Best Homemade Paint Recipes Free Printable for Kids (2024)

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Have you ever tried making homemade paints for kids with ingredients at home? Making DIY paints is easy, affordable and fun. You can find tons of recipes to make paint and most of them share the same ingredients in about different ratios. So, I went ahead and did some research to find the best homemade paint recipes and came up with a free printable. Now instead of searching for these handmade paints, you can simply print and rest assure that your kids are going to have a great amount of playtime without mom wasting time searching for and choosing one to make!

It’s amazing how one can be a scientist and experiment to make paint with various mixtures using edible kitchen ingredients. And it saves you a trip to store too and a chance for kids to learn to improvise. These paints are safe and non-toxic and are suitable for babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Even bigger kids will have fun creating art with these paints. Kids can choose to either use paint brush, spray bottle, squeeze bottle or even fingers.

So without further a due, I bring to you:

Best homemade paint recipes free printable

Best Homemade Paint Recipes Free Printable for Kids (1)


Best Homemade paint recipes free printable –> Print Here

(8×10 – only for personal use)

  1. Doodle paint:

    Mix flour, salt, water and add food coloring accordingly to make this paint and fill it up in squeeze bottles. Homemade doodle paint recipe via Family friendly frugality.

  2. Finger paint:

    Make this edible paint that is safe for babies to play with using cornstarch, water, gelatin, and food coloring.

  3. Puffy sand paint:

    Take a desired amount of play sand in a bowl and add shaving cream plenty enough to turn it into a paste. Now add food coloring to make different paints. homemade paint recipe puffy sand paint via growing a jeweled rose

  4. Sparkle paint:

    You can make sparkle paint by adding glitter to any recipe but this one multi-purpose. You can use it outdoor, on activity papers and in the bathtub. Mix bubble bath, food coloring and glitter together and you are done with just three ingredients.

  5. Puffy paint:

    There are lots of puffy paint recipes but after going through many I found this recipe to work the best and it gives a proper consistency to doodle and make art with! Add school glue (also called white glue or craft glue) to flour, and shaving cream. Now add drops of food coloring to get desired shades of paint for your art project. Fill it up in a plastic bag and cutout a tip to use it as a pen.

  6. Flour paint:

    Simple recipe that required flour, water and gel coloring.

  7. Glossy skittles paint:

    This homemade paint is a fun idea that you can try with any candy including M&M. Put same colored skittles together in a plastic container and add cornstarch to it. You can now use a paint brush to paint it out. via mama papa bubba

  8. Window paint:

    This window paint is super easy to make and conveniently wipes off with a damp cloth. Add liquid dish soap like dawn or any to tempera paint. Tempera paint is very thick so add enough soap to make smooth and paint-like. Make your own window paint via home spun threads.

    Best Homemade Paint Recipes

    Best Homemade Paint Recipes Free Printable for Kids (2)

    Best Homemade paint recipes free printable 2 –> Print Here
    (8×10 – Only for personal use)

  9. Sidewalk chalk paint:

    An easy recipe that washes away with rain calls for adding cornstarch, baking soda, water and food coloring in a squeeze bottle. Another instant idea to create chalk paint is to turn dollar store chalks into powder by crushing them in a airtight bag with roller. You can create instant colors by adding water or cornstarch to it.
    via growing a jeweled rose

  10. Mud paint:

    Did you know you could use mud as paint? With this easy recipe you can turn mud into paint by adding powdered tempura, water and liquid soap.

  11. Chalkboard paint:

    Plaster of paris, water and food coloring is all you need to make chalkboard paint in any color for tons of craft projects. Here are a few DIY chalkboard crafts best ideas to get you started.

  12. Foam paint:

    Turn shaving cream into foam paint by adding school glue and food coloring.

  13. Bath paint:

    Make bath time fun for kids with this easy bath paint that involves a mixture of bubble bath, cornstarch, water and food coloring. Use a ice cube tray as pallet for kids to use in the bathtub.

  14. Kool-aid paint:

    Another yummy and good scented edible paint recipes for your kids is too simple for words. Just add water and flour to a sachet of kool-aid.

  15. Watercolor paint:

    Make watercolors at home with cornstarch, corn syrup, baking soda, vinegar and food coloring.

  16. Face paint:

    This face paint recipe calls for adding drops of washable paint to body lotion (or face lotion) and cornstarch. You can even make it with food coloring which has a stronger stain and homemade dye if you are worried about a reaction to your skin via popsugar.

Best Homemade Paint Recipes

Here are some other fun and interesting ways to make DIY paints:

Best Homemade Paint Recipes Free Printable for Kids (3)

Magic scented foaming paint that erupts when you pour vinegar to it introduces kids to experimenting with different ingredients.

magic scented foaming paint made with scent drops in baking soda. It erupts when vinegar is poured on it via Two daloo.

Best Homemade Paint Recipes

Best Homemade Paint Recipes Free Printable for Kids (4)

Erupting ice chalk cubes are good to work with in summer.

Make erupting ice chalk paint with ice cube tray water and food colors via learn play imagine.

Best Homemade Paint Recipes

Best Homemade Paint Recipes Free Printable for Kids (5)

Homemade finger paint recipe that involves warming ingredients in a saucepan to create a perfect mix. Use baby food jars to store homemade paints.

Homemade finger paints via easie peasie.

Best Homemade Paint Recipes

Best Homemade Paint Recipes Free Printable for Kids (6)

This food coloring quantity for watercolors is very useful and informative.

make homemade watercolor paints via the make your own zone.

Best Homemade Paint Recipes

Best Homemade Paint Recipes Free Printable for Kids (7)

Alcohol inks made using alcohol and marker tips.

homemade alcohol ink via dream a little bigger.

Other than homemade paint recipes, these great ideas for painting supplies that I loved the most are pure genius:

Best Homemade Paint Recipes Free Printable for Kids (8)

I love this recycled paint pallet created with plastic lid and bottle caps.

unknown source

Best Homemade Paint Recipes Free Printable for Kids (9)

Sixteen fun and creative paint brushes made with clothespin and craft materials of various sort.

16 homemadepaint brushes via babble dabble do

These homemade paint recipes have put me in some serious mood to recreate these colors. This summer create and experiment making paints in different ways with your kids. If you find a better recipe than this one do share with me and I would love to create a printable of it! Update: Some links were missing and therefore removed. If you find the original source leave a comment.

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Best Homemade Paint Recipes Free Printable for Kids (2024)


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Blend 1/2 cup of flour with 1/2 cup of salt. Add 1/2 cup of water… and mix until smooth. Divide it up into three sandwich bags and add a few drops of liquid watercolor or food coloring to each bag.

What ingredients do you need to make homemade paint? ›

The best thing about making your kids DIY paint is that it only requires 4 ingredients, and I bet you have all of them in your cabinets right now. All you need is flour, water, salt and food coloring. All of which are equal parts, so depending on how much paint you want will depend on how much you make.

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Directions. For each color of paint, use 1/2 cup corn syrup and desired food color. For easy mixing of color, microwave corn syrup for 15 to 20 seconds (just enough to warm), then stir in several drops of food color. The paint is now ready to use with a brush or your fingers!

How do you make good paint at home? ›

Pour white flour, water, and salt in a bowl.

Pour 1 cup, or 8 fluid ounces (240 ml), of warm water into a large mixing bowl. Also add 12 ounces (340 g) each of white flour and table salt. Mix the ingredients into a smooth liquid. This creates a quick-drying, non-toxic paint safe for children of any age.

How to make homemade acrylic paint? ›

You'll need dry pigment, an acrylic base, acrylic retarder, as well as mixing supplies. Start by grinding your dry pigment with a painting spatula until it's smooth and no lumps remain. Then, mix the pigment with an acrylic base, according to the instructions on the bottle.

What are the 3 ingredients in acrylic paint? ›

As stated by Liquitex, an acrylic paint manufacturer, acrylic paints are composed of three main ingredients: pigments, a binder, and water. Pigments are the particles most responsible for giving the paint its color and are the most varied in their source.

How to make glitter paint for kids? ›

*Regular white glue, craft glue, or a slow dry blending gel medium can all be used to create glitter paint. The latter provides the best results! Step 1: Squeeze out a small amount of glue and sprinkle twice as much glitter onto it. Step 2: Thoroughly mix the glue and glitter together with the palette knife.

How do you make super glossy paint? ›

All you need to do is mix the gloss medium into the paint on the palette, and then paint as normal. The paint should dry to a glossy finish. To achieve even more gloss, apply a high gloss varnish once the painting is finished and the paint is dry.

What is the easiest paint to use DIY? ›

A high-quality acrylic paint is easy to apply and it goes on smoothly (it self-levels nicely). Acrylic paint is far more durable than latex paint and has excellent adhesion, so it requires minimal prep work. It's so durable that a top coat is optional.

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Milk paint is often regarded as a baby-safe paint option, making it a popular choice for nurseries and children's rooms.

What is the best paint to use for kids handprint? ›

The best ones to use for handprint painting are *washable tempera paints. They should be labeled non-toxic and be sure to check that the label says washable. You will want ones that are not too runny and not too dry.

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Tempera Paint:Tempera paint is a great paint choice because it's easy to clean, dries fast and won't crack or flake. Tempera comes in matte and glossy finishes, and works well on paper, cardboard, wood or canvas surfaces.


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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.