Annie, Get Your Microphone/Transcript (2024)

This is the episode transcript of Annie, Get Your Microphone.

Episode Preview[]

Pooh: {V.O} Next on "Annie, Get Your Microphone".

Chelsea: Wow! My dream of becoming a singer with bestie came true!

Mrs Roberts: How wonderful, Chelsea.

Demon Pooh: Time to see the songbird's heart get crushed with defeat.

Annie: Oh no! My song is gone!

Pooh: {V.O} Only Chelsea's the one who has to help the team.

Chelsea: I must do this on my own.

Tigger: {Gasps} Chelsea, what has come over you?

Pooh: {V.O} As performers will perform, Chelsea will have to save Annie's dream.

Chelsea: Bestie, I'm going to help you win the contest.

Pooh: {V.O} Can Chelsea help Annie win the song contest?

Applejack: Well, Annie, if Chelsea says that she can help, we can agree on her.

Pooh: {V.O} Find out on Winnie the Pooh meets The Little Einsteins.

Episode Title, Art, and Music[]

Uniqua: Annie, Get Your Microphone.

June: Art, Arboretum by Flashbulb and A Report from Rockport.

Pablo: Art by, Stuart Davis.

Annie: And music.

{Water Music}

Leo: Water Music.

Stacie: Music by, George Frideric Handel.

Annie, Get Your Microphone[]

{We now see the heroes inside the Amazon Theatre}

Annie and Chelsea: {To the viewers} Hi, hi, hi!

Annie: I'm Annie.

Chelsea: And I am Chelsea.

Annie: And we're with our friends in Brazil.

Chelsea: At the Amazon Theatre for a special song contest.

Pooh: Yes, and we invited everyone over and got seats.

Pablo: Can't wait to hear some.

Pipp Petals: Usually, performing is my thing, but seeing performers, it's even better.

Annie: I'm going to sing a song all by myself on that stage.

Chelsea: Yeah, because this theatre is not only for singing, but you can even make your song or sing a song that you know.

Annie: {To the viewers} Have you ever been on a stage before?

Chelsea: Cool!

Twilight Sparkle: Well, I just hope we found the seats we're looking for.

Stacie: So, Annie, have you thought of a song?

Annie: I sure do.

Mickey Mouse: And can I please add a little something to it?

Annie: Sure.

{Mickey whistles as he drew a heart to decorate Annie's song}

Annie: How sweet.

Sunny Starscout: So, how does the song go?

Annie: It goes like this. {Inhales and sings} This is my new song, you can sing along. I, love...when you and I sing a song.

Livingstone: Fancy schmancy!

Iggy: Cervantes! You are like one happy songbird!

Pooh: Good, Annie, But, I wonder who's hosting for the show.

Piglet: Never mind that, but look at what Annie might win. {To the viewers} Can you guess what it is? It's something that singers sing through, and it makes your voice very loud.

{A new microphone was on a pedestal}

Tigger: Yes. A new microphone!

Pooh: Cool!

{Soon, Pooh spotted Buster Moon on stage}

Pooh: Hey, I know him.

Tigger: That's Buster Moon! The Host from The Moon Theatre!

Buster Moon: Ladies and gentlemen, the song contest will start in a few minutes.

Skipper: Men, it appears that we are gonna see some serious singing.

Buster Moon: Now, we just need one more performer. Is there anyone who goes by the name of...{Reads the card from his performer's list} Chelsea Roberts?

Chelsea: {Gasps} I'm Chelsea! I'm right here!

{Soon, Buster sees Chelsea jumping up and down excitement}

Buster Moon: Congratulations, Chelsea. You are one of the top performers that are going to be in the contest.

Annie: {Gasps} Chelsea, this is your big chance!

Leo: Yay, Chelsea!

Barbie: I knew you would be in it.

{Chelsea and Barbie hug}

Buster Moon: To make this fun, you are actually up first. So, anyone who's already first, wait.

Annie: We better get in line, wish us luck.

Tasha: Good luck, guys.

{As Annie got herself in line, most of the performers let Chelsea take the first spot}

Chelsea: Whoa, nice looks.

{Chelsea met three cobra girls}

???: Thanks!

???: We call ourselves!

The Cobra Carolers: The Cobra Carolers!

Buster Moon: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome one and all to the one and only, Hit Song Contest!

{Everyone cheered, even the members from headquarters}

Shaggy Rogers: This will be fun.

{Only The Little Einsteins, a few members, and Pooh heard Big Jet's engine}

June: Hey! Someone in line is being very noisy.

Pooh: And I don't think I like it.

Piglet: Oh my. It must sound like {Gulps nervously} Big Jet.

Taffy: Pooh, it must mean Demon Pooh's here too.

{They spotted Demon Pooh from behind the seat that Mr and Mrs Roberts took}

Pooh: Oh bother.

June: Big Jet is going to be in the contest too.

Quincy: He would do anything to win that microphone.

Demon Pooh: Big Jet, can you hear me?

Big Jet: Gotcha.

Demon Pooh: Time to see the songbird's heart get crushed with defeat. I am gonna create a diversion. {Clears throat and pretend sadly} Oh, my heart is filled with grief. Oh, woe is me.

June: Oh dear. I never seen Demon Pooh upset.

Pooh: Huh?

{Demon Pooh smiles before he fake frowns}

Demon Pooh: {Pretend frowns} I guess my creations are a big bust. I suppose I just might give up. {Chuckles softly} Not.

{When the Little Einsteins and Pooh were not looking, Big Jet took Annie's song and ripped it to three pieces}

Chelsea: Oh my.

Annie: Oh no! {To the viewers} What did Big Jet do to my song?

Pooh: Bother. You're right. He ripped into three pieces!

Shaggy Rogers: Oh no, that means-

Demon Pooh: Surprise, you fools! I tricked you!

Mickey Mouse: {Gasps} It was another dirty trick! (Buster Moon: Would you please welcome to the stage, Chelsea?)

{However, Chelsea had to get on stage}

Quincy: What a cheater!

Big Jet: Time to say so long to your song!

{Big Jet threw the pieces into the air}

Pipp Petals: No! Her song's getting away!

Pooh: They're trying to make Annie not win.

Annie: Oh-no, my song is gone!

{Meanwhile, Buster plays the song}

Buster Moon: And now, Chelsea will sing {Reads Chelsea's song that she wrote} Always A Way.

{Chelsea was about to sing, until, she looked at a sad Annie}

Annie: But I worked so hard on it. {Sighs sadly} I'll never win the microphone now.

{Chelsea started to feel bad}

Chelsea: Wait, stop the music.

{The judges (Rosita, Meena, and Johnny) were confused}

Johnny Gorilla: Um, why?

Chelsea: It's my best friend, Annie.

Meena Elephant: What's wrong with her?

Chelsea: Well, let me explain. Can I please be excused, Buster?

Buster Moon: Um, well, if it's about your friend, sure. So, anyway...

{Chelsea and the three judges went to the rules poster}

Chelsea: You see this rule poster here?

Meena Elephant: Yes?

Chelsea: It says that in order to be in the contest, you need a song, and Annie's song is lost.

Johnny Gorilla: Uh, okay?

Chelsea: It means, Demon Pooh and Big Jet are making Annie not get the prize!

Rosita Pig: What?

Johnny Gorilla: The baddies? The ones that everyone is expecting?

Meena Elephant: Those dirty cheaters!

Rosita Pig: Well, how is she gonna win without a song?

Chelsea: Well, I can’t let my best friend down. So, I have to do this on my own.

Johnny Gorilla: Well, just go for it.

Rosita Pig: Yeah, do it for your best friend.

Chelsea: Thanks.

{Chelsea went back to Annie and the others}

Chelsea: Annie, guess what?

Annie: {Sadly} What?

Chelsea: I’m going to help you get your song back.

Annie: {Smiles a bit} Really?

Chelsea: Yes. If you gave me something that made me happy, I am going to do the same thing to you too.

Annie: Okay.

Chelsea: So, I have to go on this mission by myself.

Pablo: What?

Tyrone: Huh?

Pooh: Chelsea, you don’t have to do this.

Chelsea: I have to do it, for Annie.

Tigger: {Gasps} Chelsea! What has come over you?!

Mr Roberts: Well, Chelsea. Good luck.

Chelsea: {To the viewers} Will you come with us to get the pieces? Great!

Leo: Chelsea, I think you should start.

{Leo gives Chelsea his baton}

{Baton twinkles}

Chelsea: We got a mission! We’re going to get Annie’s song fixed. Let the mission…begin!

{The Little Einsteins and Chelsea went inside Rocket}

Leo: Buckle your seatbelts.

{They buckled their seatbelts}

The Little Einsteins and Chelsea: Seatbelts buckled!

Leo: Prepare for blastoff. We need to give Rocket a lot of power.

Chelsea: {To the viewers} Let’s give a lot of patting to the beat. Ready? Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat.

{Rocket almost took off}

Leo: Faster. Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat.

Chelsea: {To the viewers} Now raise your arms as high as you can and after three, shout “Blastoff”. 1, 2, 3!

Chelsea and the Little Einsteins: Blastoff!

{Rocket takes off}

Annie and Chelsea: Hold on tight ‘cause here we go!

Chelsea and the Little Einsteins: Whoa!

Leo: Woohoo!

Quincy: Alright!

Chelsea: Let’s find three pieces of Annie’s song.

{They heard the fanfare of the song contest}

Pooh: {On monitor} Guys, the contest is starting and there are about like 50 or 60 performers.

Chelsea: Yeah, I know. The performers that were behind me were the Cobra Carolers.

{The Cobra Carolers sang “I Say a Little Prayer”}

June: And once all the performers are done…

Chelsea: That means the last performer will be…

Chelsea and the Little Einsteins: Annie!

Annie: We have to hurry and find my song before it's my turn!

{They heard the five notes of Annie’s song}

Chelsea: Listen.

Leo: We hear the first piece.

{Rocket was by the Amazon river}

Chelsea: It must be in that river.

Leo: That’s the Amazon river.

Quincy: The biggest river in the world.

Chelsea: I thought it was the Nile.

Leo: Well, they are big, but the Nile really is the biggest river.

Chelsea: {To the viewers} Can you find Annie’s first piece?

{The first piece was on a rock}

Leo: Yes, there it is.

{The rock started to move}

Chelsea: Wait. Now it’s moving!

Quincy: Wait a second. Rocks don’t swim.

Chelsea: I don’t think that’s just a rock.

{The rock revealed to be a river turtle}

June: It’s an Amazon river turtle.

Leo: He doesn't know he has the song piece on his back.

Annie: Hurry, Rocket. He's swimming away!

{Rocket transformed into a riverboat}

Chelsea: Cool! Now Rocket’s an Amazon riverboat.

Quincy: Follow that turtle!

{Rocket tries to follow the turtle, but the path splits into two}

Quincy: Uh-oh, but the amazon river splits into lots of smaller river, tributaries.

Leo: We don't know which way the turtle went.

{Chelsea had an idea}

Chelsea: Well, how about we hear how the music sounds.

Annie: Well, I know that it sounds quietly.

Chelsea: {To the viewers} Let’s listen to which path plays the quietest. Number 1.

{The first one plays softly}

Chelsea: Number 2.

{The second plays loudly}

Chelsea: {To the viewers} Can you figure out which path you heard played the quietest? Yeah, number 1.

{Rocket took the quiet river}

Quincy: Uh oh. The really quiet river splits into two more rivers.

Chelsea: Now, what else do we know about the song?

Annie: It doesn’t only play quiet, but it plays slow.

Chelsea: {To the viewers} Let’s listen to the paths. Number 1.

{The first one plays quickly}

Chelsea: Number 2.

{The second one plays slowly}

Chelsea: {To the viewers} But, which path do you think plays the slowest? You got it. Number 2.

{Rocket took the quiet, slow river}

Annie: Look, look, look, it's the turtle.

{They spotted the turtle with the first piece}

Chelsea: And he still has your piece.

Chelsea and the Little Einsteins: Hooray!

Chelsea: Excuse me, Mr. Turtle. There's a song on your back.

Turtle: {Oh, wonder how I got this on my back. Here you go}

{The turtle hands Chelsea and Annie the first piece}

Chelsea: Thank you, Mr Turtle.

{Rocket leaves the Amazon River}

Annie: {To the viewers} Thanks for helping me find the first piece of my song. It goes like this. {Sings} This is my new song. Come on, repeat after me. {Sings} This is my new song.

Chelsea and the Little Einsteins: {Sings} This is my new song.

Chelsea: Hmm, I wonder how everyone else is doing back in the theatre.

{They heard the song contest’s fanfare as Big Jet finished singing and Sammy S’More was next}

Buster Moon: And what a nice and interesting performance by Big Jet. Next up, here’s Sammy S’More singing “Hey There, Delilah”.

Ash Ketchum: {On monitor} Annie! Chelsea!

Pooh: {On monitor} You have to hurry. Big Jet’s already finished his song, and he’s gonna try and stop Annie from getting the next piece.

Chelsea: No worries, Pooh. I won’t let that baddie Big Jet and Demon Pooh stop us.

Demon Pooh: {On monitor} Well, it just so happens that I got me a new creation, and he’s in the rainforest. Good luck, not. {Evilly laughs}

{The monitor goes off}

Chelsea: Let’s find that next piece.

{They then heard the second piece}

Annie: That sounds like the next piece of my song!

{Rocket was then by the Amazon Rainforest}

Leo: {To the viewers} Do you see the next piece of Annie’s song?

{The next piece was in a bromeliad flower}

Chelsea: Yeah, right on that exotic bromeliad flower.

{Rocket flies into the Amazon Rainforest}

Annie, Get Your Microphone/Transcript (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.