Television Archive News Search Service (2024)



Date Archived



17 17

Global Democracies : CSPAN : July 14, 2018 8:00pm-10:01pm EDT

Jul 15, 2018 07/18



Former Defense Secretary and CIA Director Leon Panetta and former Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte were among the speakers at a Washington Post-hosted discussion on the future of global democracies. Two panels of foreign policy experts talked about the current state of democracies around the world and threats to their survival. Afterward, Mr. Panetta was interviewed on a variety of foreign affairs topics by Washington Post columnist David Ignatius. Many of the participants also...
Topics: nato, russia, israel, europe, washington, sec, eu, syria, mr. negroponte, trump, panetta, brazil,...
Source: Comcast Cable


12 12

Gen. Mark Milley Discusses Defense Priorities : CSPAN : December 2, 2020 7:51pm-8:58pm EST

Dec 3, 2020 12/20



Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Gen. Mark Milley outlined defense priorities and national security challenges at a virtual event hosted by the Brookings Institution. In remarks, Gen. Miley provided an assessment of U.S. operations in Afghanistan, stating, "We believe that now after 20 years-two decades of consistent effort there-we've achieved a modicum of success." He also discussed the president's recent decision to draw down troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, current military readiness...
Topics: afghanistan, china, etc., north korea, somalia, korea, mattis, russia, princeton, south korea,...
Source: Comcast Cable


30 30

Global AIDS Coordinator on HIV/AIDS Funding : CSPAN : August 14, 2018 2:04pm-3:51pm EDT

Aug 14, 2018 08/18



U.S. Global AIDS Policy Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx, Johns Hopkins University Public Health Professor Dr. Chris Beyrer and other global health experts discussed efforts to combat HIV and AIDS both in the U.S. and abroad. Speakers discussed the notable outcomes from the 2018 International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam, new drug treatments, funding challenges and infection rates in Africa. They also talked about congressional efforts to reauthorize PEPFAR, the program established during the...
Topics: amsterdam, russia, san francisco, steve, south africa, ias, china, kenya, london, nigeria, africa,...
Source: Comcast Cable


22 22

Nov 5, 2017 11/17



The Senate Intelligence Committee held a hearing on Russia and social media influence in the 2016 election. Officials from Facebook, Twitter and Google testified about what their companies were doing to protect users after the 2016 election from misleading and malicious content. They shared what they have learned about the number of Russian-based fake accounts and the impact and reach of posts from those accounts on other users. Senators admonished the witnesses and their companies for not...
Topics: russia, texas, google, wisconsin, washington, facebook, california, maryland, new york, facebook,...
Source: Comcast Cable


25 25

GOP Senators Call for Firings Over White House Leaks : CSPAN : August 4, 2017 12:58am-1:24am EDT

Aug 4, 2017 08/17



Senators Bob Corker (R-TN) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) spoke to reporters about the bipartisan bill successfully marked up by the Foreign Relations Committee, which Senator Corker chairs. The legislation, the Taylor Force Act, targets the Palestinian Authority for its financial support of terrorists and is named after a former U.S. Army officer who was killed in a terror attack in Tel Aviv in 2016. The Palestinian man who carried out the attack also died. Under the Palestinian Authority martyr's...
Topics: afghanistan, taylor, russia, graham, israel, lindsay, nicholson, cardin, trump, mcmaster, iran,...
Source: Comcast Cable


25 25

George W. Bush and Laura Bush Speak at Veterans Transition Summit : CSPAN : July 4, 2017 3:35pm-4:44pm EDT

Jul 4, 2017 07/17



Former President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush and Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin spoke at a summit focusing on veteran issues. The former president and first lady discussed transition programs for veterans and their families, and Secretary Shulkin took questions on veterans' health care, including post traumatic stress and suicide. Sponsor: Bush (George W.) Institute
Topics: sec, washington, mrs. bush, marlene, omaha, starbucks, bush, nebraska, homelessness, bryan bender,...
Source: Comcast Cable


24 24

Gen. James McConville Remarks on Army's Mission and Goals : CSPAN : January 25, 2020 3:16am-4:00am EST

Jan 25, 2020 01/20



Gen. James McConville, Army chief of staff, delivered remarks on the Army's mission and goals at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. He outlined working closely with allies and some of the new defense systems and technological advances in the department. Sponsor: Association of the U.S. Army
Topics: united states army, tammy, bradley, james mcconville, mcconville, washington, trump, huntsville,...
Source: Comcast Cable


102 102

Gabrielle Giffords-Leo J. Ryan Cloakroom Dedication Ceremony : CSPAN : November 18, 2017 10:34pm-11:10pm EST

Nov 19, 2017 11/17



House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) were among the speakers at a ceremony dedicating the Democratic cloakroom in the U.S. House in honor of former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and the late Rep. Leo Ryan (D-CA). Both Reps. Giffords and Ryan were victims of gun violence. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol
Topics: pelosi, leo ryan, gabby giffords, ryan, jackie spear, california, jonestown, wilson, jackie, gabby,...
Source: Comcast Cable


34 34

GOP Senators Propose Block Grant Health Care Funding Bill : CSPAN : September 13, 2017 8:00pm-8:55pm EDT

Sep 14, 2017 09/17



Republican Senators Lindsey Graham (SC), Bill Cassidy (LA), Dean Heller (NV) and Ron Johnson (WI) held a news conference to unveil their health care proposal. The bill aims to repeal the Affordable Care Act and provides annual block grants to states to help individuals pay for health care. Senator Graham said the bill is the best and last chance for repealing and replacing President Obama's health care law. Rick Santorum, the former Republican senator from Pennsylvania and presidential...
Topics: washington, graham, obamacare, nevada, bernie, bernie sanders, louisiana, wisconsin, virginia,...
Source: Comcast Cable


45 45

GOP Senators Propose Block Grant Health Care Funding Bill : CSPAN : September 14, 2017 12:16am-1:13am EDT

Sep 14, 2017 09/17



Republican Senators Lindsey Graham (SC), Bill Cassidy (LA), Dean Heller (NV) and Ron Johnson (WI) held a news conference to unveil their health care proposal. The bill aims to repeal the Affordable Care Act and provides annual block grants to states to help individuals pay for health care. Senator Graham said the bill is the best and last chance for repealing and replacing President Obama's health care law. Rick Santorum, the former Republican senator from Pennsylvania and presidential...
Topics: washington, bernie, obamacare, graham, nevada, obamacare, louisiana, bernie sanders, wisconsin, new...
Source: Comcast Cable


48 48

Gill v. Whitford Oral Argument : CSPAN : October 6, 2017 11:05pm-12:06am EDT

Oct 7, 2017 10/17



The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral argument for Gill v. Whitford, a case out of Wisconsin involving redistricting. A lower court in 2016 ruled that the state's 2011 map drafted by a Republican controlled legislature is partisan gerrymandering and therefore unconstitutional. The state of Wisconsin is appealing the lower court's decision before the nation's highest court. Sponsor: U.S. Supreme Court
Topics: ms. murphy, wisconsin, mr. smith, milwaukee, whitford, breyer, sigma, kagan, gill, texas
Source: Comcast Cable


45 45

Global Impact of Brexit : CSPAN : December 18, 2017 2:05pm-4:03pm EST

Dec 18, 2017 12/17



The Wilson Woodrow International Center for Scholars hosted a panel discussion about the range of potential Brexit implications and outcomes for the United Kingdom, the European Union, and the United States. Panelists discussed the results of a study conducted by the RAND corporation on the economic, political and security implications of Brexit. The U.K. will exit the European Union March 2019. Sponsor: Wilson (Woodrow) International Center for Scholars
Topics: ireland, u.k., britain, europe, canada, eu, charlie, michelle, london, wilson, united kingdom,...
Source: Comcast Cable


4 4.0

G7 Holds Climate Change Session During Summit : CSPAN : June 13, 2021 9:37pm-9:44pm EDT

Jun 14, 2021 06/21



British Prime Minister Boris Johnson hosted a climate change session during the final day of the G7 Summit in Cornwall, England. A portion of this session included a video featuring Sir David Attenborough, the English broadcaster and natural historian. Sponsor: White House,G-7 Summit
Topics: david attenborough, geneva, vladimir putin, biden, putin, switzerland, russia
Source: Comcast Cable


12 12

Gov.-Elect Glenn Youngkin R-VA Election Night Victory Remarks : CSPAN : November 3, 2021 6:40am-7:00am EDT

Nov 3, 2021 11/21



Virginia Gov.-Elect Glenn Youngkin (R) declared victory in the Commonwealth's 2021 race for governor at an victory party for supporters. The remarks came more than six hours after polls closed in Virginia. He thanked his family, campaign staff, and running mates for their support, and then talked about his first priorities when taking office -- lowering taxes and implementing a school choice pilot program among them. Sponsor: Youngkin Gubernatorial Campaign
Topics: virginia, washington, suzanne, comcast, on c-span
Source: Comcast Cable


31 31

Governor Chris Christie Addresses Latino Coalition : CSPAN : July 20, 2016 12:00pm-1:41pm EDT

Jul 20, 2016 07/16



Governor Chris Christie addresses the Latino Coalition at an event in Cleveland as the Republican National Convention enters its third day. Several members of Congress are also scheduled to speak
Topics: cleveland, donald trump, clinton, christie, chris christie, wisconsin, duffy, washington, mexico,...
Source: Comcast Cable


21 21

Gov. Kasich at Loeb School's First Amendment Gala : CSPAN : November 15, 2018 7:05pm-7:53pm EST

Nov 16, 2018 11/18



[LIVE] Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R), a potential presidential candidate in 2020, delivered remarks at the Loeb School's First Amendment Gala in Manchester, New Hampshire. Sponsor: Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications
Topics: mr. kasich, china, washington, new hampshire, syria, joe, donald trump, assad, guatemala, africa,...
Source: Comcast Cable


38 38

Gov. Kasich at Loeb School's First Amendment Gala : CSPAN : November 16, 2018 12:03pm-12:44pm EST

Nov 16, 2018 11/18



Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R), a potential presidential candidate in 2020, delivered remarks at the Loeb School's First Amendment Gala in Manchester, New Hampshire. Sponsor: Loeb (Nackey S.) School of Communications
Topics: mr. kasich, kasich, china, donald trump, syria, new hampshire, john kasich, washington, assad,...
Source: Comcast Cable


29 29

GOP Senators Propose Block Grant Health Care Funding Bill : CSPAN : September 14, 2017 5:00am-5:59am EDT

Sep 14, 2017 09/17



Republican Senators Lindsey Graham (SC), Bill Cassidy (LA), Dean Heller (NV) and Ron Johnson (WI) held a news conference to unveil their health care proposal. The bill aims to repeal the Affordable Care Act and provides annual block grants to states to help individuals pay for health care. Senator Graham said the bill is the best and last chance for repealing and replacing President Obama's health care law. Rick Santorum, the former Republican senator from Pennsylvania and presidential...
Topics: graham, obamacare, washington, bernie, nevada, bernie sanders, louisiana, virginia, bill cassidy,...
Source: Comcast Cable


23 23

Gen. Gustave Perna Holds COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Briefing : CSPAN : December 19, 2020 3:29pm-4:00pm EST

Dec 19, 2020 12/20



Gen. Gustave Perna, chief operating officer of Operation Warp Speed, briefed reporters on the progress of the COVID-19 vaccine distribution. He acknowledged during the briefing the "miscommunication" with many states over how many doses of the Pfizer vaccine would be available and took "personal responsibility" for the delay in information. He also announced that the recently FDA-approved Moderna vaccine distribution process had begun, with 7.9 million doses allocated across...
Topics: perna, fda, etc., mckesson, washington, pfizer, kieran stacy, azar, moderna, ups, rachel rubine, eua
Source: Comcast Cable


26 26

Gabrielle Giffords-Leo J. Ryan Cloakroom Dedication Ceremony : CSPAN : November 19, 2017 1:41am-2:19am EST

Nov 19, 2017 11/17



House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) were among the speakers at a ceremony dedicating the Democratic cloakroom in the U.S. House in honor of former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and the late Rep. Leo Ryan (D-CA). Both Reps. Giffords and Ryan were victims of gun violence. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol
Topics: pelosi, leo ryan, ryan, gabby giffords, washington, jackie spear, california, jonestown, gabby,...
Source: Comcast Cable


44 44

Nov 19, 2018 11/18



German Chancellor Angela Merkel delivered remarks to members of the European Parliament on the future of the Europe. During her remarks, she expressed support for a "real European army," defended Germany's immigration policies and called for the end of "nationalism and egotism" in Europe. Following her remarks, European party leaders responded in support but some like former U.K. Independence Party leader Nigel Farage criticized the Chancellor's immigration policy. Mr....
Topics: europe, germany, european union, africa, mrs. merkel, eu, libya, greece, ukraine, berlin, britain,...
Source: Comcast Cable


5 5.0

Gun Culture Discussion at UCLA : CSPAN : November 26, 2020 4:08am-5:39am EST

Nov 26, 2020 11/20



The UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs hosted a discussion on the history of the American gun culture with historian Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, constitutional law professor Adam Winkler and anti-gun activist Ismael Ileto. Sponsor: University of California, Los Angeles
Topics: brad, nra, ucla, washington, joseph, luskin, adam winkler, winkler, ortiz, nebraska, carter, gary,...
Source: Comcast Cable


29 29

Global Democracies : CSPAN : July 14, 2018 11:00pm-1:02am EDT

Jul 15, 2018 07/18



Former Defense Secretary and CIA Director Leon Panetta and former Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte were among the speakers at a Washington Post-hosted discussion on the future of global democracies. Two panels of foreign policy experts talked about the current state of democracies around the world and threats to their survival. Afterward, Mr. Panetta was interviewed on a variety of foreign affairs topics by Washington Post columnist David Ignatius. Many of the participants also...
Topics: nato, russia, europe, israel, washington, eu, sec, mr. negroponte, syria, trump, brazil, france,...
Source: Comcast Cable


2 2.0

Gov. Andrew Cuomo Delivers Farewell Address : CSPAN : August 29, 2021 8:59pm-9:16pm EDT

Aug 30, 2021 08/21



New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) gave his farewell address. The governor is set to step down after the New York Attorney General Letitia James released a report detailing allegations of sexual harassment and an abusing work environment in Governor Cuomo's office. New York Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul (D) will take over as governor. Sponsor: New York (State) | Office of the Governor
Topics: new york, washington, cuomo, new york city
Source: Comcast Cable


9 9.0

Governors Hold News Conference at DC Winter Meeting : CSPAN : January 29, 2022 10:04am-10:32am EST

Jan 29, 2022 01/22



[LIVE] Governors hold a news conference in Washington, DC during their annual winter meeting. Sponsor: National Governors Association
Topics: nga, arkansas, polis, hutchinson, colorado, national governors association, washington, d.c.,...
Source: Comcast Cable


7 7.0

Feb 25, 2022 02/22



Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL), Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), and Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson (R-NC) addressed the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). They spoke about what they called the Democrats' failed policies on COVID, education and crime. Sen. Blackburn also talked about Democrats' foreign policy, calling it "a war zone." She also addressed the Russian invasion of Ukraine saying, "We pray for Ukraine and the people of Ukraine." Sponsor:...
Topics: florida, joe biden, cpac, australia, biden, north carolina, desantis, texas, canada, california,...
Source: Comcast Cable


22 22

Gov. DeSantis Address Conservative Political Action Conference : CSPAN : February 27, 2022 1:36am-2:01am EST

Feb 27, 2022 02/22



Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL), addressed the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Sponsor: Conservative Political Action Conference
Topics: florida, washington, biden, australia, russia, cpac
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

May 26, 2022 05/22



Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) said officials had "no meaningful forewarning" that an 18-year-old would target children at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. The gunman killed 19 children and two teachers. The governor, along with other state officials, briefed reporters one day after the deadly mass shooting. Former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-TX), who is running for governor, interrupted the briefing and told officials "this is totally predictable" and " you are doing...
Topics: texas, uvalde, fbi, chicago, texas rangers, comcast, washington, dps, texas education agency,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

GCC+3 Summit in Saudi Arabia : CSPAN : July 18, 2022 2:01am-3:17am EDT

Jul 18, 2022 07/22



President Biden participated in a summit of the Gulf Cooperation Council plus Egypt, Iraq, & Jordan, also known as the GCC+3, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He talked about the U.S. working together with Middle East allies to promote a rules-based international order and other foreign policy objectives, and called out China, Russia, and Iran for destabilizing global order. World leaders from the GCC+3 also spoke, talking about Israel-Palestinian relations and progress toward a two-state solution,...
Topics: iraq, egypt, jordan, israel, united states of america, kuwait, joe biden, yemen, syria, ukraine,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Georgia Election Officials Discuss Election Integrity : CSPAN : July 17, 2022 6:22am-6:59am EDT

Jul 17, 2022 07/22



Georgia Election officials spoke about their efforts to secure the 2020 presidential election amid a pandemic and discussed its aftermath. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) and Georgia's Chief Election Operations Officer Gabriel Sterling spoke about former President Trump's efforts to convince them to overturn the state's election results and threats their colleagues faced after the election. The discussion was moderated by CNN journalist Fredreka Schouten and was part of an...
Topics: georgia, trump, gabe, washington, valentine, raffensperger
Source: Comcast Cable


549 549

George W. Bush 2004 Acceptance Speech : CSPAN : July 10, 2016 2:10am-3:24am EDT

Jul 10, 2016 07/16



President Bush accepts his party's re-nomination at the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York.
Topics: vietnam, israel, soviet union, china, moscow, carter, ted, tanya, russia, harry truman
Source: Comcast Cable


53 53

Gary Johnson Discusses his Presidential Bid : CSPAN : October 12, 2016 3:16am-4:17am EDT

Oct 12, 2016 10/16



Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson joins C-SPAN from Santa Fe, New Mexico to discuss his priorities in 2016, as well as his life and career. He also responds to viewer phone calls and comments on social media
Topics: mr. johnson, clinton, syria, donald trump, gary johnson, johnson, new mexico, ms. stein, isis,...
Source: Comcast Cable


53 53

Greenland and Climate Change : CSPAN : August 25, 2016 9:54pm-10:59pm EDT

Aug 26, 2016 08/16



Author Gretel Ehrlich talks about global climate change
Topics: greenland, denmark, washington, paris, alaska
Source: Comcast Cable


81 81

Governor Bobby Jindal at the Iowa State Fair : CSPAN : August 22, 2015 2:35pm-3:06pm EDT

Aug 22, 2015 08/15



Governor Bobby Jindal (R-LA) speaks at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines. Iowa traditionally holds the nation's first presidential caucus
Topics: iowa, washington, irs, iran, cuba, israel, obama, iran, clinton, cleveland, bernie sanders
Source: Comcast Cable


35 35

Global Terror Threats : CSPAN : February 13, 2018 9:59pm-12:47am EST

Feb 14, 2018 02/18



The Senate Intelligence Committee held a hearing on global terror threats. The director of national intelligence, CIA director, and FBI director, among other intelligence and security chiefs, testified on the range of threats their agencies were addressing. Members asked questions on issues including nuclear security, cyber threats, transnational gangs, and Russian efforts to influence U.S. elections, including the ongoing investigations about those efforts. Sponsor: Senate Select Intelligence...
Topics: russia, china, fbi, pompeo, north korea, wray, mexico, syria, afghanistan, rogers, washington,...
Source: Comcast Cable


47 47

Gen. John Hyten Confirmation Hearing : CSPAN : August 2, 2019 4:40pm-7:13pm EDT

Aug 2, 2019 08/19



The Senate Armed Services Committee held a confirmation hearing for Air Force Gen. John E. Hyten to serve as vice chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Senators and the nominee addressed allegations of sexual assault against the general by Col. Kathryn Spletstoser, who attended the hearing. Gen. Hyten denied the accusations. Several senators noted that after reviewing the military investigation into the allegations and holding several closed-door executive sessions with the general and the...
Topics: china, russia, hyten, wilson, afghanistan, reid, stratcom, los alamos, laura, north korea, hirono,...
Source: Comcast Cable


33 33

Georgia 6th District Debate : CSPAN : June 12, 2017 10:03am-11:03am EDT

Jun 12, 2017 06/17



Candidates Karen Handel (R) and Jon Ossoff (D) took part in their final scheduled debate ahead of a special election to fill Georgia's 6th congressional district House seat, left open when former Representative Tom Price (R-GA) became President Trump's health and human services secretary. The candidates discussed several issues, including health care replacement, tax policy, Russia and the 2016 elections, the Iran nuclear agreement, and climate change. Sponsor: WABE-FM,Public Broadcasting...
Topics: handel, ms. handel, mr. ossoff, georgia, karen handel, iran, jon ossoff, atlanta, washington, iran,...
Source: Comcast Cable


44 44

Government Shutdown Day 6 : CSPAN : December 27, 2018 3:29pm-4:00pm EST

Dec 27, 2018 12/18



[LIVE] On the sixth day of a government shutdown, both the House and Senate are in session to consider legislation. Sponsor: C-SPAN
Topics: virginia, c-span, arkansas, new york, arizona, norfolk, jacksonville, donald trump
Source: Comcast Cable


6 6.0

Gov. Mike DeWine R-OH : CSPAN : May 3, 2020 10:54pm-10:56pm EDT

May 4, 2020 05/20



On ABC's "This Week," Gov. Mike DeWine of Ohio talked about lifting stay-at-home orders. Sponsor: ABC Television | "This Week"
Topics: new york city, dewine, ohio
Source: Comcast Cable


58 58

George Washington University Immigration Debate : CSPAN : December 26, 2018 11:51pm-1:34am EST

Dec 27, 2018 12/18



Writers and editors from the American Conservative and The Nation participated in a debate on immigration at George Washington University. Sponsor: George Washington University,[Nation, The],[American Conservative, The]
Topics: california, washington, europe, norway, honduras, geneva, san francisco, pete wilson, the nation,...
Source: Comcast Cable


38 38

Jun 30, 2019 06/19



Executives from Facebook, Twitter and Google testified on Capitol Hill about efforts to counter online terror content, hate speech and misinformation on their platforms. The social media officials all agreed on the importance of prohibiting online terror content and recognized their commitment to free speech. They also discussed company actions involving foreign interference in U.S. elections, a manipulated video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and the Facebook Live stream of the mosque...
Topics: google, thompson, new zealand, christchurch, mr. slater, gifct, rogers, facebook, pelosi, ms....
Source: Comcast Cable


29 29

Aug 12, 2018 08/18



The nation's governors gathered in Santa Fe, New Mexico for their 2018 summer meeting. At the opening plenary session, the focus was on innovation as the governors heard from Waymo CEO John Krafcik who discussed his company's technology behind self-driving automobiles, and how they could effect everyday life. He was interviewed by Gov. Brian Sandoval (R-NV) who chairs the National Governors Association. Sponsor: National Governors Association
Topics: waymo, nevada, phoenix, matt, california, waymo, waymo, san jose, john, carney, google, google,...
Source: Comcast Cable


54 54

George Washington University Immigration Debate : CSPAN : December 27, 2018 1:25pm-3:06pm EST

Dec 27, 2018 12/18



Writers and editors from the American Conservative and The Nation participated in a debate on immigration at George Washington University. Sponsor: George Washington University,[Nation, The],[American Conservative, The]
Topics: california, europe, norway, geneva, san francisco, helen, honduras, the nation, washington...
Source: Comcast Cable


2 2.0

Gov. Kristi Noem Discusses the Republican Party : CSPAN : April 11, 2022 10:35am-11:20am EDT

Apr 11, 2022 04/22



South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) discussed the direction of the Republican Party in a speech at the Choosing Forum at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California. The governor highlighted her state's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, approach to education, the economy, the Second Amendment, and ways the Republican Party can be successful. Gov. Noem has been talked about as a potential contender in the 2024 presidential election. Sponsor: Ronald Reagan Presidential...
Topics: reagan, south dakota, joe biden, ronald reagan, noem, roger, ukraine, china, washington, white...
Source: Comcast Cable


43 43

Georgetown University Dedicates Campus Building to Slaves Sold in 1838 : CSPAN : April 18, 2017 5:18pm-6:02pm EDT

Apr 18, 2017 04/17



Georgetown University held a ceremony to mark the renaming of two campus buildings: one for Isaac Hawkins, one of 272 enslaved persons sold in 1838 by the Maryland Province of Jesuits to pay off debts; the other for Anne Marie Becraft, a free woman of color who, in 1820 at the age of 15, established a school for Catholic black girls in Georgetown. Sponsor: Georgetown University
Topics: isaac hawkins, anne marie becraft, georgetown, maryland, isaac caulkins, georgetown, california,...
Source: Comcast Cable


396 396

Georgia Senate Debate : CSPAN : November 3, 2014 5:00am-6:01am EST

Nov 3, 2014 11/14



Michelle Nunn (D) and David Perdue (R) join in their final debate of the campaign season in an effort to succeed outgoing Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) as the next senator from the Peach State.
Topics: georgia, washington, michelle nunn, purdue, mr. perdue, isis, obama, barack obama, obama, harry...
Source: Comcast Cable


36 36

Governor Bobby Jindal on U.S. Foreign Policy : CSPAN : October 11, 2014 6:59pm-8:01pm EDT

Oct 11, 2014 10/14



Governor Bobby Jindal evaluates President Obama's foreign policy strategy.
Topics: obama, isis, europe, pentagon, russia, iraq, louisiana, china, israel, libya, iran, joni ernst,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders Delivers GOP Response to State of the Union Address : CSPAN : February 8, 2023 3:05am-3:24am EST

Feb 8, 2023 02/23



Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R) gave the Republican response to President Biden's 2023 State of the Union address, from the governor's mansion in Little Rock. She also spoke about a new plan for her state's education policy and called it, "the most far-reaching, bold, conservative, education reform in the country." The governor also told a story about a time she and President Trump visited U.S. troops stationed in Iraq. Sponsor: Republican Party
Topics: biden, arkansas, sarah huckabee sanders, washington, usa, sarah
Source: Comcast Cable


84 84

May 28, 2022 05/22



Sen. Ted Cruz (R) was among several speakers who defended the right to bear arms in the wake of the deadly school shooting in Uvalde, Texas and calls for more gun regulations. Their comments came during speeches at the National Rifle Association (NRA) conference in Houston. Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) delivered brief remarks via a taped recording. Sponsor: National Rifle Association
Topics: nra, uvalde, texas, south dakota, chicago, washington, chuck schumer, tyler, sutherland springs,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Gov't Officials Testify on Fentanyl Trafficking : CSPAN : February 26, 2023 3:07am-5:10am EST

Feb 26, 2023 02/23



"The Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco (CJNG) Cartel, both cartels in Mexico, are responsible for the vast majority of fentanyl that is coming into the U.S. It is why DEA has made defeating those two cartels our top operational priority," said DEA Administrator Anne Milgram in testimony before a Senate committee. Lawmakers also heard from Assistant Secretary of State Todd Robinson and National Drug Control Policy Director Dr. Rahul Gupta. They discussed the global supply chain of...
Topics: mexico, china, biden, prc, dea, jinping, robinson, india, anne, canada, sinaloa, jalisco, ccp,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Gov. Tim Walz Discusses His Policy Agenda : CSPAN : February 18, 2023 4:11pm-4:48pm EST

Feb 18, 2023 02/23



Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) discussed his administration's agenda and ways Minnesota is tackling a variety of topics including clean energy, education and abortion access. Politico hosted this event. Sponsor:
Topics: minnesota, florida, george floyd, minneapolis
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Gov. Ron DeSantis R-FL, "The Courage to Be Free - Florida's Blueprint for America's Revival" : CSPAN : March 8, 2023 12:01am-1:00am EST

Mar 8, 2023 03/23



Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) spoke about his leadership in Florida and how his successes there could serve as a blueprint for reviving America. Much of his talk focused on his response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and Gov. DeSantis said his decision to reopen public schools earlier than other states resulted in an increased influx of residents from other states. The Ronald Reagan Foundation and Institute in Simi Valley, California hosted this event. Sponsor: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and...
Topics: florida, california, reagan, new york, ronald reagan, washington, ron desantis, illinois, thomas...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Gen. Mark Milley on Future of the Joint Forces : CSPAN : April 3, 2023 1:06pm-1:39pm EDT

Apr 3, 2023 04/23



Joint Chief of Staff Chair Gen. Mark Milley said he could not comment on the indictment of former President and Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump. Gen. Milley joined Defense One for a conversation on the future of the joint forces. Topics included emerging defense technology, recruitment and retention, the Russia-Ukraine war, and relations with China. Sponsor: Government Executive Media Group
Topics: china, kevin, milley, ukraine, taiwan, russia, mexico, c-span, new york, washington, h&m,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

May 9, 2023 05/23



State and local election officials discussed election threats and the harassment of election officials during the Center for Election Innovation and Research's symposium on election policy. Several topics were discussed, including stress mitigation and impacts to mental health, election workforce retention concerns, accountability for those who threaten the election process, and countering disinformation. Among the panelists were Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D), Maine Secretary...
Topics: michigan, georgia, washington, arizona, maine, benson, california, raffensperger, oliver
Source: Comcast Cable


56 56

Governor Chris Christie in Davenport, Iowa : CSPAN : July 20, 2014 6:30pm-6:53pm EDT

Jul 20, 2014 07/14



Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.) speaks at a fundraiser in Iowa for Gov. Terry Branstad's re-election campaign.
Topics: georgia, washington, united states senate, kingston, mexico, purdue, obamacare, rob woodall, ben...
Source: Comcast Cable


58 58

Governor Mitt Romney R-MA Commencement Address at Saint Anselm College : CSPAN : May 30, 2015 8:53pm-9:14pm EDT

May 31, 2015 05/15



Former presidential candidate and Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) gives a commencement address to the 2015 graduating class at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, N.H.
Topics: mr. romney, adam
Source: Comcast Cable


38 38

Governor Mitt Romney R-MA Commencement Address at Saint Anselm College : CSPAN : May 31, 2015 12:22am-12:42am EDT

May 31, 2015 05/15



Former presidential candidate and Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) gives a commencement address to the 2015 graduating class at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, N.H.
Topics: washington, adam, mr. romney
Source: Comcast Cable


20 20

Gen. Laura Richardson on Security Challenges Facing Latin America : CSPAN : August 5, 2023 12:24am-1:16am EDT

Aug 5, 2023 08/23



Army General Laura Richardson, commander of the U.S. Southern Command, discussed security challenges facing Latin America during a virtual event hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Such challenges include migration, narcotics trafficking, climate change, protecting the Amazon rainforest, and competing with China amid the country's investments in infrastructure in the region. General Richardson also stressed the importance of working with Latin American allies in...
Topics: colombia, panama, southcom, china, prc, amazon, nasa, richardson, usa, nelson, brazil, argentina,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

German Chancellor Speaks at U.N. Security Council : CSPAN : September 20, 2023 7:41pm-7:49pm EDT

Sep 20, 2023 09/23



"Peace without freedom is oppression and peace without justice is a dictate," said German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. The chancellor delivered remarks before a U.N. Security Council meeting debating continued support for peace and security in Ukraine. He condemned Russia's aggression on Ukraine and said the pursuit of peace "is worth our utmost efforts." Sponsor: United Nations | Security Council
Topics: russia, ukraine, u.n.
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

General Services Administrator Testifies on Oversight of Agency - Part 2 : CSPAN : November 16, 2023 11:50pm-2:00am EST

Nov 17, 2023 11/23



General Services Administration (GSA) Administrator Robin Carnahan testified on oversight of the agency and government spending on federal properties before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee. Questions about the new FBI headquarters, telework impacting usage of government office space, and the GSA Urban Development/Good Neighbor Program were discussed. In addition, Chair James Comer (R-KY) and Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) had a heated exchange about the chair's past financial...
Topics: fbi, gsa, virginia, maryland, ms. carnahan, washington, springfield, greenbelt, biden, gao,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

General Services Administrator Testifies on Oversight of Agency - Part 1 : CSPAN : November 16, 2023 11:08pm-11:51pm EST

Nov 17, 2023 11/23



General Services Administration (GSA) Administrator Robin Carnahan testified on oversight of the agency and government spending on federal properties before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee. Questions about the new FBI headquarters, telework impacting usage of government office space, and the GSA Urban Development/Good Neighbor Program were discussed. Sponsor: House Oversight and Accountability Committee
Topics: gsa, fbi, wray, carnahan, biden, gao, nina albert, general services administration, washington
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Georgia Court Hearing on Alleged Misconduct by Fani Willis, Part 2 : CSPAN : February 28, 2024 12:27am-12:52am EST

Feb 28, 2024 02/24



Fulton County, Georgia Superior Court held another hearing regarding misconduct allegations against District Attorney Fani Willis, the lead prosecutor in Georgia's election interference case against former President Trump and others. In this hearing, Terrence Bradley, former law partner and divorce attorney for Nathan Wade, was pressed about his knowledge of Ms. Willis' and Mr. Wade's romantic relationship. He walked back information that he previously shared with attorney Ashleigh Merchant,...
Topics: mr. bradley, bradley, ms. merchant, ms. willis, washington, michigan, biden, white house
Source: Comcast Cable


45 45

Global Democracies : CSPAN : July 11, 2018 10:11pm-12:14am EDT

Jul 12, 2018 07/18



Former Defense Secretary and CIA Director Leon Panetta and former Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte were among the speakers at a Washington Post-hosted discussion on the future of global democracies. Two panels of foreign policy experts talked about the current state of democracies around the world and threats to their survival. Afterward, Mr. Panetta was interviewed on a variety of foreign affairs topics by Washington Post columnist David Ignatius. Many of the participants also...
Topics: nato, russia, israel, europe, washington, eu, sec, syria, mr. negroponte, trump, brazil, france,...
Source: Comcast Cable


24 24

GOP Senators Hold News Conference on Border Security : CSPAN : August 3, 2017 8:00pm-8:24pm EDT

Aug 4, 2017 08/17



Senators John Cornyn (R-TX), John Barrasso (R-WY), Ron Johnson (R-WI), and Thom Tillis (R-NC) spoke with reporters about new legislation addressing border security and immigration enforcement. They said the legislation was developed after months of consultations with Department of Homeland Security leaders. The announcement came a day after other Senate Republicans appeared at the White House to promote their own border security and immigration legislation, which would transform the U.S....
Topics: cornyn, barrasso, johnson, tillis, mexico, texas, officiating
Source: Comcast Cable


77 77

Gov. Gary Herbert (R-Utah) : CSPAN : February 9, 2013 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

Feb 10, 2013 02/13



Series/Special. Gov. Herbert speaks on the Affordable Care Act. New.
Topics: utah, washington, utah, herbert, sebelius, d.c., gary herbert, florida
Source: Comcast Cable


26 26

Government Cyber Officials Testify on Interagency Cyber Cooperation : CSPAN : November 17, 2018 1:51pm-3:19pm EST

Nov 17, 2018 11/18



Top cyber officials at the Pentagon and Homeland Security Department testified on interagency coordination to combat cyber threats before two subcommittees on Capitol Hill. They talked about cybersecurity threats, approaches to thwarting them and the lack of resources that challenged their fight against cyber attacks. Following their testimony, the subcommittees went into closed session to hear additional testimony. Sponsor: House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure...
Topics: dhs, cyberspace, stefanik, washington, richmond, russia, china, dod, etc., mr. rapuano, ms. manfra,...
Source: Comcast Cable


7 7.0

Dec 8, 2020 12/20



Governors Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) and Asa Hutchinson (R-AR), along with others, discussed economic issues caused by COVID-19 and possible areas of agreement for the next Congress during a virtual event hosted by the Bipartisan Policy Center. Governors Whitmer and Hutchinson talked about the role governors have played during the pandemic and how consensus helped create progress. Also discussed were possible areas of bipartisan agreement that could be addressed such as aiding small businesses,...
Topics: whitmer, hutchinson, michigan, washington, bpc, biden, arkansas, joe biden, jason, kansas,...
Source: Comcast Cable


10 10.0

Dec 8, 2020 12/20



Governors Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) and Asa Hutchinson (R-AR), along with others, discussed economic issues caused by COVID-19 and possible areas of agreement for the next Congress during a virtual event hosted by the Bipartisan Policy Center. Governors Whitmer and Hutchinson talked about the role governors have played during the pandemic and how consensus helped create progress. Also discussed were possible areas of bipartisan agreement that could be addressed such as aiding small businesses,...
Topics: whitmer, michigan, hutchinson, washington, biden, bpc, arkansas, joe biden, jason, national...
Source: Comcast Cable


22 22

Georgetown Discussion on Religious Voters' Impact in Midterm Elections : CSPAN : November 19, 2018 10:58pm-12:41am EST

Nov 20, 2018 11/18



Georgetown University held a panel discussion analyzing the impact of religious voters on the 2018 midterm elections and the 2020 presidential campaign. Speakers included Washington Post National Political Reporter Robert Costa, New York Times National Correspondent Elizabeth Dias along with Gregory Smith and Ana Gonzalez-Barrera from the Pew Research Center. Sponsor: Georgetown University
Topics: florida, francis, donald trump, trump, washington, john, huckabee, elizabeth, beto, arizona, texas,...
Source: Comcast Cable


7 7.0

Georgetown Institute Discussion on Senate Confirmation Process : CSPAN : December 25, 2020 4:22am-5:19am EST

Dec 25, 2020 12/20



Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service hosted a discussion on the Biden-Harris transition and the Senate confirmation process. The panel discussed their experience with Senate confirmation hearings, their thoughts on President-elect Biden's nominees and the importance of a transparent transition. Georgetown University students joined the discussion to ask questions. Sponsor: Georgetown University | Institute of Politics and Public Service
Topics: biden, chris, obama, georgia, bush, sara, graham, hhs, white house, emily, brunswick, brady,...
Source: Comcast Cable


57 57

Jun 28, 2019 06/19



Executives from Facebook, Twitter and Google testified on Capitol Hill about efforts to counter online terror content, hate speech and misinformation on their platforms. The social media officials all agreed on the importance of prohibiting online terror content and recognized their commitment to free speech. They also discussed company actions involving foreign interference in U.S. elections, a manipulated video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and the Facebook Live stream of the mosque...
Topics: google, new zealand, christchurch, thompson, mr. slater, pro tempore, trump, prager, russia, nancy...
Source: Comcast Cable


78 78

Global Bank CEOs Testify Before House Financial Services Committee-Part 1 : CSPAN : April 13, 2019 11:01am-12:45pm EDT

Apr 13, 2019 04/19



Chief executives of the nation's largest banks testified before the House Financial Services Committee to talk about banking regulation a decade after the 2008 financial crisis. In this portion, Financial Services Chair Maxine Waters (D-CA) and ranking member Patrick McHenry (R-NC), along with the top executives from Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase and others delivered opening statements. Following their opening remarks, the executives took questions from lawmakers before the...
Topics: mr. dimon, mr. moynihan, mr. corbat, mr. solomon, mr. posey, mr. gorman, mr. mchenry, mr....
Source: Comcast Cable


110 110

Apr 14, 2013 04/13



Series/Special. Discussing gun laws and the second amendment.
Topics: colorado, iran, israel, iran, at&t, julia, washington, juan williams, bangladesh, mary...
Source: Comcast Cable


29 29

Aug 6, 2020 08/20



Gov. Larry Hogan (R-MD) passed off the chairmanship of the National Governors Association to Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) during the group's virtual summer meeting. They discussed the need to invest in the nation's infrastructure, as well as to face the challenges of America's recovery and revival from the coronavirus pandemic. The governors agreed that further federal funding for state and local government is what would spur America's economic recovery. Sponsor: National Governors Association
Topics: hogan, nga, washington, larry, maryland, national governors association, andrew cuomo, cuomo, new...
Source: Comcast Cable


35 35

Sep 17, 2019 09/19



Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey (R), along with U.S. Chamber of Commerce executives Tom Donohue and Neil Bradley, held a news conference on trade and the need to ratify the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement often referred to as USMCA. Sponsor: Chamber of Commerce
Topics: arizona, mexico, usmca, canada, lighthizer, ducey, mr. donohue, new york, china, usmca, doug ducey,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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