Annie and the Little Toy Plane/Transcript (2024)

Episode InfoTranscriptGallery


  • 1 Opening
  • 2 Episode Script
  • 3 Curtain Call
  • 4 Allusions


June: Art... Untitled 1988, painted by Keith Haring.

Quincy: And music...

[Symphony No. 40 plays]

Leo: Symphony Number 40, written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Episode Script[]

[The scene starts with he Little Einsteins in the west coast of the United States on San Francisco, California.]

Annie: ♪Hi, hi, hi!♪♪ I'm Annie, and I'm in San Francisco, California, playing with my best friends. Do you want to meet my best friends? Great! This is my big brother Leo.

Leo: [Conducting the music with his baton]

Annie: And these are my friends. Quincy...

Quincy: [Playing his trumpet]

Annie: June...

June: [Dancing while ballet theme playing]

Annie: And Rocket!

Rocket: [Jingling "Hello!"]

Annie: Today, we're going to try out my new toy. Do you like toys? I love toys! And I just got a brand new toy. Come here, come here.

[A new toy came and it has the tune of a violin!]

Annie: I call her Purple Plane!

Purple Plane: [whizzes and jingles "Hello!"]

Annie: Do you want to know the best thing about my purple plane? She can fly!

Quincy: She can fly? I've got to see that!

Annie: But the only way to give her power so she can fly, is to sing. Will you help me sing to make Purple Plane fly? Great!

Purple Plane: [Jingles "I can't wait to fly!"]

Annie: First, we have to sing low, like this: [inhales] ♪Ahhh... Put your hands down low and sing with me. Ahhh...♪ I can't hear you! ♪Ahhh...!♪ Good. Now slowly raise your hands and sing higher and higher. Like this. [inhales] ♪Ahhhhhh... And the purple plane is lifting off the ground! Keep singing! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!♪♪

[Purple Plane flies]

Annie: There she goes! Purple Plane is flying! We're flying her!

All: Hooray!

Rocket: [Jingles "She's flying!"]

Quincy: I cannot believe it!

[Symphony No. 40 plays as Purple Plane flies]

Annie: Purple Plane, you're the neatest toy I've ever had.

Purple Plane: [Jingles "Thank you, Annie!"]

[But then, another came with a different music playing, calling for help!]

Quincy: Uh-oh. Listen.

Leo: It sounds like someone's in trouble.

Annie: Look, look, look! [scene shifts to the Redwood Tree] That toy green helicopter is stuck.

June: Yeah! He's on the top of that Redwood Tree.

Quincy: But look! Here come some big toys to rescue him. Big Red Balloon and Big Yellow Kite!

Annie: But Big Red Balloon can't fly high enough to get over Coit Tower. And the big yellow kite can't fly high enough to get over the Golden Gate Bridge.

Leo: They can't get to Green Helicopter.

[Then Purple Plane has an idea!]

Purple Plane: [Jingles "I want to try to rescue Green Helicopter, Annie!"]

Annie: Purple Plane wants to try to rescue Green Helicopter!

Leo: What a brave toy plane!

June: What heroism!

Annie: Purple Plane, I'll be with you every step of the way.

Purple Plane: [Jingles "Thank you so much, Annie!"]

Annie: Will you help Purple Plane rescue Green Helicopter? Great!

[Baton jingles]

Leo: We've got a mission! We're going to rescue Green Helicopter. Let... the mission... begin!

[The team heads to Rocket]

Leo: Buckle your seatbelts.

All except Leo: Seatbelts buckled!

Leo: Prepare for blast off!

Leo: We need to give Rocket and Purple Plane a lot of power. Put your hands on your lap and pat with us. Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat. Faster. Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat. Now raise your arms as high as you can and say blast off!

All: Blast off!

Annie: Hold on tight, 'cause here we go!

All: Whoa!!

Leo: Whoo-hoo!

Quincy: All right!: Come on! We've got to save green helicopter!

Annie: ♪Purple Plane, Purple Plane to the rescue! You're a brave little plane. Yes, it's true. Purple Plane, Purple Plane to the rescue! When we sing, there's so much you can do!♪♪

Rocket: [Jingles "Check this out!"]

June: Look! Green Helicopter is still stuck.

Leo: To get to Green Helicopter, Purple Plane has to fly over Coit Tower, over the Golden Gate Bridge, and to the top of the tallest Redwood tree.

Quincy: I see Coit Tower. It's right there!

Annie: That way, Purple Plane. Follow the road!

[Suddenly 3 toll gates appear in the way]

June: Uh-oh! But these musical toll gates are in purple plane's way. He can't go over Coit Tower without going through the music toll.

Annie: But how do we get through?

Leo: Look, there are three gates, and each one has music on it. We have to listen to the gates and find the one that plays our flying song.

Quincy: I can help! I can play our flying song on the violin. It sounds like this.

[Plays Symphony No. 40 on violin]

Quincy: Let's listen to the first gate.

[Symphony No. 40 plays wrong notes]

Quincy: Is that our flying song? No. That's not our flying song. Remember, our flying song sounds like this.

[Plays Symphony No. 40 on violin]

Quincy: Now, let's listen to the second gate.

[Symphony No. 40 plays wrong notes]

Quincy: Is that our flying song? No. That's not it either. Let's listen to the third gate.

[Symphony No. 40 plays correct notes]

Quincy: Is that our flying song? Yes, that's it! Great listening.

[Symphony No. 40 plays correct notes]

[Gate dings; opens]

Leo: We can go through the toll. Come on.

Quincy: Hooray! We got through.

June: Now let's hurry! Purple Plane needs to go over Coit Tower so she can rescue Green Helicopter.

Annie: ♪Purple Plane, Purple Plane to the rescue! You're a brave little plane, yes it's true. Purple Plane, Purple Plane to the rescue! When we sing, there's so much you can do!♪♪


June: Whoa! Coit Tower is humongous.

Quincy: How is Purple Plane going to fly over that?!

Purple Plane: [Jingles "It's so high!"]

[Annie gets off]

Leo: Where are you going, Annie?

Annie: I've got to help my toy!

[She exits Rocket]

Annie: Purple Plane, you're going to have to fly higher than you've ever flown before. And I'm going to have to sing higher than I've ever sung before. But we can do it. Together. Right?

Purple Plane: [Jingles of agreement]

Annie: Will you help me sing so Purple Plane can fly higher than ever before? Great! Put your hands down low and sing with me. [inhales] ♪Ahhh... Now slowly raise your hands and sing higher and higher... Ahhh...! Use your voice, let Purple Plane hear it! Ahhhh...!! Reach higher! Ahhhhhh!!!!♪♪


Annie: We did it! Way to fly, Purple Plane! And way to sing high!

[Door closes]

Leo: Can you see Green Helicopter? Yes. There he is!

[Green Helicopter jingles "Help!"]

Quincy: We're getting closer.

June: But he's still stuck.

June; Poor green helicopter.

Annie: Don't worry.

Annie: Purple Plane is on the way

[Rocket jingles "We have to go to the Golden Gate Bridge next!"]

Leo: Right, Rocket. Purple plane made it over Coit Tower, but she still has to get over the Golden Gate Bridge, and up to the top of the tallest Redwood Tree.

[Symphony No. 40 - Finale" plays]

Leo: This way to the Golden Gate Bridge. Through the busy city.

[Music grows intense; screech]

Leo: Uh-oh. It's too busy!

[Cars honking]

Leo: Purple plane has no place to fly.

Quincy: If we don't find a way through the busy city, she'll never get to rescue green helicopter!

June: Don't worry, I know a dance that can help us fly to the beat of the busy city. We can do a San Francisco stop and go dance!

[Patting in rhythm to "Symphony No, 40 - Finale"]

Leo: Great idea, June!

June: When you hear the music, pat one thand on your lap and then the other. Keep patting them back and forth like this. Pat, pat, pat, pat! Pat with me! Pat, pat, pat, pat! But be careful. When the music stops, we have to help Rocket and Purple Plane stop moving to the beat. We have to... freeze!

[Music stops]

June; Ok. Listen for the music.

[Music resumes; patting]

June: Go! Pat with me. Come on, Rocket, Purple Plane. Move to the beat with us.

[Music continues]

June: It's working. Keep patting.

[Music continues]

June: But remember, when the music stop, we have to... freeze!

[Music stops; horns honking]

June: Excellent. You stopped us just in time. Now, when the music starts again, help Rocket and purple plane keep moving to the beat. Wait for the music.

[Music resumes; patting]

June: Go!

[Music continues, stops]

June: Freeze!

[Horns honking]

June: Fantastic! We're getting closer!

[Music resumes; patting]

June: Go!

[Music continues, stops]

June: Freeze!

[Horns honking]

June: We're almost there! Wait for the music.

[Music resumes, patting]

June: Go!

[Music continues; ends]

Quincy: Hooray! We got Rocket and Purple Plane through the busy part of the city!

Annie: You danced Rocket and purple plane out of a real jam!

June: That was wonderful dancing.

[They reach the bridge]

Purple Plane: [Jingles "Whoa! The Golden Gate Bridge!"]

Quincy: Whoa. We made it to the Golden Gate Bridge.

June: That's an extraordinarily tall bridge.

[Annie gets off]

Annie: Ok, Purple Plane. If you want to make it to Green Helicopter, you're going to have to fly really, really, high over this bridge.

[Purple Plane jingles "Got it!"]

Annie: And I'm going to have to sing really, really, high. Will you help me sing so Purple Plane can fly over the Golden Gate Bridge? Ok. Put your hands down low, and sing with me. ♪Ahhh... Now slowly raise your hands and sing higher and higher... Ahhhhhh...! Higher, reach, reach! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!♪


Annie: She made it over the Golden Gate Bridge! Great singing. And great flying, Purple Plane!

Leo: We're getting closer and closer to Green Helicopter. Do you see the Green Helicopter? Yes. There he is!

Quincy: Uh-oh! The wind is blowing harder through the redwood trees.

June: Green helicopter looks scared!

Purple Plane: [Jingles "Oh, no! We have to hurry!"]

Annie: Right, Purple Plane. We've got to help you get there quick, so you can rescue Green Helicopter.

Leo: We're going to have to fly Rocket and Purple Plane as fast as they can go. Super fast! Will you help me fly Rocket and Purple Plane super fast? Great! Super fast!

All except Leo: Super fast!

[Backup Booster deploying]

Leo: To get to super fast, we have to start at adagio.


Leo: Pat the beat on your lap slowly.


Leo: Moderato, now pat on your beat on your tummy a little faster.


Leo: Allegro, now pat the beat on your shoulder even faster.


Leo: Presto! Now reach your arms to the sky and shake your whole body! We did it! We're flying super fast!

All: Whoo-hoo!!

June; There's the tallest Redwood Tree! We made it!

Annie: Way to go, Purple Plane!

Quincy: And look. There's Green Helicopter, and he's still stuck.

Annie: Don't worry, Green Helicopter! We're coming! Purple Plane, you're going to have to fly higher than you've ever flown before!

Purple Plane: [Jingles "I have to!"]

Annie: And I'm going to have to sing higher than ever before!

Purple Plane: [Jingles "I know you can do it!"]

Annie: But we can do it. Together!

Leo: But Annie, can Purple Plane really fly all the way up there?

Annie: Of course she can. We know how to make Purple Plane fly high: By singing! Ready? Sing with me! ♪Ahhhhhhhhhh... Sing higher. Ahhhhhhhhhhh..!!! Reach even higher! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!♪


Annie: She made it!

Quincy: Hooray!

June: Great job!

Leo: Great singing, Annie!

Rocket: [Jingles "You did it!"]

Annie: We flew Purple Plane to the top of the tallest Redwood Tree! Thanks for singing with me!


Quincy: I cannot believe it! Purple Plane is helping Green Helicopter spin his propeller!


Quincy: He's free!

Annie: Way to go, Purple Plane! Purple Plane, I'm so proud of you!

Leo: Mission completion!

[Baton jingles]

Curtain Call[]

Leo: Now it's time for... the curtain call!

Leo: ♪Let's give a hand, and hear it for the team.♪

All: ♪And rah-rah-rah for Rocket!♪

Quincy: ♪Come on, take a bow.♪

June: ♪It's your turn now.♪

Annie: ♪Let's hear a big hand for you!♪

[All cheering]

Leo: Now... pat, clap, pat, clap, pat, clap!

June: ♪Let's give a big cheer for the artist of the day.♪

Leo: Keith Haring!

All: Keith Haring!

Quincy: ♪The composer of the beautiful music we played♪

Leo: Mozart!

All: Mozart! Hooray!! Yay, Mozart!!

Annie: And here comes the music of the day! Listen.

[Symphony No. 40 plays]

Leo: See you on the next mission!

[Then a string came out from the stage as Rocket prepares to pull it]

Leo: Hey, look! There's a string!

Annie: Yeah! Pull it!

Quincy: No! Don't do it, Rocket!

June: Do it Rocket! See what happens!

[And Rocket pulls the string and bouncy balls start to bounce everywhere on the stage!]

Quincy: Bouncy balls?! They're bouncing everywhere!

All: [Laughing]

Rocket: [Jingles saying "Silly me!"]

[The End credits begin]


v - e - d

Season 1
Our Huge Adventure/Transcript - Ring Around the Planet/Transcript - I Love to Conduct/Transcript - Hungarian Hiccups/Transcript - Whale Tale/Transcript - Pirate's Treasure/Transcript - The Birthday Balloons/Transcript - The Legend of the Golden Pyramid/Transcript - Dragon Kite/Transcript - Go West, Young Train/Transcript - Farmer Annie/Transcript - A Little Einsteins Halloween/Transcript - Annie's Solo Mission/Transcript - The Mouse and the Moon/Transcript - The Good Knight and the Bad Knight/Transcript - The Christmas Wish/Transcript - How We Became the Little Einsteins: The True Story/Transcript - Jump for Joey/Transcript - The Northern Night Light/Transcript - O Yes, O Yes, It's Springtime!/Transcript - A Tall Totem Tale/Transcript - The Incredible Shrinking Adventure/Transcript - Duck, Duck, June/Transcript - Rocket Safari/Transcript - Knock on Wood/Transcript - A Galactic Goodnight/Transcript - The Birthday Machine/Transcript - A Brand New Outfit/Transcript - The Missing Invitation/Transcript
Season 2
Quincy and the Magic Instruments/Transcript - Brothers and Sisters to the Rescue/Transcript - The Glass Slipper Ball/Transcript - Annie's Love Song/Transcript - Melody, the Music Pet/Transcript - The Puppet Princess/Transcript - Super Fast!!/Transcript - He Speaks Music!/Transcript - Hello, Cello/Transcript - Annie and the Little Toy Plane/Transcript - Carmine's Big Race/Transcript - The Great Sky Race Rematch/Transcript - Sleeping Bassoon/Transcript - Rocket Soup/Transcript - The Blue-Footed Booby Bird Ballet/Transcript - Little Red Rockethood/Transcript - The Puzzle of the Sphinx/Transcript - The Wild Goose Chase/Transcript - Annie and the Beanstalk/Transcript - The Wind-Up Toy Prince/Transcript - Mr. Penguin's Ice Cream Adventure/Transcript - Annie, Get Your Microphone/Transcript - The Treasure Behind the Little Red Door/Transcript - The Secret Mystery Prize/Transcript - Animal Snack Time/Transcript - The Great Schubert's Guessing Game/Transcript - Quincy and the Instrument Dinosaurs/Transcript - Build It, Rocket!/Transcript - Melody and Me/Transcript - Music Monsters/Transcript - The Song of the Unicorn/Transcript - Flight of the Instrument Fairies/Transcript - Silly Sock Saves the Circus/Transcript - Go Team!/Transcript - The Music Robot from Outer Space/Transcript - Show and Tell/Transcript - Fire Truck Rocket/Transcript - Rocket the Bug/Transcript - Little Elephant's Big Parade/Transcript - Rocket's Firebird Rescue/Transcript
Segments and Sequences
Curtain Call/Season 1 Transcript - Pat and Blast Off Sequences/Transcript - Super Fast Sequences/Transcript - That's So Silly segments/Transcript
Annie and the Little Toy Plane/Transcript (2024)


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

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Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.