen -of the United totes and! A liceused civil neer after having been graduated that field, be sought a atively new scetlou nf the country chee Eridges and roads were Incededd. For number of scars he was connected with Pride and Fairley construction Company and later established his own business when that firm wn.3 dissolved. Ffc ins been engineer in the building of many locks, daws, hridges and roads fu the. South, amnong which was the locks' and damn at Marked Tree, many bridges and noads in the vicinity of Marked Tree and shudlar work in sissippi, Loulsiana and Missouri.

Because of his wide experience and fils knowledge of the Russian language, he believes lie cAn be of most help in Chat country. Questioned 85 to why he voluntecred for service, despite being past, sought the the draft dangers nge, of and why. he foreign duty, he sal6 "My heart is in my new country and I would like show my appreciation which, I can best be done by asking to help in my former homeland, with. which I Am familiar." Heavy Rainfall Hero Collon and ollier (arm arid den crops of section arc. ASgar- rain surel a good growth.

following more overnight. fourths Approximately inches -one nnd (turectell during a rain storm yesterday afternoon and last ty night, which offlowed approximatethe of an Inch during weekend to make two and onehalf tuches of badly needed Partially overcast clouds added to the good to be derived from the raini. New York Colton. open: 1937 May 2027 July 1996 Oct. 1981 Dec.

1911 high 1971 .2029 2000. 1935. .1974 low close 1961 1965 2023 2022 0024 1993 1993 1995 1978 1978 1980 1965 1965 .1909 New Orleans Cotton Arch. May' July' Oct.

I Dec. open high tow close. 1905 2003 1991 1991. 1936 2056.

2051 2052 2052 2050 2027 2031- 2033. 2033 2034 2011 2015: 2000 2007 2010 2000 2002. 1996 3,997 :1909.

The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas (2024)


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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

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Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.