Paving the road to civil war (2024)

SHOCKING! There Were 2 Eclipses 7 Years Apart When Babylon Fell Too!
Amazingly, an ancient cuneiform text says that there was a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse prior to the destruction of the original Babylonian Empire…
For many decades scholars converse how to correctly include the Old Babylonian Empire into the absolute timeline of history. A cuneiform text from the series Enuma Anu Enlil (EAE #20) reports on the destruction of Babylon after a lunar and solar eclipse. Eclipses provide a great tool for examining historic events, and this account will be our basis for the investigation of eclipse pairs to be fitted into the various chronologies proposed.
That is pretty remarkable.
Could this be a sign that America truly is indeed Mystery Babylon?
In a previous article, we also pointed out that the Great American Eclipse of 2024 crosses over seven locations in the United States called Ninevah.
It has also been confirmed that there are only seven locations called Ninevah in the entire country…

Revelation chapter 17
English Standard Version
1Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute who is seated on many waters, 2with whom the kings of the earth have committed sexual immorality, and with the wine of whose sexual immorality the dwellers on earth have become drunk.” 3And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness, and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was full of blasphemous names, and it had seven heads and ten horns. 4The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and jewels and pearls, holding in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her sexual immorality. 5And on her forehead was written a name of mystery: “Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes and of earth’s abominations.” 6And I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. When I saw her, I marveled greatly.
7But the angel said to me, “Why do you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman, and of the beast with seven heads and ten horns that carries her. 8The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is about to rise from the bottomless pit and go to destruction. And the dwellers on earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world will marvel to see the beast, because it was and is not and is to come. 9This calls for a mind with wisdom: the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman is seated; 10they are also seven kings, five of whom have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come, and when he does come he must remain only a little while. 11As for the beast that was and is not, it is an eighth but it belongs to the seven, and it goes to destruction. 12And the ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have not yet received royal power, but they are to receive authority as kings for one hour, together with the beast. 13These are of one mind, and they hand over their power and authority to the beast. 14They will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful.”
15And the angel said to me, “The waters that you saw, where the prostitute is seated, are peoples and multitudes and nations and languages. 16And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the prostitute. They will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire, 17for God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind and handing over their royal power to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled. 18And the woman that you saw is the great city that has dominion over the kings of the earth.”
notice the eclipse tracks make an X over the US

Sheriff Dar Leaf Announces Investigation into Michigan 2020 Election: Claims Possession of “Sensitive Documents” Tied to Dominion Employees and High-Profile Figures Including Jocelyn Benson and Dana Nessel — Accuses Muskegon County Prosecutor of Attempting to Usurp His Ongoing Investigation
Barry County Sheriff Dar Leaf announced that he has launched an investigation into the handling of the Michigan 2020 election, implicating Dominion Voting Systems officials, Michigan’s Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Attorney General Dana Nessel, computer scientist J. Alex Halderman, and others in potential misconduct.
The Gateway Pundit previously reported in 2022 that Sheriff Dar Leaf filed a lawsuit against the lawless and obstructive actions of Attorney General Dana Nessel, who regularly mocks and threatens her political opponents, together with Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, who’s blocked the efforts of citizens and law enforcement to investigate voter fraud and voter irregularities related to the 2020 election.

China is 'helping Pakistan to build nuclear weapons'
China is helping Pakistan to modernise its nuclear arsenal , as it seeks new leverage to replace its falling economic clout
Concerns centres around the seizure of sophisticated so-called “dual purpose” items needed by Pakistan to enhance its nuclear and ballistic missile programmes.
In the last case, two advanced Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines manufactured by Italian firm GKD and bound for the port of Karachi were seized by Indian customs at Mumbai Port in January, according to recently released disclosure.

FDNY Firefighters Who Booed Tyrant AG Letitia James Ordered to Surrender or Risk Being Hunted Down — Will Face Punishment and Reeducation
In response to the incident, FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanagh has initiated a hunt for those responsible for the outburst. FDNY Chief of Department John Hodges sent an email to the department’s leadership, stating that the Bureau of Investigation and Trials (BITS) would be conducting an investigation into the matter.
He urged those involved to come forward voluntarily, implying that consequences would be less severe for those who did not wait to be “hunted down.”

NATO Moving Missiles Closer to Russia's Borders
NATO countries are implementing a rotational air defense model stationed in Lithuania in response to calls from the Baltic states to boost Europe's defense capabilities in the region.
According to Lithuanian Defense Minister Arvydas Anušauskas, who spoke about the defense model at a press conference Thursday, the defense systems will be operational in his nation later this year. NATO countries agreed to creating a rotational system—in which allied countries would deploy air defense systems to the Baltic states for a period of time—during the Vilnius NATO Summit in the summer.
gee wonder what vlad rasputin thinks of patriots within range of his icbm silos

SICK: Joe Biden Says He Regrets Calling Laken Riley’s Killer an “Illegal Immigrant” — I’m Not Gonna Treat Any of These People with Disrespect”
The tragedy of Laken Riley’s murder has been at the forefront of a fiery national debate on immigration policy.
Riley, a 22-year-old student at the University of Georgia, was killed last month, with the suspect being an illegal alien from Venezuela.

Trump Wins Big, Biden Fumbles State, Dollar Death Spiral
Super Tuesday was this week, and Trump ran that table. He won 14 out of 15 primary states. Nikki Haley finally stopped embarrassing herself and gave up. Meanwhile, Joe Biden gave the State Of The Union address and left out the real things he should have been talking about. Here’s my short list: The border, Ukraine war and US military boots on the ground there, the Fani Willis/Trump RICO case pushed by the White House falling apart, flying 320,000 illegals into America and the federal government involved in massive sex trafficking are just a few of the things that should have been talked about Thursday night. The country is falling apart, and this is exactly what the Deep State wants.
The FBI is now increasing arrests of anyone even close to the US Capitol on January 6th. It looks like they are going after another 2,150 people who were protesting a stolen election. It’s being called a “riot,” but the vast majority of Americans know this is a frame job by the FBI and DOJ. Hey, what happened to all the terror suspects coming to America that the FBI has been constantly warning about? Are there any arrests of the real terrorists? NO, is the short answer. What is going on with the FBI? Have they become the enemy of “We the People”?

OUTRAGEOUS: Federal Judge Upholds Biden Regime’s Parole Program, Greenlights Entry for 30,000 Monthly Illegal Immigrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela
A federal judge in Texas delivered a ruling on Friday that effectively supports the Biden administration’s contentious parole program, allowing up to 30,000 migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela to seek emergency entry into the United States each month, or 360,000 illegal aliens yearly.

NATO fighter jets get green light to carry nukes as tension with Russia soars
The F-35A Joint Strike Fighter has been certified to carry thermonuclear weapons as tensions between Russia and NATO hit a breaking point.
A spokesperson for the F-35 Joint Program Office told Breaking Defence: "The F-35A is the first 5th generation nuclear-capable aircraft ever, and the first new platform (fighter or bomber) to achieve this status since the early 1990s.
"This F-35 Nuclear Certification effort culminates 10+ years of intense effort across the nuclear enterprise, which consists of 16 different government and industry stakeholders."
i remind the reader f16s can already carry nukes and ukraine is getting some, rasputin has already said hes not going to check to see if any given ukrainian f16 flight is nuke armed or not before he acts

Oklahoma County Republicans Officially Censure RINO Senator James Lankford Over Failed Border Security Deal
The resolution, passed with immediate effect, states that the party will withhold all support for Senator Lankford until he ceases his involvement with the proposed legislation.
The resolution cites several concerns, notably Senator Lankford’s collaboration with Senator Chuck Schumer on a deal allegedly permitting 5,000 illegal immigrants per day to enter and work in the United States. This figure translates to approximately 155,000 illegal immigrants each month, amounting to an annual total of 1.8 million.

America Is Running Out Of Power, Is Rationing And Soaring Energy Prices Ahead?
In Georgia, demand for industrial power is surging to record highs, with the projection of new electricity use for the next decade now 17 times what it was only recently. Arizona Public Service, the largest utility in that state, is also struggling to keep up, projecting it will be out of transmission capacity before the end of the decade absent major upgrades.
Northern Virginia needs the equivalent of several large nuclear power plants to serve all the new data centers planned and under construction. Texas, where electricity shortages are already routine on hot summer days, faces the same dilemma.

Mike Pompeo Reverses Anti-MAGA Course, Now Wants Role in Second Trump Administration
“I don’t often comment on jobs I’ve not been offered,” Pompeo responded. “But if I get a chance to serve and think that I can make a difference … I’m almost certainly going to say yes to that opportunity to try and deliver on behalf of the American people.”
i get the feeling hes going to serve globalists interests rather than Americans if he can just weasle his way back in

Kim Jong Un's military prepares for 'actual war' with South Korea and boasts large-scale drills 'put Seoul in our striking range'
Tensions mount between the North and South as both carry out intense drills
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un guided a large-scale live-fire artillery drill involving a unit Pyongyang says is capable of striking Seoul as it prepares for 'actual war' with South Korea, the North's state media said Friday.
The tyrant was pictured on Thursday wearing a black leather jacket, looking on over columns of self-propelled artillery systems firing into the sky in unison in a startling show of force.
The drills involved border units 'that put the enemy's capital in their striking range,' Pyongyang's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said, referring to Seoul.

Legalization Initiatives Fuel Illegal Immigration
Conservatives and Republicans believe the problem could be solved by closing the border and reducing illegal immigration to as close to zero as possible. Liberals and Democrats, however, feel the problem is that illegal migrants are not processed fast enough and that there should be more pathways to citizenship or legitimacy.
The conservative counterargument, however, is that such programs encourage illegal immigration. The logic of these policies is that the number of illegal immigrants can be reduced by making them legal.
This logic is similar to how cities that legalized drugs have seen a reduction in drug crime. If they legalized murder, then violent crime rates would drop.

London Police Under Fire for Arresting Man Carrying Sign Calling Hamas a ‘Terrorist’ Group
Niyak Ghorbani, a 38-year-old Iranian-born man who lives in London was arrested by police while holding a sign saying “Hamas is terrorist” during the latest anti-Israel rally in the city.
Footage posted on social media showed officers dragging the counter-protester to the ground as he shouted out: “Shame on you!” and adding: “I wrote down Hamas is a terrorist organisation… but they arrested me”.

President Trump Meets with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban as Apoplectic Lawfare Team Looks On
There was a specific reason the Lawfare group charged Donald Trump with “national security” violations. Smart people can well understand the benefit to the surveillance state of the U.S. intelligence community, when Jack Smith defines President Trump as a national security threat under the same justification framework used against Anwar Nasser Abdulla al-Awlaki. The options for the FBI-CoIntel unit assigned to monitor Trump are expanded by the definitions of the DOJ-National Security Division.

‘We’re Just Waiting for Another 9/11’: Migrants Buy Fake Green Cards, Social Security ID from NYC Gangs
“Once people have these fake cards, they can work, they can travel, they can access a lot of aspects and services in the United States,” he said. “There are people getting these cards that are not here just to get a job, that they have other intentions, and this helps them carry out criminal activity.”

Government Gets Sued for Searching Private Property Without Permission
While many assume that the U.S. Constitution protects property from “unreasonable searches and seizures,” a Supreme Court decision from a century back says private land is not included.
It’s called the “open fields” doctrine and agents use it to enter property whenever they want.
However, some states, including Louisiana, have a higher standard built into their state constitutions

Migrants Impersonate U.S. Citizens in Illegal Attempt to Enter Country
The first encounter occurred on Friday as CBP officers inspected bus passengers arriving at the Laredo bridge. A 35-year-old female provided officers with three United States birth certificates for three minor children and an adult female. The officers referred the migrant and the children to a secondary examination area for further investigation.
The officers determined the U.S. birth certificates were authentic, but during the investigation and interview of the migrants, officers determined the migrants were imposters. The woman, a seven-year-old girl, and two boys, ages 11 and five months, were found to be Mexican citizens with no lawful basis to enter the United States.

Russia finally destroys Ukraine HIMARS nearly two years after rockets shipped from US
One recent strike from a United States-supplied HIMARS wiped out 200 Russian troops and obliterated a training camp.
One shocking video clip showed the moment Russian troops in eastern Ukraine are killed by missile strikes - with one commentator describing it as a “mass liquidation”. And 65 Russian military personnel were reportedly killed by a Ukrainian HIMARS strike on a training facility in the Donetsk region.
As well as lightning strikes on parade grounds, HIMARS has also been used to target Russian artillery, headquarters, supply depots, air bases and air defence sites, reports Forbes. Given this, Russia has been keen to reduce the threat posed by HIMARS.
However, until now, Russian forces had been able to destroy a single HIMARS - despite Kyiv only having one unit that uses them, the Ukrainian Army's 27th Rocket Artillery Brigade.
That finally changed when a Russian drone spotted the 17-ton HIMARS launcher and its support vehicles hiding near a treeline in Nykanorivka, in eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk Oblast.
Russia attacked with a missile, possibly a ground-launched, hypersonic Iskander. The resulting explosion is understood to have detonated at last one of the HIMARS M30/31 rockets.
It’s not known if the HIMARS crew was killed or wounded in the attack. Nor is it known why the HIMARS out in the open in daylight hours. The 27th Rocket Artillery Brigade normally operates at dawn or dusk and keeps its HIMARS moving and under cover when they’re not in active use.
they also bagged an abrams

Biden Regrets Using ‘Illegal’ for ‘Undocumented Person’ Suspected in Riley Case
‘They Built This Country
Biden responded, “Undocumented person. And I shouldn’t have used ‘illegal,’ I should have — it’s undocumented. And look, when I spoke about the difference between Trump and me, one of things I talked about on the border was the way he talks about vermin, the way he talks about these people polluting the blood. I talked about what I’m not going to do, what I won’t do. I’m not going to treat any of these people with disrespect. Look, they built the country, the reason our economy is growing. We have to control the border and [have] more orderly flow, but I don’t share his view at all.”
Capehart then asked, “So, you regret using that word?”
Biden answered, “Yes.”

Is This the Last Straw for Raffensperger? Evidence Confirms GA SOS Team Illegally Recorded Trump Call, Promoted a Fraudulent Transcript, Sent it to WaPo, Then Trashed the Audio – Now He’s Caught!
On February 21, 2023, Joe Hoft at The Gateway Pundit discovered that Jordan Fuchs, Georgia’s Deputy Secretary of State in 2020, who was on the January 2021 call with President Trump, taped the call from Florida without announcing it.
This was a criminal act since Florida is a two-party consent state. You must notify an individual before you record them in Florida. Jordan Fuchs did not do that when she recorded President Trump speaking with Raffensperger’s team. But that was not all. Her second illegal act was destroying the audio recording. It was later discovered in her computer’s trash folder!

Schiff Says Intel Community will Sabotage Trump By Withholding Intelligence and ‘Dumbing Down’ Daily Brief (VIDEO)
Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff (CA) on Sunday echoed John Brennan and said the Intel Community will sabotage Trump by withholding intelligence and ‘dumbing down’ his daily briefings this summer.
President Trump will get intel briefings after he secures the GOP nomination this summer.
Schiff said Trump can’t be trusted with classified information that reveals sources and methods.
“We can’t trust that he will do the right thing,” Schiff said to NBC’s “Meet the Press” host Kristen Welker.
i dunno but this sure sounds like treason to me

U.S. Army Ship Bound for Gaza to Build Port, Enable Aid Deliveries
The sea corridor is backed by the European Union together with the United States, the United Arab Emirates and other countries. The European Commission has said U.N. agencies and the Red Cross will play a role.
As Breitbart News reported, officials were not clear whether U.S. troops would be deployed to help bring the infrastructure to fruition.
One official said that “we are not planning for this to be an operation that would require U.S. boots on the ground,” but the U.S. Army had previously said such an idea would take 2,000 troops.
Gaza had a small port, which was destroyed during the war. Hamas used it to launch terror attacks on October 7.
just more aid for terrorists from Proxy biden

POLL: Majority of Democrat Voters Oppose Certifying the 2024 Election if Trump Wins
If Trump wins the 2024 election, 57 percent of Democrat voters would oppose certifying the election, according to new polling from Rasmussen.
For all of their talk about how sacred ‘our democracy’ is over the last several years, Democrat voters don’t seem too keen on the idea of actual democracy.
This was predicted in an article at the Atlantic that was highlighted here at the Gateway Pundit just last month.

Moon may be next frontier in U.S. competition with Russia, China for nuclear superiority
Though nukes on the moon might seen farfetched, the idea is certainly not new
In 1983, then-GOP President Ronald Regan announced a program called the Strategic Defense Initiative – more popularly known as "Star Wars" – that sought to render nuclear weapons obsolete and included the exploration of a space-based missile systems.
But the newest developments come amid worldwide concerns that Russia plans to deploy nuclear arms in space to take out the satellite networks that make global communications possible.
Russia President Vladimir Putin has said such concerns are “bogus” and politically motivated, and the White House appears to be downplaying the threat. But a GOP-led House Intelligence Committee last month called the classified matter a "national security threat."

speaking of nukes from the heavens....

Over the weekend, the Financial Times reported that in August, China tested a new hypersonic weapons system that circled the globe. While the word “hypersonic” has gotten all the attention, what is more interesting is that the weapon entered orbit. This is no mere hypersonic system but what Cold Warriors called an “orbital bombardment system.” People are freaking out, with some calling it a “Sputnik moment.” But just what is this thing, and how bad is it? Well, it’s an FOBS—a fractional orbital bombardment system. It’s not new. The Soviet Union deployed a similar system during the Cold War. But China’s test of such a system is unwelcome news, not because it’s some fantastic futuristic technology but because it is yet another step in a pointless, costly, and dangerous arms race.

Maine’s Soros-Funded DA Will No Longer Prosecute Illegal Immigrants for Specific Traffic Offenses, Including Driving Without a License, and Driving with a Suspended Registration
This policy change, effective from March 1, has been met with mixed reactions due to its implications for illegal aliens operating motor vehicles in the area.
The announcement, detailed in a memo obtained by The Maine Wire, specifies that individuals, including illegal aliens, will no longer face criminal charges for certain traffic offenses. These offenses encompass driving without a license, driving with a suspended registration, or driving an unregistered motor vehicle.

Intelligence Community Influence Operators Scheduled to Meet House Intel Committee Ahead of FISA-702 Expiration
Wait, what?
If the 702-reauthorization bill that passed the HPSCI committee vote is as bad asKash Patel and everyone says it is (which it is); and if the bill completely ignores the reforms that were suggested and advocated for by Patel and Nunes (which it does); then how does Kash Patel reconcile his boss Devin Nunes supporting the bill per Mike Turner?
The reconciliation is found inside the issue I have recently written about.
Mike Turner is lying about the support from John Ratcliffe and Devin Nunes for the HPSCI FISA-702 reauthorization bill. Ratcliffe and Nunes do not support the Turner construct.
But wait, if that is true (which it is), then why are Ratcliffe, Nunes, and by extension Patel, silent about Turner’s false support claims?
The answer…. Institutional preservation of the HPSCI compartment, and a desire for access therein.
Yes, that is correct. They will rage against the outcome of the institutional endeavor, but only so far as the value of the institution itself must be maintained. Ratcliffe, Nunes and yes, Kash Patel are functionaries of the system. Their sense of identity is dependent on the system.

JUST IN: Recall Effort Against Wisconsin RINO Assembly Speaker Robin Vos Presents OVER 10,000 Signatures to The Wisconsin Election Commission
Wait said the name of a candidate running against Vos will be revealed soon, perhaps Monday.
Vos issued a statement Sunday saying he’s assembled a team to evaluate every signature. He contends some have been obtained illegally. The GOP lawmaker said it’s “sad people are wasting resources and working with Democrats to settle a political score” and called on Republicans in Racine County to reject “a misguided effort.”
This comes after a recent discovery that Vos sits on the CCP-tied Legislative Leaders Foundation Board of Directors. Likely because of this, Vos “has not moved on legislation to hold China accountable when he’s had multiple opportunities to do so,” according to a Wisconsin State Legislator.

Peter Schweizer calls TikTok, China's ‘Trojan horse’ against the U.S.
John Solomon and Peter Schweizer break down Schweizer’s new book, “Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans”. Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer says his organization has obtained documents from China’s Propaganda Department that detail their sophisticated approach to using TikTok as a tool to manipulate American youth. “They want to get people to reject their historical past, to reject historical symbols, national historical symbols. And of course, we’ve seen all the work that’s gone on about tearing down monuments, etcetera. That’s exactly what China wants the United States to do and they’re encouraging it,” Schweizer says. “Because they say once you start to reject your past, you are now open to a new set of ideas and beliefs, which they are going to push.”

Vladimir Putin ally threatens the US with nuclear strikes on state TV broadcast
The recent State of the Nation address by Putin only heightened tensions, as he asserted the readiness of his country's strategic nuclear forces.
Solovyov's alarming remarks were made during his show "Evening with Vladimir Solovyov," where he engaged in a disturbing discussion on potential targets for nuclear strikes.
He said: "Why do I think that we should carry out a strike against the West? Because I can see right through them! They say 'Russia can't tell us how to help Ukraine!' It's not for you to dictate how Russia can respond!
no one will listen until the nukes are flying, and perhaps not even then

Firm building facility near US military installation confirms ties to Chinese Communist party
The Chinese parent company of Cnano USA Inc. (Cnano USA) — which intends to build a facility in Kansas approximately 70 miles from Missouri’s Whiteman Air Force Base — employs dozens of CCP members and sold products to a Chinese university for its use in a Chinese military program.
The Chinese parent company of Cnano USA Inc. (Cnano USA) — which intends to build a facility in Kansas approximately 70 miles from Missouri’s Whiteman Air Force Base — employs dozens of CCP members and sold products to a Chinese university for its use in a Chinese military program, Shawn Montgomery, Cnano USA president, testified during a Kansas House Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development hearing. The corporate records of Cnano USA’s China-based parent company, Cnano Jiangsu Technology Co., Ltd. (Cnano Jiangsu) state that the Chinese firm employs 28 CCP members and participated in the Chinese government’s so-called “863 Program,” which supports the development of China’s military, the DCNF recently reported based on research conducted by The Heritage Foundation Oversight Project and Heritage Action.
conveniently located just 70 miles from the only B2 base in the US, where hf, vhf, and uhf communications intercepts would be a piece of cake, as would flights

‘Blood Money’: Chinese Government Documents Reveal Detailed Plan to Subvert American Culture Using Tech and Hollywood to Target American Children
“The Chinese military and Communist Party officials have thought deeply and written extensively about waging ‘cognitive warfare’ on the United States. The CCP sees apps such as TikTok, video games, and movies as powerful weapons to wage psychological warfare against the West,” Schweizer writes. “…Unfortunately, they have found willing accomplices among some of the most powerful people in American politics and entertainment. Those national leaders continue to turn a blind eye to the challenge, refusing to acknowledge what Beijing is doing.”

Buttigieg: Biden Will Continue to Fight Deficit by Raising Taxes
On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Your World,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said that there is more work to be done on deficit reduction, President Joe Biden will continue to work on reducing the deficit, and that’s why the President has put out a proposal to raise taxes.
After Buttigieg [relevant exchange begins around 2:20] said that Biden will “continue down the path of deficit reduction that he has achieved in his presidency,” host Neil Cavuto said, “We have more debt than we did when he assumed office. Debt has grown under this President. By the way, it’s grown under the last one, the before him, and the one before him. So, no one’s making real progress here.”

Brooks: Biden Isn’t Falsely Puffing up Economy, People Have ‘Pessimism Bubble’
Nawaz then played video of Britt criticizing President Joe Biden on the economy during the Republican response to the State of the Union on Thursday.
Brooks then said, “She happens to be completely wrong on what we just showed. We just had 275,000 new jobs. Like, we have one of the greatest — we have the greatest economy in the world of any major economy. So, the idea that people — that Joe Biden is puffing up the economy is just completely wrong. Now, it is true that the American people are in a bad mood. I think it’s — I call it a pessimism bubble.”

Paving the road to civil war (2024)


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