How to Master the D Guitar Chord | National Guitar Academy (2024)

Table of Contents
The correct way to play the D chord on guitar D Major Why is this chord so hard? And how can we make it easy? How to quickly master the D chord on guitar Dsus2 Why bother learning the Dsus2 chord? Learn 12 EASY beginner chords with our popular guide Get your own personalised guitar-learning plan 🎸 World-Class Guitar Courses 🌎 Important: It’s vital you use the correct fingers to play Dsus2 D chords on guitar – String Selection How to strum the guitar while missing strings out The Best Easy Versions Of This Chord Avoid “analysis paralysis” and just play A super-easy 1 finger version of D D Major (1-finger version) More common D shapes Here are some other cool-sounding D chords.What Type of Guitarist Are You?Take our 60-second quiz & get your results: Take The QuizJoin the world's best online guitar school 🌎Get your own personalised guitar learning plan(customised just for YOU).World-class online guitar courses. Learn at your own pace.Community Campus & Learning Forum - A friendly community! Connect with our team & students. 😊Beginner Song library with chordsheets, tabs and tips. (Songs suitable for all levels!)Regular live streams, seminars and Q&A sessions- Learn from world-class guitar educators. Get all your questions answered!Click here to learn more about National Guitar Academy membership Cool Guitar T-shirts 😎Look cooler! Check out our merch: Click here to see our merch storeWant free guitar tips and video lessons delivered to your inbox?Join over 250,000 other guitar learners and subscribe to our guitar-tips-by-email service. (It's free.)We'll send you a series of lessons that will move you to the next level of your guitar journey.Learn how everything fits together quickly, easily and effectively. We share ninja tips (for instant fun!) but also timeless fundamentals that will deepen your understanding. What Type of Guitarist Are You? Join the world's best online guitar school 🌎 Cool Guitar T-shirts 😎 Want free guitar tips and video lessons delivered to your inbox? Popular Lessons More Cool Guitar Stuff FAQs References

The D chord onguitar crops up a lot (it’s one of the most common chords of all). This is one you’ve simply got to know if you want to play guitar!

In this article you’ll learn:

  • How to play the D chord on guitar correctly
  • The best D chord for beginner guitarists to use
  • A simple 1-finger version of the D chord
  • 5 bonus tricks you can use to make your D chords sound better

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The correct way to play the D chord on guitar

The full name of D is actually “D Major”, but most people just call it, “D”. It looks like this:

D Major

How to Master the D Guitar Chord | National Guitar Academy (1)

(If you don't understand the above image please read our article "How To Read Guitar Chordboxes In 60 Seconds". It will make everything clear!)

Why is this chord so hard? And how can we make it easy?

The D chord on guitar is very difficult for beginners because you have to usethree ‘split’ fingers (they’re not bunched together in an easy or compact group) and secondly you must avoid playing 2 strings.(See those X symbols on the chord box? They mean “don’t play this string”.)

Ouch. This one’s tough!

Now of course your overall aim should be to play the full chord correctly, as shown above. For most people it takes around 2-4 weeks of regular practice to be able to nail this chord consistently.

Thankfully there’s a few things you can do to make this difficult process easier and some simpler versions of D that you can play right now.

How to quickly master the D chord on guitar

Step number 1 to master the D chord on guitar is to use an easier version of D first, as a ‘stepping stone’ towards playing the full D chord.

This easier version of the D chord is called “Dsus2” and it’s incredibly useful. It looks like this:


How to Master the D Guitar Chord | National Guitar Academy (2)
As you can see, this is a simpler version of the D chord and it only requires 2 fingers to play.This is a fabulous stepping stone chord for beginner guitarists because it’s easier to play than a full D chord and it still sounds great.

The rule is simple: Whenever you see a D chord on guitar, play a Dsus2 instead!

Why bother learning the Dsus2 chord?

Some of my new students occasionally say to me, “Mike I don’t want to learn the ‘baby’ version, I’d rather just learn the full version of D from the outset.”

My answer is always the same: learning Dsus2 first isn’t the ‘easy’ or ‘wimpy’ option. It’s the smart thing to do. Why?Because it’s an accelerator.

How to Master the D Guitar Chord | National Guitar Academy (3)Learning Dsus2 before D creates a stepping stone for you. It gets you comfortable applying the hand shape needed to play a D chord, but requires 33% less dexterity than a D chord. (Remember we’re using just 2 fingers, not 3.)

Does this sound like a good plan to you? I hope so, now let’s give it a try!

Learn 12 EASY beginner chords with our popular guide

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Important: It’s vital you use the correct fingers to play Dsus2

Let’s have a quick refresher on string numbers:

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As you can see from the previous image of Dsus2 it’s best to use fingers 1 and 3. Why? Because we want to keep finger 2 (your middle finger) in reserve, on ‘standby’, so you can add it in a couple of weeks and turn Dsus2 into D.

Don’t be tempted to ignore the correct finger pattern of Dsus2 by using fingers 1 & 2 instead! I know from experience with my students that you will want to do this initially, as you have more control and dexterity in fingers 1 & 2.

But if you do that, then you won’t be making real progress towards learning D; you’ll merely have learnt Dsus2 and the full D shape will keep feeling foreign and difficult when you try to make the jump up.

D chords on guitar – String Selection

Whenever you play a D chord onguitar you should only ever play strings 1-4.

Regardless of whether you’re playing D, Dsus2, Dm, D5 – it doesn’t matter. If the chord begins with the letter D, then you should NOT play strings 5 and 6. Your strumming/picking shouldbegin on the 4th string.

I’m going to repeat that as it’s so important: for any D chord you must only use the first four strings! 🙂

If you play the fifth string (the A string) when playing a D chord on guitar it won’t sound too bad.Ideallywe don’t want to hear it at all, but if you play it by mistake it’s not the end of the world.

But if you accidentally play the 6th string, the E string, when playing a D chord it will create a very muddy, nasty sounding chord.It’s vital that you don’t play the E string when strumming any type of D chord.

ACTION POINT: Listen to how ‘pure’ a D chord on guitar sounds when you strum it correctly, with 4 strings. Now listen to how terrible a D chord sounds if you strum all six strings.

Try it now, before we move on.There’s a BIG difference, right?

How to strum the guitar while missing strings out

You’ll initially find it very hard to strum just four strings with any fluidity. Don’t worry, this will come in time. To begin with, just focus on missing the E string and don’t worry too much about avoiding the A string.

The Best Easy Versions Of This Chord

Avoid “analysis paralysis” and just play

Some people focus so much on playing the correct strings that they hardly strum the guitar at all, they’ll line everything up, their fingers, the pick/plectrum, and faff around for 20-30 seconds before they even start to play the guitar.This should be avoided at all costs.

In the early stages of learning it’s far more important that you get comfortable strumming the guitar and start having fun than it is to PERFECTLY execute every chord.

So don’t overanalyse. At this stage we want progress, not perfection. 🙂

Shape the chord and just start strumming with the picture in your mind that you won’t strum the E string. Two quick tips:

  • Aim to strum as usual, but from a slightly lower starting position.
  • Try holding the pick/plectrum nearer to the pointed end (so there’s a shorter amount of pick between your finger and the body of the guitar). This will give you more control and accuracy. This is the maximum amount of pick that you should be able to see when you look down at your hand (any more than this and you’ll be making life very difficult for yourself):

How to Master the D Guitar Chord | National Guitar Academy (6)

You’ll be surprised at how quickly you improve at intentionally missing strings while strumming. It’s not as hard as it first seems.

Once you can strum a D chord on guitar while consistently skipping the E string, you can then move on and try to also skip the A string.

A super-easy 1 finger version of D

For children or adults with disabilities that want to play the D chord on guitar there is a decent 1-finger version. It looks like this:

D Major (1-finger version)

How to Master the D Guitar Chord | National Guitar Academy (7)

This D chord obviously doesn’t sound as good as a full D, but it’s passable, and as a 1-finger version it works well.

More common D shapes

Some of these are tricky, but don’t worry! Use the easy versions for a few months and you’ll develop the control and strength you need in your fingers to then be able to tackle some tougher versions.

How to Master the D Guitar Chord | National Guitar Academy (8)

And here’s a few sevenths. (Great for blues and rock.)

How to Master the D Guitar Chord | National Guitar Academy (9)

And finally…

How to Master the D Guitar Chord | National Guitar Academy (10)

Here are some other cool-sounding D chords
How to Master the D Guitar Chord | National Guitar Academy (11)

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How to Master the D Guitar Chord | National Guitar Academy (2024)


Why is the D chord hard? ›

The two biggest problems beginners have with the D chord are getting the shape confidently under your three fingers and muting the bottom two strings. To help with the fingering, you can practice transitioning from a G major chord or A major chord to the D shape and back again.

How long does it take to learn a D chord? ›

For most people it takes around 2-4 weeks of regular practice to be able to nail this chord consistently. Thankfully there's a few things you can do to make this difficult process easier and some simpler versions of D that you can play right now.

Is D major a hard chord? ›

The D chord is one of those shapes that looks deceptively easy, but beginners might find it surprisingly difficult to play cleanly. One reason this chord is difficult is because finger 3 (on fret 3, string 2) has a tendency to mute string 1.

Do you strum all strings for D chord? ›

To play the D chord, we only strum the first four strings starting from the bottom. If you're comfortable reading chord boxes? You'll notice that, in the diagram, the 4th string is marked with an O. This means we play the string, but there are no fingers on it - it's an open string!

What is the D chord theory? ›

If the root of the D chord – D – is the bass note (i.e., the bottom note), then the chord is in root position: If the third of the chord – F-sharp – is the bottom note, then the chord is in first inversion: If the fifth of the chord – A – is the bass note, then the chord is in second inversion.

What is the most annoying chord on the guitar? ›

Commonly Annoying Chords:

One notorious culprit is the barre chord, which involves using one finger to press down multiple strings across the guitar neck. Additionally, the F major chord, known for its challenging finger placement, often causes frustration.

What is the hardest chord on guitar ever? ›

However, the barred C chord is one of the hardest guitar chords for beginners. Although it involves the same notes but is rearranged (in a different order), this chord is more challenging to play. That is because we also need a bar in order to play it. Place your index finger across the strings on the third fret.

How many years does it take to become a good guitarist? ›

More Arbitrary Ratings of Proficiency
LevelHours NeededDaily Practice Investment
Advanced25001.8 years
Expert50003.5 years
Professional100006.9 years
Master2000013.9 years
5 more rows

How many hours of guitar to get good? ›

Don't be put off by the huge numbers though,10,000 hours is a figure for the final mastery of guitar and something professional guitarists like Steve Vai, Guthrie Govan and Joe Satriani are still working towards achieving. You can also start playing professionally well before reaching this milestone.

How can I memorize guitar chords fast? ›

How NOT to Forget Chords
  1. Break larger amounts of information into small manageable units. If you're working on a 4-measure riff, just focus on 1 measure. ...
  2. Take similar ideas and try to learn them together. When learning chords, you'll find that they have things in common. ...
  3. Stop if you're overwhelmed or aren't learning.

What emotion is the D major chord? ›

Typically songs in D major have a triumphal and confident feeling. These are Hallelujah songs, excited songs and songs about winning. Often marches and holiday songs are written in D major.

How do you tune a D chord? ›

In open D tuning, your low E string will be taken down a whole step to D, A will stay the same, D will stay the same, G is lowered a half step to F#, B is lowered a whole step to A, and the high E goes down a whole step to D.

How to make a D major chord? ›

Let's take a look at how to build them. The major chord contains the 1st, 3rd, and 5th notes of a major scale. For example, below is a C major scale. The notes of a C major chord are the 1st (the root note), 3rd, and 5th notes, which are C (the root note), E and G.


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.