Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (2024)

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (1)

Package ‘pegas’May 3, 2017

Version 0.10

Date 2017-05-02

Title Population and Evolutionary Genetics Analysis System

Depends R (>= 2.6.0), ape (>= 2.4), adegenet

Imports graphics, utils

Suggests rgl

ZipData no

Description Functions for reading, writing, plotting, analysing, and manipulating allelic and haplo-typic data, and for the analysis of population nucleotide sequences and micro-satellites includ-ing coalescence analyses.

License GPL (>= 2)


NeedsCompilation yes

Author Emmanuel Paradis [aut, cre, cph],Thibaut Jombart [aut, cph],Klaus Schliep [aut, cph],Alastair Potts [aut, cph],David Winter [aut, cph]

Maintainer Emmanuel Paradis <[emailprotected]>

Repository CRAN

Date/Publication 2017-05-03 07:04:56 UTC

R topics documented:pegas-package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3all.equal.haploNet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3alleles2loci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4amova . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5as.loci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7bind.loci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9diffHaplo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10


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2 R topics documented:

dist.hamming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11edit.loci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Fst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13geod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14geoTrans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15haploFreq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16haploNet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17haplotype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20haplotype.loci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21heterozygosity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23hw.test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24jaguar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25LD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26LDscan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28mjn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30MMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31mst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33na.omit.loci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34nuc.div . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35plotNetMDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36R2.test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37read.gtx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38read.loci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39read.vcf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40replot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42rr.test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43site.spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45subset.haplotype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46summary.loci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47tajima.test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49theta.h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50theta.k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51theta.msat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52theta.s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53theta.tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56VCFloci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57write.loci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Index 61

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (3)

pegas-package 3

pegas-package Population and Evolutionary Genetics Analysis System


pegas provides functions for the analysis of allelic data and of haplotype data from DNA sequences.It requires and complements two other R-packages: ape and adegenet.The complete list of functions can be displayed with library(help = pegas).

More information on pegas can be found at


Emmanuel Paradis, Alastair Potts, Klaus Schliep, David Winter

Maintainer: Emmanuel Paradis

all.equal.haploNet Compare Two Haplotype Networks


This function compares two haplotype networks and returns either TRUE or a description of thedifferences.


## S3 method for class 'haploNet'all.equal(target, current, use.steps = TRUE, ...)

Argumentstarget, current

two objects of class "haplotype".

use.steps a logical value: whether to consider the number of steps (or length) in each link.

... (unused).


This function should return TRUE if the two networks are identical even if the links are ordereddifferently. In all other situations, a vector of character strings describing the differences is returned.

As usual with the all.equal function, this cannot be used directly to return a TRUE/FALSE value(see examples).


either a logical value (TRUE), or a vector of mode character.

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4 alleles2loci


Emmanuel Paradis

See Also

haploNet, mst


data(woodmouse)d <- dist.dna(woodmouse, "n")nt1 <- mst(d)nt2 <- msn(d)(comp <- all.equal(nt1, nt2)) # clearly different

## how to use all.equal to return TRUE/FALSE:isTRUE(comp) # FALSE

alleles2loci Build Loci Object From Matrix of Alleles


This function transforms a matrix of alleles into an object of class "loci".


alleles2loci(x, ploidy = 2, rownames = NULL, population = NULL,phased = FALSE)


x a matrix or a data frame where each column is an allele.

ploidy an integer specifying the level of ploidy.

rownames an integer giving the column number to be used as rownames of the output.

population an integer giving the column number to be as population (if any).

phased a logical specifying whether the genotypes should be output as phased. By de-fault, they are unphased.


Genetic data matrices are often arranged with one allele in each column of the matrix (particularlyfor micro-satellites), so that the number of columns is equal to the number of loci times the level ofploidy. This function transforms such matrices into a "loci" object.

If the rownames of the input matrix are already set, they are used in the output. Alternatively, it ispossible to specify which column to use as rownames (this column will be deleted before creatingthe genotypes).

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amova 5

If the input matrix has colnames, then the names of the first column of each genotype is used asnames of the output loci (see examples).


an object of class "loci".


Emmanuel Paradis

See Also

read.loci, as.loci

The vignette “ReadingFiles” explains how to read such a data set from Dryad (


x <- matrix(c("A", "A", "A", "a"), 2)colnames(x) <- c("Loc1", NA)y <- alleles2loci(x)print(y, details = TRUE)

amova Analysis of Molecular Variance


This function performs a hierarchical analysis of molecular variance as described in Excoffier et al.(1992). This implementation accepts any number of hierarchical levels.


amova(formula, data = NULL, nperm = 1000, is.squared = FALSE)## S3 method for class 'amova'print(x, ...)


formula a formula giving the AMOVA model to be fitted with the distance matrix on theleft-hand side of the ~, and the population, region, etc, levels on its right-handside (see details).

data an optional data frame where to find the hierarchical levels; by default they aresearched for in the user’s workspace.

nperm the number of permutations for the tests of hypotheses (1000 by default). Setthis argument to 0 to skip the tests and simply estimate the variance components.

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6 amova

is.squared a logical specifying whether the distance matrix has already been squared.

x an object of class "amova".

... unused (here for compatibility.


The formula must be of the form d ~ A/B/... where d is a distance object, and A, B, etc, arethe hierarchical levels from the highest to the lowest one. Any number of levels is accepted, sospecifying d ~ A will simply test for population differentiation.

It is assumed that the rows of the distance matrix are in the same order than the hierarchical levels(which may be checked by the user).


An object of class "amova" which is a list with a table of sums of square deviations (SSD), meansquare deviations (MSD), and the number of degrees of freedom, and a vector of variance compo-nents.


If there are more than three levels, approximate formulae are used to estimate the variance compo-nents.

If there is an error message like this:

Error in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) : 'bin' must be numeric or a factor

it may be that the factors you use in the formula were not read correctly. You may convert themwith the function factor, or, before reading your data files, do this command (in case this optionwas modified):

options(stringsAsFactors = TRUE)


Emmanuel Paradis


Excoffier, L., Smouse, P. E. and Quattro, J. M. (1992) Analysis of molecular variance inferred frommetric distances among DNA haplotypes: application to human mitochondrial DNA restrictiondata. Genetics, 131, 479–491.

See Also

amova in ade4 for an implementation of the original Excoffier et al.’s model; adonis in vegan for ageneral (multivariate) implementation of an ANOVA framework with distances.

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as.loci 7


### All examples below have 'nperm = 100' for faster execution times.### The default 'nperm = 1000' is recommended.require(ape)data(woodmouse)d <- dist.dna(woodmouse)g <- factor(c(rep("A", 7), rep("B", 8)))p <- factor(c(rep(1, 3), rep(2, 4), rep(3, 4), rep(4, 4)))amova(d ~ g/p, nperm = 100) # 2 levelsamova(d ~ p, nperm = 100) # 1 levelamova(d ~ g, nperm = 100)

## 3 levels (quite slow):## Not run:pop <- gl(64, 5, labels = paste0("pop", 1:64))region <- gl(16, 20, labels = paste0("region", 1:16))conti <- gl(4, 80, labels = paste0("conti", 1:4))dd <- as.dist(matrix(runif(320^2), 320))amova(dd ~ conti/region/pop, nperm = 100)

## End(Not run)

as.loci Conversion Among Allelic Data Classes


These functions do conversion among different allelic data classes.


as.loci(x, ...)## S3 method for class 'genind'as.loci(x, ...)genind2loci(x)## S3 method for class 'data.frame'as.loci(x, allele.sep = "/|", col.pop = NULL, col.loci = NULL, ...)loci2genind(x, ploidy = 2, na.alleles = c("0", "."))## S3 method for class 'factor'as.loci(x, allele.sep = "/|", ...)## S3 method for class 'character'as.loci(x, allele.sep = "/|", ...)


x an object of class "loci" or "genind", a data frame, a factor, or a vector ofmode character.

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8 as.loci

allele.sep the character(s) separating the alleles for each locus in the data file (a forwardslash by default).

col.pop specifies whether one of the column of the data file identifies the population;default NULL, otherwise an integer or a character giving the number or the nameof the column.

col.loci a vector of integers or of characters specifying the indices or the names of thecolumns that are loci. By default, all columns are taken as loci except the onelabelled "population", if present or specified.

ploidy the ploidy level (see details).

na.alleles a vector of charater strings giving the alleles to be treated as missing data.

... further arguments to be passed to or from other methods.


The main objectives of these functions is to provide easy conversion between the data structures ofadegenet and pegas, so both packages can be used together smoothly. In addition, it is possible tocreate a "loci" object directly from a data frame, a vector, or a factor.

genind2loci(x) and as.loci(x) are the same if x is of class "genind".

The ploidy level specified in loci2genind can be a vector in which case it should be of length equalto the number of individuals and will be interpreted as giving the ploidy of each of them. Note thatthis is different from getPloidy which returns the ploidy level of each locus.


An object of class c("loci", "data.frame") for as.loci and genind2loci; an object of class"genind" for loci2genind.


Emmanuel Paradis

See Also

read.loci, genind, df2genind for converting data frames to "genind", alleles2loci


x <- c("A-A", "A-a", "a-a")as.loci(x, allele.sep = "-")## Not run:require(adegenet)data(nancycats)x <- as.loci(nancycats)y <- loci2genind(x) # back to "genind"identical(nancycats@tab, y@tab)identical(nancycats@pop, y@pop)

## End(Not run)

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bind.loci 9

bind.loci Bind Loci Objects


These functions combine objects of class "loci" by binding their rows or their columns.


## S3 method for class 'loci'rbind(...)## S3 method for class 'loci'cbind(...)


... some object(s) of class "loci", separated with commas.


These two methods call [rc] and take care to respect the attribute “locicol” ofthe returned object.

You can pass a data frame in the ..., but then you should bypass the generic by calling cbind.locidirectly. Do not try to pass a vector: this will mess the “locicol” attribute. Instead, make a data framewith this vector (see examples).


An object of class "loci".


Emmanuel Paradis

See Also



a <- as.loci(data.frame(x = "A/a", y = 1), col.loci = 1)b <- as.loci(data.frame(y = 2, x = "A/A"), col.loci = 2)## rbind.loci reorders the columns if necessary:str(rbind(a, b))## cbind sets "locicol" correctly:str(cbind(a, b))str(cbind(b, a))## Unexpected result...

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (10)

10 diffHaplo

str(cbind(a, data.frame(z = 10)))## ... bypass the generic:str(pegas:::cbind.loci(a, data.frame(z = 10)))## ... or much better: a$z <- 10## Here "locicol" is not correct...str(pegas:::cbind.loci(z = 10, a))## ... insteadstr(pegas:::cbind.loci(data.frame(z = 10), a))

diffHaplo Comparison Between Two Haplotypes


This function compares two haplotypes and returns a summary of the differences.


diffHaplo(h, a = 1, b = 2)


h an object of class "haplotype".

a, b two integers (or character strings) giving the indices (or labels) of the two hap-lotypes to be compared.


This function prints the number of transitions and transversions between both sequences, and returnsa data frame with three columns giving the positions of the differences and the nucleotides in eachsequence at these positions.


a data frame with three columns named pos (position of the differences) and the labels of the twohaplotypes compared.


Emmanuel Paradis

See Also

haploNet, haplotype

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (11)

dist.hamming 11


data(woodmouse)h <- haplotype(woodmouse)diffHaplo(h) # compares the 1st and 2nd haplotypesdiffHaplo(h, 1, 3)diffHaplo(h, "I", "III") # same than above but using labels

dist.hamming Hamming Distance


This function implements a general purpose Hamming distance.




x a matrix or a data frame.


This function should work for a wide range of data types. A typical usage would be with an objectof class c("haplotype", "character").

For objects of class c("haplotype", "DNAbin"), it is better to use dist.dna(x, "n") to computethe Hamming distances.


an object of class "dist".


Emmanuel Paradis

See Also

haplotype, dist.haplotype.loci

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (12)

12 edit.loci

edit.loci Edit Allelic Data with R’s Data Editor


This allows to edit a data frame of class "loci" with R’s spreadsheet-like data editor.


## S3 method for class 'loci'edit(name, edit.row.names = TRUE, ...)


name an object of class "loci".

edit.row.names a logical specifying to allow editing the rownames, TRUE by default (by contrastto data frames).

... further arguments to be passed to or from other methods.


This ‘method’ of the generic edit respects the class and the attribute "locicol" of the allelic dataframe.


A data frame with class c("loci", "data.frame").


Emmanuel Paradis

See Also

read.loci, summary.loci

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (13)

Fst 13

Fst F-Statistics


This function computes the FIT , FST and FIS for each locus in the data.


Fst(x, pop = NULL)


x an object of class "loci".

pop a vector or factor giving the population assignment of each row of x, or a singlenumeric value specifying which column of x to use as population indicator. Bydefault, the column labelled "population" is used.


The formulae in Weir and co*ckerham (1984) are used for each allele, and then averaged withineach locus over the different alleles as suggested by these authors.


A matrix with genes (loci) as rows and the three F-statistics as columns.


Emmanuel Paradis


Weir, B. S. and co*ckerham, C. C. (1984) Estimating F-statistics for the analysis of populationstructure. Evolution, 38, 1358–1370.

Weir, B. S. and Hill, W. G. (2002) Estimating F-statistics. Annual Review of Genetics, 36, 721–750.

See Also

fstat in package hierfstat; package dirmult on CRAN that implements various estimators of theDirichlet-multinomial distribution, including maximum likekihood and the moments estimator ofWeir and Hill (2002); Fst in Biodem that caculates FST from a “kinship matrix”.



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14 geod

geod Geodesic Distances


This function calculates geodesic (or great-circle) distances between pairs of points with their lon-gitudes and latitudes given in (decimal) degrees.


geod(lon, lat = NULL, R = 6371)


lon either a vector of numeric values with the longitudes in degrees, or, if lat = NULL,a matrix giving the longitudes (first column) and the latitudes (second column).

lat a vector with the latitudes.

R the mean radius of the Earth (see details).


The default value of R is the mean radius of the Earth which is slightly smaller than the radius at theequator (6378.1 km).


a numeric symmetric matrix with the distances between pairs of points in kilometres.


Emmanuel Paradis


See Also

geoTrans, as.dist

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (15)

geoTrans 15


## the distance between 0N 0E and 0N 180E...geod(c(0, 180), c(0, 0)) # ~ 20015.09 km## ... the same using the radius of the Earth at the equator:geod(c(0, 180), c(0, 0), 6378.1) # ~ 20037.39 km## The same comparison for two points 5 degrees apart:geod(c(0, 5), c(0, 0)) # ~ 555.9746 kmgeod(c(0, 5), c(0, 0), 6378.1) # ~ 556.5942 km

geoTrans Manipulate Geographic Coordinates


This function transforms standard geographical coordinates in degrees, minutes and seconds inputas characters (or a factor) into numerical values in degrees.


geoTrans(x, degsym = NULL, minsym = "'", secsym = "\"")


x a vector of character strings storing geographical coordinates; this can be a factorwith the levels correctly set.

degsym, minsym, secsym

a single character giving the symbol used for degrees, minutes and seconds,respectively.


This function should be robust to any pattern of spacing around the values and the symbols (seeexamples).

If the letter S, W, or O is found is the coordinate, the returned value is negative.

Note that longitude and latitude should not be mixed in the same character strings.

The default for degsym (NULL) is because the degree symbol (°) is coded differently in differentcharacter encodings. By default, the function will use the appropriate character depending on thesystem and encoding used.


a numeric vector with the coordinates in degrees (eventually as decimal values).


Emmanuel Paradis

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16 haploFreq

See Also



coord <- c("N 43°27'30\"", "N43°27'30\"", "43°27'30\"N","43° 27' 30\" N", "43 ° 27 ' 30 \" N","43°27'30\"", "43°27.5'")

cat(coord, sep = "\n")geoTrans(coord)geoTrans("43 D 27.5'", degsym = "D")geoTrans("43° 27' 30\" S")

haploFreq Haplotype Frequencies With a Covariate


This utility function extracts the absolute frequencies of haplotypes with respect to a categoricalvariable (a factor). The output is useful when ploting haplotype networks.


haploFreq(x, fac, split = "_", what = 2, haplo = NULL)


x a set of DNA sequences (as an object of class "DNAbin").

fac a factor giving the categorical variable (can be missing).

split a single character (see details).

what a single integer (see details).

haplo an object of class "haplotype".


The frequencies of each haplotype in x are counted with respect to a factor which is either specifiedwith fac, or extracted from the labels of x. In the second case, these labels are split with respect tothe character specified in split and the what’th substrings are extracted and taken as the categoricalvariable (see example).

If haplo is specified, the haplotype frequencies are taken from it, otherwise they are calculated fromx.


a matrix of counts.

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haploNet 17


Klaus Schliep and Emmanuel Paradis

See Also

haplotype, haploNet


## generate some artificial data from 'woodmouse':data(woodmouse)x <- woodmouse[sample(15, size = 50, replace = TRUE), ]## labels IdXXX_PopXXX_LocXXXrownames(x) <- paste("Id", 1:50, "_Pop", 1:2, "_Loc", 1:5, sep = "")head(labels(x))h <- haplotype(x)## frequencies of haplotypes wrt 'Pop':f.pop <- haploFreq(x, haplo = h)## frequencies of haplotypes wrt 'Loc':f.loc <- haploFreq(x, what = 3, haplo = h)nt <- haploNet(h)fq <- attr(nt, "freq")op <- par(mfcol = c(1, 2))plot(nt, size = fq, pie = f.pop, labels = FALSE)plot(nt, size = fq, pie = f.loc, labels = FALSE)par(op)

haploNet Haplotype Networks


haploNet computes a haplotype network. There is a plot method and two conversion functionstowards other packages.


haploNet(h, d = NULL, getProb = TRUE)## S3 method for class 'haploNet'print(x, ...)## S3 method for class 'haploNet'plot(x, size = 1, col = "black", bg = "white", = "black", lwd = 1, lty = 1, pie = NULL,labels = TRUE, font = 2, cex = 1, scale.ratio = 1,asp = 1, legend = FALSE, fast = FALSE, show.mutation = 1,threshold = c(1, 2), ...)

## S3 method for class 'haploNet', directed = FALSE, altlinks = TRUE, ...)

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18 haploNet

## S3 method for class 'haploNet'as.igraph(x, directed = FALSE, use.labels = TRUE,

altlinks = TRUE, ...)


h an object of class "haplotype".

d an object giving the distances among haplotypes (see details).

getProb a logical specifying whether to calculate Templeton’s probabilities (see details).

x an object of class "haploNet".

size a numeric vector giving the diameter of the circles representing the haplotypes:this is in the same unit than the links and eventually recycled.

col a character vector specifying the colours of the circles; eventually recycled.

bg a character vector specifying either the colours of the background of the circles(if pie = NULL), or the colours of the slices of the pies; eventually recycled. a character vector specifying the colours of the links; eventually recycled.

lwd a numeric vector giving the width of the links; eventually recycled.

lty idem for the line types.

pie a matrix used to draw pie charts for each haplotype; its number of rows must beequal to the number of haplotypes.

labels a logical specifying whether to identify the haplotypes with their labels (thedefault).

font the font used for these labels (bold by default); must be an integer between 1and 4.

cex a numerical specifying the character expansion of the labels.

scale.ratio the ratio of the scale of the links representing the number of steps on the scale ofthe circles representing the haplotypes. It may be needed to give a value greaterthan one to avoid overlapping circles.

asp the aspect ratio of the plot. Do not change the default unless you want to distortyour network.

legend a logical specifying whether to draw the legend, or a vector of length two givingthe coordinates where to draw the legend; FALSE by default. If TRUE, the user isasked to click where to draw the legend.

fast a logical specifying whether to optimize the spacing of the circles; FALSE bydefault.

show.mutation an integer value: if 0, nothing is drawn on the links; if 1, the mutations areshown with small segments on the links; if 2, they are shown with small dots; if3, the number of mutations are printed on the links.

threshold a numeric vector with two values (or 0) giving the lower and upper numbers ofmutations for alternative links to be displayed. If threshold = 0, alternativelinks are not drawn at all.

directed a logical specifying whether the network is directed (FALSE by default).

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (19)

haploNet 19

use.labels a logical specifying whether to use the original labels in the returned network.

altlinks whether to output the alternative links when converting to another class; TRUEby default.

... further arguments passed to plot.


By default, the haplotype network is built using an infinite site model (i.e., uncorrected or Hammingdistance) of DNA sequences and pairwise deletion of missing data (see dist.dna). Users mayspecify their own distance with the argument d. There is no check of labels, so the user must makesure that the distances are ordered in the same way than the haplotypes.

The probabilities calculated with Templeton et al.’s (1992) method may give non-finite values withvery divergent sequences, resulting in an error from haploNet. If this happens, it may be better touse getProb = FALSE.


haploNet returns an object of class "haploNet" which is a matrix where each row represents alink in the network, the first and second columns give the numbers of the linked haplotypes, thethird column, named "step", gives the number of steps in this link, and the fourth column, named"Prob", gives the probability of a parsimonious link as given by Templeton et al. (1992). Thereare three additional attributes: "freq", the absolute frequencies of each haplotype, "labels", theirlabels, and "alter.links", the alternative links of the network. and as.igraph return objects of the appropriate class.


If two haplotypes are very different, haploNet will likely fail (error during integration due to non-finite values).


Emmanuel Paradis, Klaus Schliep


Templeton, A. R., Crandall, K. A. and Sing, C. F. (1992) A cladistic analysis of phenotypic associ-ation with haplotypes inferred from restriction endonuclease mapping and DNA sequence data. III.Cladogram estimation. Genetics, 132, 619–635.

See Also

haplotype, haploFreq, replot, diffHaplo, mst, mjn

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (20)

20 haplotype


## generate some artificial data from 'woodmouse':data(woodmouse)x <- woodmouse[sample(15, size = 110, replace = TRUE), ]h <- haplotype(x)(net <- haploNet(h))plot(net)## symbol sizes equal to haplotype sizes:plot(net, size = attr(net, "freq"), fast = TRUE)plot(net, size = attr(net, "freq"))plot(net, size=attr(net, "freq"), scale.ratio = 2, cex = 0.8)

haplotype Haplotype Extraction and Frequencies


haplotype extracts the haplotypes from a set of DNA sequences. The result can be plotted with theappropriate function.


haplotype(x, ...)## S3 method for class 'DNAbin'haplotype(x, labels = NULL, ...)## S3 method for class 'character'haplotype(x, labels = NULL, ...)## S3 method for class 'haplotype'plot(x, xlab = "Haplotype", ylab = "Number", ...)## S3 method for class 'haplotype'print(x, ...)## S3 method for class 'haplotype'sort(x,

decreasing = ifelse(what == "frequencies", TRUE, FALSE),what = "frequencies", ...)

## S3 method for class 'haplotype'x[...]


x a set of DNA sequences (as an object of class "DNAbin"), or an object of class"haplotype".

labels a vector of character strings used as names for the rows of the returned object.By default, Roman numerals are given.

xlab, ylab labels for the x- and x-axes.

... further arguments passed to barplot (unused in print and sort).

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (21)

haplotype.loci 21

decreasing a logical value specifying in which order to sort the haplotypes; by default thisdepends on the value of what.

what a character specifying on what feature the haplotypes should be sorted: this mustbe "frequencies" or "labels", or an unambiguous abbreviation of these.


The sort method sorts the haplotypes in decreasing frequencies (the default) or in alphabetical or-der of their labels (if what = "labels"). Note that if these labels are Roman numerals (as assignedby haplotype), their alphabetical order may not be their numerical one (e.g., IX is alphabeticallybefore VIII).

From pegas 0.7, haplotype extracts haplotypes taking into account base ambiguities.


haplotype returns an object of class c("haplotype", "DNAbin") which is an object of class"DNAbin" with two additional attributes: "index" identifying the index of each observation thatshare the same haplotype, and "from" giving the name of the original data.

sort returns an object of the same class respecting its attributes.


Emmanuel Paradis

See Also

haploNet, haploFreq, subset.haplotype, DNAbin for manipulation of DNA sequences in R.

The haplotype method for objects of class "loci" is documented separately: haplotype.loci.


## generate some artificial data from 'woodmouse':data(woodmouse)x <- woodmouse[sample(15, size = 110, replace = TRUE), ](h <- haplotype(x))## the indices of the individuals belonging to the 1st haplotype:attr(h, "index")[[1]]plot(sort(h))

haplotype.loci Haplotype Extraction and Frequencies From Allelic Data


This function extracts haplotypes from phased genotypes.

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (22)

22 haplotype.loci


## S3 method for class 'loci'haplotype(x, locus = 1:2, quiet = FALSE, compress = TRUE,

check.phase = TRUE, ...)## S3 method for class 'haplotype.loci'plot(x, ...)dist.haplotype.loci(x)


x an object of class "loci" or of class "haplotype.loci".

locus a vector of integers giving the loci to analyse.

quiet a logical value specifying whether to not print the progress of the analysis(FALSE by default).

compress by default only the unique haplotypes are returned with their frequencies. Ifcompress = FALSE, a matrix with all observed haplotypes is returned (with thenumber of columns equals to the number of individuals times the ploidy level).

check.phase a logical value specifying whether to check if the individual genotypes are phased.

... arguments passed to and from methods.


The individuals with at least one unphased genotype are ignored with a warning.

dist.haplotype.loci computes pairwise distances among haplotypes by counting the number ofdifferent alleles.

Checking whether the genotypes are phased can be time consuming with very big data sets. It maybe useful to set check.phase = FALSE if several analyses are done on the same data and no warningwas issued after the first scan, or you are sure that the genotypes are phased.


haplotype returns a matrix of mode character with the loci as rows and the haplotypes as columns.The attribute "freq" gives the counts of each haplotype and the class is "haplotype.loci".

dist.haplotype.loci returns an object of class "dist".


haplotype is a generic function with methods for objects of class "DNAbin" and of class "loci".Note that the class returned by these methods is different: c("haplotype", "DNAbin") and"haplotype.loci", respectively. This and other details are likely to change in the future.


Emmanuel Paradis

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (23)

heterozygosity 23

See Also

haplotype, LD

heterozygosity Heterozygosity at a Locus Using Gene Frequencies


This function computes the mean heterozygosity from gene frequencies, and returns optionally theassociated variance.


heterozygosity(x, variance = FALSE)H(x, variance = FALSE)


x a vector or a factor.

variance a logical indicating whether the variance of the estimated heterozygosity shouldbe returned (TRUE), the default being FALSE.


The argument x can be either a factor or a vector. If it is a factor, then it is taken to give the individualalleles in the population. If it is a numeric vector, then its values are taken to be the numbers of eachallele in the population. If it is a non-numeric vector, it is a coerced as a factor.

The mean heterozygosity is estimated with:

H =n

n− 1





where n is the number of genes in the sample, k is the number of alleles, and pi is the observed(relative) frequency of the ith allele.


A numeric vector of length one with the estimated mean heterozygosity (the default), or of lengthtwo if the variance is returned.


Emmanuel Paradis


Nei, M. (1987) Molecular evolutionary genetics. New York: Columbia University Press.

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (24)

24 hw.test

See Also



data(jaguar)## convert the data and compute frequencies:S <- summary(jaguar)## compute H for all loci:sapply(S, function(x) H(x$allele))## ... and its variancesapply(S, function(x) H(x$allele, variance = TRUE))

hw.test Test of Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium


This function tests, for a series of loci, the hypothesis that genotype frequencies follow the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. hw.test is a generic with methods for the classes "loci" and genind. Notethat the latter replaces HWE.test.genind in the adegenet package.


hw.test(x, B = 1000, ...)## S3 method for class 'loci'hw.test(x, B = 1000, ...)## S3 method for class 'genind'hw.test(x, B = 1000, ...)


x an object of class "loci" or genind.

B the number of replicates for the Monte Carlo procedure; for the regular HW test,set B = 0 (see details).

... further arguments to be passed.


This test can be performed with any level of ploidy. Two versions of the test are available: theclassical χ2-test based on the expected genotype frequencies calculated from the allelic frequencies,and an exact test based on Monte Carlo permutations of alleles. For the moment, the latter versionis available only for diploids. Set B = 0 if you want to skip the second test.

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (25)

jaguar 25


A matrix with three or four columns with the χ2-value, the number of degrees of freedom, theassociated P-value, and possibly the P-value from the Monte Carlo test. The rows of this matrix arethe different loci in x.


Main code by Emmanuel Paradis; wrapper for genind objects by Thibaut Jombart.


## Not run:require(adegenet)

## load datadata(nancycats)

## test on genind object, no permutationhw.test(nancycats, B=0)

## test on loci objectx <- as.loci(nancycats)hw.test(x)

## End(Not run)data(jaguar)hw.test(jaguar)

jaguar Jaguar Micro-Satellites


Fifty nine jaguars (Panthera onca) from four populations genotyped at thirteen micro-satellites byHaag et al. (2010).




An object of class "loci" with 59 rows and 14 columns.

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (26)

26 LD


Haag, T., Santos, A. S., Sana, D. A., Morato, R. G., Cullen, Jr., L., Crawshaw, Jr., P. G., De Angelo,C., Di Bitetti, M. S., Salzano, F. M. and Eizirik, E. (2010) The effect of habitat fragmentation onthe genetic structure of a top predator: loss of diversity and high differentiation among remnantpopulations of Atlantic Forest jaguars (Panthera onca). Molecular Ecology, 22, 4906–4921.

Haag, T., Santos, A. S., Sana, D. A., Morato, R. G., Cullen, Jr., L., Crawshaw, Jr., P. G., DeAngelo, C., Di Bitetti, M. S., Salzano, F. M. and Eizirik, E. (2010) Data from: The effect of habitatfragmentation on the genetic structure of a top predator: loss of diversity and high differentiationamong remnant populations of Atlantic Forest jaguars (Panthera onca). Dryad Digital Repository.

See Also

loci, alleles2loci

The vignette “ReadingFiles” explains how to read data like these from Dryad (


data(jaguar)str(jaguar)s <- summary(jaguar)## Not run:## works if the device is large enough:plot(s, layout = 30, las = 2)

## End(Not run)

LD Linkage Disequilibrium


These two functions analyse linkage disequilibrium in the case of phased (LD) or unphased (LD2)genotypes.


LD(x, locus = c(1, 2), details = TRUE)LD2(x, locus = c(1, 2), details = TRUE)


x an object of class "loci".

locus a vector of two integers giving the loci to analyse.

details a logical value indicating whether to print the correlation matrix among alleles.

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (27)

LD 27


These functions consider a pair of loci and compute the correlations among pairs of alleles.

LD first scans the data for unphased genotypes: all individuals with at least one unphased genotypeare dropped with a warning. It is based on the observed frequencies of haplotypes (Zaykin et al.2008). LD2 is based on the observed frequencies of different genotypes (Schaid 2004).

Both functions accept any number of alleles. LD can work with any level of ploidy; LD2 works withdiploid data.

The present version does not test the significance of the T2 test (Zaykin et al. 2008) with permuta-tions. These authors present simulation results suggesting that the chi-squared approximation hassimilar type I error rates and power than the test based on permutations even for small sample sizes.Furthermore, this test has better statistical properties than alternatives such as those reported here(LRT and Pearson’s test).


For both functions, if details = FALSE, only the T2 test is returned.

For LD: if details = TRUE, a named list with the following elements:

Observed frequencies

the counts of haplotypes in the data.Expected frequencies

the expected frequencies of haplotypes computed from the observed proportionsof alleles under the assumption of no linkage disequilibrium.

Correlations among alleles

the observed correlations among alleles from both loci.LRT (G-squared)

the likelihood-ratio test of the null hypothesis of no linkage disequilibrium.Pearson’s test (chi-squared)

the chi-squared test based on haplotypes counts.

T2 the T2 test with its number of degrees of freedom (df).

For LD2: if details = TRUE, a named list with two elements:

Delta the correlations among alleles (denoted Delta in Schaid 2004).

T2 the T2 test with its number of degrees of freedom (df).


Emmanuel Paradis


Schaid, D. J. (2004) Linkage disequilibrium testing when linkage phase is unknown. Genetics, 166,505–512.

Zaykin, D. V., Pudovkin, A. and Weir, B. S. (2008) Correlation-based inference for linkage dise-quilibrium with multiple alleles. Genetics, 180, 533–545.

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (28)

28 LDscan

See Also

haplotype.loci, is.phased, LDscan


data(jaguar)LD2(jaguar, details = FALSE)LD2(jaguar, locus = 8:9, details = FALSE)

LDscan Multi-Locus Linkage Disequilibrium


LDscan computes a matrix of pairwise linkage disequilibrium (LD) coefficients (r2) from a setof loci (which must be bi-allelic; if not, the results are not guaranteed to be meaningful). Thegenotypes must be phased.

LDmap plots a matrix of LD coefficients, optionally with the positions of the loci.


LDscan(x, quiet = FALSE)LDmap(d, POS = NULL, breaks = NULL, col = NULL, border = NA,

angle = 0, asp = 1, cex = 1, scale.legend = 0.8, ...)


x an object of class "loci" with phased genotypes.

quiet a logical: should the progress of the operation be printed?

d a correlation matrix (can be an object of class "dist").

POS an optional vector of locus positions (e.g., from a VCF file; see examples).

breaks a vector of break intervals to count the values in d; by default, ten equally-sizedintervals are used.

col an optional vector of colours; a scale from lightyellow to red is used by default.

border the border of the rectangles: the default is to have no border (this is not the samethan default in rect; see examples).

angle value (in degrees) to rotate the graphic.

asp the aspect ratio of the graphic; one by default so the elements are squares (notrectangles).

cex the scaling of the labels and text.

scale.legend the scaling of the legend rectangles.

... further arguments passed to plot.default.

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (29)

LDscan 29


The LD coefficient r2 is well defined when the two loci have only two alleles. In other cases, LD iswell defined (see LD) but the definition of r2 is not clear.

All levels of ploidy are accepted, but all loci should have the same ploidy level.


an object of class "dist" for LDscan.


Emmanuel Paradis

See Also

LD, read.vcf


## Not run:## Download the VCF file from Dryad:##

## the VCF file should have this name:fl <- "global.pop.GATK.SNP.hard.filters.V3.phased_all.pop.maf.05.recode.vcf.gz" <- VCFloci(fl)

bks <- seq(0, 1, 0.2)

## LD map from the first 100 loci:x <- read.vcf(fl, to = 100) # read only 100 locires <- LDscan(x)LDmap(res,$POS[1:100], bks, scale.legend = 3)

## check the chromosomes:table($CHROM)

## LD map from 100 loci randomly distributed on the chromosome:s <- ceiling(seq(1, 224253, length.out = 100))xs <- read.vcf(fl, which.loci = s)res2 <- LDscan(xs)LDmap(res2,$POS[s], bks, scale.legend = 3)

## something simpler with 10 loci:x10 <- x[, 1:10]## the VCF file has no locus IDs, so we give some here:names(x10) <- paste0("Loc", 1:10)res10 <- LDscan(x10, quiet = TRUE)LDmap(res10, angle = 45, border = NULL)

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30 mjn

## End(Not run)

mjn Median-Joining Network


This function computes the median-joining network (MJN) as described by Bandelt et al. (1999).


mjn(x, epsilon = 0, max.n.cost = 10000, prefix = "median.vector_")


x a matrix (or data frame) of DNA sequences or binary 0/1 data.

epsilon tolerance parameter.

max.n.cost the maximum number of costs to be computed.

prefix the prefix used to label the median vectors.


MJN is a network method where intermediate (unobserved) sequences (the median vectors) arereconstructed and included in the final network. Unlike mst, rmst, and msn, mjn works with theoriginal sequences, the distances being calculated internally using a Hamming distance method(with dist(x, "manhattan") for binary data or dist.dna(x, "N") for DNA sequences).

The parameter epsilon controls how the search for new median vectors is performed: the largerthis parameter, the wider the search (see the example with binary data).

If the sequences are very divergent, the search for new median vectors can take a very long time.The argument max.n.cost controls how many such vectors are added to the network (the defaultvalue should avoid the function to run endlessly).


an object of class "haploNet" with an extra attribute (data) containing the original data togetherwith the median vectors.


This version still needs to be tested with large data sets. Bandelt et al. (1999) reported long com-puting times because of the need to compute a lot of median vectors.


Emmanuel Paradis

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (31)

MMD 31


Bandelt, H. J., Forster, P. and Rohl, A. (1999) Median-joining networks for inferring intraspecificphylogenies. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 16, 37–48.

See Also

haploNet, mst


## data in Table 1 of Bandelt et al. (1999):x <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,

1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1)

x <- matrix(x, 4, 9, byrow = TRUE)rownames(x) <- LETTERS[1:4](nt0 <- mjn(x))(nt1 <- mjn(x, 1))(nt2 <- mjn(x, 2))plot(nt0)

## Not run:## same like in Fig. 4 of Bandelt et al. (1999):plotNetMDS(nt2, dist(attr(nt2, "data"), "manhattan"), 3)

## End(Not run)

## data in Table 2 of Bandelt et al. (1999):z <- list(c("g", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a"),

c("a", "g", "g", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a"),c("a", "a", "a", "g", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "g", "g"),c("a", "a", "a", "a", "g", "g", "a", "a", "a", "a", "g", "g"),c("a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "g", "g", "c", "c"),c("a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "g", "g", "g", "g", "a", "a"))

names(z) <- c("A1", "A2", "B1", "B2", "C", "D")z <- as.matrix(as.DNAbin(z))(ntz <- mjn(z, 2))

## Not run:## same like in Fig. 5 of Bandelt et al. (1999):plotNetMDS(ntz, dist.dna(attr(ntz, "data"), "N"), 3)

## End(Not run)

MMD Mismatch Distribution

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (32)

32 MMD


This function draws a histogram of the frequencies of pairwise distances from a set of DNA se-quences.


MMD(x, xlab = "Distance", main = "", rug = TRUE, legend = TRUE,lcol = c("blue", "red"), lty = c(1, 1), bw = 2, ...)


x a set of DNA sequences (object of class "DNAbin").

xlab the label for the x-axis.

main the title (none by default).

rug a logical specifying whether to add a rug of the pairwise distances on the hori-zontal axis (see rug).

legend a logical specifying whether to draw a legend.

lcol the colours used for the curves.

lty the line types for the curves

bw the bandwidth used for the empirical density curve (passed to density).

... further arguments passed to hist.


The histogram shows the observed distribution of pairwise distances. The lines show an empiricaldensity estimate (in blue) and the expected distribution under stable population population (Rogersand Harpending 1992).


Emmanuel Paradis and David Winter


Rogers, A. R. and Harpending, H. (1992) Population growth makes waves in the distribution ofpairwise genetic-differences. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 9, 552–569.


data(woodmouse)MMD(woodmouse, col = "grey")MMD(woodmouse, breaks = 20, legend = FALSE)MMD(woodmouse, lty = 1:2, lcol = rep("black", 2), col = "lightgrey")

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (33)

mst 33

mst Minimum Spanning Tree and Network


Computes a minimum spanning tree using Kruskal’s algorithm, the minimum spanning networkusing Bandelt et al.’s algorithm, or the randomized minimum spanning tree (Paradis 2017).


mst(d)msn(d)rmst(d, B = 100)


d a distance matrix, either as an object of class "dist", or a (square symmetric)matrix.

B number of randomizations.


an object of class "haploNet".


ape has a function named mst which is older (and used by other packages) and returns its resultsin a different form. The present version is more efficient. If you want to use the older version afterloading pegas, use ape::mst since ape will certainly always be loaded before pegas.


Emmanuel Paradis


Bandelt, H. J., Forster, P. and Rohl, A. (1999) Median-joining networks for inferring intraspecificphylogenies. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 16, 37–48.

Kruskal, J. B., Jr. (1956) On the shortest spanning subtree of a graph and the traveling salesmanproblem. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 7, 48–50.

Paradis, E. (2017) Analysis of haplotype networks: the randomized minimum spanning tree method.Manuscript.

See Also

haploNet, mjn

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (34)

34 na.omit.loci


data(woodmouse)d <- dist.dna(woodmouse, "n")(r <- mst(d))plot(r)

na.omit.loci Missing Allelic Data


This is a method of the generic function na.omit.


## S3 method for class 'loci'na.omit(object, na.alleles = c("0", "."), ...)


object an object of class "loci".

na.alleles a vector of charater strings giving the alleles to be treated as missing data.

... (unused)


The side effect of this function is to drop the rows (individuals) with unclearly identified genotypes,i.e., with at least one allele among na.alleles.

Other variables in the data table are eventually checked and levels with no observation (e.g., popu-lation) are dropped.


an object of class "loci".


Emmanuel Paradis



Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (35)

nuc.div 35

nuc.div Nucleotide Diversity


This function computes the nucleotide diversity from a sample of DNA sequences or a set of hap-lotypes.


nuc.div(x, ...)## S3 method for class 'DNAbin'nuc.div(x, variance = FALSE, pairwise.deletion = FALSE, ...)## S3 method for class 'haplotype'nuc.div(x, variance = FALSE, pairwise.deletion = FALSE, ...)


x a matrix or a list which contains the DNA sequences.

variance a logical indicating whether to compute the variance of the estimated nucleotidediversity.


a logical indicating whether to delete the sites with missing data in a pairwiseway. The default is to delete the sites with at least one missing data for allsequences.

... further arguments to be passed.


This is a generic function with methods for classes "DNAbin" and "haplotype". The first methoduses the sum of the number of differences between pairs of sequences divided by the number ofcomparisons (i.e. n(n − 1)/2, where n is the number of sequences). The second method useshaplotype frequencies. It could be that both methods give (slightly) different results because ofmissing or ambiguous nucleotides: this is generally solved by setting pairwise.deletion = TRUE.

The variance of the estimated diversity uses formula (10.9) from Nei (1987). This applies only if allsequences are of the same lengths, and cannot be used if pairwise.deletion = TRUE. A bootstrapestimate may be in order if you insist on using the latter option.


A numeric vector with one or two values if variance = TRUE.


Emmanuel Paradis

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (36)

36 plotNetMDS


Nei, M. (1987) Molecular evolutionary genetics. New York: Columbia University Press.

See Also

base.freq, GC.content, theta.s, seg.sites


data(woodmouse)nuc.div(woodmouse)nuc.div(woodmouse, TRUE)nuc.div(woodmouse, FALSE, TRUE)

plotNetMDS Plot Networks With MDS Layout


This function plots a haplotype network using a layout calculated from an MDS performed on thepairwise distance matrix. The haplotypes have always the same positions for different networks.


plotNetMDS(net, d, k = 2, show.mutation = FALSE, col = NULL, font = 2, cex = 1)


net an object of class "haploNet".

d an object of class "dist" (or a matrix).

k the number of dimensions of the plot (2 or 3).

show.mutation a logical value: if TRUE, the number of steps is printed on the links.

col the colours of the links; by default, semi-transparent green.

font the font used to print the labels; bold by default.

cex the character expansion of the labels.




Emmanuel Paradis

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (37)

R2.test 37


Paradis, E. (2017) Analysis of haplotype networks: the randomized minimum spanning tree method.Manuscript.

See Also



data(woodmouse)d <- dist.dna(woodmouse, "n")net <- rmst(d)plotNetMDS(net, d)

R2.test Ramos-Onsins–Rozas Test of Neutrality


This function computes Ramos-Onsins and Rozas’s test of neutrality for a set of DNA sequences.


R2.test(x, B = 1000, theta = 1, plot = TRUE, quiet = FALSE, ...)


x a DNA matrix (object of class "DNAbin").

B the number of replicates used for the simulation procedure.

theta the value of the θ population parameter used in the simulation.

plot a logical value specifying whether to plot the results (TRUE by default).

quiet a logical value specifying whether to not display the progress of the simulations.The default is FALSE meaning that a progress bar is displayed by default.

... further arguments passed to hist.


a list with two elements: R2 the value of the test statistic R2, and P.val the associated P-value. IfB = 0 a single value, the test statistic, is returned


The simulation procedure probably needs to be tested and improved. However the results makesense so far.

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (38)

38 read.gtx


Emmanuel Paradis


Ramos-Onsins, R. and Rozas, R. (2002) Statistical properties of new neutrality tests against popu-lation growth. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 19, 2092–2100.

Sano, J. and Tachida, G. (2005) Gene genealogy and properties of test statistics of neutrality underpopulation growth. Genetics, 169, 1687–1697.

See Also

read.dna, dist.dna


data(woodmouse)R2.test(woodmouse, quiet = TRUE)

read.gtx Read Genetix Data Files


This function reads allelic data from a Genetix file (.gtx).




file a file name specified by either a variable of mode character or a quoted string.


A data frame with class c("loci", "data.frame").


The package adegenet has a similar function, read.genetix, but it returns an object of class"genind".


Emmanuel Paradis

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (39)

read.loci 39


Belkhir, K., Borsa, P., Chikhi, L., Raufaste, N. and Bonhomme, F. (1996–2004) GENETIX 4.05,logiciel sous Windows(TM) pour la genetique des populations. Laboratoire Genome, Populations,Interactions, CNRS UMR 5000, Universite de Montpellier II, Montpellier (France).

See Also

read.loci, write.loci, read.vcf, read.genetix


require(adegenet)(X <- read.gtx(system.file("files/nancycats.gtx", package = "adegenet")))## compare with the example in ?read.genetix

read.loci Read Allelic Data Files


This function reads allelic data from a text file: rows are individuals, and columns are loci andoptional variables. By default, the first line of the file gives the locus names. If one column islabelled ‘population’, it is taken as a population variable.


read.loci(file, header = TRUE, loci.sep = "", allele.sep = "/|",col.pop = NULL, col.loci = NULL, ...)


file a file name specified by either a variable of mode character, or a quoted string.header a logical specifying whether the first line of the data file gives the names of the

loci (TRUE by default).loci.sep the character(s) separating the loci (columns) in the data file (a white space by

default).allele.sep the character(s) separating the alleles for each locus in the data file (a forward

slash by default).col.pop specifies whether one of the column of the data file identifies the population. By

default, if one column is labelled ‘population’ (case-insensitive), it is taken asthe population variable; otherwise an integer giving the number of the columnor a character string giving its name. It is eventually renamed ‘population’ andtransformed as a factor.

col.loci a vector of integers or characters specifying the indices or the names of thecolumns that are loci. By default, all columns are taken as loci except the popu-lation one, if present or specified.

... further arguments passed to read.table (e.g., row.names).

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40 read.vcf


The rownames of the returned object identify the individual genotypes; they are either taken fromthe data file if present, or given the values "1", "2", . . . Similarly for the colnames: if absent in thefile (in which case header = FALSE must be set), they are given the values "V1", "V2", . . .

In the returned genotypes, alleles are separated by "/", even if it is not the case in the data file.

The vignette “Reading Genetic Data Files Into R with adegenet and pegas” explains how to readvarious file formats including Excel files (type vignette("ReadingFiles") in R).


A data frame with class c("loci", "data.frame"). It is a data frame with an attribute "locicol"specifying the columns that must be treated as loci. The latter are factors. The other columns canbe of any type.

Details on the structure can be found in


Emmanuel Paradis

See Also

read.gtx, read.vcf, write.loci, summary.loci

read.vcf Read Variant Calling Format Files


This function reads allelic data from VCF (variant calling format) files.


read.vcf(file, from = 1, to = 10000, which.loci = NULL, quiet = FALSE)


file a file name specified by either a variable of mode character, or a quoted string.

from, to the loci to read; by default, the first 10,000.

which.loci an alternative way to specify which loci to read is to give their indices (seelink{VCFloci} how to obtain them).

quiet a logical: should the progress of the operation be printed?

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read.vcf 41


The VCF file can be compressed (*.gz) or not, but compressed files cannot be read remotely (seeexamples).

A TABIX file is not required (and will be ignored if present).

In the VCF standard, missing data are represented by a dot and these are read “as is” by the presentfunction without trying to substitute by NA.


an object of class c("loci", "data.frame").


Like for VCFloci, the present function can read either compressed (*.gz) or uncompressed files.There should be no difference in performance between both types of files if they are relatively small(less than 1 Gb as uncompressed, equivalent to ~50 Mb when compressed). For bigger files, it ismore efficient to uncompress them (if disk space is sufficient), especially if they have to be accessedseveral times during the same session.


Emmanuel Paradis


See Also

VCFloci, read.loci, read.gtx, write.loci


## Not run:## Chr Y from the 1000 genomes:a <- ""b <- "ALL.chrY.phase3_integrated_v1a.20130502.genotypes.vcf.gz"## WARNING: the name of the file above may changeurl <- paste(a, b, sep = "/")## file is compressed, so we download first:download.file(url, "chrY.vcf.gz")## no need to uncompress to read now that the file is local:(info <- VCFloci("chrY.vcf.gz"))str(info) # show the modes of the columns

SNP <- is.snp(info)table(SNP) # how many loci are SNPs?## compare with:table(getINFO(info, "VT"))

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42 replot

op <- par(mfcol = c(4, 1), xpd = TRUE)lim <- c(2.65e6, 2.95e6)## distribution of SNP and non-SNP mutations along the Y chr:plot(info$POS, !SNP, "h", col = "red", main = "non-SNP mutations",

xlab = "Position", ylab = "", yaxt = "n")rect(lim[1], -0.1, lim[2], 1.1, lwd = 2, lty = 2)plot(info$POS, SNP, "h", col = "blue", main = "SNP mutations",

xlab = "Position", ylab = "", yaxt = "n")rect(lim[1], -0.1, lim[2], 1.1, lwd = 2, lty = 2)par(xpd = FALSE)## same focusing on a smaller portion of the chromosome:plot(info$POS, !SNP, "h", col = "red", xlim = lim, xlab = "Position",

ylab = "", yaxt = "n")plot(info$POS, SNP, "h", col = "blue", xlim = lim, xlab = "Position",

ylab = "", yaxt = "n")par(op)

## read both types of mutations separately:X.SNP <- read.vcf("chrY.vcf.gz", which.loci = which(SNP))X.other <- read.vcf("chrY.vcf.gz", which.loci = which(!SNP))

identical(rownames(X.SNP), VCFlabels("chrY.vcf.gz")) # TRUEcat(VCFheader("chrY.vcf.gz"))

## get haplotypes for the first 10 loci:h <- haplotype(X.SNP, 1:10)## plot their frequencies:op <- par(mar = c(3, 10, 1, 1))plot(h, horiz=TRUE, las = 1)par(op)

## End(Not run)

replot Edit the Layout of a Haplotype Network


This function makes possible to change the layout of a haplotype network interactively or withspecified coordinates.


replot(xy = NULL, ...)


xy an optional list with vectors names x and y (or xx and yy) giving the coordinatesof the nodes.

... further arguments passed to plot.

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rr.test 43


This function can be used in two ways. By default (i.e., replot()), the user can edit a plottedhaplotype network by clicking with the mouse on the graphical window: a message is printedasking to click once close to the node to move and then clicking again where this node should beplaced (careful: two separate single clicks). Editing is stopped with a right click.

The second possible use is to specify the new coordinates of the nodes with the argument xy,typically, from a previous call to replot (see examples).


a named list with two numeric vertors (x and y).


Emmanuel Paradis

See Also

haploNet, haploFreq


## Not run:data(woodmouse)net <- haploNet(haplotype(woodmouse))plot(net)o <- replot() # interactive## click to rearrange the network at will...## then do a different plot using the same coordinates:plot(net, bg = "red", labels = FALSE, show.mutation = 2)replot(o) # not interactive

## End(Not run)

rr.test Tajima Relative Rate Test of Molecular Clock


This function tests the hypothesis of a molecular evolutionary clock (i.e., a constant rate of molecu-lar evolution) between two samples using an outgroup sample. It can be applied to both nucleotideand amino acid sequences.


rr.test(x, y, out)

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44 rr.test


x, y a single DNA sequence (object class "DNAbin").

out a single DNA sequence to be used as outgroup.


a list with two numeric values: Chi (Chi-squared statistic) and Pval (the P-value).


Alastair Potts <[emailprotected]>


Tajima, F. (1993) Simple methods for testing molecular clock hypothesis. Genetics, 135, 599–607.(Equation 4)


require(ape)data(woodmouse)rr.test(x = woodmouse[2, ], y = woodmouse[3, ], out = woodmouse[1, ])

# Test all pairs in a sample:outgroup <- woodmouse[1, ]n <- nrow(woodmouse)cc <- combn(2:n, 2)FUN <- function(x)

rr.test(woodmouse[x[1], ], woodmouse[x[2], ], outgroup)$PvalOUT <- apply(cc, 2, FUN)### two ways to arrange the output:RES <- matrix(NA, n - 1, n - 1)RES[row(RES) > col(RES)] <- OUTRES <- t(RES)RES[row(RES) > col(RES)] <- OUTRES <- t(RES)dimnames(RES) <- list(2:n, 2:n)RES <- as.dist(RES)### 2nd method:class(OUT) <- "dist"attr(OUT, "Labels") <- as.character(2:15)attr(OUT, "Size") <- n - 1Lattr(OUT, "Diag") <- attr(OUT, "Upper") <- FALSE### they are the same:all(OUT == RES)

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site.spectrum 45

site.spectrum Site Frequency Spectrum


site.spectrum computes the (un)folded site frequency spectrum of a set of aligned DNA se-quences.


site.spectrum(x, folded = TRUE, outgroup = 1)## S3 method for class 'spectrum'plot(x, col = "red", main = NULL, ...)


x a set of DNA sequences (as an object of class "DNAbin"), or an object of class"spectrum".

folded a logical specifying whether to compute the folded site frequency spectrum (thedefault), or the unfolded spectrum if folded = FALSE.

outgroup a single integer value giving which sequence is ancestral; ignored if folded = TRUE.

col the colour of the barplot (red by default).

main a character string for the title of the plot; a generic title is given by default (usemain = "" to have no title).

... further arguments passed to barplot.


Under the infinite sites model of mutation, mutations occur on distinct sites, so every segregating(polymorphic) site defines a partition of the n sequences (see Wakeley, 2009). The site frequencyspectrum is a series of values where the ith element is the number of segregating sites defining apartition of i and n− i sequences. The unfolded version requires to define an ancestral state with anexternal (outgroup) sequence, so i varies between 1 and n− 1. If no ancestral state can be defined,the folded version is computed, so i varies between 1 and n/2 or (n − 1)/2, for n even or odd,respectively.

If folded = TRUE, sites with more than two states are ignored and a warning is returned givinghow many were found.

If folded = FALSE, sites with an ambiguous state at the external sequence are ignored and awarning is returned giving how many were found. Note that it is not checked if some sites havemore than two states.


site.spectrum returns an object of class "spectrum" which is a vector of integers (some valuesmay be equal to zero) with the attribute "folded" (a logical value) indicating which version of thespectrum has been computed.

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46 subset.haplotype


Emmanuel Paradis


Wakeley, J. (2009) Coalescent Theory: An Introduction. Greenwood Village, CO: Roberts andCompany Publishers.

See Also

DNAbin for manipulation of DNA sequences in R, haplotype


require(ape)data(woodmouse)(sp <- site.spectrum(woodmouse))plot(sp)

subset.haplotype Subsetting and Filtering Haplotypes


This function selects haplotypes based on their (absolute) frequencies and/or proportions of missingnucleotides.


## S3 method for class 'haplotype'subset(x, minfreq = 1, maxfreq = Inf, maxna = Inf, na = c("N", "?"), ...)


x an object of class c("haplotype", "DNAbin").minfreq, maxfreq

the lower and upper limits of (absolute) haplotype frequencies. By default, allhaplotypes are selected whatever their frequency.

maxna the maximum frequency (absolute or relative; see details) of missing nucleotideswithin a given haplotype.

na a vector of mode character specifying which nucleotide symbols should be treatedas missing data; by default, unknown nucleotide (N) and completely unknownsite (?) (can be lower- or uppercase). There are two shortcuts: see details.

... unused.

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summary.loci 47


The value of maxna can be either less than one, or greater or equal to one. In the former case, itis taken as specifying the maximum proportion (relative frequency) of missing data within a givenhaplotype. In the latter case, it is taken as the maximum number (absolute frequency).

na = "all" is a shortcut for all ambiguous nucleotides (including N) plus alignment gaps andcompletely unknown site (?).

na = "ambiguous" is a shortcut for only ambiguous nucleotides (including N).


an object of class c("haplotype", "DNAbin").


Emmanuel Paradis

See Also



data(woodmouse)h <- haplotype(woodmouse)subset(h, maxna = 20)subset(h, maxna = 20/ncol(h)) # same thing than above

summary.loci Print and Summaries of Loci Objects


These functions print and summarize table of alleles and loci (objects of class "loci").


## S3 method for class 'loci'print(x, details = FALSE, ...)## S3 method for class 'loci'summary(object, ...)## S3 method for class 'summary.loci'print(x, ...)## S3 method for class 'loci'x[i, j, drop = TRUE]## S3 method for class 'summary.loci'plot(x, loci, what = "both", layout = 1, col = c("blue", "red"), ...)

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48 summary.loci


x, object an object of class "loci" or "summary.loci".

details a logical value: if TRUE the data are printed as a data frame; the default is FALSE.

i, j indices of the rows and/or columns to select or to drop. They may be numeric,logical, or character (in the same way than for standard R objects).

drop a logical specifying whether to returned an object of the smallest dimensionpossible, i.e., may return a vector or a factor if drop = TRUE (this is not thedefault).

loci the loci (genes) to be plotted. By default, all loci are plotted.

what the frequencies to be plotted. Three choices are possible: "alleles", "genotypes",and "both" (the default), or any unambiguous abbreviations.

layout the number of graphs to be plotted simultaneously.

col the colours used for the barplots.

... further arguments to be passed to or from other methods.


Genotypes not observed in the data frame are not counted.

When using the [ method, if only one column is extracted or if the returned data frame has no ‘loci’column, then the class "loci" is dropped.

An object of class "loci" can be edited in the R data editor with, e.g., fix(x) or x <- edit(x).

summary.loci computes the absolute frequencies (counts); see the examples on how to computethe relative frequencies (proportions).


summary.loci returns a list with the genes as names and each element made a list with two vectors"genotype" and "allele" with the frequencies (numbers) of genotypes and alleles, respectively.The names of these two vectors are the observed genotypes and alleles.

print and plot methods return NULL.


Emmanuel Paradis

See Also

read.loci, getAlleles, edit.loci


data(jaguar)s <- summary(jaguar)## Not run:## works if the device is large enough:plot(s, layout = 30, las = 2)

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tajima.test 49


## End(Not run)## compute the relative frequencies:rapply(s, function(x) x/sum(x), how = "replace")

tajima.test Test of the Neutral Mutation Hypothesis


This function tests the neutral mutation hypothesis with Tajima’s D.




x a set of DNA sequences (object of class "DNAbin").


A list with three numeric values:

D Tajima’s D statistic.

Pval.normal the p-value assuming that D follows a normal distribution with mean zero andvariance one.

Pval.beta the p-value assuming that D follows a beta distribution after rescaling on [0, 1](Tajima, 1989).


Alignment gaps in the sequences are ignored when calculating pairwise distances.


Emmanuel Paradis


Tajima, F. (1989) Statistical method for testing the neutral mutation hypothesis by DNA polymor-phism. Genetics, 123, 595–595.



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50 theta.h

theta.h Population Parameter THETA using hom*ozygosity


This function computes the population parameter THETA using the hom*ozygosity (or mean het-erozygosity) from gene frequencies.


theta.h(x, standard.error = FALSE)


x a vector or a factor.

standard.error a logical indicating whether the standard error of the estimated theta should bereturned (TRUE), the default being FALSE.


The argument x can be either a factor or a vector. If it is a factor, then it is taken to give the individualalleles in the population. If it is a numeric vector, then its values are taken to be the numbers of eachallele in the population. If it is a non-numeric vector, it is a coerced as a factor.

The standard error is computed with an approximation due to Chakraborty and Weiss (1991).


A numeric vector of length one with the estimated theta (the default), or of length two if the standarderror is returned (standard.error = TRUE).


Emmanuel Paradis


Zouros, E. (1979) Mutation rates, population sizes and amounts of electrophoretic variation at en-zyme loci in natural populations. Genetics, 92, 623–646.

Chakraborty, R. and Weiss, K. M. (1991) Genetic variation of the mitochondrial DNA genome inAmerican Indians is at mutation-drift equilibrium. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 86,497–506.

See Also

heterozygosity, theta.s, theta.k, theta.tree

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theta.k 51


data(jaguar)## compute frequencies:S <- summary(jaguar)## compute THETA for all loci:sapply(S, function(x) theta.h(x$allele))

theta.k Population Parameter THETA using Expected Number of Alleles


This function computes the population parameter THETA using the expected number of alleles.


theta.k(x, n = NULL, k = NULL)


x a vector or a factor.

n a numeric giving the sample size.

k a numeric giving the number of alleles.


This function can be used in two ways: either with a vector giving the individual genotypes fromwhich the sample size and number of alleles are derived (e.g., theta.k(x)), or giving directly thesetwo quantities (e.g., theta.k(n = 50, k = 5)).

The argument x can be either a factor or a vector. If it is a factor, then it is taken to give the individualalleles in the population. If it is a numeric vector, then its values are taken to be the numbers of eachallele in the population. If it is a non-numeric vector, it is a coerced as a factor.

Both arguments n and k must be single numeric values.


A numeric vector of length one with the estimated theta.


For the moment, no standard-error or confidence interval is computed.


Emmanuel Paradis

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52 theta.msat


Ewens, W. J. (1972) The sampling theory of selectively neutral alleles. Theoretical PopulationBiology, 3, 87–112.

See Also

theta.h, theta.s, theta.tree


data(jaguar)## compute frequencies:S <- summary(jaguar)## compute THETA for all loci:sapply(S, function(x) theta.k(x$allele))

theta.msat Population Parameter THETA From Micro-Satellites


This function estimates the population parameter θ using micro-satellite data with three differentestimators.




x an object of class "loci".


The data must be micro-satellites, so the allele names must be the repeat counts (see the example).

The three estimators are based on (i) the variance of the number of repeats, (ii) the expected ho-mozygosity (both described in Kimmel et al., 1998), and (iii) the mean allele frequencies (Haasland Payseur, 2010).


a numeric matrix with loci as rows and the three estimates of θ as columns.


Emmanuel Paradis

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theta.s 53


Kimmel, M., Chakraborty, R., King, J. P., Bamshad, M., Watkins, W. S. and Jorde, L. B. (1998)Signatures of population expansion in microsatellite repeat data. Genetics, 148, 1921–1930.

Haasl, R. J. and Payseur, B. A. (2010) The number of alleles at a microsatellite defines the allelefrequency spectrum and facilitates fast accurate estimation of θ. Molecular Biology and Evolution,27, 2702–2715.

See Also

theta.h, theta.tree



theta.s Population Parameter THETA using Segregating Sites


This function computes the population parameter THETA using the number of segregating sites sin a sample of n DNA sequences.


theta.s(x, ...)## S3 method for class 'DNAbin'theta.s(x, variance = FALSE, ...)## Default S3 method:theta.s(x, n, variance = FALSE, ...)


x a numeric giving the number of segregating sites.

n a numeric giving the number of sequences.

variance a logical indicating whether the variance of the estimated THETA should bereturned (TRUE), the default being FALSE.

... arguments passed to methods.


A numeric vector of length one with the estimated theta (the default), or of length two if the standarderror is returned (variance = TRUE).

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54 theta.tree


The number of segregating sites needs to be computed beforehand, for instance with the functionseg.sites (see example below).


Emmanuel Paradis


Watterson, G. A. (1975) On the number of segragating sites in genetical models without recombi-nation. Theoretical Population Biology, 7, 256–276.

Tajima, F. (1989) Statistical method for testing the neutral mutation hypothesis by DNA polymor-phism. Genetics, 123, 585–595.

See Also

theta.h, theta.k, seg.sites, nuc.div, theta.tree


data(woodmouse)theta.s(woodmouse)theta.s(woodmouse, variance = TRUE)## using the default:s <- length(seg.sites(woodmouse))n <- nrow(woodmouse)theta.s(s, n)

theta.tree Population Parameter THETA Using Genealogy


This function estimates the population parameter θ from a genealogy (coded a as phylogenetic tree)under the coalescent.


theta.tree(phy, theta, fixed = FALSE, analytical = TRUE, log = TRUE)

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theta.tree 55


phy an object of class "phylo".

theta a numeric vector.

fixed a logical specifying whether to estimate theta (the default), or to return thelikelihoods for all values in theta.

analytical a logical specifying whether to use analytical formulae to estimate theta and itsstandard-error. If FALSE, a numerical optimisation of the likelihood is performed(this option is ignored if fixed = TRUE).

log a logical specifying whether to return the likelihoods on a log scale (the default);ignored if fixed = FALSE.


The tree phy is considered as a genealogy, and therefore should be ultrametric. By default, θis estimated by maximum likelihood and the value given in theta is used as starting value for theminimisation function (if several values are given as a vector the first one is used). If fixed = TRUE,then the [log-]likelihood values are returned corresponding to each value in theta.

The present implementation does a numerical optimisation of the log-likelihood function (withnlminb) with the first partial derivative as gradient. It is possible to solve the latter and have a directanalytical MLE of θ (and its standard-error), but this does not seem to be faster.


If fixed = FALSE, a list with two elements:

theta the maximum likelihood estimate of θ;

logLik the log-likelihood at its maximum.

If fixed = TRUE, a numeric vector with the [log-]likelihood values.


Emmanuel Paradis


Kingman, J. F. C. (1982) The coalescent. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 13, 235–248.

Kingman, J. F. C. (1982) On the genealogy of large populations. Journal of Applied Probability,19A, 27–43.

Wakeley, J. (2009) Coalescent Theory: An Introduction. Greenwood Village, CO: Roberts andCompany Publishers.

See Also

theta.h, theta.s, theta.k

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (56)

56 utilities


tr <- rcoal(50) # assumes theta = 1theta.tree(tr, 10)theta.tree(tr, 10, analytical = FALSE) # uses nlminb()## profile log-likelihood:THETA <- seq(0.5, 1.5, 0.01)logLikelihood <- theta.tree(tr, THETA, fixed = TRUE)plot(THETA, logLikelihood, type = "l")

utilities Utily Functions for pegas


The first three functions extract information on loci, expand.genotype creates a table of all possiblegenotypes given a set of alleles, proba.genotype calculates expected probabilities of genotypesunder Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, and the last two functions test whether a locus is a SNP orwhether a gentotype is phased.


getPloidy(x)getAlleles(x)getGenotypes(x)expand.genotype(n, alleles = NULL, ploidy = 2, matrix = FALSE)proba.genotype(alleles = c("1", "2"), p, ploidy = 2)is.snp(x)is.phased(x)


x an object of class "loci".

n an integer giving how many alleles to consider (ignored if alleles is used).

alleles the allele names as a vector of mode character.

ploidy an integer giving the ploidy level (either 2 or 4 for the moment).

matrix a logical specifying whether to return the genotypes in a matrix or as a charactervector.

p a vector of allele probabilities; if missing, equal probabilities are assumed.


expand.genotype and proba.genotype accept any level of ploidy and any number of alleles.

For is.snp, a locus is defined as a SNP if it has two alleles and their labels are made of a singlecharacter (e.g., A and T, or 1 and 2, but not A and AT).

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VCFloci 57


getPloidy returns the ploidy level of all loci in an object of class "loci" as a numeric vector.

getAlleles and getGenotypes return the alleles and genotypes, respectively, observed in all lociin an object of class "loci" as a list.

expand.genotype returns a character vector (the default) or a matrix where the rows are the geno-types and the columns are the alleles. The matrix is numeric by default, or character if the argumentalleles is given.

proba.genotype returns a numeric vector with names set as the genotypes.

is.snp returns a logical vector specifying whether each locus is a SNP.

is.phased returns a matrix of the same size than the original data specifying whether each genotypeis phased or not.


Emmanuel Paradis


data(jaguar)X <- jaguar[, 1:2]getAlleles(X)getGenotypes(X)expand.genotype(2)expand.genotype(2, LETTERS[1:3])expand.genotype(3, ploidy = 4)proba.genotype() # classical HWE with 2 alleles## an octoploid with a six-allele locus (1287 possible genotypes):length(p <- proba.genotype(alleles = LETTERS[1:6], ploidy = 8))max(p) # ~ 0.006## back to the jaguar data:s <- summary(X)## allele counts from the first locus:p <- s[[1]]$allele## expected probabilities for the 136 possible genotypes...proba.genotype(names(p), p/sum(p))## ... to be compared with s[[1]]$genotype

VCFloci Information From VCF Files


These functions help to extract information from VCF files and to select which loci to read withread.vcf.

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58 VCFloci


VCFloci(file, what = "all", chunck.size = 1e9, quiet = FALSE)## S3 method for class 'VCFinfo'print(x, ...)VCFheader(file)VCFlabels(file)## S3 method for class 'VCFinfo'is.snp(x, ...)rangePOS(x, from, to)selectQUAL(x, threshold = 20)getINFO(x, what = "DP", = FALSE)


file file name of the VCF file.

what a character specifying the information to be extracted (see details).

chunck.size the size of data in bytes read at once.

quiet a logical: should the progress of the operation be printed?

x an object of class "VCFinfo".

from, to integer values giving the range of position values.

threshold a numerical value indicating the minimum value of quality for selecting loci. a logical. By default, getINFO tries to convert its output as numeric: if too manyNA’s are produced, the output is returned as character. Use = TRUE toforce the output to be in character mode.

... further arguments passed to and from other methods.


The variant call format (VCF) is described in details in the References. Roughly, a VCF file ismade of two parts: the header and the genotypes. The last line of the header gives the labels ofthe genotypes: the first nine columns give information for each locus and are (always) "CHROM","POS", "ID", "REF", "ALT", "QUAL", "FILTER", "INFO", and "FORMAT". The subsequentcolumns give the labels (identifiers) of the individuals; these may be missing if the file records onlythe variants. Note that the data are arranged as the transpose of the usual way: the individuals areas columns and the loci are as rows.

VCFloci is the main function documented here: it reads the information relative to each locus. Theoption what specifies which column(s) to read. By default, all of them are read. If the user isinterested in only the locus positions, the option what = "POS" would be used.

Since VCF files can be very big, the data are read in portions of chunk.size bytes. The default (1Gb) should be appropriate in most situations. This value should not exceed 2e9.

VCFheader returns the header of the VCF file (excluding the line of labels). VCFlabels returns theindividual labels.

The output of VCFloci is a data frame with as many rows as there are loci in the VCF file andstoring the requested information. The other functions help to extract specific information from thisdata frame: their outputs may then be used to select which loci to read with read.vcf.

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VCFloci 59

is.snp tests whether each locus is a SNP (i.e., the reference allele, REF, is a single charater and thealternative allele, ALT, also). It returns a logical vector with as many values as there are loci. Notethat some VCF files have the information VT (variant type) in the INFO column.

rangePOS and selectQUAL select some loci with respect to values of position or quality. Theyreturn the indices (i.e., row numbers) of the loci satisfying the conditions.

getINFO extracts a specific information from the INFO column. By default, these are the totaldepths (DP) which can be changed with the option what. The meaning of these information shouldbe described in the header of the VCF file.


VCFloci returns an object of class "VCFinfo" which is a data frame with a specific print method.

VCFheader returns a single character string which can be printed nicely with cat.

VCFlabels returns a vector of mode character.

is.snp returns a vector of mode logical.

rangePOS and selectQUAL return a vector of mode numeric.

getINFO returns a vector of mode character or numeric (see above).


VCFloci is able to read either compressed (*.gz) or uncompressed files.


Emmanuel Paradis


See Also



## see ?read.vcf

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (60)

60 write.loci

write.loci Write Allelic Data Files


This function writes allelic data into a text file.


write.loci(x, file = "", loci.sep = " ", allele.sep = "/|", ...)


x an object of class "loci".

file a file name specified by either a variable of mode character, or a quoted string.By default, the data are printed on the console.

loci.sep the character(s) use to separate the loci (columns) in the file (a space by default).

allele.sep the character(s) used to separate the alleles for each locus in the file (a slash bydefault).

... further arguments passed to write.table.




Emmanuel Paradis

See Also

read.loci, write.table for all its options


data(jaguar)x <- jaguar[1:10, 1:3] # take a small subsetwrite.loci(x)## use of '...':write.loci(x, loci.sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (61)


∗Topic IOalleles2loci, 4as.loci, 7edit.loci, 12read.gtx, 38read.loci, 39read.vcf, 40VCFloci, 57write.loci, 60

∗Topic datasetsjaguar, 25

∗Topic hplothaploNet, 17haplotype, 20MMD, 31plotNetMDS, 36replot, 42site.spectrum, 45summary.loci, 47

∗Topic htestFst, 13hw.test, 24R2.test, 37rr.test, 43tajima.test, 49

∗Topic manipbind.loci, 9diffHaplo, 10geod, 14geoTrans, 15haploFreq, 16haplotype, 20haplotype.loci, 21heterozygosity, 23na.omit.loci, 34nuc.div, 35site.spectrum, 45subset.haplotype, 46summary.loci, 47

theta.h, 50theta.k, 51theta.s, 53utilities, 56VCFloci, 57

∗Topic modelsall.equal.haploNet, 3amova, 5haploNet, 17LD, 26LDscan, 28mjn, 30mst, 33theta.msat, 52theta.tree, 54

∗Topic modeldist.hamming, 11

∗Topic packagepegas-package, 3

∗Topic univarheterozygosity, 23nuc.div, 35theta.h, 50theta.k, 51theta.s, 53

[.haplotype (haplotype), 20[.loci (summary.loci), 47

adonis, 6all.equal, 3all.equal.haploNet, 3alleles2loci, 4, 8, 26amova, 5, 6as.igraph.haploNet (haploNet), 17as.loci, 5, (haploNet), 17

barplot, 20, 45base.freq, 36bind.loci, 9


Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (62)


cbind.loci (bind.loci), 9

density, 32df2genind, 8diffHaplo, 10, 19dist.dna, 19, 38dist.hamming, 11dist.haplotype.loci, 11dist.haplotype.loci (haplotype.loci), 21DNAbin, 21, 46

edit.loci, 12, 48expand.genotype (utilities), 56

Fst, 13

GC.content, 36genind, 8, 24, 25genind2loci (as.loci), 7geod, 14geoTrans, 15getAlleles, 48getAlleles (utilities), 56getGenotypes (utilities), 56getINFO (VCFloci), 57getPloidy, 8getPloidy (utilities), 56

H (heterozygosity), 23haploFreq, 16, 19, 21, 43haploNet, 4, 10, 17, 17, 21, 30, 31, 33, 37, 43haplotype, 10, 11, 17, 19, 20, 23, 46, 47haplotype.loci, 21, 21, 28heterozygosity, 23, 50hw.test, 24

is.phased, 28is.phased (utilities), 56is.snp (utilities), 56is.snp.VCFinfo (VCFloci), 57

jaguar, 25

LD, 23, 26, 29LD2 (LD), 26LDmap (LDscan), 28LDscan, 28, 28loci, 24, 26loci (read.loci), 39loci2genind (as.loci), 7

mjn, 19, 30, 33MMD, 31msn (mst), 33mst, 4, 19, 30, 31, 33

na.omit, 34na.omit.loci, 34nlminb, 55nuc.div, 35, 54

pegas (pegas-package), 3pegas-package, 3plot.haploNet (haploNet), 17plot.haplotype (haplotype), 20plot.haplotype.loci (haplotype.loci), 21plot.spectrum (site.spectrum), 45plot.summary.loci (summary.loci), 47plotNetMDS, 36print.amova (amova), 5print.haploNet (haploNet), 17print.haplotype (haplotype), 20print.loci (summary.loci), 47print.summary.loci (summary.loci), 47print.VCFinfo (VCFloci), 57proba.genotype (utilities), 56

R2.test, 37rangePOS (VCFloci), 57rbind.loci (bind.loci), 9read.dna, 38read.genetix, 38, 39read.gtx, 38, 40, 41read.loci, 5, 8, 12, 39, 39, 41, 48, 60read.vcf, 29, 39, 40, 40, 57–59rect, 28replot, 19, 42rmst (mst), 33rr.test, 43rug, 32

seg.sites, 36, 54selectQUAL (VCFloci), 57site.spectrum, 45sort.haplotype (haplotype), 20subset.haplotype, 21, 46summary.loci, 12, 40, 47

tajima.test, 49theta.h, 50, 52–55

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (63)


theta.k, 50, 51, 54, 55theta.msat, 52theta.s, 24, 36, 50, 52, 53, 55theta.tree, 50, 52–54, 54

utilities, 56

VCFheader (VCFloci), 57VCFlabels (VCFloci), 57VCFloci, 41, 57

write.loci, 39–41, 60write.table, 60

Package 'pegas' - [PDF Document] (2024)


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